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Former Member

Those fired should be given due process

Dear Editor,

Several people told me they were happy to see Khurshid Sattaur go as head of GRA and several others who were terminated because of the way they ill-treated people. But Sattaur was not given due process according to law when he was terminated. The Government violated the law and those fired should seek legal address. They were replaced by APNU/AFC supporters.

Sattaur, like several others appointed by the PPP Government, rubbed too many people wrong, including this writer, and disrespected them. They were very arrogant as Bharrat Jagdeo stated recently costing the Party the government. Sattaur and others did not serve people with humility the way Jagan or a Vishnu Bisram would. But regardless of how Sattaur and others ill-treated people or how arrogant they were, they deserve due process, a fair fairing before termination from their job.

Government cannot fire people at will and replace them with party hawks.

I hold no brief for Sattaur or others who have been terminated. With regard to Sattaur, I never had reason for much interaction with him, but the two occasions I went to see him at his office, he was not helpful. On the latter occasion, he was outright disrespectful and as such, I should be pleased to see him fired. But I am a person of fair play and justice. He was wrongly terminated.

My visits to Sattaur’s office related to requests for granting customs waivers of small shipments of items I sent to non-profit organisations that were held up at the wharf for excessive duties. The non-profit charities were entitled to duty-free goods. I needed Sattaur to use his influence to speed up the process because I had to return to New York and the charities needed the gifts to hand out to orphanages and senior centres caring for the disabled. On the first request, he gave a flat no, but I succeeded in obtaining the approval in a roundabout way using contacts. In the second visit, he told his secretary for us (accompanied by Vishnu Bandhu, President of Arya Samaj) to make an appointment to see him. I explained the urgency of the matter. But Sattaur won’t budge because he does not have walk-in appointments. I agreed to make an appointment since I needed to clear the goods to distribute to the poor, disabled and less fortunate. But when Sattaur’s secretary told me the next available date was some two weeks later, I shook my head in disbelief. While we were chatting with the secretary, Sattaur walked out of his office, and he did not have the courtesy to say hello to Bandhu (whom Sattaur knows) or myself (whom he would not have known personally but would have been familiar with my name from my extensive writings). Bandhu had choice words to describe Sattaur. Sattaur’s behaviour, as well as that of others exposed by Jagdeo, revealed the kind of crude characters they were – arrogant – perhaps cut down to size now that they have been rendered “a nobody” by APNU/AFC. Thus, one can understand why many people don’t have sympathy for the likes of a Sattaur. As several people told me, Sattaur and the others behaved like they were on top of the world. People like them had/have no humility for those at the bottom of society, and it was their arrogance (that

President Jagdeo condemned) that brought about the defeat of the Party and the loss of their jobs (and all the perks and privileges that come with titles). What harm would have been done in Sattaur extending a courtesy greeting or a handshake as people like myself would offer to others? It was people like Bandhu and myself who fought for the restoration of democracy that gave Sattaur his job. But, as PPP supporters said, Sattaur was like a little king running his own fiefdom, and he couldn’t care less about the subjects he ruled as he and others never thought they would lose power. (As an aside, Bandhu and I were able to get the charitable goods out of customs before I departed the country and distributed to the needy who were very appreciative of the handouts). Nevertheless, Sattaur’s arrogant treatment of people (taxpayers) and the arrogant temperament of others who were in authority should not be reason to cheer their removal from office. I hold no bad blood for anyone, not even Freddie Kissoon who told so many lies on me, Ravi Dev, Baytoram Ramharack, etc. But Sattaur and others deserve due process.

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society. It comes across as politically motivated and worst, as ethnic victimisation. It also brings back memories to how people, perceived to be affiliated with the PPP, during the 1960s, were fired by the PNC (now APNU) regime when it was installed into office in December 1964. During that period, historians would recall another Sattaur was also dismissed (from the security forces) and the history of what followed is well known – not good for the nation. Is this an omen of what is to come?


Yours truly,

Vishnu Bisram

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.



So the chattering class as described by Ramjattan at work again.  Here we are debating the situation of that PPP fool Kushit Sattaur.  He should have been put under house arrest until the investigation is completed at GRA.

The man collected some $24 million in payoff when he ceased being a public servant and then the very next day came on as a contract wuker at US$10,000 per month TAX FREE.

Now every contract has a termination clause or expiry date unless it is a sweet heart deal.  Kushit contract was terminated and he was paid 3 months severance as compensation for early termination of the contract, so this loose and loud mouth Kushit get nuff money because of all that has happened to him.

But nah he is way past retirement and he still want serve because of the runnings and perks and six vehicles and six jobs for he children and family.

Time up Kushit, you suck on someone else's PRICK.

skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


KishanB posted:

So the chattering class as described by Ramjattan at work again.  Here we are debating the situation of that PPP fool Kushit Sattaur.  He should have been put under house arrest until the investigation is completed at GRA.

The man collected some $24 million in payoff when he ceased being a public servant and then the very next day came on as a contract wuker at US$10,000 per month TAX FREE.

Now every contract has a termination clause or expiry date unless it is a sweet heart deal.  Kushit contract was terminated and he was paid 3 months severance as compensation for early termination of the contract, so this loose and loud mouth Kushit get nuff money because of all that has happened to him.

But nah he is way past retirement and he still want serve because of the runnings and perks and six vehicles and six jobs for he children and family.

Time up Kushit, you suck on someone else's PRICK.

You jealous he is not sucking on your prick? We might be able to accommodate your desires.

skeldon_man posted:
KishanB posted:

So the chattering class as described by Ramjattan at work again.  Here we are debating the situation of that PPP fool Kushit Sattaur.  He should have been put under house arrest until the investigation is completed at GRA.

The man collected some $24 million in payoff when he ceased being a public servant and then the very next day came on as a contract wuker at US$10,000 per month TAX FREE.

Now every contract has a termination clause or expiry date unless it is a sweet heart deal.  Kushit contract was terminated and he was paid 3 months severance as compensation for early termination of the contract, so this loose and loud mouth Kushit get nuff money because of all that has happened to him.

But nah he is way past retirement and he still want serve because of the runnings and perks and six vehicles and six jobs for he children and family.

Time up Kushit, you suck on someone else's PRICK.

You jealous he is not sucking on your prick? We might be able to accommodate your desires.

@Skelly -  LOL.  

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

As I always say, you argue like a cow. If this fellow did wrong he should be fired. Whomever did wrong under the PNC era ought to be judged on their own. This fellow's behavior is in question.


GRA Chairman appointed to key Foreign Affairs Economic post

Mr. Lucas who has previously served the Foreign Ministry in senior positions, said his new role will see him being responsible for all matters that the Ministry handles with regards to global co-operation.

GRA Chairman appointed to key Foreign Affairs Economic post

Chairman of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) Board, Economist, Rawle Lucas has been appointed the Executive Director for Global Economic Co-operation, Trade and Investment within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He confirmed the new appointment on Wednesday during a telephone interview with News Source.

Mr. Lucas who has previously served the Foreign Ministry in senior positions,  said his new role will see him being responsible for all matters that the Ministry handles with regards to global co-operation.

He said his focus will also be on addressing Guyana’s stance on emerging issues such as anti money laundering and terrorism financing, corruption and the environment along with existing trade and investment issues.

“It is a large portfolio that deals with issues that have been appearing on the global agenda,” Lucas said.

He noted also that he will be based in Georgetown and his appointment comes through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He will continue to serve as the Chairman of GRA.

It is expected that he will be engaged in negotiations for the various subject ministries on the international scene. A policy framework and work program will be developed in coming days.

Lucas worked for several years within Guyana’s Foreign Ministry. (Kurt Campbell)

Bibi Haniffa
gogo posted:

Sattaur was not fired, his contract was terminated, he was a retiree, come clean Vishnu.

Was their a written contract with a termination clause in it between  Sattaur and the GOG? If so, what was the content of such a provision?

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

As I always say, you argue like a cow. If this fellow did wrong he should be fired. Whomever did wrong under the PNC era ought to be judged on their own. This fellow's behavior is in question.

And you think like a regular buckman. You ever hear people say "you ah wuk like wan buckman"? Ponder the thought. Your PNC negroes can do no wrong, even if they murder innocent coolies.

Most human beings came out from an organ closest to the ass(battie), you sound as if you came out of the ass.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

They don't know how to thief and cover tracks,Indoes are master of the art that like putting a cat to watch milk,when caught they say i earn it.

Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

They don't know how to thief and cover tracks,Indoes are master of the art that like putting a cat to watch milk,when caught they say i earn it.

Oh really!!!  How come dem can't find Burnham millions yet in dem Swiss bank accounts?  When PNC thief dem a spend out all the next day and so that is how dem a get ketch. 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

They don't know how to thief and cover tracks,Indoes are master of the art that like putting acat to watch milk,when caught they say i earn it.

Oh really!!!  How come dem can't find Burnham millions yet in dem Swiss bank accounts?  When PNC thief dem a spend out all the next day and so that is how dem a get ketch. 

The blacks stole so much during the PNC days. They were like the cat that drank all the milk before anyone discovered that the milk is all gone. Remember "THE TREASURY IS EMPTY..NO MORE MONEY?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:

that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

They don't know how to thief and cover tracks,Indoes are master of the art that like putting a cat to watch milk,when caught they say i earn it.

Oh really!!!  How come dem can't find Burnham millions yet in demSwiss bank accounts?  When PNC thief dem a spend out all the next day and so that is how dem a get ketch. 

That was proven not to be true.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

As I always say, you argue like a cow. If this fellow did wrong he should be fired. Whomever did wrong under the PNC era ought to be judged on their own. This fellow's behavior is in question.

And you think like a regular buckman. You ever hear people say "you ah wuk like wan buckman"? Ponder the thought. Your PNC negroes can do no wrong, even if they murder innocent coolies.

Most human beings came out from an organ closest to the ass(battie), you sound as if you came out of the ass.

That is coming from one stuck in dalitdom needing a crutch of recasting to arrive at status.  I have heard lots of things and all from bigoted idiots like you who are still in your out caste status and has failed the measure of intellect that is the basic need to lift yourself out of that trap. Your imagery, use of the kings english and gutter appeal means you still have not moved.

The question at hand is whether this fellow was unfairly treated by the administration. The answer is no. He misused his office. He used it nepotistically to hire four of his children and a cousin. He also failed in his charge to protect citizens tax data. He needed to be fired.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Stormy sees Guyanese Indians as Dalits???  Hmmm!  Guyanese Indians do not support caste or caste discrimination.  How about tribalism in Africa where people are slaughtered?

All indentured are dalits. We are so because as Ghandi stated opprssed not outcaste. To get out of that oppressed state all that is supposed to be necessary is information as the fuel for progress. Many take it and move from the status of oppressed to success.

However, some like the success but remember the status class afforded the  Bahamians. They mentally then recast themselves and look for their scapegoat Sudra. Being aware of the onerous terms used to injure, humiliate and to denigrate they re apply those on their new Sudra.

Those are the People I call dalits. Being oppressed is all they know. Unfortunately, the people they need as their sudras are the wrong candidates.  We are Blacks Amerindians and our blended siblings and will not bend the knees and humble ourselves however much these dalits I speak of may want us to. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

How old is Sattaur?  What is the difference between contract terminated and getting fired in Guyana?

Well I always know u was stupid no wonder u help destroy guyana

Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

As I always say, you argue like a cow. If this fellow did wrong he should be fired. Whomever did wrong under the PNC era ought to be judged on their own. This fellow's behavior is in question.

And you think like a regular buckman. You ever hear people say "you ah wuk like wan buckman"? Ponder the thought. Your PNC negroes can do no wrong, even if they murder innocent coolies.

Most human beings came out from an organ closest to the ass(battie), you sound as if you came out of the ass.

That is coming from one stuck in dalitdom needing a crutch of recasting to arrive at status.  I have heard lots of things and all from bigoted idiots like you who are still in your out caste status and has failed the measure of intellect that is the basic need to lift yourself out of that trap. Your imagery, use of the kings english and gutter appeal means you still have not moved.

The question at hand is whether this fellow was unfairly treated by the administration. The answer is no. He misused his office. He used it nepotistically to hire four of his children and a cousin. He also failed in his charge to protect citizens tax data. He needed to be fired.

More cassava bread and piwari. You know how write pure hogwash to get attention. The neurosis must be kicking in.

skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Stormborn posted:
skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


that fellow released tax payer's information to political agents to be used for political campaign of debasement. He used the tax office to persecute detractors of the administration ie Freddi. He should be fired and prosecuted


Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

As I always say, you argue like a cow. If this fellow did wrong he should be fired. Whomever did wrong under the PNC era ought to be judged on their own. This fellow's behavior is in question.

And you think like a regular buckman. You ever hear people say "you ah wuk like wan buckman"? Ponder the thought. Your PNC negroes can do no wrong, even if they murder innocent coolies.

Most human beings came out from an organ closest to the ass(battie), you sound as if you came out of the ass.

That is coming from one stuck in dalitdom needing a crutch of recasting to arrive at status.  I have heard lots of things and all from bigoted idiots like you who are still in your out caste status and has failed the measure of intellect that is the basic need to lift yourself out of that trap. Your imagery, use of the kings english and gutter appeal means you still have not moved.

The question at hand is whether this fellow was unfairly treated by the administration. The answer is no. He misused his office. He used it nepotistically to hire four of his children and a cousin. He also failed in his charge to protect citizens tax data. He needed to be fired.

More cassava bread and piwari. You know how write pure hogwash to get attention. The neurosis must be kicking in.

What would that attention do for a nym dummy? I am writing to address you moronic racist rituals.  Neurosis is easy if indeed I was dealing with that. You on the other hand is mentally crippled by racism and that is what we call full blown psychosis.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

The manner in which Sattaur and others were fired is unacceptable in a democratic society.

Bibi, Guyana is a dictatorship. No due process is required or given.  PNC supporters cried for due process when the PPP was in charge. Now that THEY are in charge, "abie ah do wah abie want". What can the people do when they have AK47s pointing at their heads by the GDF and they are being robbed by the PNC supporters. They have to GRIN AND BEAR.


Now what about when the PPP came in and fired all of those PNC people.

Let us see what a hypocrite you are while you scream that it is OK for the PPP to ethnically cleanse, but wrong when PPP supporters get ethnically cleansed.

skeldon_man posted:

Oh my! PNC appointed people never did anything shady or wrong. Continue to be the ostrich.

Well the PPP got rid of them.  So why can't APNU/AFC do the same when these people engaged in arrogant and illegal behavior.

Even Jagdeo admitted that many of the PPP frauds were arrogant, and that this is why the PPP LOST!

Chameli posted:

How many people who were "SUSPENDED" for investigation have been reinstated?  What division?

Is there a list of who were 'suspended'?

Please furnish a list of suspended people who were performing their tasks well, and whose agencies were high performers.

Given that the answer is NONE, well then the new management have a right to install their own.

skeldon_man posted:

The blacks stole so much during the PNC days. They were like the cat that drank all the milk before anyone discovered that the milk is all gone. Remember "THE TREASURY IS EMPTY..NO MORE MONEY?

And the PPP GOT RID OF THEM? So why your squeals now that equally corrupt and incompetent PPP officials have been dumped.

I have not heard ONE person being listed as highly competent and running a high performing agency.

All I am hearing is that they are Indians, so shouldn't be fired.  When the APNU fires blacks NOT ONE SQUEAK from you all.  Not that I care because the notion that the Indo supremacist PPP viewed them as anything other than window dressing doesn't seem to have dawned on these black stooges!


Somebody Please Check the Sanity of Stormy.  He is obsessed with Dalit. Even the revolutionary Naxalites dont hold such extreme views as such. it's highly exxagerrated to boost and justify his hatred for another group.

It's bigotry from a pretender

Billy Ram Balgobin

It is quite normal for a new administration to clean house when they take over. In the US this is done by literally every new administration, the leadership of key organizations are replaced and those new leaders in turn replace mid level managers with people they feel more comfortable working with. This cry of ethnic cleansing in govt is irrational, the PNC supporters are 99.999% blacks so naturally they will replace the Indians appointed by the PPP.  What we can complain about is the rank and file Indians being replaced by Blacks, but then again the rank and file were already .99.999% Blacks during PPP time. 


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