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Former Member

BUT YET, he won over 80 percent of the security contract for Government building in the 2014 budget and the APNU and AFC passed it.


This opposition is a bunch of morons.



They do no research, no follow through and that is why the PPP continue to hammer them.


Security firm unlikely to get gov’t contracts with pending charges against boss -Edghill

Posted By Staff Writer On August 7, 2013 @ 5:22 am In Local News | No Comments

Strategic Action Security is unlikely to receive any government contracts until criminal charges facing its embattled head Richard Kanhai are settled.

“I do not see him being offered a contract given that his litigation matters have not yet been resolved. I don’t see that a possibility in his circumstance at all… the public won’t forgive the government for that…,” Minister in the Ministry of Finance Juan Edghill told Stabroek News in an invited comment yesterday.

His comment came after Kanhai’s company placed bids yesterday to provide the Georgetown Public Hospital with security services. Its bid was opened when the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board opened tenders.

Richard Kanhai

Richard Kanhai

Kanhai, 58, was charged at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court last Friday with receiving a stolen government One Laptop Per Family (OLPF) Project computer and he was placed on $100,000 bail pending the determination of the matter.

A similar receiving stolen property charge filed against Kanhai had been dropped just the week before after a West Coast Demerara farmer told a court that he did wish to proceed with the matter. Kanhai was accused of receiving a stolen plough.

Edghill said that there was nothing prohibiting Kanhai from bidding for contracts. However, he explained that when the bids went to evaluators, the bidders then would be scutinised. “There is nothing that can stop anyone from bidding it is when it goes for evaluation is a different matter. There, questions will be asked on litigation,” he said. “The actual regulation says that if a person is convicted only then… put it this way, somebody who is charged with something like that raises a level of questioning and I don’t see him being awarded a contract as the practical way to go,” he added.

Efforts to contact Kanhai for comment proved futile.

His employees at the company’s headquarters in Queenstown told this newspaper that “all is well” with the company and that Kanhai’s litigation had no impact on the company’s relationships with clients.

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Security boss for court over stolen OLPF computers



Owner of Strategic Action Security Limited, Richard Kanhai, could appear in court on the West Demerara as early as Friday in relation to the discovery of a number of stolen items at his Laluni Street, Queenstown property, a little over a month ago.
Kaieteur News understands that the Director of Public Prosecutions has recommended that

Richard Kanhai

the security boss be charged with receiving stolen property. This was after perusing several statements, including those from persons who had positively identified their property from among those that were recovered during a police raid on Kanhai’s property.
Among the items recovered were computers which were confirmed stolen last August from the Queenstown office of the government’s One Laptop Per Family (OLPF).
More than 100 of the laptops had disappeared from the OLPF’s Queenstown bond.
Although no one was arrested, several staffers of the OLPF were placed under lie detector tests. But there were no signs of the missing laptops until about seven or eight were found last week at the security firm’s premises. The laptops are reportedly part of the 90,000 that government is distributing, over a three-year period to poor families.
In mid-June, the police had arrested Kanhai, the main principal of Strategic Action Security Limited, after a raid unearthed the stolen property. The raid stemmed from police investigations into a spate of burglaries that took place on the West Coast and West Bank of Demerara.
A number of persons arrested for the burglaries fingered the security company’s official as the buyer.
Police swooped down on his Queenstown property and got the shock of their lives after stumbling on several flat screen televisions and laptops marked with the OLPF logo stashed in a separate building. Also found were a plough and a power supply bearing markings of the Ministry of Health.
According to police sources close to the investigation, it took quite awhile for the charges to be instituted because investigators wanted to ensure that they build an airtight case against the security official.
Kanhai’s company has several government security contracts, but the administration said that it cannot legally terminate the state contracts awarded to the company.
Both Attorney General Anil Nandlall and Junior Finance Minister Juan Edghill had made it clear that the termination of any of Strategic Action’s contracts is not likely to happen anytime soon. However, the Minister said any future contract might be affected, as the security firm will have to disclose as part of the bidding process any current legal troubles or other litigation.
According to Christopher Jones, Chairman of GYSM, the pulling of the contracts would prove if indeed President Donald Ramotar is serious about stamping out corruption.
Jones said that Strategic Action Security receives about 90 percent of state contracts, to the tune of millions of dollars, to secure Government buildings, including schools and hospitals.



The morons in the opposition has just pass close to a billion dollar for this man's company and he was charged as a common tief with the Government lap tops in 2013.







Guyana going no where when we have such an incompetent opposition.


THose in favour - AYE all 65 members!.




Last edited by Former Member

Bai KB wah yu stress out fa? De brain drain bai. De brain drain. Yu help foh carry de AFC wid yu valiant effort. Dem gat foh wuk wid wat dem gat. Enjoy de sweet life in Merika bai. De system set up foh only de leada coud tek action. De leada dem cyant see everything. Granja and Moses dem doan have de back up force.

Originally Posted by Kapadilla:

Bai KB wah yu stress out fa? De brain drain bai. De brain drain. Yu help foh carry de AFC wid yu valiant effort. Dem gat foh wuk wid wat dem gat. Enjoy de sweet life in Merika bai. De system set up foh only de leada coud tek action. De leada dem cyant see everything. Granja and Moses dem doan have de back up force.

Sad, that the poor Amerindian continue to get sexed up real nice by the PPP.  Yu right, enjoy merica and this nice weather today.


PNC - YSM raised their voices in 2013 only today to see the same YSM leaders in Parlaiment voting almost $1 billion for the same crooked company on the security contract.


All in favour of Richard Kahai company to provide security service to Guyana?


All 65 said AYE including the YSM.


PPP pay them or what?


YSM wuking fuh Danald now or what?



Updated: Charge against Head of Strategic Action Security dropped, House Speaker informed

  • Monday, 14 April 2014 16:45

A charge of receiving stolen property against the Head of Strategic Action Security Limited, Richard Kanhai has been dropped, Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman announced in the House on Monday.

Trotman's announcement was made several hours after he had allowed a question by A Partership for National Unity (APNU) about why Security Action was being awarded contracts to guard government buildings in several parts of the country. He later told the House (about 7:10 PM) that Strategic Alliance's lawyer had since informed him that the charge had been dropped against Kanhai.

APNU Shadow Security Minister, Winston Felix had earlier Monday queried during consideration of budgetary 2014 budgetary estimates by the National Assembly's Committee of Supply for a number of administrative regions.

"I would like to know whether I can enquire whether the person we know with an interest in that security company is the person charged before the court for receiving stolen property," asked Felix, a former Police Commissioner.

The Head Strategic Action Security Limited, Richard Kanhai was charged last year with receiving one Haier laptop believed t have been stolen from the One Laptop per Familu (OLPF) warehouse.

Responding to the question, which was allowed by the Chairman Raphael Trotman because the case is a matter o public record, Local Government Minister, Norman Whittaker stated: "I am not in a position to respond to that."

Felix further asked: "How do we superintend public money?". To that, the Minister said the regiona administrations were also expected to assist in supervision.

When Whittaker pointed out that it was the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) that was responsible for setting out the criteria for the invitation of tenders, Felix retorted that there was no coordination among the relevant state agencies. "There is an absence of coordination because we should not have such a situation whereby serious criminal issues are allowed to escape the system."

Trotman had recalled that similar questions had been raised before in the House by the Opposition.

Originally Posted by Mars:


Updated: Charge against Head of Strategic Action Security dropped, House Speaker informed

  • Monday, 14 April 2014 16:45

A charge of receiving stolen property against the Head of Strategic Action Security Limited, Richard Kanhai has been dropped, Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman announced in the House on Monday.

Trotman's announcement was made several hours after he had allowed a question by A Partership for National Unity (APNU) about why Security Action was being awarded contracts to guard government buildings in several parts of the country. He later told the House (about 7:10 PM) that Strategic Alliance's lawyer had since informed him that the charge had been dropped against Kanhai.

APNU Shadow Security Minister, Winston Felix had earlier Monday queried during consideration of budgetary 2014 budgetary estimates by the National Assembly's Committee of Supply for a number of administrative regions.

"I would like to know whether I can enquire whether the person we know with an interest in that security company is the person charged before the court for receiving stolen property," asked Felix, a former Police Commissioner.

The Head Strategic Action Security Limited, Richard Kanhai was charged last year with receiving one Haier laptop believed t have been stolen from the One Laptop per Familu (OLPF) warehouse.

Responding to the question, which was allowed by the Chairman Raphael Trotman because the case is a matter o public record, Local Government Minister, Norman Whittaker stated: "I am not in a position to respond to that."

Felix further asked: "How do we superintend public money?". To that, the Minister said the regiona administrations were also expected to assist in supervision.

When Whittaker pointed out that it was the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) that was responsible for setting out the criteria for the invitation of tenders, Felix retorted that there was no coordination among the relevant state agencies. "There is an absence of coordination because we should not have such a situation whereby serious criminal issues are allowed to escape the system."

Trotman had recalled that similar questions had been raised before in the House by the Opposition.



The matter in relation to the 103 stolen laptops that was
previously reported on was still being investigated by the Guyana Police Force.


Source Audit Report 2012.


LOL.  Police case collapses again.


103 laptops still lost.  Alledged tief walk free and gets billion dollar contract for security services.




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