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More sweet deals for the DR DR DR DR DR BUTT PLUG people.



Indian research group helping to reduce energy cost in sugar, rice sectors


Guyana has been collaborating closely with an Indian-based think-tank group in a number of areas including energy efficiency in the sugar sector.
According to the Office of Climate Change, a unit of the Office of the President, a team of specialists from The Energy and Research Institute (TERI) is currently working in Guyana on priority areas. β€œThey have provided technical support for improvement in energy efficiency in the sugar and rice sectors and work is underway to pilot a programme for energy efficient street lighting.”
The institute will soon be extending its support to Guyana’s private sector with focus on the manufacturing and services industry.
TERI is headed by Dr. R.K Pachauri, Nobel Prize Laureate and Chairman of the Inter- Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Awee will tek the street.


Suga wuka left the AFC and gone back PPP.



So what.  If they are happy with how the PPP has treated them and Guysuco then they should go back.  If they aren't then they deserve every thing which happens to them.


All that will happen is that black people will block roads on ECD and EBD if they are ignored, regardless as to what APNU does or doesn't do.  We will then see why black people shouldn't be ignored while people like you insist that only Indians be catered to.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

Conscience, I raise my hat to you.  This is classic propoganda.


PPP on top and the opposition asleep.

Sugar workers don't support the APNU and never will. So why should APNU bother with them?  The people they need to focus on are those in Regions 3, 4, and 10.  After all that's where over 70% of their votes come from.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Awee will tek the street.


Suga wuka left the AFC and gone back PPP.



So what.  If they are happy with how the PPP has treated them and Guysuco then they should go back.  If they aren't then they deserve every thing which happens to them.


All that will happen is that black people will block roads on ECD and EBD if they are ignored, regardless as to what APNU does or doesn't do.  We will then see why black people shouldn't be ignored while people like you insist that only Indians be catered to.

You caribe has racism so far up your arse, you just do not understand me.


I feel for the afro-Guyanese but the racist PPP continue to "out-con" Granja, that political novice on every stroke. 


That is why he should be banished from politics for his STUPIDITY.


Can you image he was willing to engage the racist PPP with a social contract.


What a joke.


I believe that yes the AFRO-Guyanese will have to block the east coast and the east bank TO GET JUSTICE since they cannot depend on Granbja.


But then the crully PPP will send back dogs like Hickens to shoot them down.


Can you imagine Hicken get promoted to the highest command in the Police in front of his senior Assistant Commisioner Ramnarine?


Get the picture?


The PPP does not need East Indians when $$$ will get the black slaves to jump for them.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

You caribe has racism so far up your arse, you just do not understand me.


I feel for the afro-Guyanese but the racist PPP continue to "out-con" Granja, that political novice on every stroke. 


That is why he should be banished from politics for his STUPIDITY.


Can you image he was willing to engage the racist PPP with a social contract.


What a joke.


I believe that yes the AFRO-Guyanese will have to block the east coast and the east bank TO GET JUSTICE since they cannot depend on Granbja.


But then the crully PPP will send back dogs like Hickens to shoot them down.


Can you imagine Hicken get promoted to the highest command in the Police in front of his senior Assistant Commisioner Ramnarine?


Get the picture?


The PPP does not need East Indians when $$$ will get the black slaves to jump for them.


 If he shows an indication to want some compromise, all power to him, because when the PPP refuses to compromise than they can't blame him.


You screamed that black people must protest and now you admit that if they do they will be shot down.  So what do you want APNU to do?  They are certainly blocking PPP initiatives, to the extent that they could.  Amaila, the airport, aspects of the budget, etc.



What will terrify the PPP to  change is if part of its own support base were to express dissatisfaction against the corruption.


So why don't you suggest that they do, instead of wailing that APNU should have street protest when you know that this will result in deaths?  Should it only be up to black people to sacrifice will Indians go to work, make money and not risk PPP bullets?


Every comment about you is how Indians should be catered to.  When have you ever spoken about initiatives that will benefit blacks?  You scream that Guysuco must not be privatized. 


Have you equally screamed that, rather than insisting that electricity rates in Linden be hiked, that the town should be made into an Economic Zone, capitalizing on its lower energy costs, its large pool of skilled labor (40% of the workers are skilled and many are now under utilized) and its role as a ket gateway to the interior.  NO!!


But of course I am a racist because I refuse to bend to your will that black people should lick the collective asses of Indians, and see their taxdollars used to prop up a failing industry!


You want a confrontation.  Then go tell PPP voters to do something for a change instead of voting PPP, and then fleeing to majority black islands, and continuing to bad talk black people. That's why people in those islands don't like them.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

You caribe has racism so far up your arse, you just do not understand me.


I feel for the afro-Guyanese but the racist PPP continue to "out-con" Granja, that political novice on every stroke. 


That is why he should be banished from politics for his STUPIDITY.


Can you image he was willing to engage the racist PPP with a social contract.


What a joke.


I believe that yes the AFRO-Guyanese will have to block the east coast and the east bank TO GET JUSTICE since they cannot depend on Granbja.


But then the crully PPP will send back dogs like Hickens to shoot them down.


Can you imagine Hicken get promoted to the highest command in the Police in front of his senior Assistant Commisioner Ramnarine?


Get the picture?


The PPP does not need East Indians when $$$ will get the black slaves to jump for them.




You screamed that black people must protest and now you admit that if they do they will be shot down.  So what do you want APNU to do?  They are certainly blocking PPP initiatives, to the extent that they could.  Amaila, the airport, aspects of the budget, etc.



What will terrify the PPP to  change is if part of its own support base were to express dissatisfaction against the corruption.


So why don't you suggest that they do, instead of wailing that APNU should have street protest when you know that this will result in deaths?


Every comment about you is how Indians should be catered to.  When have you ever spoken about initiatives that will benefit blacks?  You scream that Guysuco must not be privatized.  Have you equally screamed that, rather than insisting that electricity rates in Linden be hiked, that the town should be made into an Economic Zone, capitalizing on its lower energy costs, its large pool of skilled labor (40% of the workers are skilled and many are now under utilized) and its role as a ket gateway to the interior.  NO!!


But of course I am a racist because I refuse to bend to your will that black people should lick the collective asses of Indians, and see their taxdollars used to prop up a failing industry!

Blcoking what??


The PPP got $1 billion from Vulga Lawrence for the airport, $300 million from Vulga Lawrence for the Speciality Hospital and even the AFC was willing to give the PPP billions for the Amaila because of Nigel Hugh.



Black people selling out black people.


If I was ablackman in Guyana, I would have jump on the first boat to the islands since your chances in Guyan are bleak - either you become a PPP house slave or you get shot down.


Look I DO NOT support the $6 billion for Guysuco since the PPP will tief half of it.


I DO support the TEMPORARY transfer of funds to Linden for electricity but they have to stop looking for jhand out.


I suggest that they rates increase by $5 per KWH every year until it meets the Gtown rates.


But no, the PPP will not raise the rate since the PPP is now making the hand out to Linden into a political issue.


You see we giving the black man free electricity but he cut you $6 billion.


You know how to vote now.


DO NOT vote AFC - vote PPP.


That is the message on the sugar belt.


If Granja had any sense, he should have been calling for a $5 per KWH increase for electricity in Linden until all of Guyana paying the same rate - in a phased manner so that the Lindeners do not feel the pain.


Then he should have chopped the sugar levy on the Treasury.






Originally Posted by KishanB:

Blcoking what??


The PPP got $1 billion from Vulga Lawrence for the airport, $300 million from Vulga Lawrence for the Speciality Hospital and even the AFC was willing to give the PPP billions for the Amaila because of Nigel Hugh.



Black people selling out black people.


If I was ablackman in Guyana, I would have jump on the first boat to the islands since your chances in Guyan are bleak - either you become a PPP house slave or you get shot down.

Put it this way, if there weren't so many Indian PPP slaves then the PPP would have lost by more than one seat so it will not be so easy to persuade only one MP to switch their vote. 


Now it is up to APNU to determine whether they wish to police their MPs, or not.  APNU is not the dictatorial top down party that the PPP is, so aren't as able to enforce their will across its various factions.



What you however need to know is that Guyanese aren't wanted in those islands so what will blacks do.  If they blame their frustration on the PPP then they will frustrate the first person who they think is a PPP by blocking roads, regardless as to what Granger does or doesn't do.


So rather than thinking that only sugar workers be catered to, you better remember how much damage Linden caused when they blocked a bridge, and when Agricola did the same a few weeks later.  Contrary to PPP propaganda there is no evidence that the leadership of APNU, or the AFC had anything to do with organizing either protests.


So the onus is as much on Indians to show black people that they don't unilaterally and unanilously support the PPP as it is on APNU to (according to Kari) make itself more Indo friendly.


BTW I am not sure if you can argue that a poor Indians isn't as hurt as are blacks by PPP corruption, and yet you exempt them from having to protest.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:

If Granja had any sense, he should have been calling for a $5 per KWH increase for electricity in Linden until all of Guyana paying the same rate - in a phased manner so that the Lindeners do not feel the pain.



Yes.  Make black people punish while you ensure that Indians keep their jobs.


That is exactly what I expect from you.  If you thought different you would suggest that concrete measures were put in place to make Linden an industrial center FIRST, and then gradually increase electricity rates in a way that didn't hurt these industries, or the population at large.  But starving blacks doesn't worry you as much as starving Indians does.

Originally Posted by KishanB:


That is the message on the sugar belt.

To be quite honest I don't care the slightest, because you don't care the slightest about how Linden views favoritism towards a majority Indian industry.  Or G/twn for that matter when the PPP tried to foist a corrupt and illiterate Indian woman on them instead of holding local gov't elections.


Now that the Indian population is not much bigger than the combined African and mixed populations, the days when they should be the only political factor to be catered to by all groups is OVER!


If you want political progress than you need to stop thinking that only the sugar belt matters.  The towns and urbanized villages in regions 3,4 and 10 also matter.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition should not play games with the livelihood of thousands of hard working sugar workers.

The corruption, mismanagement, and complete contempt for the lives of  20 thousand Guyanese by the PPP has the industry in ruin. Its production rates is back to 1964. One cannot do worse if one tried. Cronyism and nepotism is the way they ran this place so it was inevitable it will fail. This is about the fourth re structuring plan and they were all leech schemes. Wanting more money with no clear strategy is doing the same wrong thing over and over.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

More sweet deals for the DR DR DR DR DR BUTT PLUG people.



Indian research group helping to reduce energy cost in sugar, rice sectors


Guyana has been collaborating closely with an Indian-based think-tank group in a number of areas including energy efficiency in the sugar sector.
According to the Office of Climate Change, a unit of the Office of the President, a team of specialists from The Energy and Research Institute (TERI) is currently working in Guyana on priority areas. β€œThey have provided technical support for improvement in energy efficiency in the sugar and rice sectors and work is underway to pilot a programme for energy efficient street lighting.”
The institute will soon be extending its support to Guyana’s private sector with focus on the manufacturing and services industry.
TERI is headed by Dr. R.K Pachauri, Nobel Prize Laureate and Chairman of the Inter- Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

This research group was one of the people who give a DR to  DOCTOR 5.


Payback time.


[] β€“ Hundreds of Sugar workers are at the moment protesting outside the Parliament Building where the consideration of the estimates of the 2014 budget will commence shortly.

The sugar workers grievances are in relation to the speculation that the Opposition will disapprove the $6B allocated in the budget to the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).

The first estimates to be considered when the House convenes is those of the Agriculture Sector.

β€œIf they want to cut, let them cut cane,” protesters shouted........



Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many of those hard working sugar workers are the sole breadwinners for their families, cutting Guysuco subsidies will directly place thousands of working class families directly on the breadline.

THe money will not go to these workers. Get real. It will go into another black hole as all of the some half a billion US pumped into this industry. Due to chronic mismanagement, cronyism, nepotism and outright theft, it is performing at rates less than it did from the middle of the last century. What the hell does Geeta know about sugar industry or Raj singh? One is a failure and the other has as much experience for the job as Flip had for building roads. This money is not going anywhere near the workers. It is going into that black hole that has been the management style of this industry


BTW, who is it you are lying to? Cane cutting feeds no one. Every canecutter moonlights as a fisherman, rice farmer, vegetable farmer or at some other employment. This industry has always been the reservoir for those who are very poor, and uneducated. Actually, it has become a trap that shortens life and given the mismanagement, has become a burden on their backs

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many of those hard working sugar workers are the sole breadwinners for their families, cutting Guysuco subsidies will directly place thousands of working class families directly on the breadline.

Samething for many of the bauxite workers.  Yet the PPP laughed when "dem lazy and ungrateful blackman" were laid off by the new owners. Now they must roam around looking for gold.  Poor porknockers dont have the expensive machinery, or the capital to compete with the big guys, so you bet either mine illegally, or got the more marginal gold fields.

Originally Posted by warrior:

i  say close down the sugar estate or contract it out to private farmers,they will manage it better and maintain the same employment,and government can collect their taxes

You don't know a damn thing about sugar. All you know about sugar is that it's sweet and it's brown. Close down the sugar estate and you will find employment for the workers. BTW, there are not enough people in Berbice for the sugar workers to choke and rob. They have to choke and rob each other.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i  say close down the sugar estate or contract it out to private farmers,they will manage it better and maintain the same employment,and government can collect their taxes

You don't know a damn thing about sugar. All you know about sugar is that it's sweet and it's brown. Close down the sugar estate and you will find employment for the workers. BTW, there are not enough people in Berbice for the sugar workers to choke and rob. They have to choke and rob each other.

 It is not a bad idea to leave some of the planting to private farmers. Everything has to be tried. The factories itself must be in the hands of the state. However, the have to manage it better and not use it to implant incompetent people like Raj Singh or Geeta singh. They need professionals even if we have to import them from the Caribbean where there are many managers available.


BTW Berbicians are already robbing each other. We have a proliferation of pirates, stick up boys, run of the mill junkies and sophisticated con men and women.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i  say close down the sugar estate or contract it out to private farmers,they will manage it better and maintain the same employment,and government can collect their taxes

You don't know a damn thing about sugar. All you know about sugar is that it's sweet and it's brown. Close down the sugar estate and you will find employment for the workers. BTW, there are not enough people in Berbice for the sugar workers to choke and rob. They have to choke and rob each other.

 It is not a bad idea to leave some of the planting to private farmers. Everything has to be tried. The factories itself must be in the hands of the state. However, the have to manage it better and not use it to implant incompetent people like Raj Singh or Geeta singh. They need professionals even if we have to import them from the Caribbean where there are many managers available.


BTW Berbicians are already robbing each other. We have a proliferation of pirates, stick up boys, run of the mill junkies and sophisticated con men and women.

Guysuco needs to be more realistic as to their production capacity and go about it more efficiently. Cut the high salaries and get rid of the waste people around. Let the people who do the work benefit from the industry. Pay them well and take care of their needs like Bookers did.


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