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Thousands still ineligible to vote : - PPP lodges complaint with Home Affairs Ministry over ‘evidence of’ extremely long processing times for source documentsPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Gary Eleazar   
Tuesday, 19 February 2013 19:41

THE People’s Progressive Party (PPP) believes that the electorate will at the appropriate time judge the issue of parliamentary collusion between A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change  (AFC), but  a return to the polls  has to take into consideration the current ongoing registration process. This is according to PPP Executive Member and Presidential Adviser, Gail Teixeira, who on Monday last  met with media operatives at the party’s headquarters, Freedom House and said, “If and when there will be elections cannot be taken outside any consideration of the registration.”

Teixeira also noted that such a decision to return to the electorate is the prerogative of the ruling administration, save for a vote of ‘No Confidence’ in the government by the Parliamentary Opposition.

Local Government Minister, Ganga Persaud, who joined his parliamentary colleague at the media engagement, also weighed in on the current registration process.

According to Persaud, the party has already lodged complaints with the Ministry of Home Affairs over what he calls ‘evidence of’ extremely long processing times for source documents at the General Registrar’s Office.

“The party is concerned that quite a number of persons out there have provided information and documentary evidence to suggest that they have applied for source documents and that the processing time in their judgment seems to be too long.”
The Local Government Minister, in urging “maximal participation” in the ongoing registration process, reminded that the party has dispatched scrutineers across the country and are actively engaging the electorate.

Executive Secretary of the PPP, Zulfikar Mustapha, who also addressed the matter of continuous registration with the media operatives on Monday last said that ever since the start of the current registration process, according to information received, over 3,000 persons have been added to the list of electors.

However, he lamented the fact that in the previous registration process, several thousand persons were disenfranchised through various avenues, including waiting until the last minute to engage in the process.

According to the PPP Executive Secretary too, many persons were left off of the list of electors at the last general election.

In keeping with the National Registration Act, the fourth cycle of Continuous Registration by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) began in January last.

Persons who will be 14 years or older by June 30, 2013, and are Guyanese citizens by birth, descent, naturalization, or are citizens from a Commonwealth country living in Guyana for one year or more, are eligible for registration during this registration exercise.

According to GECOM, the National Registration Act, Chapter 19:08 makes it obligatory for persons who meet the registration criteria to apply for registration.

Further, it noted that the piece of legislation governing the registration process, also provides that persons eligible for registration to be prosecuted, fined or even sent to prison for failing or refusing to apply for registration.

Applications for registration can be made at any of the 27 GECOM Permanent Registration Offices across the country or at the relevant Temporary Registration Offices.

There are 49 established Temporary Registration Offices across the 10 administrative regions to make opportunities for registration easily accessible.
In order to apply for registration, eligible persons must be in possession of the necessary source documents to facilitate the process.
The registration exercise, according to GECOM, will come to an end on Saturday May 18, 2013.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The joint opposition are in desperation mode, they know to their gut, in the event of any snap elections, the Guyanese Populace will endorse the PPP/C with a majority....thus ensuring progress continues



These liars are hilarious.


The PPP have to petition Rohee to lead and do his work.  Rohee fails to register Guyanese.  Or is it that he is too slow issuing new GUYANA PASSPORT TO THE 400 OR SO CHINESE WUKING IN Guyana and expected to vote in the next elections.


It was told to my FADA that the PPP planing to PLANT over 3,000 Chinese on the electoral roll in time for the next elections.



So all that HOT AIR from Gail is just she speaking from her arse!


NO ELECTION in 2013!


The Chinese got to get on the electoral roll first.


The Guyanese populace eagerly awaits the holding of local government elections, even if a snap elections is called this year, the masses as stated earlier are ready to endorse the truly working class party, with a majority, they will endorse the P.P.P/C. They Guyanese Populace are growing tired of the partisan politics the joint opposition is playing in the National Assembly.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace eagerly awaits the holding of local government elections, even if a snap elections is called this year, the masses as stated earlier are ready to endorse the truly working class party, with a majority, they will endorse the P.P.P/C. They Guyanese Populace are growing tired of the partisan politics the joint opposition is playing in the National Assembly.

 Who the hell made you spokes person for the Guyanese populace? It is that overwhelming sense of entitlement that has made you hated by a majority of the people and what has placed you in the unfortunate position of the minority. Keep that up and you will be out of office on you ass and in the full gale force wrath of a vengeful PNC. I hate to be your sorry backsides when they ask you to answer for your crooked ways.


The goons of the opposition continues to fight the truth,which is the PPP/C was a victim of their own success, many Guyanese who were duped in voting for the APNU/AFC are hitting their chest and swearing, not the vote for AFC/ they are chanting...NEVER AGAIN...NEVER AGAIN!!!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The goons of the opposition continues to fight the truth,which is the PPP/C was a victim of their own success, many Guyanese who were duped in voting for the APNU/AFC are hitting their chest and swearing, not the vote for AFC/ they are chanting...NEVER AGAIN...NEVER AGAIN!!!

Do you like the word goons? It sounds like Disney 'toon-speak. It will not detract from the reality that the scalawags in the PPP are filching  our nations cash left and right.


Any attempt at duping the population resides in the fairy tale that we are a democracy. It is amply hidden away behind the virbage of legitimacy when moral authority of such legitimacy has its fulcrum on an instrument made to actualize a dictator.


The people are walking with eyes open wide and with full understanding how the race card is used to convert their fears into sheep like behavior. They understand balance and see the axis of change is centered on the AFC. It does not even matter if they hold policies exactly as one wants. The reality that they are equidistant from both parties means we have a chance. The PPP will not dilute the prescient desire for change. And the people knows it lies not in the corrupt PPP or the vengeful PNC They understand implicitly what to do.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace eagerly awaits the holding of local government elections, even if a snap elections is called this year, the masses as stated earlier are ready to endorse the truly working class party, with a majority, they will endorse the P.P.P/C. They Guyanese Populace are growing tired of the partisan politics the joint opposition is playing in the National Assembly.

Old man counsee, like your records stick.  I was on vacation for a week in the British Virgin Islands and did not blog and you still singing the same tune.




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