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Former Member

This Region 5 councilor is an embarrassment to the APNU+AFC Govt.     

Jun 14, 2017 Letters,

Dear Editor,
Since APNU+AFC Region 5 RDC Councillor Abel Seetaram has been placed in charge of Enhancement Workers at the Region 5 RDC, he has been using these workers to slash and clean non-government yards at Bath/Woodley Park. Just yesterday, these workers were seen slashing and cleaning up the street where his friend and former RDC Councillor, Carol Joseph lives in Hope Town, WCB, and today, Tuesday, June 13, under the instructions of Abel Seetaram, these β€œslashers” were dispatched to clean up the street where he lives.

When I arrived there earlier today, a few of these Enhancement Workers were busy slashing the sides of the road leading up to Seetaram’s residence, while the majority were seen idling under a shed doing no work at all. After taking some photos, I proceeded to the nearby Woodley Park Primary School, and was appalled at the despicable condition of the school street and the area surrounding the school.

After taking some more photographic evidence of the misuse of authority, the entire team of Enhancement Workers suddenly appeared in the school street as I was leaving and commence slashing operations there.

I then returned to the street where Abel Seetaram lives, and confirmed my suspicion that someone must have alerted the Councillor of my photographic activity in his neighborhood which caused him to divert his slasher-crew and instructed them to clean-up the school street instead.

This was evident because the work that was being carried out in his street was incomplete and from all appearance, the workers seemed to have left in a hurry. I wish to remind all Guyanese that the APNU+AFC Administration ran on an anti-corruption platform during the 2015 general and regional election, and Abel Seetaram was very vocal in his condemnation of the PPP/C to win votes for the AFC in Region 5. While the Granger Administration cannot be held responsible for the likes of Abel Seetaram who continues to betrays the very principles the APNU+AFC campaigned on, it is incumbent upon Minister of Communities, Hon.Ronald Bulkan and the AFC Leader, Hon. Rafael Trotman to rein in this AFC bad-boy who continues to be an embarrassment to everyone who holds public office.

PPP/C Member of Parliament

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