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Former Member

Ok Folks,

This race ain't over yet as Pence wins the Vice Presidential candidate.

Kaine's position was to attack Donald Trump but he came across as arrogant.

This was Pence's night as he wins this debate. Pence may have erased Hillary's lead for now but the unpredictable Trump will have to show up and not be baited on Sunday and do exactly what Pence did.

The Democrats erred in their strategy tonight and it might backfire on them.

Donald Trump's future depends on his performance on Sunday. Can he pull off a Pence on Sunday ?


Replies sorted oldest to newest

The decision of the campaign will be on November 08, 2016 when the polls are closed and the results are known.

Tim Kaine stuck to the facts and issues, while Mike Spence avoided the issues including those about Donald Trump.

The results may be a close one.

Mike Spence and Donald Trump are two opposite and different individuals.


CNN reported that Pence Trashed Kaine. Kaine appeared like an arrogant snake oil salesman. This tactic will backfire on the democrats. They need to retool.

Proof from CNN

Trump needs to adopt the same method that Pence used to crush the Arrogant Idiot Kaine.

Remember this: The Clinton Foundation accepts foreign donations and spends only 10 Cents on the dollar collected for the foundation. Where is the rest going ? This was exposed by Pence during the debates.

Pence just tore apart Hillary's crookedness and trashed the arrogant snake oil salesman Kaine.

Trump now has a HUGE opportunity on Sunday.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

CNN reported that Pence Trashed Kaine. Kaine appeared like an arrogant snake oil salesman. This tactic will backfire on the democrats. They need to retool.

Proof from CNN

Trump needs to adopt the same method that Pence used to crush the Arrogant Idiot Kaine.

Remember this: The Clinton Foundation accepts foreign donations and spends only 10 Cents on the dollar collected for the foundation. Where is the rest going ? This was exposed by Pence during the debates.

Pence just tore apart Hillary's crookedness and trashed the arrogant snake oil salesman Kaine.

Trump now has a HUGE opportunity on Sunday.

How can that fool talk about the Clinton Foundation when Trump's own foundation was found to be operating illegally and shut down by the New York State Attorney General.

Obviously you don't know who the real snakeoil salesman is -

Reality Check: Pence on Clinton Foundation's donations to charity
By Eve Bower, CNN
Pence said that the Clinton Foundation gives "less than 10 cents on the dollar" to "charitable causes."
But a recent analysis by independent watchdog CharityWatch found that the Clinton Foundation actually spent 88% of its budget on its charitable programs in 2014.
So why the large discrepancy? Pence was likely referring only to the charitable grants the Clinton Foundation has awarded to outside groups, as opposed to the charitable work conducted by the Clinton Foundation's own programs.
According to Clinton Foundation tax forms -- in 2013, for example -- the foundation reported total revenue of almost $149 million, and awarded external grants worth a total of nearly $9 million -- or about 6 cents on the dollar.
But most Clinton Foundation work is implemented by the foundation's own program staff, and is also considered charitable work. CharityWatch considers any foundation with more than 75% of its expenses in charitable programs to be "highly efficient." With 88%, the Clinton Foundation meets that standard.
Because Pence's figure failed to account for the total amount of the Clinton Foundation's charitable work, we rate his claim false.
Verdict: False.
Last edited by Mars

Kaine is a very rude and arrogant guy.  He showed complete disrespect for Elaine Quijano and Mike Pence during the debate by constantly interrupting and talking over them.  I am glad he decided to abandon his early dream of becoming a Catholic priest because he certainly doesn't fit that portfolio. 

He better learn how to take instructions from a woman.  Hillary is his boss and Elaine stopped him dead in his tracks when he tried to manipulate her.

Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:


Fact: Clinton foundation collects foreign donations and spends SIX CENTS on every dollar collected.


Reality Check: Pence on Clinton Foundation's donations to charity
By Eve Bower, CNN
Pence said that the Clinton Foundation gives "less than 10 cents on the dollar" to "charitable causes."
But a recent analysis by independent watchdog CharityWatch found that the Clinton Foundation actually spent 88% of its budget on its charitable programs in 2014.
So why the large discrepancy? Pence was likely referring only to the charitable grants the Clinton Foundation has awarded to outside groups, as opposed to the charitable work conducted by the Clinton Foundation's own programs.
According to Clinton Foundation tax forms -- in 2013, for example -- the foundation reported total revenue of almost $149 million, and awarded external grants worth a total of nearly $9 million -- or about 6 cents on the dollar.
But most Clinton Foundation work is implemented by the foundation's own program staff, and is also considered charitable work. CharityWatch considers any foundation with more than 75% of its expenses in charitable programs to be "highly efficient." With 88%, the Clinton Foundation meets that standard.
Because Pence's figure failed to account for the total amount of the Clinton Foundation's charitable work, we rate his claim false.

Verdict: False.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Kaine is a very rude and arrogant guy.  He showed complete disrespect for Elaine Quijano and Mike Pence during the debate by constantly interrupting and talking over them.  I am glad he decided to abandon his early dream of becoming a Catholic priest because he certainly doesn't fit that portfolio. 

He better learn how to take instructions from a woman.  Hillary is his boss and Elaine stopped him dead in his tracks when he tried to manipulate her.


He was instructed by Hillary to sling mud and he did just that and it backfired last night.

Pence made him look like an idiot. 

According to CNN, Pence won hands down (67%) despite the fact that the audience was mainly democrats. 

This proves what you once told me about Hillary and her ego, she chose an arrogant idiot to be her Vice Presidential candidate. It backfired on them last night.

60 percent of Americans do not trust Hillary 

67 percent of Americans think that Kaine is an arrogant idiot.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Kaine is a very rude and arrogant guy.  He showed complete disrespect for Elaine Quijano and Mike Pence during the debate by constantly interrupting and talking over them.  I am glad he decided to abandon his early dream of becoming a Catholic priest because he certainly doesn't fit that portfolio. 

He better learn how to take instructions from a woman.  Hillary is his boss and Elaine stopped him dead in his tracks when he tried to manipulate her.


He was instructed by Hillary to sling mud and he did just that and it backfired last night.

Pence made him look like an idiot. 

According to CNN, Pence won hands down (67%) despite the fact that the audience was mainly democrats. 

This proves what you once told me about Hillary and her ego, she chose an arrogant idiot to be her Vice Presidential candidate. It backfired on them last night.

60 percent of Americans do not trust Hillary 

67 percent of Americans think that Kaine is an arrogant idiot.

Mud slinging is a bad strategy to use on a guy like Mike Pence.  A cool, calm, and collective gentleman always wins the prize.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Kaine is a very rude and arrogant guy.  He showed complete disrespect for Elaine Quijano and Mike Pence during the debate by constantly interrupting and talking over them.  I am glad he decided to abandon his early dream of becoming a Catholic priest because he certainly doesn't fit that portfolio. 

He better learn how to take instructions from a woman.  Hillary is his boss and Elaine stopped him dead in his tracks when he tried to manipulate her.


He was instructed by Hillary to sling mud and he did just that and it backfired last night.

Pence made him look like an idiot. 

According to CNN, Pence won hands down (67%) despite the fact that the audience was mainly democrats. 

This proves what you once told me about Hillary and her ego, she chose an arrogant idiot to be her Vice Presidential candidate. It backfired on them last night.

60 percent of Americans do not trust Hillary 

67 percent of Americans think that Kaine is an arrogant idiot.

Mud slinging is a bad strategy to use on a guy like Mike Pence.  A cool, calm, and collective gentleman always wins the prize.

Excellent Point Bibi.

100 percent correct. The gentleman won last night.

It remains to be seen if Kaine did any damage to the Hillary campaign.

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Kaine is a very rude and arrogant guy.  He showed complete disrespect for Elaine Quijano and Mike Pence during the debate by constantly interrupting and talking over them.  I am glad he decided to abandon his early dream of becoming a Catholic priest because he certainly doesn't fit that portfolio. 

He better learn how to take instructions from a woman.  Hillary is his boss and Elaine stopped him dead in his tracks when he tried to manipulate her.


He was instructed by Hillary to sling mud and he did just that and it backfired last night.

Pence made him look like an idiot. 

According to CNN, Pence won hands down (67%) despite the fact that the audience was mainly democrats. 

This proves what you once told me about Hillary and her ego, she chose an arrogant idiot to be her Vice Presidential candidate. It backfired on them last night.

60 percent of Americans do not trust Hillary 

67 percent of Americans think that Kaine is an arrogant idiot.

I guess you're finding it difficult to stick to the facts like that buffoon you're supporting. The CNN post-debate poll gave the edge to Pence 48% - 42%.

(CNN)Mike Pence scored a narrow win over Tim Kaine in the vice presidential debate Tuesday night,according to a CNN/ORC instant poll, with 48% of voters who watched the debate saying Pence did the better job while 42% think Kaine had the best night.

Last edited by Mars
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Kaine is a very rude and arrogant guy.  He showed complete disrespect for Elaine Quijano and Mike Pence during the debate by constantly interrupting and talking over them.  I am glad he decided to abandon his early dream of becoming a Catholic priest because he certainly doesn't fit that portfolio. 

He better learn how to take instructions from a woman.  Hillary is his boss and Elaine stopped him dead in his tracks when he tried to manipulate her.

You are mouthing crap. Kaine is a very affable man. He is all heart and means the best for this country while Pence is a right wing freak who believes in conversion therapy and that Christianity is the source of all moral ground. Kaine does not force his theology down your truth. The first thing Pense did when he came to the senate was sponsor a bill to kill planned parenthood. And why do you think there should be  a learning curve for grasping what a woman would say as a leader than for a man?

yuji22 posted:

Pence has the Democrat spin doctors out today.

Welcome to Yuji's thread and thanks for rejecting Kari's suggestion calling for a boycott of this most esteemed poster's thread.

Thank you once again for rejecting the bitter loser Kari.


he did exactly what he ought to do...leave them dissecting his words which always show how unfit Trump is for office. Even Pense did not care to defend him. This will consume at least three days and place Mrs. HC on track for the Sunday debate where Trump will have to cuss and fuss his way for another 90 mins.

yuji22 posted:

Pence has the Democrat spin doctors out today.

Welcome to Yuji's thread and thanks for rejecting Kari's suggestion calling for a boycott of this most esteemed poster's thread.

Thank you once again for rejecting the bitter loser Kari.


Yuji bhai, Pence did not at one time try to defend Trump's bizarre ramblings. He tried to pivot away from the topic several times. He could not defend an eccentric dude.


Politifact: Tim Kaine 79% True, Mike Pence 31%

After last night’s debate, a Politifact analysis determined that Tim Kaine mostly told the truth, while Mike Pence was a bald-faced liar.

The Pulitzer prize-winning fact checker ran a running blog during the vice presidential debate weighing 32 claims made by Virginia senator Tim Kaine and Indiana governor Mike Pence. Politifact rated 15 of 19 claims (78.9 percent) made by Hillary Clinton’s running mate as either “True” or “Mostly True.” Conversely, only four of 13 (30.7 percent) statements made by Gov. Pence got a “True” or “Mostly True” rating from the fact-checking website.

One of the biggest whoppers told by Donald Trump’s running mate included Pence’s claim that Trump â€œhas pursued the discredited and really outrageous lie that President Obama wasn’t born in the United States,” when in fact Donald Trump was one of the biggest proponents of the “birther” conspiracy movement between 2011 and 2014. Pence was also adamant that the GOP presidential nominee “never said” countries should acquire more nuclear weapons. However, Trump drew criticism earlier this year for saying it would be to Japan and South Korea’s advantage if they were to build up their nuclear arsenal.

Meanwhile, even though Kaine lost style points for constantly interrupting Pence and debate moderator Elaine Quijano throughout the night, he largely stuck to the truth. Politifact gave the Virginia senator a “true” rating for pointing out that Trump has praised Russian president Vladimir Putin as a “great leader,” that even disgraced former president Richard Nixon released his tax returns while he was being audited by the IRS, and that Philando Castile — the black man who was killed by police in Minnesota this summer — had been previously stopped by police “40 or 50” times (it was actually 46 times) prior to hislivestreamed execution.

Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate was the only scheduled debate between Kaine and Pence. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will face off for the second of three presidential debates this coming Sunday.


Tom Cahill is a writer for US Uncut based in the Pacific Northwest. He specializes in coverage of political, economic, and environmental news. You can contact him via email, or friend him on Facebook.

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Pence has the Democrat spin doctors out today.

Welcome to Yuji's thread and thanks for rejecting Kari's suggestion calling for a boycott of this most esteemed poster's thread.

Thank you once again for rejecting the bitter loser Kari.


Yuji bhai, Pence did not at one time try to defend Trump's bizarre ramblings. He tried to pivot away from the topic several times. He could not defend an eccentric dude.

It was the way to go. Why dwell in the Gutter with Kaine who ended up looking like an idiot ? Americans agree the Pence wont the debate.

A win is a win.

It is up to Trump to expose the corrupt Hillary on Sunday.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Storm is supporting the moron Grainjaw.

A pedophile was released under his nose and Storm rejoices. Not one word of condemnation from you, Moron.

You are the biggest bigot for supporting these AFC/PNC clowns.

I supported the removal of the crooked PPP and that for me is victory for the Guyanese people. They now have the chance to recoup and hold these new crooks to the fire. You being an ass would not know when to take an advantage. At least with Granger the thieving is halved and they are going after the PPP enablers with  extreme prejudice.

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

Storm is supporting the moron Grainjaw.

A pedophile was released under his nose and Storm rejoices. Not one word of condemnation from you, Moron.

You are the biggest bigot for supporting these AFC/PNC clowns.

I supported the removal of the crooked PPP and that for me is victory for the Guyanese people. They now have the chance to recoup and hold these new crooks to the fire. You being an ass would not know when to take an advantage. At least with Granger the thieving is halved and they are going after the PPP enablers with  extreme prejudice.

How would you hold these crooks to the fire? You are trying to chase the devil out of hell. Good luck!!!

Nehru posted:

Sometimes I wonder how is it possible these SHIT HEADS got so much SHIT in their heads. Were they born that way or Sophia University Scientist pumped the SHIT into their heads!!!!!!!

Storm has now earned the title, GNI's clown.

Supporter of theft, crime and corruption. Add supporting the pedophiles to the list.

Shameless clown.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
yuji22 posted:

Storm is supporting the moron Grainjaw.

A pedophile was released under his nose and Storm rejoices. Not one word of condemnation from you, Moron.

You are the biggest bigot for supporting these AFC/PNC clowns.

I supported the removal of the crooked PPP and that for me is victory for the Guyanese people. They now have the chance to recoup and hold these new crooks to the fire. You being an ass would not know when to take an advantage. At least with Granger the thieving is halved and they are going after the PPP enablers with  extreme prejudice.

How would you hold these crooks to the fire? You are trying to chase the devil out of hell. Good luck!!!

How many times have you not seen them forced to make course corrections because of loss of support? In any event....if they are not as smart as you insist then their maximum theft will always under-perform the geniuses in the PPP....Right?


Back to topic:

Political experts and now saying that Hillary is in for a downward spiral.

Trump has to be more like Pence and this presidency is his. The ball is now in his court on Sunday.

Remember when Obama was totally lost in the first debate where his VP saved him with his stellar performance. Looks like history is about to repeat itself.

Play it well and Trump wins the presidency. The question is:

Does he have the discipline to do so ?


Yuji thanks posters for their valuable contribution to this thread and for ignoring Kari with his shameless call for boycotting it.

These chaps are attempting to hide the Kaine's arrogance and Hillary crookedness. 

Let free speech prevail. GNI is not Saudi Arabia.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Bla bla bla blaa nonsenseeeee,,bla bla nonsense bla bla bla



Yuji thanks posters for their valuable contribution to this thread and for ignoring Kari with his shameless call for boycotting it.

These chaps are attempting to hide the Kaine's arrogance and Hillary crookedness. 

Bla Bla Bla stupidnes..bla bla bla

No one wants to hide anyone's arogance, crookedness or whatever words most describe your hero Jaggy, but anyway, all dem boys want hide is your stupidity, dem feel sorry you doan know when you s'pose fo feel ashame' baie.

Last edited by cain

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