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* The only election the PNC can win is an election they have RIGGED.


* Rumtar is set to lose the first election by the PPP in the history of Guyana.


Once again, the AFC is in the winning business and is set to deny the PPP and APNU victory in 2015.


Why do you think the PPP and PNC are collaborating to delay and even deny the no confidence vote coming to Parliament?

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Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:




* The only election the PNC can win is an election they have RIGGED.


* Rumtar is set to lose the first election by the PPP in the history of Guyana.


Once again, the AFC is in the winning business and is set to deny the PPP and APNU victory in 2015.


Why do you think the PPP and PNC are collaborating to delay and even deny the no confidence vote coming to Parliament?

In this war with the PPP, every single soldier is important


Dear Editor,
From the start, the Opposition Leader Mr. David Granger’s  political strategy has foundered because of a gap between words and deeds.  And he has done it again.  Having declared that the aim of the APNU political strategy is to win the next election while he was in New York, Mr. Granger now find himself further away from that goal because he has failed to connect with the working class and highlight the APNU’s political strategy and policies.  One former PNC leader Ms. Clarissa Rieal used the word β€œaloof”. We have no reason to question her since she appears to be on the ball with her words. How can a political leader help the people if he is in his own ivory tower and unaware of the plight of the oppressed class?
Mr. Granger now finds himself launching into peaceful street protest. Though commendable, it is almost one year too late.  Is this a case of too little; too late?
But what is most concerning to us is how he is trying to marginalize key Lieutenants like Sharma Solomon and Vanessa Kissoon and even Carl Greenidge to a lesser extent.  This is a path destined for political failure.  Two of the strongest assets in the APNU are Sharma Solomon and Carl Greenidge, both very intelligent and with their thumbs on the political pulse of the people – Solomon at a regional level and Greenidge at a national level.  Humble thyself Mr. Granger.  In this war with the PPP, every single soldier is important.
It is time Team Granger refocus on the poor and the working class, especially those single mothers who, since 201,1 have seen their collective wealth further deteriorating.  If only Team Granger can focus on the police constables, the GDF privates, the cleaners in the public service, the sales girls and boys in the many shops of Guyana, the taxi and mini bus drivers and most importantly the sugar and bauxite workers and do something real and tangible for them, only then can they claim they are doing something for the people.  Holding another press conference can only do so much and if Mr. Rohee’s performance is anything to go by, the PPP will resist every call from Mr. Granger.  So why continue these political games as the economic plight of the people further deteriorate Mr. Granger?
The truth remains that since 2011, Team Granger has done very little for these categories of workers who have seen their collective wealth further deteriorate, thanks to an oppressive PPP but more importantly, a most unresponsive APNU.  A PNC or APNU press conference does not put bread on the table and this is the fundamental fact that continues to evade Team Granger.  Every year the PPP continues to impose five percent on the workers of Guyana and all Team Granger does is another press conference.
What is the function of the Office of the Leader of the Opposition, if not at minimum to advocate against the oppression on behalf of the people, not only by issuing press releases, but actually mobilizing the people to effectively represent themselves against the oppressors?  Since 2011, this PPP Government has squandered over G$15 billion with little return on those investments, but yet the APNU can only be caught issuing another press release on these horrible acts of raping of the Treasury.  Is this how they plan to hold the PPP accountable?  In our books, the APNU came to office in 2011 as the Government in waiting but Team Granger has all but alienated themselves from the people’s cause and has not effectively mobilized the people to emancipate themselves from the PPP chains. In 2014, the APNU has lost that prized place to the up and coming AFC.  The AFC every day looks more like the Government in waiting.
This latest political struggle to hold Parliament is another example of how weak Team Granger remains.  The standing orders are clear, if Dr. Sam Hinds and Ms. Gail Teixeira are not willing to advise the Speaker on a date for Parliament, then Ms. Amna Ally and Mr. David Granger from the APNU are obliged to write to the Speaker throwing their full support behind him to use his authority to call Parliament.  This has not been done and the APNU is now caught for obvious reasons in the PPP game of snail walking the Parliament back into session.  Those police constables, GDF private, bauxite workers and sugar workers are watching and clearly understanding who they cannot trust.
We are convinced that the 2015/2016 elections are a clear cut three way race as the 7-seat AFC continues to punch above its weight class.  Interesting times ahead!
Asquith Rose and Harish Singh

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Rev you are dead wrong, this is a 3 way race.

It's like a horse race. After the winner is declared, you will see the AFC still running to the finish line.

AFC would have already made it to the finish line but what you see is when they're coming to lap the others who so confused they can't make up their minds whether they were supposed to shit or shine their shoes.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:




* The only election the PNC can win is an election they have RIGGED.


* Rumtar is set to lose the first election by the PPP in the history of Guyana.


Once again, the AFC is in the winning business and is set to deny the PPP and APNU victory in 2015.


Why do you think the PPP and PNC are collaborating to delay and even deny the no confidence vote coming to Parliament?

Can you tell me what narcotics are distributed at AFC meetings.  Before every election the AFC deludes itself that it a major factor, and then it struggles to avoid a routing in the polls.


This is the problem with the AFC.  Rather than putting in the hard work to gain the confidence of Guyanese that voting for them isn't a wasted vote, they flap their gums from a position of moral authority.


Well since Nigel and his wife talked out of both sides of their mouths on Amaila they revealed themselves to be no different from the PPP and APNU.  So the AFC has to EARN their votes.  They will not get them merely because people no longer trust the PPP or APNU. 


The cynical will merely not vote.  And APNU will get the vast majority of the votes from their supporters despite what they might think of Granger as they think a vote for the AFC is a wasted vote as they have no chance of winning, though they like the idea that the AFC will weaken the PPP by splitting the Indian vote.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:

Rev you are dead wrong, this is a 3 way race.

It's like a horse race. After the winner is declared, you will see the AFC still running to the finish line.

AFC would have already made it to the finish line but what you see is when they're coming to lap the others who so confused they can't make up their minds whether they were supposed to shit or shine their shoes.

Like you want fuh be de AFC jockey.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:




* The only election the PNC can win is an election they have RIGGED.


* Rumtar is set to lose the first election by the PPP in the history of Guyana.


Once again, the AFC is in the winning business and is set to deny the PPP and APNU victory in 2015.


Why do you think the PPP and PNC are collaborating to delay and even deny the no confidence vote coming to Parliament?

Can you tell me what narcotics are distributed at AFC meetings.  Before every election the AFC deludes itself that it a major factor, and then it struggles to avoid a routing in the polls.


This is the problem with the AFC.  Rather than putting in the hard work to gain the confidence of Guyanese that voting for them isn't a wasted vote, they flap their gums from a position of moral authority.


Well since Nigel and his wife talked out of both sides of their mouths on Amaila they revealed themselves to be no different from the PPP and APNU.  So the AFC has to EARN their votes.  They will not get them merely because people no longer trust the PPP or APNU. 


The cynical will merely not vote.  And APNU will get the vast majority of the votes from their supporters despite what they might think of Granger as they think a vote for the AFC is a wasted vote as they have no chance of winning, though they like the idea that the AFC will weaken the PPP by splitting the Indian vote.

To me, the AFC is hoping to make inroads into the indo votes. The PNC is holding onto theirs. APNU is dead-because Granger doan speak as the leader of APNU. Granger has a can of worms with the APNU-it's a dilemma.



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