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This PPP leader thinks sugar workers are stupid


Dear Editor,
Please allow me to shed some light on the misinformation, lies and deception, once again being told to Berbicians by the former Attorney General, Mr. Nandlall, on his weekly live TV program that was aired on Tuesday 7th March 2017 on NTN Berbice.
It seems to me that the former AG is going off the deep end all because the corruption that took place under the PPP regime is coming to haunt him and his partners.  For a man who claims to be educated and also a professional, in using those words that degrade people, he sends a very negative message to the population and youths at large.
It shows us that the saying when the fox can’t get the grapes, he says they are sour. This is indeed what has happened to the former AG and his PPP party.  But they are the ones that caused the grapes to go sour because of corruption when they were in power.
The former AG should be ashamed to call the present AG a fool and attempt to degrade him by saying he knows nothing.  It is indeed true that the PPP is the one that had intentions of setting up SOCU, as the former AG mentioned. But he falsely claims that they never used that unit.
He mentioned that SOCU is going around at the night entering persons’ houses and removing their belongings, gold, etc.  Well, I never heard of such but what I know for a fact is that it is the PPP used that Unit (intentions to set up SOCU) to raid the homes and offices of executives and former executives of the Guyana Cricket Board a few years back.
So Mr. Nandlall needs to think before he speaks and stop lying to the people of Berbice.  He also said that this government is making the sugar workers suffer, which is a blunt lie.  He is trying to win the sugar workers because he thinks they are stupid people and will believe him. It was the PPP and GAWU that failed the sugar workers.  Here are a few questions for him and the PPP.  Why is it that after the 1992 General Elections, the PPP STOPPED the May Day March in Region 5 (from Bath Old Well Square to Dhanar Square)?
Why is it that after 1992, API was taken away from sugar workers?  Why is it that after that year, GAWU stopped looking into the welfare of the workers?  Why is it that the PPP and Bharrat Jagdeo closed down two sugar estates (Diamond and LBI)?  Why is it that under the watch of the PPP sugar workers’ NIS contribution cannot be found and most times are low?
He went on to talk about the former Prime Minister’s pension package that will be tabled in the National Assembly on Thursday 9th March It has since been passed.  Something seems to be wrong with the former AG.  He tells the people of Berbice that Mr. Green is in his 90’s and this government wants to give him a pension that no other PM ever had.  He said that not even PM Nagamootoo will be getting that and most of all that Mr. Nagamootoo does not deserve that Pension.
He went on to say that Mr. Green should ask the ministers to contribute towards his pension and that the former PM is already old and that the sugar workers should get the amount to be paid to him. Well, those statements get me real upset because everyone that give their service to this land deserves a pension.
Abel Seetaram
Region 5 Councilor – AFC/APNU 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

Seetaram!!  Bloody shit eater!! Is he related to the Namakaram Crabdaag??????????????

Looks like you were fooled by Anil as well....ayuh so quick to call people names

Pointblank posted:

Still relevant

That's right, Pointy. Anil is still relevant. And, depending on the outcome of a CCJ hearing on term limits, Anil stands a great chance of being the PPP presidential choice in 2020. And Gilly is stating here for the umpteenth time that he would welcome a Nandlall ticket.

VishMahabir posted:

Banna...dis article from 2017...we now in march 2018.

That’s not the worse part.  It’s “supposedly” written by PNC mouthpiece Abel Seetaram.  He crashed a Gov’t vehicle while drunk and his PNC friends bailed him out.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Pointblank posted:

Still relevant

That's right, Pointy. Anil is still relevant. And, depending on the outcome of a CCJ hearing on term limits, Anil stands a great chance of being the PPP presidential choice in 2020. And Gilly is stating here for the umpteenth time that he would welcome a Nandlall ticket.

If it’s Nandalal, let’s hope he can shake that albatross off the PPP neck before the gangarine spreads to him!


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