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Police heavy handedness is something which needs to be looked into in Guyana.  The shooting of the young man i Agricola seems uncalled for as they had him on the ground.  The people may have rioted etc, but now from what I read, they never went off attacking people in mass, or Indians in particular.  A few roberies here are there, true, but there seemed not to be a specific plan of action.  Burning of tyres, pelting police, etc are the norm in such protests.


The PPP needs to look into police action as they seems very heavy-handed and brutal.  Rohee needs to take ownership.

Carib, Certain facts cannot be denied, the majority of those beaten an robbed were Indians and given the results of the last elections a good portion of them voted for the AFC. Ok a Brazilian or two was robbed - that makes it better? Am I an Indo- Nazi for highlighting that fact? The police problem is symptomatic of the incompetence that pervades the land, has the govt or opposition put forward credible reforms? Increased salaries, a force that reflects the ethnic composition of the country and a social programme that focuses on black youth. The Westminster system does not work, why doesn't the opposition suggest alternatives like federalism ?
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:


You should know, bullyism get's you no where.  Go to the ballot box,

They did exactly that.  The PPP lost control of parliament.  The MAJORITY of the parliamentarians voted for Rohee to be dismissed.  The PPP choses to threaten to attack people rather than debate.


If the people voted and are not listened to the  Guyana is headed to becoming another Syria.

Originally Posted by Brutus:
 Am I an Indo- Nazi for highlighting that fact? The police problem is symptomatic of the incompetence that pervades the land,

You are an Indo Nazi if you ignore the frequent complaints by poor blacks males about being brutalized by the police and of Luncheon's continuing attempts to dismiss the ENTIRE African population, merely because he has some ancient dispute with Burnham.


Note his remarks last year when he ranted that there were no competent Africans to hold top positions, his excuse for the fact that almost every govt corporation, committee, commission etc are headed by Indians, and at that time there were almost no Africans in top overseas postings.


Attacks on people can never be justiofied however Guyana is a sick country.  It is one filled with racial paranoia.  African and mixed Guyanese on the whole, and the poorest ones in particular, feel under attack.


In a society where 95% of the African and the mixed populations vote against the govt, this being the second and third largest blocs, this is a problem.  Why after 20 years of PPP rule?



It is as much in the interest of ordinary Indians as it is in the interest of ordinary Africans that Africans begin to feel as iof they have a fair shot in Guyana.   After all the elite Indians, who abuse blacks, have their private militias to protect them when there is push back.  Who does the ordinary Indian have?  Its quite clear that this Indo elite doesnt give a flying fig about this.  So will be happy that the leadership face of Guyana almost makes it look like some province in India.

Originally Posted by Brutus:
The Westminster system does not work, why doesn't the opposition suggest alternatives like federalism ?

How does Federalism work in region 4 where the Indian population is almost as large, region 4 by the way having by far the largest Indian population of any region in Guyana?  You just bring the same fight to a local level if you do not address the issue of ethnic paranoia and the reasons for it.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The acts of terrorism in Agricola are condemned by the Guyanese Populace

True or false.


More than 50% of the Guyanese voted AGAINST the PPP.


So why do you still babble that Guyanese support every assinine position that the PPP has?  They do NOT!!!!!

More than 50% of the voting population.

Where was this line of reasoning when a majority of the voting population voted in support of the PPP?

This kind of reasoning escaped you prior to November 2011

Originally Posted by albert:

Many persons where robbed and beaten. As usual the victims were mostly of Indian ancestry

Alyhu but some of them coolie peeps that got robbed up nuh! But I guess as you used poor homely Shonel with her pitiful face up as your mascot for NCN staff on the bread line you similarly put the face of one pathetic police with a bummed up eye to represent the Opposition cruelty!


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