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Thousands turn out, chant ‘no sellout, no closure’ at Skeldon’s sugar protest


A march organised by the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) earlier today (June 06, 2017) at Skeldon to protest the Administration’s plans for the sugar industry attracted thousands according to the Union in a released statement.

The march which consisted of primarily sugar workers was also joined by other persons from various sectors of the Skeldon community.

The march which was about a mile and a half long moved off from outside of the Administrative Offices of Skeldon Estate along the Public Road to the vicinity of the Springlands NIS office and then to the Republic Square where it culminated.

The procession steadily grew in the course of the peacefully conducted activity and there was a steady chant from the protestors:- “No Sellout, No Closure”.

At the Republic Square the marchers were addressed by Chairman of Region Six, David Armogan; Member of Parliament, Dr Vishwa Mahadeo; GAWU Executive Committee member, Gordon Thomas; GAWU Assistant General Secretary, Aslim Singh; GAWU General Secretary, Seepaul Narine; Guyana Rice Producers Association (GRPA) General Secretary, Dharamkumar Seeraj, and GAWU President, Komal Chand.

The speakers in their addresses congratulated the marchers for their large turnout and their spirited march. They opined that the powers-that-be cannot ignore the people’s strong disagreement with the floated plans for sugar which would bring severe hardships and difficulties for thousands and upset scores of communities, as is the case at Wales now.

The various speakers also pointed out that “wool was being pulled over our eyes with regards to Skeldon.”

According to GAWU  “on one hand, the Guyana Sugar Corporation Inc (GuySuCo) and the State are saying that the new Skeldon factory is a“ticking time bomb”but, on the other hand, we see ready  interest is being expressed by investors. Certainly the interested parties are aware of the value and potential of the estate, thus their interest.”

Skeldon Estate, the GAWU holds, is an important element to GuySuCo’s success and viability. Those present were also disturbed to learn, as reported in the media, of the decision of the Speaker of the National Assembly, Dr Barton Scotland to deny the Economic Services Committee from engaging sugar workers and others on the direction of the industry.

The protestors lamented that while such serious decisions are made about sugar no one from the Administration had seen it fit to engage them.

Those present also heard from a number of vendors of the Skeldon market. They related the current hardships they face arising from low and declining sales. They said it is difficult to make ends meet as it is and they are very worried about what would happen should the estate be sold.

According to GAWU, sugar workers and others linked to the industry are very anxious at this time over the plans outlined in the Government’s State Paper on the sugar industry. Many are opposed to the plans recognizing the sad situation that would befall them and their families. At this time, they are calling on the Government and GuySuCo to listen to their cries and not to pursue its proposed plans.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is what the traitors brought onto the Indians of Guyana! These cockroaches should run deep underground, not for the hills!  As they wring their hands and hide their faces in shame, the Indians of Guyana must fight off the devil himself and the PNC meat grinding machine!

ba$eman posted:

This is what the traitors brought onto the Indians of Guyana! These cockroaches should run deep underground, not for the hills!  As they wring their hands and hide their faces in shame, the Indians of Guyana must fight off the devil himself and the PNC meat grinding machine!

bai you drink too much dall from the cup bar-rat run the sugar industry down with donald as a director its not the pnc that mess up sugar 


Indians can survive under extreme political conditions, but it is becoming undesirable to go through the same oppression twice. The sugar workers should have taken up an alternative job skill since the sugar industry's are coming to an end. They should take up farming, fishing and rearing livestock for a living.

ba$eman posted:

This is what the traitors brought onto the Indians of Guyana! These cockroaches should run deep underground, not for the hills!  As they wring their hands and hide their faces in shame, the Indians of Guyana must fight off the devil himself and the PNC meat grinding machine!

This describes you well Baseman, did you write it all by yourself ?


Sugar workers lead huge protest over planned Skeldon sale

-businesses, residents show solidarity.


The Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) yesterday staged a massive protest against the planned privatisation of the Skeldon Estate that drew support from not only sugar workers and their families but also business owners and vendors who suspended their operations in a show of solidarity.

The protestors marched from the Skeldon Estate to the National Insurance Scheme office, in Springlands and back to Republic Square, Springlands, where various speakers warned of the impact of the planned privatisation and emphasised the need for solidarity.

Most businesses in Springlands yesterday closed their doors and vendors of the Skeldon Market refused to sell to show their solidarity to workers. “See how it look today? Dead? Dead? So it gon’ look when them close sugar,” a resident told Stabroek News.

Protesters gathered at Republic Square

Among those who addressed the protestors were GAWU President Komal Chand, GAWU’s General Secretary Seepaul Narine, Region Six Chairman David Armogan, Mayor of Corriverton Krishnand Jaichand, former Mayor of Corriverton Ganesh Gangadin, and PPP/C Member of Parliament Dr Vishwa Mahadeo.

Chand admitted that sugar is going through “a bad patch” but questioned why the government’s only solutions are to privatise and close estates. He further accused the government of trying to “frighten” the people by putting out large figures and claiming that the sugar industry is a burden on them.

Residents of Skeldon and sugar workers marching yesterday against the government’s plans for the industry.

According to him, it is not the first time that the sugar industry is taking a beating and he pointed out that past leaders had recognised its importance to the economy and plans were put in place to improve and return the industry to a profitable state. “Today we have a government, a president, who is not mindful about the people,” he said.

Chand added that while the president and prime minister speak about “a good life” for all Guyanese, they “are bringing such a harm to the people.” “What will be your future if we allow them to sell out Skeldon Estate?” he questioned.

He further explained that while buyers are lining up to purchase the Skeldon Estate, it is hard to believe that the new owners will have the workers’ best interests at heart.

It was mentioned several times by various speakers at the protest that persons are mostly interested in purchasing the Skeldon Estate so as to get ownership of the co-generation Plant.

“They want to give away our co-gen and lands for cheap price,” Chand said. “We cannot allow them to do that.”

Chand told the protestors that he believed solidarity would win the fight and he said he was pleased that businesses were standing with the sugar workers. He said the number of protesters from different backgrounds and ethnicities must increase and they must stand together so that the government will get the message.

Armogan, during his address, questioned whether the investments needed for GuySuCo are really too much. “They are saying that every year they have to plough into GuySuCo about $9 billion to keep it afloat. If you look at $9 billion, it is just about 1.5% of our GDP and just about 3.6% of our national budget,” he said. “Is that too much to keep 60,000 people going? Definitely not,” he added.

According to Armogan, if the government is to invest in the sugar industry and keep the estates open, the country will benefit in the long term as when citizens earn a wage, the money in turn circulates and the government benefits from taxes.

Armogan also criticised GuySuCo’s management committee, which he said should be dissolved and replaced immediately. “The people who are sitting in Georgetown need to come off their high horses and get into the field. They got to ensure our agronomic practices are better and production and productivity must increase,” he said.

He also touted the benefits of the Skeldon co-generation plant, which he also said is what is attracting prospective buyers. “It can generate about $8 billion by selling current to GPL. They are not going to tell you that. That is why you have people interested in buying Skeldon Estate. They don’t want the estate, they want the co-gen,” he opined.

Mayor of Corriverton Krishnand Jaichand said that as mayor of the town he was concerned about the impact privatisation will have on the local economy. He also opined that GuySuCo can be viable again. “If we are to utilise the co-generation [plant] at Skeldon, the estate can sustain itself,” he argued as he pleaded with the government to utilise the co-generation plant, while pledging the support of the private sector in the Upper Corentyne Area.

Mahadeo lamented that the government is making decisions without consulting the workers, who will be affected by the closure of estates and privatisation.

He also noted that with the closure of estates, the public hospitals that are constantly out of drugs will see much more traffic, since workers and their families who would have sought medical assistance at the estate dispensaries will be visiting.

A few of the speakers charged that the government is exhibiting a “dictatorship” style by making such decisions without consulting the people and this accusation saw the protestors clapping and shouting in agreement.

Workers attached to the Skeldon Estate told Stabroek News that they are against privatisation because there is no certainty that the buyer will keep the sugar workers on the payroll. While urging that government reconsider its plans for the estate, they stressed that they are not willing to gamble away the livelihoods of both them and their families.

Speakers at the protest also highlighted how many persons would be affected by the decision to privatise, including the sugar workers and their families, businesses, fishermen, farmers, public transport operators, and labourers.

Sandy, one of the vendors of the Skeldon Market who was present at the protest, stressed that she will be affected by the closure of the estates, since most of her customers are sugar workers. “When you a sell ten bag cabbage, then you go barely sell half bag. Wah the farmers them go do and who abie go sell give? she asked. “We got to stand up for abie right,” she added.


"Chand admitted that sugar is going through “a bad patchbut questioned why the government’s only solutions are to privatise and close estates. He further accused the government of trying to “frighten” the people by putting out large figures and claiming that the sugar industry is a burden on them.

According to him, it is not the first time that the sugar industry is taking a beating and he pointed out that past leaders had recognised its importance to the economy and plans were put in place to improve and return the industry to a profitable state. “Today we have a government, a president, who is not mindful about the people,” he said.

Chand added that while the president and prime minister speak about “a good life” for all Guyanese, they “are bringing such a harm to the people.”“What will be your future if we allow them to sell out Skeldon Estate?” he questioned.

He further explained that while buyers are lining up to purchase the Skeldon Estate, it is hard to believe that the new owners will have the workers’ best interests at heart.

It was mentioned several times by various speakers at the protest that persons are mostly interested in purchasing the Skeldon Estate so as to get ownership of the co-generation Plant.

“They want to give away our co-gen and lands for cheap price,” Chand said. “We cannot allow them to do that.”

Chand told the protestors that he believed solidarity would win the fight and he said he was pleased that businesses were standing with the sugar workers. He said the number of protesters from different backgrounds and ethnicities must increase and they must stand together so that the government will get the message."


GAWU seems to be objecting to Privatization,Chand should haul his ass,Government should not be in business that is for the private sector.

These Communist are useless,surprisingly they attract quite a number of followers.

I know this Chand fella since in the mid 70's was living high during Kabaka days,while the sugar workers were felling the brunt,don't need to say more about these crooks.

Last edited by Django

Komal Chand and those at GAWU single concern is losing unemployed workers union dues, to maintain their lavish lifestyle. These asses at GAWU only care about themselves, just like the PPP in elections. They cast you aside  after they get your vote.

ba$eman posted:

This is what the traitors brought onto the Indians of Guyana! These cockroaches should run deep underground, not for the hills!  As they wring their hands and hide their faces in shame, the Indians of Guyana must fight off the devil himself and the PNC meat grinding machine!

Quit your screaming. Had the PPP won they would have also closed down Guysuco and made the lands available to real estate speculators.  They did exactly that on the EBD, and planned to do the same on the WBD.

The PPP squandered US$200 million on Skeldon, incurring debt that Guyana cannot afford.

Go wail at Jagdeo for the incompetent and corrupt lout that he was. The EU warned him that they didn't want his sugar, and even gave him free money to transition to something else. Jagdeo, screamed that he would expand sugar.

Well in 2014 Guysuco produced LESS sugar than it did in 1992.  Guysuco was in WORSE shape then than when Hoyte left office!

Django posted:


According to him, it is not the first time that the sugar industry is taking a beating 

I will like this moron to describe another time when Guyana was producing sugar at double the cost that it was selling it for, and lacked price and market guarantees.

Massa day done. He said he doesn't want our sugar. GAWU needs to deal with this if indeed they care about their workers. Screaming that the rest of the nation must throw itself in debt to keep their jobs when they would have been opposed to this being done, had it been bauxite, is a nonstarter.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Prashad posted:

When I said anti-koolie will try to starve out koolie these (know it alls) said I was crazy. Now look at the evidence.

Is the idea of separate states relevant?

I suggest that Corentyne become New Indesh with Jagdeo as the President.  The speed that sugar lands become transformed into luxurious housing estates would shock the sugar workers. Deeper shock would be when they see their trade union bosses living in these mansions.

But the PPP supporter is known to be quite dumb, so no wonder.


HAHAHA PPP supporters dumb but SHIT EATING PNC supporters are wise. 


Ow Massa you go ah England and clean yuh teeth and thing Abee gun eat dry coconut and shit and Monday morning we gun look for cigarette ends on the ground to smoke. Now that is being wise!!!!!!!!


Will SOCU audit where the money will go to from the sale of Skeldon Estate?  Who is overseeing the transaction?   Or the De Facto president will sell it for cheap and pocket the kick back...Guyana for sale!!!

alena06 posted:

Will SOCU audit where the money will go to from the sale of Skeldon Estate?  Who is overseeing the transaction?   Or the De Facto president will sell it for cheap and pocket the kick back...Guyana for sale!!!

You mean like what ever happened to the proceeds for Guyana rail system?

Tola posted:

Komal Chand and those at GAWU single concern is losing unemployed workers union dues, to maintain their lavish lifestyle. These asses at GAWU only care about themselves, just like the PPP in elections. They cast you aside  after they get your vote.

You mean like what Granger just did to you?

ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

Komal Chand and those at GAWU single concern is losing unemployed workers union dues, to maintain their lavish lifestyle. These asses at GAWU only care about themselves, just like the PPP in elections. They cast you aside  after they get your vote.

You mean like what Granger just did to you?

Baseman, don't start being a jackass again. 

Just like Gilbakka said, you keep writing this shit and I will follow  with things about you, that you might have even forgotten.

The choice is yours.


The closure of this Estate will have a negative effect on the Town of Corriverton.

I spoke to a few relatives who are in business and they say the future look bleak.

Let's hope that our Town being where it is at the Corentyne River, we can benefit from the drilling of oil.

Our Town stood up to the test of Time and we came out shinning.

WHEN one door is closed , many others are open.

Hang in thier my Skeldonians!

Chief posted:

The closure of this Estate will have a negative effect on the Town of Corriverton.

I spoke to a few relatives who are in business and they say the future look bleak.

Let's hope that our Town being where it is at the Corentyne River, we can benefit from the drilling of oil.

Our Town stood up to the test of Time and we came out shinning.

WHEN one door is closed , many others are open.

Hang in thier my Skeldonians!

Now Chief, don't you regret supporting these racist dunces?  Now look, you bannas over here and your very own being put thru the grinding machine 3,000 miles away!  All you can do now is watch the effects of those "wretched blows" take their tolls on the Indians of Guyana.

Was seeing the back of BJ really worth what you see unfolding here?

Only hateful, malicious mongrel retards and losers like Tola still can see justice given his 69 IQ mindset!

Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

Komal Chand and those at GAWU single concern is losing unemployed workers union dues, to maintain their lavish lifestyle. These asses at GAWU only care about themselves, just like the PPP in elections. They cast you aside  after they get your vote.

You mean like what Granger just did to you?

Baseman, don't start being a jackass again. 

Just like Gilbakka said, you keep writing this shit and I will follow  with things about you, that you might have even forgotten.

The choice is yours.

I never ask Granger for assistance!  I never supported the PNC, for all off 15 years here (except for six months) I supported the PPP and BJ and even in the six months, I still held the PPP a close 2nd.  What Gilly wrote, I know and regretted my association.

I criticize the PPP for their failings, but never will I chose the racists PNC over them!  With all their flaws, they were still the better choice!

You however, still don't waste time cussing out the PPP, GAWU, BJ, etc.  You see show unwavering hatred toward the PPP and mind boggling numbness towards what is unfolding against the Indians of Guyana.

Once again, how is your suicide missions going?  You had all the answers when the PPP was in power, now tell us!

ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

Komal Chand and those at GAWU single concern is losing unemployed workers union dues, to maintain their lavish lifestyle. These asses at GAWU only care about themselves, just like the PPP in elections. They cast you aside  after they get your vote.

You mean like what Granger just did to you?

Baseman, don't start being a jackass again. 

Just like Gilbakka said, you keep writing this shit and I will follow  with things about you, that you might have even forgotten.

The choice is yours.

I never ask Granger for assistance!  I never supported the PNC, for all off 15 years here (except for six months) I supported the PPP and BJ and even in the six months, I still held the PPP a close 2nd.  What Gilly wrote, I know and regretted my association.

I criticize the PPP for their failings, but never will I chose the racists PNC over them!  With all their flaws, they were still the better choice!

You however, still don't waste time cussing out the PPP, GAWU, BJ, etc.  You see show unwavering hatred toward the PPP and mind boggling numbness towards what is unfolding against the Indians of Guyana.

Once again, how is your suicide missions going?  You had all the answers when the PPP was in power, now tell us!

Like something bothering you today Baseman. Like father, so  is the son, Bhai you are a hypocrite.

I dislike JAGDEO PPP and his gang for what they did to the people in Berbice. If you think this is hate, you should go talk to  the people  who they screwed, causing them toose the election.

Nothing happens in the PPP with the sole direction of Jagdeo, his vindictiveness and dislike for those who oppose him, will kill the PPP.

Baseman, you are a farce. You never asked Granger for anything, yet you are a big shot board member at your family charity, who don't  know how the money is spent. Bhai, is this because its kept ALL IN THE FAMILY.

Chief posted:

The closure of this Estate will have a negative effect on the Town of Corriverton.

I spoke to a few relatives who are in business and they say the future look bleak.

Let's hope that our Town being where it is at the Corentyne River, we can benefit from the drilling of oil.

Our Town stood up to the test of Time and we came out shinning.

WHEN one door is closed , many others are open.

Hang in thier my Skeldonians!

Closing the sugar factory will spell the death of Corriverton. It will be a ghost town in a year. If the government is going to do this, they better start building more prisons..More job opportunity for Warria.

alena06 posted:

  Or the De Facto president will sell it for cheap and pocket the kick back...Guyana for sale!!!

You mean like what Jagdeo did on the EBD, selling Guysuco land for cheap to his real estate speculators.  He would have done the same to Wales had the PPP won.

skeldon_man posted:

Closing the sugar factory will spell the death of Corriverton. It will be a ghost town in a year.

Give them cheap electricity and computer lessons, but otherwise abandon them, just as they did to Linden and Kwakwani.  

Barbados and Trinidad can always do with slave labor.

ba$eman posted:
Chief posted:

The closure of this Estate will have a negative effect on the Town of Corriverton.

I spoke to a few relatives who are in business and they say the future look bleak.

Let's hope that our Town being where it is at the Corentyne River, we can benefit from the drilling of oil.

Our Town stood up to the test of Time and we came out shinning.

WHEN one door is closed , many others are open.

Hang in thier my Skeldonians!

Now Chief, don't you regret supporting these racist dunces?  Now look, you bannas over here and your very own being put thru the grinding machine 3,000 miles away!  All you can do now is watch the effects of those "wretched blows" take their tolls on the Indians of Guyana.

Was seeing the back of BJ really worth what you see unfolding here?

Only hateful, malicious mongrel retards and losers like Tola still can see justice given his 69 IQ mindset!

I do not regret supporting this new coalition Government. Reason being, the PPP were over doing it. Jagdeo thought he was King and he misled the entire PPP. That Skeldon Estate should have never been built given whats going on with cane sugar on the World Market. All the Carribean countries including Trinidad stop producing sugar because the cost is too much.

The PPP did not pay attention to diversification because Jagdeo and Manniram Prashad was too busy filling their pockets. 

skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:

The closure of this Estate will have a negative effect on the Town of Corriverton.

I spoke to a few relatives who are in business and they say the future look bleak.

Let's hope that our Town being where it is at the Corentyne River, we can benefit from the drilling of oil.

Our Town stood up to the test of Time and we came out shinning.

WHEN one door is closed , many others are open.

Hang in thier my Skeldonians!

Closing the sugar factory will spell the death of Corriverton. It will be a ghost town in a year. If the government is going to do this, they better start building more prisons..More job opportunity for Warria.

I have a friend who own a money gram  franchise in Corriverton.  He explained to me that the amount of money that he is remitted through his agency per week is bigger than Skeldon Estate payroll. I am not saying that closing of the estate will not have a negative effect but people will find a way to survive.

As I said earlier , I hope when the drilling begin, Corriverton can be used as the main hub . This will create employment and the people will eventually benefit.

Hopefully the Government can create some incentives for the younger generation to get back to farming , fishing and other Agro- based commodities.




caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Prashad posted:

When I said anti-koolie will try to starve out koolie these (know it alls) said I was crazy. Now look at the evidence.

Is the idea of separate states relevant?

I suggest that Corentyne become New Indesh with Jagdeo as the President.  The speed that sugar lands become transformed into luxurious housing estates would shock the sugar workers. Deeper shock would be when they see their trade union bosses living in these mansions.

But the PPP supporter is known to be quite dumb, so no wonder.

Separate independent countries are the only viable and workable solutions.


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