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Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Vish M posted:

Here it seems that the majority is not good enough.

They have every right to protest

They should move to Wall Street


The people have spoken. Majority or not, it's the type of democracy that we live in. It's a waste of time to protest, nothing is going to change now.

You are here because someone protested jim crow. Those people are out there indicating they will not put up with trumpeting ie abolishing the clean water act, keystone pipeline, etc. The mid term is only a two years ago and there will be a chance to pick up members in both the house and senate and I am sure there are little huddles in democratic quarters to formulate lists of who they will target. The numbers of democrats there are sufficient to stop any excessive overtures. It needs sixty votes to pass a measure. There are also enough dissenting republicans to help.

We will get Keystone, Obamacare will be gone, Taxes will be lowered, repatriation taxes lowered.

Trump is not the arrogant Obama to caused his mid-term shalackin.  He is a pragmatist and knows how to work with team.  Trump will give poor Blacks and poor Whites something to hang their hopes to and the Democrats will take a big gamble scuttling that!!

RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:
FC posted:

It is warning to Trump.  Bigotry and racism will not be tolerated.

Warning to Trump....hehehe.  Trump shivering!

Most of those protesting are those on welfare like D2, they are worried about their welfare cheques. President will make these liberal welfare bums work for once in their lives.

They need to understand the value of hard work. The Community Organizer is gone, booted out by the American people.

For your's only a 8 year term...but, I am not surprised at your lack of knowledge, it's a trademark of Trump supporters

Trademark my A**.

The community organizer and his wife FAILED as they ran around the country appealing to Americans to vote for another community organizer.

Guess what ? The Americans told them to buzz off, they no longer need a welfare state and community organizers to run America. A new Sheriff is in town.

We see bunch of welfare bums protesting across the country. They are worried about their welfare cheques.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:
RiffRaff posted:

Hey Yall PPP losers...this aint's AMERICA!

People free to's enshrined in the constitution...maybe I can have Mr. Khan send you guys copies

How correct you ARE, thank you Sir for your honesty:Guyana is a DICTATORSHIP , It is a dumb, violent, Stalin like Regime.  You got it really RIGHT this time Ray. Thanks again. I call on all Guyanese to tell it as it is like Ray does.  HIP HIP HOORAY for Ray.

You better hope it's not Stalin like...or else, PPP will be gone forever,  they and their supporters all locked up

yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
ba$eman posted:
FC posted:

It is warning to Trump.  Bigotry and racism will not be tolerated.

Warning to Trump....hehehe.  Trump shivering!

Most of those protesting are those on welfare like D2, they are worried about their welfare cheques. President will make these liberal welfare bums work for once in their lives.

They need to understand the value of hard work. The Community Organizer is gone, booted out by the American people.

For your's only a 8 year term...but, I am not surprised at your lack of knowledge, it's a trademark of Trump supporters

Trademark my A**.

The community organizer and his wife FAILED as the ran around the country appealing to Americans to vote for another community organizer.

Guess what ? The Americans told them to buzz off, they no longer need a welfare state and community organizers to run America.

Let's see how the Orange Orangutan do

RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:

For your's only a 8 year term...but, I am not surprised at your lack of knowledge, it's a trademark of Trump supporters

Trademark my A**.

The community organizer and his wife FAILED as the ran around the country appealing to Americans to vote for another community organizer.

Guess what ? The Americans told them to buzz off, they no longer need a welfare state and community organizers to run America.

Let's see how the Orange Orangutan do

Hey hey hey, Orange is the new Black!!

Now, what if I say the Black Orangutan is out, the Orange Orangutan takes over!   You will call me racist, right!!

alena06 posted:

There are protests in California and Chicago too. 



Girl, relax, you too smart of hang your hat on these protestors.  These are Bernie's Socialists who and pissed that the US of Socialist America have been derailed.  They are pissed that Hillary was the candidate and she lost.  They felt Bernie would have done better.  They should protest the corrupt DNC and crooks like Wasserman-Shulz and Donna Brazile and the rest of Hillary's crookish club!!  Trump thumped them all!!

FC posted:

Not in recent memory has there been such a welcome for an incoming president.  Thousands are protesting across the country, California wants to secede and people want to flee to Canada.  

 Welcome  to fractured country.  You are well loved and respected.

And what will the protest achieve?  In fact do the protestors even have a goal?

They cannot cancel the election.  They cannot prevent Trump from being the president.

So what is their goal?

These cry baby millennials need to understand that being an adult isn't about having a childish tantrum and having adults run to pacify them. Its is about defining the problem, and developing strategies to achieve a goal.

So why aren't they identifying as a goal that the Dems should take back the Senate, and maybe even the House. Why don't they identify which senators will be running in 2018.  Developing a plan to defeat the GOP senators, especially those in swing areas, or places where many Dems exist.  Why don't they ensure that the Dems up for election win?

THAT makes more sense than a childish melt down in the streets.

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:
yuji22 posted:
RiffRaff posted:

For your's only a 8 year term...but, I am not surprised at your lack of knowledge, it's a trademark of Trump supporters

Trademark my A**.

The community organizer and his wife FAILED as the ran around the country appealing to Americans to vote for another community organizer.

Guess what ? The Americans told them to buzz off, they no longer need a welfare state and community organizers to run America.

Let's see how the Orange Orangutan do

Hey hey hey, Orange is the new Black!!

Now, what if I say the Black Orangutan is out, the Orange Orangutan takes over!   You will call me racist, right!!

Blacks refer to people of African descent, and sometimes dark skinned South Asians, too.  Your hero Jagdeo, a man who has intense hatred for blacks, admits that in the USA at least, he is "black".

Orange refers to orangutans and Trump.  Nothing wrong with ridiculing these specimens, unless you think that it is wrong to insult primates.

yuji22 posted:

The community organizer and his wife FAILED as they ran around the country appealing to Americans to vote for another community organizer.


Last time Obama won he won by an electoral college landslide.

I guess you think that Bush was a success. In 8 years a net increase of not even 1.5 million jobs, compared to Obama with 10 million.

Hillary couldn't deliver but that had nothing to do with Obama.

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Vish M posted:

Here it seems that the majority is not good enough.

They have every right to protest

They should move to Wall Street


The people have spoken. Majority or not, it's the type of democracy that we live in. It's a waste of time to protest, nothing is going to change now.

You are here because someone protested jim crow. Those people are out there indicating they will not put up with trumpeting ie abolishing the clean water act, keystone pipeline, etc. The mid term is only a two years ago and there will be a chance to pick up members in both the house and senate and I am sure there are little huddles in democratic quarters to formulate lists of who they will target. The numbers of democrats there are sufficient to stop any excessive overtures. It needs sixty votes to pass a measure. There are also enough dissenting republicans to help.

We will get Keystone, Obamacare will be gone, Taxes will be lowered, repatriation taxes lowered.

Trump is not the arrogant Obama to caused his mid-term shalackin.  He is a pragmatist and knows how to work with team.  Trump will give poor Blacks and poor Whites something to hang their hopes to and the Democrats will take a big gamble scuttling that!!

He is a totally thinskinned narcissist and can be easily goaded into anything that is why he is dangerous. He will take a shellacking in the mid term. Most of what he wants will not be achieved. The senate may not be all democrats but he has enough republican enemies who are liberal enough to put a wedge in some of his rollbacks. He is not getting planned parenthood rolled back or repeal of Roe V Wade. That will bring people out into the street and antagonize women and his advisors will not go there. He is not building any wall because no one has the money for it and Mexico is not paying for it. Rolling back the Clean water act will also be met with protests. Stop and frisk....not coming. Nothing will be spent in black neighborhoods. He will not get a bigger military. He will just get a sleeker one with new planes and drones and much of that is on the way already. We do not need any more carriers. He will also not get a deportment force or even money to spend in black neighbor hood so all his promises are for naught. He need better plans.

Last edited by Former Member
ba$eman posted:
alena06 posted:

There are protests in California and Chicago too. 



Girl, relax, you too smart of hang your hat on these protestors.  These are Bernie's Socialists who and pissed that the US of Socialist America have been derailed.  They are pissed that Hillary was the candidate and she lost.  They felt Bernie would have done better.  They should protest the corrupt DNC and crooks like Wasserman-Shulz and Donna Brazile and the rest of Hillary's crookish club!!  Trump thumped them all!!

Those people are generation z and together with millennials they constitute the emerging majority that shores up the liberal left.

What did Wassermann do? Brazile also did nothing wrong except as you would want to frame it.

Danyael posted:

He is a totally thinskinned narcissist and can be easily goaded into anything

And despite his glaring vulnerabilities, and the fact that the man is an embarrassment, and total unsuitable Trump not only kept his GOP base but broke through into states like MI and PA which haven't gone GOP since the 80s. 

In fact the last time that the GOP won WI before this week was in 1984!

So quit blaming the world and admit that Hillary was weak and her campaign team failed at getting the Democratic base to show up!   I would shudder to think that if Rubio or Kasich were the candidates and not Trump what would have happened.

Even NJ, a hard core blue state, went only 55% to Hillary, with NY going only 59%.

Danyael posted:

Those people are generation z and together with millennials they constitute the emerging majority that shores up the liberal left.


These groups together now outnumber the baby boomers. So why didn't that help Hillary.  The younger Gen X cohort isn't that different from the older millennials, yet that didn't help either.

The notion that you partisans have that the Democrats own particular groups is what made Hillary lose. Many of these millennials didn't even bother to vote on Tuesday!

caribny posted:
Danyael posted:

Those people are generation z and together with millennials they constitute the emerging majority that shores up the liberal left.


These groups together now outnumber the baby boomers. So why didn't that help Hillary.  The younger Gen X cohort isn't that different from the older millennials, yet that didn't help either.

The notion that you partisans have that the Democrats own particular groups is what made Hillary lose. Many of these millennials didn't even bother to vote on Tuesday!

you do not seem to get it....where did I say I have the answers. No one does. One only knows that in PA the defection of suburban women and your people was in large numbers. Obama went there twice as did the first lady and Mrs C wen there dozens of times and so did half a dozen other surrogates. No amount of trying could have stopped that latent nativest tact. These kids in the street are her base. They represented that other half that did not vote for trump.

Danyael posted:

you do not seem to get it....where did I say I have the answers. No one does. One only knows that in PA the defection of suburban women and your people was in large numbers..

I told you the possible reasons why and you called me a complainer. Kari was so arrogantly confident that hordes of blacks would show up in GA that Hillary stood a chance in winning, so started the Caribny Requiem thread.

Put it this way, whether I am right or wrong, I predicted the groups that would disappoint Hillary and disappoint they did.

Low black turn out and a Midwest surprise. You were so confident that PA was in the bag, even after I told you that Rendell wasn't so sure.

FACT. Folks vote for Obama because they like him, but he hasn't change their lives that much so they ignore him when he urges them to vote for others.  So its really irrelevant how many times Obama went here or there.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Danyael posted:

you do not seem to get it....where did I say I have the answers. No one does. One only knows that in PA the defection of suburban women and your people was in large numbers..

I told you the possible reasons why and you called me a complainer. Kari was so arrogantly confident that hordes of blacks would show up in GA that Hillary stood a chance in winning, so started the Caribny Requiem thread.

Put it this way, whether I am right or wrong, I predicted the groups that would disappoint Hillary and disappoint they did.

Low black turn out and a Midwest surprise. You were so confident that PA was in the bag, even after I told you that Rendell wasn't so sure.

FACT. Folks vote for Obama because they like him, but he hasn't change their lives that much so they ignore him when he urges them to vote for others.  So its really irrelevant how many times Obama went her, tee or there.

You  are like trump....he knows more than the generals and you know more than the professionals at their jobs.

Why Obama is to be blamed for their lives when they live in red zones that  is controlled locally by GOP senators and congress people. Why has Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana, Kentucky etc remained poor? Obama tried for a an infrastructural rehab project but that was not funded. Ask congress.

In four years this area will still be on food stamp and demanding more than they give to the federal government.


Trump is a New Yorker and I believe he will do something for us. Let's not forget how people bashed Ronald Reagan for waging an arms race with the USSR and placing MX and Cruise missiles in Canada and Western Europe.  He was accused of trying to annihilate mankind in a nuclear war. In the end Ronald Reagan silenced his critics and became one of the greatest Republican president in history.  Trump could be the next Ronald Reagan. If his ascension to the presidency stunned you then I think you are in for more surprises.  Don't be surprised if Trump bombs Pakistan and punishes the Saudis for providing Petro dollars to various Islamic groups and governments that are anti-American/Western.  I think we should all wait and see what this man will do.  America is in crisis and a strong leader is needed at this time to beat back the Islamic onslaught in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the middle east.  Putin will be a partner in this fight to suppress Islamic terror for once for all.  America needs to re-establish itself as great world power. We've been pushed around too long by these extremists islamists.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

.   Don't be surprised if Trump bombs Pakistan and punishes the Saudis for providing Petro dollars to various Islamic groups and governments that are anti-American/Western.

In fact I fully expect Trump to do this and have oil run to $150.  Then I will see the Trumpers having to beg strangers so that they can fill their cars with gas to get to their minimum wage jobs.


Of course no Trump son is going to war, but Billy Rae Cyrus certainly is. He will be back with PTSD and Trump will laugh at him and call him weak.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:

Why Obama is to be blamed for their lives when they live in red zones that  is controlled locally by GOP senators and congress people. Why has Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana, Kentucky etc remained poor? Obama tried for a an infrastructural rehab project but that was not funded. Ask congress.

In four years this area will still be on food stamp and demanding more than they give to the federal government.

Sir its the Rust Belt for a reason and it isn't because these areas are rolling in wealth.

Hillary lost because she lost PA, MI, and WI.  She lost the Midwest because these people are POOR!

And don't forget when I warned you of a possible PA and/or MI surprise you arrogantly told me no way this could happen because of the superior get out to vote apparatus.

The funny thing is that your Gotv took Trump voters to the polls.  This because Hillary way underperformed in the Dem areas of PA.


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