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Those criticisms by diplomats against Govt … Ramotar’s Presidency will be remembered forever

… for inflicting the greatest damage on democracy - Williams


January 17, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Shadow Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams, yesterday examined a number of criticisms by top officials of the diplomatic community regarding Ramotar’s Presidency and how divorced it seems from democracy.

Williams concluded that those statements of condemnation are an apt reflection of how the international community views the “frail” integrity of President Donald Ramotar.


APNU’s Shadow Minister of Legal Affairs and Labour

APNU’s Shadow Minister

of Legal Affairs and Labour

The Shadow Minister of Labour made these and other assertions, at the coalition’s press conference at Office of the Leader of the Opposition on Hadfield Street.

Williams said that APNU supports the international criticism of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration over its damage to parliamentary and local democracy.

He said that Ramotar has failed to conduct local government elections and failed to recall the National Assembly after he prorogued Parliament on November 10, 2014.

Identifying a few of the criticisms leveled against the government by the diplomatic community since 2013. Williams said that on January 9, 2013, the Ambassadors and High Commissioners of the USA, United Kingdom, Canada and the European Union stated, jointly, “Given the important and pressing need for effective local governance, we believe that 2013 should be a watershed moment for the people of Guyana – the year they can once again democratically elect their local government…the institutions and practice of local governance have withered on the vine.”

The second he referred to was from several foreign missions and local non-governmental organizations on March 6, 2014.

In the joint statement, they expressed their collective hope that local government elections would be held by August 1, 2014. That statement was signed by the British High Commission; High Commission of Canada; Embassy of the United States of America and the Berbice Chamber of Commerce.

It was also signed by the Consultative Association of Guyanese Industry; Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Guyana Association of Women Lawyers; Guyana Bar Association; Guyana Manufacturing and Service Association; Guyana Trades Union Congress; Justice Institute; Private Sector Commission and Transparency Institute Guyana Inc.

The APNU Shadow Minister then referred to statements made on November 11, last by Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), Jose Miguel Insulza.

Insulza had taken note of Proclamation No. 1 of 2014, dated November 10, 2014, in which President Donald Ramotar prorogued the Tenth Parliament of Guyana with immediate effect for a maximum period of six months.

The Secretary General said, “In a democracy, an efficient functioning of the Parliament allows for checks and balances and for the voice of the people to be heard.” He expressed the hope that, “…parliamentary debate could be resumed in the 10th Parliament in the shortest possible period of time.”

Williams then reminded of relatively recent comments made on January 8, by the UK’s Foreign Office Minister, Tobias Ellwood.

Ellwood noted,  “The UK Government views with concern the continued prorogation of Parliament by His Excellency President Ramotar and calls for its earliest possible resumption. Parliament is required by Guyana’s Constitution and the Commonwealth Charter; it provides the necessary checks and balances and enables citizens’ voices to be heard.

“The suspension of Parliament therefore means that an essential element of a functioning democracy has been put on hold.

“We also continue to have concerns that there have been no local elections for over 20 years, which is also contrary to the democratic principles of the Commonwealth Charter and Guyana’s own Constitution.

“The UK calls on all stakeholders to seek solutions to the political and socio-economic challenges facing Guyana so that the country can develop in a fair, democratic and equitable way.”

Soon after, the nation heard comments from the United Kingdom High Commissioner to Guyana, Andrew Ayre, who warned that Guyana was on a “dangerous path” and that the country could be referred to a Commonwealth body which deals with serious violators of democratic principles.

He warned, also, that UK’s assistance to Guyana could be affected if the suspension of Parliament by President Donald Ramotar is not lifted.
“Guyana is moving into a category of concern for the Commonwealth.” The government’s scathing remarks followed Ayre’s criticisms but the Member of Parliament lauded the Commissioner for his candor.

It is clear that Ramotar will be remembered forever as the President who inflicted the greatest damage on parliamentary and local democracy, Williams said.

“The President has violated the spirit of the Constitution of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana which states, that Local government is a vital aspect of democracy and shall be organized so as to involve as many people as possible in the task of managing and developing the communities in which they live. The President’s prorogation of parliament, effectively prevented the functioning of the National Assembly which has not met for over six months,” the Shadow Minister added.

He said, too, that it is not an isolated matter. From the advent of the 10th Parliament, the President and his Parliamentarians showed great revulsion to it and refused to recognize its independence.

APNU Parliamentarian James Bond added that the precedence set by the current administration in the Parliament and the injury incurred, cannot be allowed to go unchecked and untreated.

He said that democracy is the right of every Guyanese and a right which many have struggled for.

Bond said that for that right to be trampled upon and then to be met with number of excuses and even further abuses, indeed warrants a strong message from the electorate to the current administration.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Williams said that APNU supports the international criticism of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Administration over its damage to parliamentary and local democracy.

He said that Ramotar has failed to conduct local government elections and failed to recall the National Assembly after he prorogued Parliament on November 10, 2014.



Those criticisms by diplomats against Govt … Ramotar’s Presidency will be remembered forever, … for inflicting the greatest damage on democracy - Williams, January 17, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News

Parliament is prorogued for a period up to six months, as clearly indicated in the Constitution.


Is the "learned" parliamentarian unaware of the pertinent elements of the Constitution that by the proclamation, the National Assembly becomes nonfunctional.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

spamming the board?

Specific rules of GNI or simply your personal views?

Stop asking dotish question and take the man advise - change yuh diaper and go for a walk....

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

spamming the board?

Specific rules of GNI or simply your personal views?

Stop asking dotish question and take the man advise - change yuh diaper and go for a walk....

Whea de man gun go, he city cold and he lef all he winta clothes in Guyana.


D_G, it would be nice if you write personal longer sentences every week or so. 

Do it like a technical manual for people in Guyana with limited knowledge.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

you need to step away from the computer and get some exersize

He  is now reported missing.

The murderator has power. Amral give him lots of padlocks.  


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