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Thousands of males are actually victims of domestic abuse – police stats reveal


LIKE their female counterparts, male victims of family violence and abuse often face many barriers to disclosing their abuse.Police statistics have revealed thousands of reports of male abuse, according to UG lecturer from the Women’s Study Unit Ms Audrey Benn,who was speaking recently at a symposium on violence against women hosted at the Pegasus Hotel. The event was organised by the Non-governmental Organisation (NGO) Caribbean Development Foundation, which started its 2015 campaign in Guyana.


Benn said that in 2010, the number of reported cases from males was 1,673; in 2011, it increased to 2,887 reports; in 2012, there was a downward spiral, with 2,761 cases; while, in 2013, there was a dramatic decrease with 749 reports; which continued in 2014 with 603 reported cases of domestic abuse.


Benn underscored that abuse of men takes many of the same forms as it does against women — physical violence, intimidation and threats; sexual, emotional, psychological, verbal and financial abuse; property damage and social isolation. Many men experience multiple forms of abuse.


She said that men, more so than women, could also experience legal and administrative abuse – the use of institutions to inflict further abuse on a victim; for example, taking out false restraining orders, or not allowing the victim access to his children.


She explained that while women are twice as likely to report instances of domestic violence, men have accounted for thousands of reports.

According to a study, male victims could be falsely arrested and removed from their homes on the assumption that, because they are male, they must be perpetrators and not victims. When this happens, children can be left unprotected from the perpetrator of the violence, leading many men to suffer the abuse in silence in an attempt to protect their children.


“Any violent, abusive or controlling behaviour by someone close to you, usually a partner or an ex-partner or a family member, is domestic violence and abuse. The abuse can be physical, emotional, verbal, sexual or financial. It can include bullying, threats, humiliation and isolation. You can experience domestic violence and abuse without having broken bones and bruises,” the study underscored.

The campaign by the Caribbean Development Foundation follows a 2010 movement which lobbied regional governments to strengthen the sector to serve victims of domestic violence, which has given NGOs more experience within the field.


By Rabindra Rooplall

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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This post has been on here for four hours yet no response. I wonder why?  Where is Storm?

Billy, I am here now, but was busy entertaining, the woman was in control.


In our macho world, men are too embarrassed to report DV against them.

It might mek dem look weak and ridiculed by their friends.

Could you imagine going in front of magistrate in Guyana and say, you woman beat you up.   DV laws are catered to benefit women.

If there is equality in a relationship, there should not be any violence.   

Male victims of domestic abused has been around as long as women were claiming victims. Some men don't react or hit their wives when there is an argument. Some wives are more agressive and hit their husbands. This kind of abused continue at different stages until he can take it. However, men don't report the abused either by feeling sorry for the woman, or he don't want to show he's a victim of woman due to embarrassment or mchoism.

The law favors women based on statistics. Women becomes more encouraged to call cops and go to court.

I have friends that owns four and five houses and wound up renting apartments with no visitation right to see their children.

Sad but true.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Male victims of domestic abused has been around as long as women were claiming victims. Some men don't react or hit their wives when there is an argument. Some wives are more agressive and hit their husbands. This kind of abused continue at different stages until he can take it. However, men don't report the abused either by feeling sorry for the woman, or he don't want to show he's a victim of woman due to embarrassment or mchoism.

The law favors women based on statistics. Women becomes more encouraged to call cops and go to court.

I have friends that owns four and five houses and wound up renting apartments with no visitation right to see their children.

Sad but true.

A study was done by Harvard several years ago which concluded that 2/3 of DV was initiated by the woman.  However, they end up at the short end and as such become the "victim".  A man is only a victim when he ends up dead from the actions of his female partner.  And even then, the specter of "self-defense" comes into play.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Male victims of domestic abused has been around as long as women were claiming victims. Some men don't react or hit their wives when there is an argument. Some wives are more agressive and hit their husbands. This kind of abused continue at different stages until he can take it. However, men don't report the abused either by feeling sorry for the woman, or he don't want to show he's a victim of woman due to embarrassment or mchoism.

The law favors women based on statistics. Women becomes more encouraged to call cops and go to court.

I have friends that owns four and five houses and wound up renting apartments with no visitation right to see their children.

Sad but true.

A study was done by Harvard several years ago which concluded that 2/3 of DV was initiated by the woman.  However, they end up at the short end and as such become the "victim".  A man is only a victim when he ends up dead from the actions of his female partner.  And even then, the specter of "self-defense" comes into play.

 I don't have those kind of friends, I pity you guys.


Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This post has been on here for four hours yet no response. I wonder why?  Where is Storm?

Billy, I am here now, but was busy entertaining, the woman was in control.


In our macho world, men are too embarrassed to report DV against them.

It might mek dem look weak and ridiculed by their friends.

Could you imagine going in front of magistrate in Guyana and say, you woman beat you up.   DV laws are catered to benefit women.

If there is equality in a relationship, there should not be any violence.   

We are the ones who are supposedly the sterner sex.  We are taught this from early childhood. To be a man is to be brave and invulnerable to the wife. "Me a man fuh me house," boasted a Guyanese wife-beater in Richmond Hill. When he found himself in custody and then out of his house his entire perception of the Great America changed. . Women have been at the bottom strata of society for a long while. Through centuries of struggles they have managed to change the institutions of society to protect themselves from the violence and dominance of the male.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Among the real cases, most are fake to get money and properties through a divorce. Men suffer the consequences of losing their homes, money and children. Most of all the trust they have for their wives.
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

This post has been on here for four hours yet no response. I wonder why?  Where is Storm?

Billy, I am here now, but was busy entertaining, the woman was in control.


In our macho world, men are too embarrassed to report DV against them.

It might mek dem look weak and ridiculed by their friends.

Could you imagine going in front of magistrate in Guyana and say, you woman beat you up.   DV laws are catered to benefit women.

If there is equality in a relationship, there should not be any violence.   

We are the ones who are supposedly the sterner sex.  We are taught this from early childhood. To be a man is to be brave and invulnerable to the wife. "Me a man fuh me house," boasted a Guyanese wife-beater in Richmond Hill. When he found himself in custody and then out of his house his entire perception of the Great America changed. . Women have been at the bottom strata of society for a long while. Through centuries of struggles they have managed to change the institutions of society to protect themselves from the violence and dominance of the male.

The 1960s women lib generation brought many rights for women in Canada.

In 1982 when the Canadian constitution was brought from Britain, these right were included  and today a judge don't decide child support, but the man's past income does, enforced by the government.

Female lawyer friends  agree that the rights has swung too far in favour of  women and some men commit suicide, because they cant afford payments. Everyone loses, especially the children who could have animosity for their mother.   


If you want to see the disadvantages that men have in the U.S. just walk into a family court in Queens or Long Island.  You will find several support groups in the courts advising women what to do regarding child custody, support (spousal and child), division of marital assets, etc.  You would not find a single support group for men. Men are constantly being escorted in cuffs and chains by security guards to appear in front of merciless judges who have little sympathy if any for men. It's sad to see how men are being roughed up in the court system.  I was there so I know what I'm talking about.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If you want to see the disadvantages that men have in the U.S. just walk into a family court in Queens or Long Island.  You will find several support groups in the courts advising women what to do regarding child custody, support (spousal and child), division of marital assets, etc.  You would not find a single support group for men. Men are constantly being escorted in cuffs and chains by security guards to appear in front of merciless judges who have little sympathy if any for men. It's sad to see how men are being roughed up in the court system.  I was there so I know what I'm talking about.

Right on Billy. Women groups like Liz Fry Society coaches women, even before they file court documents or leave home.

Some evidence that the woman might be leaving are high credit card/loan debts and house renovations, paid under the man's name, because the woman know it will be theirs and the debt will be man's responsibility. 

Men are still not organized and suffers alone. 

BBR, while that is true, if men were reporting DV at the rate of women, you would see men support groups as well. Men also can be privileged with free attorneys and the necessary support if you know how to go about it. Women also paying child support to men while the women have to seek visitation right.

As GNI Political threads go, this is an exemplary thread. No cuss down. Everyone has presented his points in a civil and respectful manner. I wonder why? Is it because the topic doesn't call for men to fight men? Is it because our GNI men have found common ground in the men-women battle and are closing ranks?

Whatever the reason, I applaud you guys for conducting a discussion the proper way, and I urge you to take this spirit to other threads.

BTW, me hope me bhoujee neva raise belna pon me buddy Django.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

As GNI Political threads go, this is an exemplary thread. No cuss down. Everyone has presented his points in a civil and respectful manner. I wonder why? Is it because the topic doesn't call for men to fight men? Is it because our GNI men have found common ground in the men-women battle and are closing ranks?

Whatever the reason, I applaud you guys for conducting a discussion the proper way, and I urge you to take this spirit to other threads.

BTW, me hope me bhoujee neva raise belna pon me buddy Django.

Quite an observation Gil and so true.


Me notice even Cobra initiate a solidarity line of thinking earlier today, very complementary on his part.

We all get upset at times, even you and me taking down posters two notches, because we all feel strongly about Guyana, but if we don't remain civil, the animosity might continue and this is definitely not good for Guyana.   


Also, now me know why Django is always so straight and nice pan GNI. He gets good training at home, without a belna. 


Me miss Nehru, Skelly and Warria  contribution, like dem na get whoman trouble.

In New York, if you have non-violence dispute with neighbors and call the cops, both party may be taken into custody and sent to court to settle he said, she said disputes. You can't make false allegation on a person without witnessing him/her in the act. You have to be willing to testify what you actually see or you might as well settle the score. This is a very good move in the justice system because the petty stuff takes away valuable time from police that would otherwise be reserved for more urgent matter.

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