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Following remarks made by AFC Parliamentarian Cathy Hughes for Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to allow his “ethics” to guide him to resign, the Minister said that Hughes would need to have high moral grounds before she can ask him to resign.

“For you to make a call like that, you have to have very strong moral grounds to do that and I don’t think that individual has very strong moral grounds to do that especially when you take into consideration the issue that has been swirling around them in respect of Sithe Global…there’s an old saying that people in glass houses should not throw stones,” Rohee told a media conference.

The Minister was referring to the fact that Cathy Hughes was the Public Relations Officer for the company – Sithe Global – which was the main investor in the controversial Amaila Falls Hydro Project.

Given the recent upsurge in crime, Hughes renewed the AFC call for Rohee to resign from his post and to hand over the mantle to someone else.

She said, “It comes down to ethics, it comes down to the fact if you’re not performing then only you to your heart should know that you’re not performing and based on your own personal integrity should be saying I can’t do better and in the interest of not letting more people suffer, let me step aside.”kathy huges

Meanwhile, Rohee reiterated at his news conference on Wednesday that he has no intention of resigning. When asked if he is burdened, given his new post as General Secretary of the PPP, he said, “I have so arranged my life and I have so arranged my time to ensure that neither side is shortchanged.”

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He should resign his ministerial appointment. He is now the leader of the party and needs to be in a light that has no controversies. His should be more concerned about the supporters/elections rather than being a beuracrat.


Both the Hughes must be the stupidest crooks in the world, they support a party which voted against their interest. But somehow they got drunkie cockeye Rumjattan to see things their way to finally support the Amelia falls project, but by then it was too late. Now cockeye battie biting him as his supporters fleeing the party in droves. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Both the Hughes must be the stupidest crooks in the world, they support a party which voted against their interest. But somehow they got drunkie cockeye Rumjattan to see things their way to finally support the Amelia falls project, but by then it was too late. Now cockeye battie biting him as his supporters fleeing the party in droves. 

Dankey braying.


Cathy and Consultancy:
It is now public knowledge that Ms. Cathy Hughes, an Executive Member and Member of Parliament for the Alliance For Change, owns a Public Relations company. This company was retained by the Sithe Global Group to do public relations work when the Amaila Falls Hydro-project received its first bout of criticisms. The chief critic again was her party, the Alliance For Change.          


I disclosed this conflict of interest situation publicly on two occasions. Both times, I received letters from Mr. Nigel Hughes, her husband, Chairman of the A.F.C. and Company Secretary for Amaila Hydroelectric Project Inc. (AHEPI) demanding a retraction. I ignored both. It is obvious that the rank incest which contaminates these associations is oblivious to the AFC.


Glasshouses are normally surrounded by big gardens and lawns where there are no stones and around which there are high fences.

Very difficult to hit with a stone unless you have drone technology.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
Following remarks made by AFC Parliamentarian Cathy Hughes for Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to allow his “ethics” to guide him to resign, the Minister said that Hughes would need to have high moral ..

What the hell is the moral infraction the PPP and now Rohee is yapping about? Could he speak to Ramotar squatting on OMAI?  The Hydo deal had to be illegal if these folks were doing  something wrong.

I wonder why the PPP has not seen fit to formalize ethical systems that places firewalls between officials and companies doing business with the government. If such was in place Jagdeo would not be getting 29 tons of swag from ed the talking horse for example or Brazzington could not act as the seller and a representative of the buyer ( his brother) for our national asset.

As I said the PPP are speaking of houses of glass when the problem is the emperor having no clothes! Let these bastards get of their asses and do the right thing for a change and put in place necessary protections for the nation.

The Hughes has already entangled in corruption and rely on lying to the public to be seen as clean. They both need to resign immediately and spare their supporters any further embarrassment.

Originally Posted by seignet:

He should resign his ministerial appointment. He is now the leader of the party and needs to be in a light that has no controversies. His should be more concerned about the supporters/elections rather than being a beuracrat.

The late Cheddi B. Jagan, Forbes Burnham, Desmond Hoyte, were leaders of their political parties and also Presidents, Prime Ministers and Ministers of the governments.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Both the Hughes must be the stupidest crooks in the world, they support a party which voted against their interest. But somehow they got drunkie cockeye Rumjattan to see things their way to finally support the Amelia falls project, but by then it was too late. Now cockeye battie biting him as his supporters fleeing the party in droves. 

Next election will show the number of supporters for the AFC.


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