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Increased allocation for controversial agencies an insult to National Assembly – Nagamootoo

April 10, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



Opposition Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo has accused the People’s Progressive Party Civic government of insulting the National Assembly by increasing allocations to a number of agencies that fell under the axe last year.
In a scathing attack on the minority administration during this year’s budget debate, Nagamootoo said that the 2013 budget was tailored to satisfy the “insatiable appetite of the parasitic and bureaucratic, class.”

Member of Parliament Moses Nagamootoo

“In defiance of this National Assembly, it has revised upwards and restored the cuts made for contracted employees, many of whom are the super-salaried, million and multi-million-dollar cats on sinecure employment. Last year, they got an additional $100 million. This year, government has upped the lottery for contracted employees to $7.8 billion. The number of PPP activists on Office of the President payroll has increased.”
He stated that “the defiance is compounded with insult, as cuts for the PPP propaganda machines – the Government Information Agency (GINA) and the National Communications Network (NCN) – have not only been restored, but increased!”
Last year the opposition with its one seat majority created a legal crisis when it slashed huge chunks from the national budget which was air marked to fund a number of government agencies that they felt were unfavourable to the opposition.
“A gauntlet of arrogance and defiance has been thrown into these hallowed halls of the National Assembly,” Nagamootoo declared.
“This type of reckless use of our people’s money has characterized all post-Jagan PPP governments. They have spent money as if it were cheap as “bussie” (rice husk),” he added.
According to Nagamootoo, in the past 13 years, the PPP Government proposed budget allocations amounting to $1,588,000,000,000. (Over one and a half trillion dollars).
“Assuming we have a dollar bill measuring 6 inches, and given that the circumference of our Earth is 1.6 billion inches (1,577,727,360 inches), the budget sums would dollar-on-dollar, wrap the circumference of the earth some 6,000 times (6,039 times),” he said.
“What have we to show for this colossal amount? Today, the PPP comes here and boasts that we are fixing old roads and building new ones; we are breaking old bridges and making new ones; we are scrapping the new airport and building a newer one; we are fixing our broken down sugar industry; we are fixing the failed electricity system. This PPP is a ‘we bruk am; we fix am’ government.”
Nagamootoo said that there is no doubt that Guyana’s growth rate has been positive over the past few years, averaging above four percent annually.
However this growth, he said, has not been miniscule to budgetary allocations over the years.
The former PPP/C member of parliament explained that in the past six years (2007 thru 2012), total budgetary allocations were $825B as compared with $471B in the previous six-year  period (2001-2006).
“These allocations increased by $373 billion or by 126%. The least that could be expected was a reasonable return for the people’s monies and a 4% growth could, dollar for dollar, be a very modest, if not disappointing, return,” Nagamootoo said.
He said that this year, the government is asking for $208.8B, $85 billion of which would be for new projects, without addressing concerns of transparency and accountability.
He assured that his party, the Alliance For Change, is not against projects, but it is demanding that there be feasibility studies, to ascertain if these projects are the best alternative use for the country’s money.
“We have to ask the hard questions: Do we need a new airport costing $30 billion when only 12 years ago, we modernized the existing airport at a cost of $6 billion? Should our government not try to get reliable and affordable airline services before pouring billions into a new airport? With Delta going soon, air transport would be a nightmare. Price gouging has started. Even with a new airport, not having a viable aviation plan, Timehri will continue to be an airline cemetery – Universal, Travelspan, Red Jet, EZjet, and soon, Delta.”
According to Nagamootoo, it is evident that the post-Jagan PPP governments lack vision, proper planning, and have abandoned all claims to a really sustainable development strategy.
This government, he said, has plans that are eclectic, that shift and change, to suit prevailing opportunistic needs for enrichment of a few.
He said that while the government wants support for its spending spree it has failed to deal effectively with corruption.
For instance, he noted that the government has not addressed the vexed issues of putting surpluses from NICIL, Lotto & Wildlife Funds, and moneys from dead bank accounts, into the revenue stream.
He called for appointment of a Chairman of the Integrity Commission, and for the Secretariat to be fully staffed and equipped to conduct investigation into the assets of all office holders, and slammed a call by a government MP for the establishment of a code of conduct for ministers.
“Let us make public these assets. A code not enforceable in law cannot work! It’s a recipe for Cover Up!”
“We need to implement the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorism Act, and to give teeth to the toothless poodle-style Intelligence Unit. Not a soul has been investigated, much less prosecuted, for money-laundering, and Guyana is wrongly being seen as a haven for money-launderers, drugs trafficking, etc.,” Nagamootoo stated emphatically.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Please be thankful that the gov't doles out business to both mouthpieces of the opposition, the Stabroek News and Kaeiteur News dailies, in the form of advertising.

tell us why jackass

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Please be thankful that the gov't doles out business to both mouthpieces of the opposition, the Stabroek News and Kaeiteur News dailies, in the form of advertising.


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Please be thankful that the gov't doles out business to both mouthpieces of the opposition, the Stabroek News and Kaeiteur News dailies, in the form of advertising.

tell us why jackass

How much advertising dollars did the Catholic Standard and Mirror receive from the gov't of the PNC? These papers, including the WPA's publication, were starved of news prints and prevented from importing a printing press. This gov't record on free press is something to admire.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Also, please let your misguided friends in the opposition knows that Moses Nagamotoo collected 6,000,000 Guyana dollars from NICIL for doing mediocre legal work.

Now you are being a jackass.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Also, please let your misguided friends in the opposition knows that Moses Nagamotoo collected 6,000,000 Guyana dollars from NICIL for doing mediocre legal work.

the 5th Grade must be out for early recess . . . brainiac on the loose

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Please be thankful that the gov't doles out business to both mouthpieces of the opposition, the Stabroek News and Kaeiteur News dailies, in the form of advertising.

tell us why jackass

How much advertising dollars did the Catholic Standard and Mirror receive from the gov't of the PNC? These papers, including the WPA's publication, were starved of news prints and prevented from importing a printing press. This gov't record on free press is something to admire.

Stop being a jackass and address this:


“In defiance of this National Assembly, it has revised upwards and restored the cuts made for contracted employees, many of whom are the super-salaried, million and multi-million-dollar cats on sinecure employment. Last year, they got an additional $100 million. This year, government has upped the lottery for contracted employees to $7.8 billion. The number of PPP activists on Office of the President payroll has increased.”
He stated that “the defiance is compounded with insult, as cuts for the PPP propaganda machines – the Government Information Agency (GINA) and the National Communications Network (NCN) – have not only been restored, but increased!”

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The 5th grader have you fumbled! Did you bribe to get your teaching job?

hmmm ?? . . . 4th Grade, perhaps

If you would like to call me a 1st grader that's fine. It's not going to enhance your position on this forum. An intellectual tirade Stormy-Style don't influence the audience since it is pure baloney.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The 5th grader have you fumbled! Did you bribe to get your teaching job?

hmmm ?? . . . 4th Grade, perhaps

If you would like to call me a 1st grader that's fine. It's not going to enhance your position on this forum. An intellectual tirade Stormy-Style don't influence the audience since it is pure baloney.

bai, meh truly nah know wha grade u in . . . me just waan understand dem fancy terminology u using pan me


I am for a Guyana that's free and democratic. I know everything is not perfect with this gov't and alot more can be done to make the system works more efficiently and just. I also believe that at this time in our history the situation does not warrant a complete replacement of gov't since the problems we face are typical of any democracy in the Western hemisphere. These problems can be remedied and will be remedied without resorting to military rule or a return to dictatorship which most of you in the opposition are fighting for. The people's mistrust in changing gov't has to be understood in this context. People are not going to trade in the PPP for the PNC. It is as simple as that for the PNC's record in handling the economy and safeguarding the rights of the people is shamefully woeful. Even the PNC claims that it has reformed itself the party's behavior and connections to violent criminal schemes has only reinforced people's view of it as a dictatorship in the waiting.

Billy Ram Balgobin

Last year the opposition with its one seat majority created a legal crisis when it slashed huge chunks from the national budget which was air marked to fund a number of government agencies that they felt were unfavourable to the opposition.
“A gauntlet of arrogance and defiance has been thrown into these hallowed halls of the National Assembly,” Nagamootoo declared.
“This type of reckless use of our people’s money has characterized all post-Jagan PPP governments. They have spent money as if it were cheap as “bussie” (rice husk),” he added.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Last year the opposition with its one seat majority created a legal crisis when it slashed huge chunks from the national budget which was air marked to fund a number of government agencies that they felt were unfavourable to the opposition.
“A gauntlet of arrogance and defiance has been thrown into these hallowed halls of the National Assembly,” Nagamootoo declared.
“This type of reckless use of our people’s money has characterized all post-Jagan PPP governments. They have spent money as if it were cheap as “bussie” (rice husk),” he added.

Mits, I dont condone WASTE BUT I find it strange that after he and his family enjoyed the Gravy for over20 years, he now complaining. Sounds to me like when soup nah drip, he neck ah hut am from hanging it too long and nothing dropping.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Last year the opposition with its one seat majority created a legal crisis when it slashed huge chunks from the national budget which was air marked to fund a number of government agencies that they felt were unfavourable to the opposition.
“A gauntlet of arrogance and defiance has been thrown into these hallowed halls of the National Assembly,” Nagamootoo declared.
“This type of reckless use of our people’s money has characterized all post-Jagan PPP governments. They have spent money as if it were cheap as “bussie” (rice husk),” he added.

Mits, I dont condone WASTE BUT I find it strange that after he and his family enjoyed the Gravy for over20 years, he now complaining. Sounds to me like when soup nah drip, he neck ah hut am from hanging it too long and nothing dropping.

Let's say when he was in the PPP he could not see the forest for the trees.


PPP supporters may be offended by Moses Nagamootoo's criticism of the PPP, but if his criticisms call attention to an unhealthy state of things in Guyana, then they must be welcomed.


Having said that, the PPP remains the party best suited to lead Guyana.



Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Also, please let your misguided friends in the opposition knows that Moses Nagamotoo collected 6,000,000 Guyana dollars from NICIL for doing mediocre legal work.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

If Moses has any decency, he should return the tax payers money (SIX MILLION DOLLARS). Until then, he lacks credibility and human decency. What a shameless PNC Indian.

No question Moses has become aPNC Indian---he is consumed by hatred and desperately wants the PPP out of office----the man is tying his best to help the depraved and evil PNC win the next election.


But lets be fair---some of PNC Indian Nagamootoo's criticisms are valid---nothing wrong with constructive criticisms from a PNC Indian.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

If Moses has any decency, he should return the tax payers money (SIX MILLION DOLLARS). Until then, he lacks credibility and human decency. What a shameless PNC Indian.

No question Moses has become aPNC Indian---he is consumed by hatred and desperately wants the PPP out of office----the man is tying his best to help the depraved and evil PNC win the next election.


But lets be fair---some of PNC Indian Nagamootoo's criticisms are valid---nothing wrong with constructive criticisms from a PNC Indian.



Now let us list the "top PPP Indians" under Ramotar & Jagdeo.....

Odinga Lamumba

Kit Nascimento


Philip Bynoe

Kwame McCoy


Ravi Dev call them "Black PNC Thugs"

Berbicians  call them...."Bha-rat B@tty Boys"

Essequibo Call them .... "Palm-Tree Rapist & Killers"

Demerara Call them......"Ramotar Congress Place Recruits"

Rev tell us about these Friends of Yours....... 

who are these Guys?????

Originally Posted by yuji22:

If Moses has any decency, he should return the tax payers money (SIX MILLION DOLLARS). Until then, he lacks credibility and human decency. What a shameless PNC Indian.

You are an arse hole to make such a statement.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev tell us about these Friends of Yours....... 

who are these Guys?????


Odinga Lamumba

Kit Nascimento


Philip Bynoe

Kwame McCoy



Please don't insult the Rev. No facting way those dirty, rotten scoundrels could ever be friends of the Rev. Listen! The Rev is a man of character and integrity. Very few are allowed into the Rev's inner circles, and definitely not those PNC thugs.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev tell us about these Friends of Yours....... 

who are these Guys?????


Odinga Lamumba

Kit Nascimento


Philip Bynoe

Kwame McCoy



Please don't insult the Rev. No facting way those dirty, rotten scoundrels could ever be friends of the Rev. Listen! The Rev is a man of character and integrity. Very few are allowed into the Rev's inner circles, and definitely not those PNC thugs.



Rev you lack credibility. The PPP does not recognize you. You are considered a useless gadfly compared to those 5 funny fellas.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Please be thankful that the gov't doles out business to both mouthpieces of the opposition, the Stabroek News and Kaeiteur News dailies, in the form of advertising.

The cabal should be thankful that public funds are being " doled out " to the Guyana Chronicle, the national newspaper, which is used as a propaganda vehicle against political opponents.....


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