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Sugar estates bids boil down to five

-DDL opts out of Enmore

Following the examination of 10 submissions, only five companies have entered bids for three shuttered sugar estates and a pall was cast over the process yesterday after Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) announced that it was not pursuing its interest in the Enmore operations.

Very little information was available yesterday on the companies which have entered bids. The low number of bids is in sharp contrast to earlier assessments from government officials that there were scores of interested companies from the region and further afield

The names of the companies, released by the Special Purpose Unit (SPU) of the National Industrial & Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), and the respective estates tendered for are shown in the table below…..


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November 3 2018


Sugar estates bids boil down to five - DDL opts out of Enmore

Following the examination of 10 submissions, only five companies have entered bids for three shuttered sugar estates and a pall was cast over the process yesterday after Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) announced that it was not pursuing its interest in the Enmore operations.

Very little information was available yesterday on the companies which have entered bids. The low number of bids is in sharp contrast to earlier assessments from government officials that there were scores of interested companies from the region and further afield

The names of the companies, released by the Special Purpose Unit (SPU) of the National Industrial & Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL), and the respective estates tendered for are shown in the table below.

DDL had long expressed interest in the Enmore Estate for its molasses needs but it issued a statement yesterday saying that it was unable to find a model that would β€œproperly fit” within its current investment and development strategy.

DDL said that it came to its decision after much deliberation and expending considerable time and financial resources in undertaking due diligence to determine the level of investment required to turn around the Enmore Estate.

The Private Sector Commission (PSC) had visited the Enmore estate and had also signalled interest in its purchase but it, too, did not submit a bid. Several efforts made to contact head of the PSC, Desmond Sears, proved futile as calls to his mobile and business numbers went unanswered.

Chief Executive Officer of DDL Komal Samaroo, when earlier contacted by Stabroek News, said that it was not that the company was not interested in the estate.

β€œIt is not that we are not interested, we are interested,” Samaroo said, before explaining that a subsequent statement would give reasons for the decision.

The statement quoted him as saying, β€œWe respect the process being conducted by the SPU and PwC, and will continue to pay keen interest in those developments and outcomes.”

Samaroo added, β€œif the estate is sold, we will quickly engage the new owners to ensure that we secure supplies of molasses for our distillery. Should the estate remain unsold, we would equally reengage to determine if there is a model that works for our shareholders.”

The company also explained that it was not only because of its need for molasses that it was interested and that it felt a corporate duty to preserve the sugar industry. β€œAs a responsible corporate citizen, DDL was clearly interested in the preservation of the sugar industry in Guyana because it is deeply rooted in who we are as a nation and as a people. Moreover, the sugar industry is seen as inextricably linked to DDL’s rums, for which the value of participating in the industry’s survival is crucial to preserving those links,” the statement said.

β€œIn fact, DDL’s interest in Enmore is driven primarily by its need for molasses for its core business as a distillery. The shortfall in molasses experienced after the closure of three GuySuCo estates severely impacted DDL’s ability to meet its commitments to local and export customers,” it added.


But while the company could not see the estate as part of its current investments, it said β€œNevertheless, DDL remains committed to participate, should the opportunity become available in the future.”

It would have to wait until the existing process is completed and only if that fails and government goes to other options could it be given that opportunity again.

Managing Director (Deals) of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Tax and Advisory Services Limited Wilfred Baghaloo had attributed the lower than expected number of bids to uncertainty over the functionality of the estates and concerns about competition from the state-owned GuySuCo.

β€œThe major concerns of potential bidders related to regulations that are needed to ensure fair competition [with] government, that is, the legacy, GuySuCo,” he told reporters on Thursday, the day after the tender opening that saw the 10 submissions.

β€œPart of the concern was that a lot of people were worriedβ€”β€˜What are we really buying? Are we buying scrap metal or going concerns?’ There was also concern about the regulatory environmentβ€¦β€˜How do we compete with government?’” he added.

PwC, was contracted by the SPU and last year began doing valuations of the assets of GuySuCo in order to secure prospective investors.

He had explained also that he could not give the names of the bidders until the documents were sorted and it was determined if the ten envelopes were individual bids or multiple bids from one company. But while he could not name the companies, he said local and regional companies dominated the submissions as only one bid came from an international company. That international company, Baghaloo said, is registered in Florida but has Middle Eastern connections.

Asked why the country registration of the companies was not given as is done in Guyana when bids are opened, he said, β€œWe are still going through the high volume of documents etc provided.”

Asked about his statement that only one foreign company had bid, Baghaloo reasoned, β€œit depends on definitions…we are still going through the high volume of documents submitted by some of the bidders. A company registered in the USA or St Lucia is not necessarily a foreign company if the owners are citizens of another country. We will have to look behind the corporate structure for substance over form.”

After the bids have been submitted and evaluations completed, it will be Cabinet that will make a final decision. β€œPwC would give the score, because they will use a scoring system for the business plans as they evaluate them in terms of technical and financial aspects and that sort of thing. They will look at the bids, score, make their evaluation and recommendations but we still have to submit to Cabinet,” Head of NICIL Horace James had previously explained, while noting that Cabinet will make a decision on the information that PwC and the steering committee submits.

β€œI hope we are talking early next year. Yes, I hope by then [the end of February] that we would see them sold off,” he added, when asked about an expected completion date for the divestment process.

The sale of the estates can be a lifeline for the thousands of sugar workers who have been laid off after government closed the estates at the end of last year. GuySuCo retains the Uitvlugt, Albion and Blairmont estates.

PwC has reminded that the government reserves the right to not accept any bid received and could opt to reopen the process should it be deemed necessary. 

Baghaloo said that there should be no premature despair over the number of bids received. β€œLet’s see if these bids have substance and if the bidders meet the established criteria,” he said.

D2 posted:

It is amazing how these cane cutters et al worked so hard all their lives and they were not given a right to own part of these lands. Having these vast quantity of land in the hands of a few is a recipe for continued poverty of the people. Berbicians on the whole do not own more than their houselot.  

During the Burnham years, there were talks about giving Groups of cane cutters parcels  of  land [leased basis] to plant sugar cane which will be supplied to the Sugar Factories.

All gone fuh channa, when the kleptocrats came to power. I know some of the bicycle riders,they aren't thinkers, they are political hacks.

Last edited by Django

Sad to say, the culture of individualism in Guyana presently takes precedence over the culture of social solidarity. The closure of the sugar estates provided a promising opportunity for the sacked workers to organize themselves into cane farmers cooperative societies and bid for GuySuCo land. A part of their severance pay being pooled for initial capital. And those cooperatives could have supplied cane to functional factories. There are already success stories for inspiration from the likes of BelVue peasant cane farmers cooperative society in the Canals Polder WBD.


DDL pulls out of race for Enmore estate

…Nand Persaud & Company bids for all closed estates

In a surprise move, Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) announced on Thursday that it has pulled out from the race to acquire Enmore estate, which is one of the estates being divested by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).

The East Demerara Sugar Estate, popularly known as Enmore Estate

According to the bids that the Special Purpose Unit of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) received, Guygulf International Trading Development, parent company of local subsidiary Nand Persaud and Company Limited, is bidding to acquire the Skeldon, Rose Hall and Enmore estates.
Besides Guygulf, D Rampersaud & Co Ltd has submitted a bid for the Skeldon Estate; Liberty Investments Inc has submitted a bid for the Enmore Estate; Industrial Equipment Sales and Service Incorporation (IESS) has expressed interest in acquiring Rose Hall Estate, as has Kadem Sugars Inc.
Tenders closed on October 31. Conspicuously absent is DDL, who in a statement on Friday made it clear that it decided not to submit its bid for the Enmore estate. It acknowledged the importance of the industry both to produce its rum and for sentimental reasons, but noted that its due diligence did not justify making the investment.
β€œThere was an expectation that DDL would tender for the Enmore Estate; and in fact DDL invested considerable time and financial resources in a due diligence process to determine the level of investment required to turnaround the Enmore Estate. In fact, DDL’s interest in Enmore is driven primarily by its need for molasses for its core business as a distillery.”
However, in its due diligence exercise, DDL was unable to find a model for the Enmore Estate that would properly fit within its current investment and development strategy. Nevertheless, DDL said, it remains committed to participating, should the opportunity become available in the future.
Commenting on the issue, DDL Chairman Komal Samaroo maintained that DDL would continue to pay keen interest in the divestment. He also acknowledged the role that the SPU and overseas based accounting firm Price waterhouseCoopers (PwC) is playing.
β€œIf the estate is sold, we will quickly engage the new owners to ensure that we secure supplies of molasses for our distillery. Should the estate remain unsold, we would equally re-engage to determine if there is a model that works for our shareholders.”

The Florida-based Guygulf International Trading Development has as its principals Hefazul Hakh, Ragindra Persaud and Faiz Al-Abidee. While Ragindra Persaud is the Chairman of Guyana’s Rice Millers Association, he is also Chief Executive Officer of Guygulf’s local subsidiary.
Meanwhile, Liberty investments Inc is a California-based construction company that bills itself as a custom home builder. While there is no official website under the name of Kadeem Sugar Inc, this publication was able to ascertain that IESS is a US-based industrial equipment company involved in the oil and gas sector.
Following the downsizing of the sugar industry, DDL was at one time forced to turn to another country, Nicaragua, from which to import its molasses. The company had submitted an expression of interest (EoI) to Government for the potential purchase of Enmore.
At the time, Public Relations Representative of DDL, Alex Graham, had said that once the supply of molasses was threatened, it was in the company’s interest to explore options with the intention of finding a solution.
Graham had explained that when the Special Purpose Unit (SPU) was established, it had requested interested parties to submit EoIs, and DDL had submitted same. He noted that no formal proposal has been submitted otherwise.
In 2016, the operations of the LBI Estate were amalgamated with those of the Enmore Estate. Government also plans to privatise the Skeldon and Rose Hall estates.


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