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Former Member
They have virtually taken over the AFC shutting out the Trotman clique completely. It is this grouping which caused the AFC to focus extensively on the Indo Guyanese section of the population neglecting those disenchanted PNC voters from 2006 in the process.

The hatred and anger is evident everytime they post, either through their correct names or the many handles they use on GNI.

It is this clique which caused the AFC to loose all the footing it gained in 2006 owing to their preoccupation with getting back at the PPP.

It is this grouping and their backers in the US and Canada which consists of disgruntled ex-PPP supporters who were unable to get what they saw as 'their' entitlement of the state's largess that will cause the AFC's embarrassment come November 28th. Trotman will rise again after this humiliation.........

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Originally posted by The Judge:
They have virtually taken over the AFC shutting out the Trotman clique completely. It is this grouping which caused the AFC to focus extensively on the Indo Guyanese section of the population neglecting those disenchanted PNC voters from 2006 in the process.

The hatred and anger is evident everytime they post, either through their correct names or the many handles they use on GNI.

It is this clique which caused the AFC to loose all the footing it gained in 2006 owing to their preoccupation with getting back at the PPP.

It is this grouping and their backers in the US and Canada which consists of disgruntled ex-PPP supporters who were unable to get what they saw as 'their' entitlement of the state's largess that will cause the AFC's embarrassment come November 28th. Trotman will rise again after this humiliation.........
Only leaches can love the detestable skums that presently populate the ruling cabal of the PPP. If the AFC wins enough seats to force the PPP into a minority government they better prepare to strip Jagdeo of his perks, Ramotar's leaches from their cushy jobs and force a civilian commission to over see every contractual bids in the nation. I hope also the open an investigation into the rise of Pradoville I and II while the nations poor do not have roads
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by The Judge:
They have virtually taken over the AFC shutting out the Trotman clique completely. It is this grouping which caused the AFC to focus extensively on the Indo Guyanese section of the population neglecting those disenchanted PNC voters from 2006 in the process.

The hatred and anger is evident everytime they post, either through their correct names or the many handles they use on GNI.

It is this clique which caused the AFC to loose all the footing it gained in 2006 owing to their preoccupation with getting back at the PPP.

It is this grouping and their backers in the US and Canada which consists of disgruntled ex-PPP supporters who were unable to get what they saw as 'their' entitlement of the state's largess that will cause the AFC's embarrassment come November 28th. Trotman will rise again after this humiliation.........
Only leaches can love the detestable skums that presently populate the ruling cabal of the PPP. If the AFC wins enough seats to force the PPP into a minority government they better prepare to strip Jagdeo of his perks, Ramotar's leaches from their cushy jobs and force a civilian commission to over see every contractual bids in the nation. I hope also the open an investigation into the rise of Pradoville I and II while the nations poor do not have roads

I can assure you that will be done.
Originally posted by albert:
The ex-roar mites it seems has completed bloated out the Trotman Faction of the A.F.C...The trotman faction is now like straws of wheat among ex-roar mites thorns...

The house of Israel has now taken over the PPP and completed the ranks with Odinga, Kwame, young thugs i mean young taps.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by The Judge:
They have virtually taken over the AFC shutting out the Trotman clique completely. It is this grouping which caused the AFC to focus extensively on the Indo Guyanese section of the population neglecting those disenchanted PNC voters from 2006 in the process.


This is very true. They cant prove otehrwise when I pose this question. Their attendance in PNC strongholds is embarrassingly low. Thats is when they do hold meetings in those areas which is not often.

The AFC seems to have an increasingly Indo face.
Originally posted by TK_REDUX:

You know what. Guyana dont care about that.

Prove to Guyanese that the AFc is capable of performing well, even if they lose. And that it will do a better job of protecting Guyanese against the PPP dicttorship, if they lose whcih is 99% likely. They did very poorly at this between 2006-2010.
Originally posted by The Judge:
They have virtually taken over the AFC shutting out the Trotman clique completely. It is this grouping which caused the AFC to focus extensively on the Indo Guyanese section of the population neglecting those disenchanted PNC voters from 2006 in the process.

The hatred and anger is evident everytime they post, either through their correct names or the many handles they use on GNI.

It is this clique which caused the AFC to loose all the footing it gained in 2006 owing to their preoccupation with getting back at the PPP.

It is this grouping and their backers in the US and Canada which consists of disgruntled ex-PPP supporters who were unable to get what they saw as 'their' entitlement of the state's largess that will cause the AFC's embarrassment come November 28th. Trotman will rise again after this humiliation.........
Fact be acknowledged, he is on the ticket. Where is Naga et al of the PPP? The truth be told these have been kneecapped by the autocrats in the PPP
Originally posted by BGurd_See:

I get the sense that you are in a vulnerable spot, ready to ingest some PPP milk. hahahhahahha

No. I am ready to attend the funeral of Guyana as victory by a party that employs PNC thugs is definitely not one that you ought to be proud of. Joe Hamilton of the House of Israel. Do you know how many blacks and Indians he attacekd and probably injured, and in some instances probably killed?

But I shouldnt be surprised that a man like you who loved Burnham wouldnt be proud at the warm welcome that Jagde has given to the criminals who used to work for him.

A victory by the PPP doesnt show how good they are. It shows how pathetic the PNC and the AFC is.

But then i told the AFc this since last year and got called "PNC" for this. By a bunch of ROARites like TK, mitwah and a few others. So fiocused they were on Indos that they ignored others, and now at this late stage have completely lost what should have been their core vote.

But what else would I expect of ROARites?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:

I get the sense that you are in a vulnerable spot, ready to ingest some PPP milk. hahahhahahha

No. I am ready to attend the funeral of Guyana as victory by a party that employs PNC thugs is definitely not one that you ought to be proud of. Joe Hamilton of the House of Israel. Do you know how many blacks and Indians he attacekd and probably injured, and in some instances probably killed?

But I shouldnt be surprised that a man like you who loved Burnham wouldnt be proud at the warm welcome that Jagde has given to the criminals who used to work for him.

A victory by the PPP doesnt show how good they are. It shows how pathetic the PNC and the AFC is.

But then i told the AFc this since last year and got called "PNC" for this. By a bunch of ROARites like TK, mitwah and a few others. So fiocused they were on Indos that they ignored others, and now at this late stage have completely lost what should have been their core vote.

But what else would I expect of ROARites?

I have to agree with BG_S, you seem ripe for the PPP picking.
Originally posted by baseman:
I have to agree with BG_S, you seem ripe for the PPP picking.

why did the PPP attract more people in Kitty than did the AFC? This is a majority afro and mixed place and the Indos there are not insecure about blacks as they have lived among them for generations.

Yet they dont seem interested in the AFC. Why?
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
I have to agree with BG_S, you seem ripe for the PPP picking.

why did the PPP attract more people in Kitty than did the AFC? This is a majority afro and mixed place and the Indos there are not insecure about blacks as they have lived among them for generations.

Yet they dont seem interested in the AFC. Why?

I can answer for Baseman, the PPP has brought prosperity to Georgetown in the past 4 years. Land prices are through the roof. Just a week ago a house lot with a shack in Vlissengen road sold for in excess of 100K US. At the height of the US housing market similar lots here was selling for 250K. Whether it is from the expats buying up land or other wise, the end result is prosperity all around. hahahhahahah
Originally posted by BGurd_See:

I can answer for Baseman,

No you cant. In a neighborhood where more than 60% of the population is black only about 10% of the crowd was.

The AFC bores people and the PPP bores them as well...they do a little better because they have milk on offer you for black thugs like Lumumba, Kwame, McLean, Greene, Joe Hamilton. You know all of those who terrorised Guyana under Burnham, and now do so again.

Yes Guyana is like the US. That bubble will pop just as it did in the USA. How sustainable is $US 100K in a country where the average salaried person makes less than US$300/month?
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by baseman:
I have to agree with BG_S, you seem ripe for the PPP picking.

why did the PPP attract more people in Kitty than did the AFC? This is a majority afro and mixed place and the Indos there are not insecure about blacks as they have lived among them for generations.

Yet they dont seem interested in the AFC. Why?

I can answer for Baseman, the PPP has brought prosperity to Georgetown in the past 4 years. Land prices are through the roof. Just a week ago a house lot with a shack in Vlissengen road sold for in excess of 100K US. At the height of the US housing market similar lots here was selling for 250K. Whether it is from the expats buying up land or other wise, the end result is prosperity all around. hahahhahahah

Banna, sometimes you mek mi haan fall. This kid=nd of comment is where we part company. I agree with you but what they hell that does for the average working man, the pensioner. Gte this BG_S, I had an old pensioner relative, baseman and fam had to intervene so he dont get thrown out on the strets. Prices drove up rents, he down-graded several times to almost a chicken coop and then that was out of range.

The PPP dropped the ball on the small man and left him out in the cold. This is stil the case my man. But I do agree, things do look better than under the PNC. The PPP should have rules on expat and foreign ownership to ensure balanced development. I saw the Govt of India ensured this was done or Dharavi would have tripled in size by now. BG_S, baseman is on the right of politics and seeks to defend the poor against the communist PPP's unbridled quest for wealth.

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