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'Squandermania' will end- Nagamootoo tells thousands at West Berbice rally

Thousands turned up at the Alliance for Change (AFC) Rally at Bath, West Coast Berbice to listen to the messages of “change” by several party members.

“Because apart from breaking promises, they have committed crimes against you, when the hard working sugar workers—look at their feet—look at them all black in the afternoon, their feet are all tired and split in the toes, walking in the stumps, sliding in the banks…and then they come home and want a decent wage and Jagdeo said not a cent more! And this ‘neemakaraam’ told them ‘Not a cent more!’

He told the crowed that Jagdeo wants “to behead” the sugar workers by taking away the GAWU Union. He told the gathering that the party rigged the internal elections for a presidential candidate. “And they rigged the elections, so when they come and tell you there was an election and Moses Nagamootoo was defeated, you tell them that he was cheated, never defeated!”

Nagamootoo, in relation to the recent release of former President salaries, said that President Janet Jagan was receiving pension in 2009 and “was entitled to certain privileges”. “I want that bald – headed liar to say how many maids Janet had as a former president; how many duty free vehicles she bought; this honorable woman who died—our mother who died in 2009—when the same month Jagdeo decided to bring this new pension plan and named it the President’s Pension Plan, which is PPP, this obscene thing that I said, rattled my soul! I want him to tell the people, as he is lying now on Janet Jagan, how many guards they give Janet; how many cars they give her, how many trips did she enjoy abroad; how many vacations she went on before she died, and that man will have to admit to you, -- the only reason he was using Janet Jagan in today’s newspaper, was to justify him taking $3B a month in pension”, Nagamootoo told the crowd.

He said that was only one aspect of the problem. “This fellow had little time to deal with the affairs of Guyana. He was taking the taxpayers’ monies, that should have gone to sugar workers and pensioners…he travelled more than Bill Clinton, more than Obama…combined…all over this world this man travelling. And he was hustling to buy degrees, bribing people to give him degrees. In India, they gave him a Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Literature. This man never wrote a line in his life. I used to write his speech to him. He used to fly me to write his speech—special aircraft to write his speech. And they gave him Doctors of Letters and Literature!” he said.

Nagamootoo said the government “was about him and his friends; giving away the prime lands to his friends, giving away the resources of the State to his friends, giving away contracts to his friends!”

The politician warned the government and “put them on alert now”, that they are forming a powerful committee that will tell the world that “they must not burn any files or contracts or agreement because the temptation ids that they will start to ripping papers”.

He said “we are not allowing them to go away with the people’s money!”

Then he mentioned the large number of advisors President Jagdeo has. “If this man has so much brains….he has been spending the people’s money – this brilliant man—he got more advisors than the Pentagon, than Barack Obama in the US”. He named Odinga Lumumba “of the Dolphin fame”. He said that he is advising Jagdeo on Empowerment. “He gone and appoint a man who used to beat us up on the street to advise him how to use that power. Look who he is taking advice from!”

He mentioned Texieira, Feroze Mohammed advising him on security, Reepu Daman Persaud advising him on spiritual matters; then Laurie Lewis and Donald Ramotar and the salaries that they receive on a monthly basis. Nagamootoo said that Ramotar was never appointed as a minister under Cheddie or Janet or even Jagdeo, “and then Jagdeo decided that this was the man to be the next president; he got foresight, efficiency, experience—catahar!! What experience he got? Except being in the Duck Farm—the Robb Street Gang- turned that Freedom House into a Duck Farm—all of them quacking, quacking!”

He said Ramotar never held ministerial office. “So how does he know he can run against these thoroughbred horses Ramjattan and Trotman? He has not been tried and tested”.

Jagdeo, he says, takes the people monies “and squanders it on advisors, because a President is supposed to think for himself, a president is appointed to be in office because he got brains and abilities”. “We did not appoint him there to pay millions and millions of dollars to have a big group of advisors plus he got a two, three ministers in one ministry!” he told the crowd.

A lean and clean government with a smaller cabinet, of efficient people… regional councils that are functioning with good leadership”, he urged the gathering.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by asj:
Sources in Berbice indicated that there were a few hundreds, between two and three.


Region 6 will deny the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal a majority. The end is near.
There is no doubt that in the past few days the AFC is on the move. Their strategy is very simple. They are running against Jagdeo They have turned Donald into a proxy and the strategy seems to be working.
Originally posted by asj:
Where are the thousands? the few attendees as per the pictures look more or less to be 100 Big Grin


60 of them, children, who accompanied their parents for the free coolaid.
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by asj:
Where are the thousands? the few attendees as per the pictures look more or less to be 100 Big Grin


60 of them, children, who accompanied their parents for the free coolaid.
take note they was not bus or truck in, it all local village worry about his house in pradoville,and his overseas bank account.and he should the people will take it away
Originally posted by caribj:
OK I see. The AFC knows that berbice will secede from Guyana so they only need to focus on that region.
the AFC is all over guyana,is just they need to hit the ppp were it will hurt the most.a straigh right in their kitchen
Originally posted by warrior:
the AFC is all over guyana,is just they need to hit the ppp were it will hurt the most.a straigh right in their kitchen

They will hurt teh PPP most in region 4. You probably dont know they get more votes there than in region 6.

You all better hope and pray that the PPP doesnt win in region 4 because you all were too busy in region 6.

Any way we know the AFc has problems because all their PR is about how well they do in Berbice. Not a peep out of Gtwn.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
the AFC is all over guyana,is just they need to hit the ppp were it will hurt the most.a straigh right in their kitchen

They will hurt teh PPP most in region 4. You probably dont know they get more votes there than in region 6.

You all better hope and pray that the PPP doesnt win in region 4 because you all were too busy in region 6.

Any way we know the AFc has problems because all their PR is about how well they do in Berbice. Not a peep out of Gtwn.
the people in region 4 know more about the ppp dirty ways than the people of berbice.
Originally posted by warrior:
the people in region 4 know more about the ppp dirty ways than the people of berbice.

They also know that politicians are a dirty breed so are the ones least likely to vote for any party.

The way people see it. Govt is irrelevant. They have to do for self and to vote is a waste of time. The AFC might have convinced them otherwise if they didnt think that only region 6 deserved their attention. Now they must hope that APNU gets enough of their base out so that the PPP doesnt take region 4 as they almost did last time, only being 3% behind the PNC.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by The Blade Runner:
i smell a minority govt in the making

As of now this is the best hope.
change is coming to guyana.the ppp cannot fool the people anymore,they dont need torchlight to see in the night what they can see in the day
Originally posted by warrior:
]change is coming to guyana.the ppp cannot fool the people anymore,they dont need torchlight to see in the night what they can see in the day

You know when i say Indians are clannish you all call me a racist. Here we see the bunch of you so obsessed with 45% of the votes that you forgot the other 55% exist.

Despite what you think most Indians will vote PPP. If most non Indians stay home the PPP wins.
Originally posted by Dave Matrix:
Nagagoose and Rumjattan family reunion.—56 uncle, aunts, brother-in-laws and cousins... My family reunion is bigger that this ten times.
yes but you family reunion have to take place in jail Smile
Originally posted by Ramakant_p:
Originally posted by asj:
Where are the thousands? the few attendees as per the pictures look more or less to be 100 Big Grin


60 of them, children, who accompanied their parents for the free coolaid.

Both of you, pump your chest to boost your ego, you will see the thousands on Nov 28..
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
]change is coming to guyana.the ppp cannot fool the people anymore,they dont need torchlight to see in the night what they can see in the day

You know when i say Indians are clannish you all call me a racist. Here we see the bunch of you so obsessed with 45% of the votes that you forgot the other 55% exist.

Despite what you think most Indians will vote PPP. If most non Indians stay home the PPP wins .

If most non Indians stay home is not dem who gonna pay. If they comfortable wit the present Govt then they can stay home but if they think they're being shafted then they just have to get their asses outta their homes and vote.
Originally posted by cain:
If most non Indians stay home is not dem who gonna pay. .

They are accustomed to suffering. Its not as if they did well under the PNC. The AFC ignores them so they have cause to think an AFC regime, packed with folks obsessed with their love for Cheddi (a man who considered blacks to be "at the bottom"), will not be any better.

When interviewed by SN the non Indian "man in the street" said they arent interested in the elections and wish them to be over so they can resume their lives in peace. The Indos interviewed sang praises of the PPP.

I can foresee as you all lick you wounds of defeat you will cuss out Indos, and will remember that caribj warned you all of taking the non Indo voter for granted.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by cain:
If most non Indians stay home is not dem who gonna pay. .

They are accustomed to suffering. Its not as if they did well under the PNC. The AFC ignores them so they have cause to think an AFC regime, packed with folks obsessed with their love for Cheddi (a man who considered blacks to be "at the bottom"), will not be any better.

When interviewed by SN the non Indian "man in the street" said they arent interested in the elections and wish them to be over so they can resume their lives in peace. The Indos interviewed sang praises of the PPP.
you full of shit,the black people is so acustom to suffering,that is why the ppp can buy some of them so cheap,bynoe,joe, kwame,all those that picket sharma and the list goes on. at present now the black people is not willing to help themself or fight for their rights,the honest indians is fighting a indian government to give guyanese a better way of life.the black man should stop crying like a baby and start fighting for a better way of life.the AFC IS SAYING join us and let unite as one people and kick the ppp out.i hope the black people get their ass out there election day and vote against the ppp
Originally posted by warrior:
the black man should stop crying like a baby

the black man voted AFc last time when you all were playing footsie to the PPP because "ahbe pan tap", "collie man time now"...etc. Now you got burnt for your nonsense your innate anti black racism comes to a boil. Its still black man fault for all your woes.

My friend. You all voted for Jagdeo TWICE. So shut up and take it and leav e black people alone.

If the AFc is increasingly appearing to them to be no different than the PPP why should they support you all. Because you all are upset that the Jagans, you think, will hate Jagdeo. Well who selected Jagdeo?

Every word out of your mouths is "Berbice this and Berbice that", "Indian vote this and Indian vote that". Well if this is all about Indos then you really dont need or want AfroGuyanese.
Originally posted by cain:
Oh rass caribJ see what you make warrior dude go do, the man gettin wuk up tarass, watch out banna Big Grin

He is upset that I made him reveal that he is a racist PPPite, just hates Jagdeo so has pretended to jump ship. But will tell you tyhat Janet Jagan is the best thing that Guyana ever had, yes the same Janet who most blacs consider to be as black hating as the Grand Duke of the KKK.

warrior if teh AFc doesnt court the black vote it means they dont want them so why should they be shocked if they dont get them. Its this same vote that gave them 8% of the votes last time. Why does it appear as if much of this support has eroded. Blame the AFC, not the much beleagured and maligned AfroGuyanese.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
the black man should stop crying like a baby

the black man voted AFc last time when you all were playing footise to the PPP becaue "ahbe pan tap", collie man time now"...etc. Now you got burnt for your nonsense your innate anti bl;ack racism comes to a boil. Its still black man fault for all your woes.

My frined. You all voted for Jagdeo TWICE. So shut up and take it and leav e black people alone.

If the AFc is increasingly appearing to them to be no different than the PPP why should tehy support you all. Because you all are upset that the Jagans, you think, will hate Jagdeo. Well who selected Jagdeo?
i have news for you, their is black people out their who care for a better life and a better country.and if you is not one of them,thats your problem.dont make your hate kill you.the smart ones will listen to the call of commonsence and help to get the ppp out.
Originally posted by asj:
Sources in Berbice indicated that there were a few hundreds, between two and three.

ASJ bro, for you to admit a few hundred means alot. Sources told Bush Sadaam had a WMD deliverable within 45 mins. Be wary of your advisors, they trying to preserve their paycheck.
Originally posted by warrior:
i have news for you, their is black people out their who care for a better life and a better country..

Yes they are rolling up their sleeves having decide dthat none of the politicaisn are any use and they must survive regardless as to which one of them is in power.

The AFc is hiding its activities in Georgetown. I see this and you see this but you are too dishonest to admit it. Unfortunately in a few weeks time its very likely this will become evident to you.
Originally posted by warrior:
you full of shit,the black people is so acustom to suffering,that is why the ppp can buy some of them so cheap,bynoe,joe, kwame,all those that picket sharma and the list goes on. at present now the black people is not willing to help themself or fight for their rights,the honest indians is fighting a indian government to give guyanese a better way of life.the black man should stop crying like a baby and start fighting for a better way of life.the AFC IS SAYING join us and let unite as one people and kick the ppp out.i hope the black people get their ass out there election day and vote against the ppp

Warrior . . . R U SERIOUS!!!?

Your slip really starting to show, bai (gal?) . . .; what I see ain't pretty.

U not doing the AFC any favors here . . . Mad
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
i have news for you, their is black people out their who care for a better life and a better country..

Yes they are rolling up their sleeves having decide dthat none of the politicaisn are any use and they must survive regardless as to which one of them is in power.

The AFc is hiding its activities in Georgetown. I see this and you see this but you are too dishonest to admit it. Unfortunately in a few weeks time its very likely this will become evident to you.
you are fooling your self wake up history is pasting you by.guyana will be seeing a new government soon, form by all race for a better country.and you will sit on the side thinking why the black man had to join with the indians.
Originally posted by redux:

U not doing the AFC any favors here . . . Mad

He is revailing what I said. A bunch of disgruntled Janet loving PPP folks have jumped into the AFC, as part of an INTERNAL PPP fight. They bring all their biases with them. Operating in a valid multi racial environment isnt their style.

If teh AFC performs badly lets hope they send this types back to the PPP where they belong.
Originally posted by warrior:
why the black man had to join with the indians.

Dream on. Your racist nature has already been revealed. I thank you for being honest.

Blacks are only of use to you in your INTERNAL PPP fight. You dont give one iota for them.

So arrogant are you and so Indocentric that you now forget that it was BLACK votes which giot the AFC in parliament to the point where they thought a victory was in their grasp, having performed very well for a newbie party.

It might have been had they stayed true to their goal of introducing non racial politics to Guyana.

Instead they let PPP Jagan loving types lead them down a "Berbice only, Indo only focus", confusing many Gtwn voters. To these people the black voters never mattered,and indeed if they succeed in chasing out Jagdeoites they will rush right back to the PPP.

Now we hear that blacks must join the AFC. Well where were YOU last jagdeo no doubt.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by warrior:
you full of shit,the black people is so acustom to suffering,that is why the ppp can buy some of them so cheap,bynoe,joe, kwame,all those that picket sharma and the list goes on. at present now the black people is not willing to help themself or fight for their rights,the honest indians is fighting a indian government to give guyanese a better way of life.the black man should stop crying like a baby and start fighting for a better way of life.the AFC IS SAYING join us and let unite as one people and kick the ppp out.i hope the black people get their ass out there election day and vote against the ppp

Warrior . . . R U SERIOUS!!!?

Your slip really starting to show, bai (gal?) . . .; what I see ain't pretty.

U not doing the AFC any favors here . . . Mad
tell me which part you dont like
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by warrior:
you full of shit,the black people is so acustom to suffering,that is why the ppp can buy some of them so cheap,bynoe,joe, kwame,all those that picket sharma and the list goes on. at present now the black people is not willing to help themself or fight for their rights,the honest indians is fighting a indian government to give guyanese a better way of life.the black man should stop crying like a baby and start fighting for a better way of life.the AFC IS SAYING join us and let unite as one people and kick the ppp out.i hope the black people get their ass out there election day and vote against the ppp

Warrior . . . R U SERIOUS!!!?

Your slip really starting to show, bai (gal?) . . .; what I see ain't pretty.

U not doing the AFC any favors here . . . Mad
tell me which part you dont like

If you need toa sk you are really trouble. Look quit while you are ahead because many blacks in gtwn...who already think that the AFc is being taken over by the PPP (much as the PNC thugs are taking over the PPP) are not happy with these events. You all had nothing to say about PPP racism down the decades.

Even now your focus is Indo votes/berbice, blablabla. Its obvious the AFc has a problem in Gtwn and you refuse to see this a sbeing important.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by warrior:
you full of shit,the black people is so acustom to suffering,that is why the ppp can buy some of them so cheap,bynoe,joe, kwame,all those that picket sharma and the list goes on. at present now the black people is not willing to help themself or fight for their rights,the honest indians is fighting a indian government to give guyanese a better way of life.the black man should stop crying like a baby and start fighting for a better way of life.the AFC IS SAYING join us and let unite as one people and kick the ppp out.i hope the black people get their ass out there election day and vote against the ppp

Warrior . . . R U SERIOUS!!!?

Your slip really starting to show, bai (gal?) . . .; what I see ain't pretty.

U not doing the AFC any favors here . . . Mad
tell me which part you dont like

If you need toa sk you are really trouble. Look quit while you are ahead because many blacks in gtwn...who already think that the AFc is being taken over by the PPP (much as the PNC thugs are taking over the PPP) are not happy with these events. You all had nothing to say about PPP racism down the decades.

Even now your focus is Indo votes/berbice, blablabla. Its obvious the AFc has a problem in Gtwn and you refuse to see this a sbeing important.
you have the wrong man,i fight with rodney.
Originally posted by warrior:
you have the wrong man,i fight with rodney.

I guess PPP rule maybe you turn the way you are.

We have seen your true nature and it isnt pretty.

Come in to a party which only had power based on black/mixed support and then you have teh audacity to pretend that they must join you. How about you and the rest of your PPP clan explaining to people in gtwn why you all dont think their vote is important enough to try to woo as even the PPP is trying to do?

Instead its berbice, indo vote blablabla.

If you have a PPP fight go bcak and keep your internal squabble away from the rest of us. We dont like any of you PPP factions and we never did because we stopped liking Cheddi and his racist wife since they turned the PPP into an Indo party.

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