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Chief or who ever you are, 


Mars et al is right to call you out.


It was not a mistake, you even wanted me to be educated.


You are too much of a religious zealot and has a narrow focus.  It is sad that by now you should be mild and mellow. Instead you have become a ponitificator on GNI.  You are trying to be relevant.  


It is sad


Vish M

Good morning Vishnu,

I maintained that something is fishy in this missing baby case. You and Mars took it in your own shallow mind that I did say that because the wanted person was a muslim.


You personally has no foresight and no road sense, you have always been fooled and then come crying like a little girl.


For now on this thread let's focus on the missing baby.


Seven days later…No signs of abducted baby, kidnapper

May 31, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

To date, police have arrested four females who share the same name and similar appearance of the woman who

The abducted infant

The abducted infant

kidnapped a nine-day-old baby two Saturdays ago from the Port Mourant Market, but have been unable to track down the real kidnapper.
The police picked up the four women who reside along the West and East Coast of Demerara after anonymous callers informed the infant’s mother, Sandra Mc Lean that they knew who the kidnapper was and where she resides.
But when the young mother turned up at the locations with the police, her high hopes of finding the kidnapper and locating her baby dwindled instantly.
β€œPeople who have my number calling and telling me that she (kidnapper) is at this place and that place and when we show up at the people’s house with the police, it is not the woman,” the mother lamented.
Yesterday, a devastated Mc Lean told this publication that she carried her child for nine months and never thought a day would come when she has to roam from door to door to look for the child.
The mother said that she will not give up on finding her baby boy and believes she will locate him someday.
β€œI know my child. He has a birth mark on his knee and I am his mother, I will never forget him,” the mother stressed.
Two Saturdays ago, a woman whom Sandra Mc Lean met at the Skeldon Public Hospital several days before she delivered her baby boy, disappeared with the baby.
The woman, whom she identified as one Bibi Khan, was reportedly based in Suriname.
Mc Lean said that she met β€˜Khan’ on May 16, last, at the hospital.
β€œI was experiencing labour pains and this woman come in and say that she looking for someone name Sandra.
I didn’t say anything because my name is also Sandra, plus I was in pain so my relatives talked to her.
She was kind of short and medium size and she is Indian and she was wearing a Kemar,” the grieving mother recalled.
Mc Lean said that the woman returned after she had delivered her son.
β€œShe asked to play with the baby. She said that she has to pay him and she put $5000 under his blanket and she lifted him. We were talking and I gave her my address and so. She spent like an hour and then she left.”
According to McLean, the woman did not go back to the hospital.

The kidnapper

The kidnapper

β€œI didn’t see her back until she come to my house. She come and played with the baby and she gave him another $5000, and she asked if she can buy stuff for him and I said β€˜no problem’ because we were having a nine-day celebration for the baby.”
β€œWhen we were in Skeldon, she went into a store and then she come out back and say that my baby brings luck to her because she got through with whatever business she had to do. She said that she had to buy something in a Chinese store but β€œlike after she see the cameras she didn’t go. But I didn’t really suspect anything”.
Afterward, we went to the Port Mourant Market and she said that she wanted fish. She tell me that the baby will be safe with her outside, while I go and buy the fish in the market. But when I come out back she was gone.”
A report was made to law enforcement officers, but the search proved futile.
β€œWe de naming him Avinash. He father ain’t even get to see he, but I know me child if I see him anywhere. He get a slight mark on he knee like a birthmark, and I could never forget that woman.’
β€œI will always remember her face,” the mother said as she noted that she still has hope of finding her son.
Anyone with information regarding the missing infant is asked to contact the nearest police station or contact relatives on telephone numbers, 338-1297 6602651 or 693 9484.

 Chief or maybe BS Artiste/Bigot,
Please come CLEAN.
Who are you trying to educate?
I have attached you comment on May 28 9:17AM
          May 28, 2014 9:17 AM

Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

What is so fishy about this story?


fuh CHief, it can't be ah woman name Bibi Khan tek de chile

Please educate Vishnu.

Vish M

Kidnapped baby found, two arrested

  • Sunday, 01 June 2014 12:11


The baby boy who was kidnapped several days ago has been re-united with his mother at the Whim Police Station and the alleged kidnapper and her husband have been arrested.

They were all at the Whim Police Station after which the baby was taken to the Port Mourant Hospital for a medical check-up. The baby and her parents are expected to return to the station to further assist police in their investigations.

Chief of Criminal Investigations, Senior Superintendent Leslie James said police acted on information and went to a house at Chesney Village where they saw the baby there. A couple, he said, has been arrested and has been assisting police in their probe.

Demerara Waves Online News ( spoke with the mother, Sandra β€œPinky” Mc Lean and she confirmed that the boy his hers and that she has seen the alleged kidnapper at the station.

Mc Lean had said that the woman had first seen her at the Skeldon Hospital where she had admired the baby. She had  said the woman hadf  eventually gone to her home and hurriedly told her that they must go to Port Mourant Market to shop items for the Nine-Day observance.

Mc Lean had said the womanhad  insisted on keeping the baby while she went to the fish market, under the pretext that the scent would be unwholesome for the baby.

When the mother handed over the baby, went shopping and return the woman had already vanished with the baby boy who was born on May 16, 2014.

Originally Posted by Mars:

Kidnapped baby found, two arrested

  • Sunday, 01 June 2014 12:11


The baby boy who was kidnapped several days ago has been re-united with his mother at the Whim Police Station and the alleged kidnapper and her husband have been arrested.

They were all at the Whim Police Station after which the baby was taken to the Port Mourant Hospital for a medical check-up. The baby and her parents are expected to return to the station to further assist police in their investigations.

Chief of Criminal Investigations, Senior Superintendent Leslie James said police acted on information and went to a house at Chesney Village where they saw the baby there. A couple, he said, has been arrested and has been assisting police in their probe.

Demerara Waves Online News ( spoke with the mother, Sandra β€œPinky” Mc Lean and she confirmed that the boy his hers and that she has seen the alleged kidnapper at the station.

Mc Lean had said that the woman had first seen her at the Skeldon Hospital where she had admired the baby. She had  said the woman hadf  eventually gone to her home and hurriedly told her that they must go to Port Mourant Market to shop items for the Nine-Day observance.

Mc Lean had said the womanhad  insisted on keeping the baby while she went to the fish market, under the pretext that the scent would be unwholesome for the baby.

When the mother handed over the baby, went shopping and return the woman had already vanished with the baby boy who was born on May 16, 2014.

Best news of the day.


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