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caribny posted:
caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

Sugar and Rice are the backbone of the Indo-Guyanese community. Where are those people going to find work?

Same place that the black bauxite workers found jobs.  

I see that you are a liar. Here you refer to Indians?  You put this within a race based context.  .

Did you say anything about the fate that black workers suffered when bauxite was sold and 80% of them lost their jobs?  NO! But you seem concerned about Indians.

So given that you care nothing about blacks, why then should others care about Indians?

They will have to survive just as did he displaced bauxite workers. We are bombarded with screams of "black man lazy" and how "hardworking" Indians are.

THAT is why virtually all of the blacks who used to post on GNI left. And in fact I only periodically peep in these days, as I consider this site to be a cesspit of racist bigotry.

Oh Rass man, we are talking about Sugar and Rice here. I said "backbone of the Indo-Guyanese community" because they are. Had I been involved in discussing bauxite then, my arguments would have been similar. I have only been on here a few weeks now. We are talking about NOW, TODAY.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

I can tell you first hand that GT Angler is not a bigot.  He

Given that you are one you are hardly a credible person. Better you said nothing but now I am convinced that he is.

Let me tell you something.  This banna is a quarter of your age.  He is a decent respectable person who I have known since he is a child.  No racism or hatred there.  He is clean cut, objective, and contributes to the policy debate in a meaningful way.   Your attempt to drag him into the gutter of racism is undercutting to say the least.

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

I never said anything about Indian or Black or consideration of any over the other. I called you an idiot because only an idiot would suggest retraining approximately 16,000 people, a large percentage of which is illiterate, to work in an industry that doesn't have that many jobs available. As for being racist, you are absolutely right. I hate the race of stupid people.

Still no comments about the fate of the bauxite workers who live in a region where the soils were poor, and they were mainly impoverished.


But they are blacks so they don't matter.  You see in the eyes of racists like you when non Indians have problems they need to shut up, but the whole world must stop when Indians have problems.

well GuySICKO is a mess in the same way as Guymine used to be and one set of the adverserly impacted do NOT need any more consideration than do others.

But a man like who clearly thinks that Indians are the only ones who matter cannot see this.

And please tell me who many people in Guyana make US$1,000 per month as we are hearing that sugar workers make. Clue. Not even many wth college degrees.

Please go read more of my posts before you make a bigger idiot of yourself.

GTAngler posted:
caribny posted:
caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

Sugar and Rice are the backbone of the Indo-Guyanese community. Where are those people going to find work?

Same place that the black bauxite workers found jobs.  

I see that you are a liar. Here you refer to Indians?  You put this within a race based context.  .

Did you say anything about the fate that black workers suffered when bauxite was sold and 80% of them lost their jobs?  NO! But you seem concerned about Indians.

So given that you care nothing about blacks, why then should others care about Indians?

They will have to survive just as did he displaced bauxite workers. We are bombarded with screams of "black man lazy" and how "hardworking" Indians are.

THAT is why virtually all of the blacks who used to post on GNI left. And in fact I only periodically peep in these days, as I consider this site to be a cesspit of racist bigotry.

Oh Rass man, we are talking about Sugar and Rice here. I said "backbone of the Indo-Guyanese community" because they are. Had I been involved in discussing bauxite then, my arguments would have been similar. I have only been on here a few weeks now. We are talking about NOW, TODAY.

Dude, don't take this banna seriously.  He did the same thing to me when I joined GNI a little over a year ago.  It was a whole pool of them.  The others did their mischief and they cut and run.  He is still here waving his racism flag at every given opportunity.  When a new person joins GNI they try to run them off.  I stood up and fought them off - ONE by ONE!!

Bibi Haniffa
GTAngler posted:

I have never professed a bias to either race.

1. You ignore the non Indians who are involved in sugar and rice.

2. You cannot even see that this dislocation is equivalent to that faced by bauxite workers when the PPP privatized that industry.

I true sign of being a bigot is the fact that you cannot even see the degree to which you cannot empathize with people who you don't consider to be part of your group.

GTAngler posted:

Please go read more of my posts before you make a bigger idiot of yourself.

Every post of yours just continues to advance the notion that you do not give the slightest about the 62% of the population who aren't Indian.

OK first comment might have been an oversight on your part, but seriously you could have stated that not only Indians work in sugar and rice and therefore this isn't just an Indian issue.

You could have also stated your desire to have APNU/AFC show more sensitivity for the people who work in this industry and who didn't vote for them than did the PPP show towards bauxite workers who aren't part of their base.

But you didn't.

Now enjoy the fact that the Indo bigots on this board, Bibi and others of her ilk now rush to your defense.

If it barks its most likely a dog.  If you write as you do then you reveal yourself to be who you are. Dismissive of non Indians.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Dude, don't take this banna seriously.  !!

And of course you did reveal yourself to be a black hating racist.  I was NOT the only person who called you this.

Now embrace GTAngler tightly so we can confirm that he is part of your crew.


It seems like you're also a little slow on the uptake. What part of, " Sugar and Rice are the backbone of the Indo-Guyanese Community" implies that there are no blacks working in those industries?  

GTAngler posted:

It seems like you're also a little slow on the uptake. What part of, " Sugar and Rice are the backbone of the Indo-Guyanese Community" implies that there are no blacks working in those industries?  

Because you put this in an Indian context.  If the industries are multi ethnic then why even raise race?


Because you illiterate moron, it just happens that certain industries in Guyana are dominated by one group while others are more diverse. If you knew your history you would shut your backside. For example, after slavery was abolished, what ethnic group was first brought to replace the freed slaves? The Chinese who didn't adapt well to manual labour and ended up in business. Then the Portuguese. Same result. Then Indians who were right at home and introduced rice to Guyana.

GTAngler posted:

Because you illiterate moron, it just happens that certain industries in Guyana are dominated by one group while others are more diverse. If you knew your history you would shut your backside. For example, after slavery was abolished, what ethnic group was first brought to replace the freed slaves? The Chinese who didn't adapt well to manual labour and ended up in business. Then the Portuguese. Same result. Then Indians who were right at home and introduced rice to Guyana.

Take a peek here


Last edited by Django
Django posted:
GTAngler posted:

Because you illiterate moron, it just happens that certain industries in Guyana are dominated by one group while others are more diverse. If you knew your history you would shut your backside. For example, after slavery was abolished, what ethnic group was first brought to replace the freed slaves? The Chinese who didn't adapt well to manual labour and ended up in business. Then the Portuguese. Same result. Then Indians who were right at home and introduced rice to Guyana.

Take a peek here


Well, I stand corrected. At least one good thing came out of this. Tnanks.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

Sugar and Rice are the backbone of the Indo-Guyanese community. Where are those people going to find work?

Same place that the black bauxite workers found jobs.  

I see that you are a liar. Here you refer to Indians?  You put this within a race based context.  .

Did you say anything about the fate that black workers suffered when bauxite was sold and 80% of them lost their jobs?  NO! But you seem concerned about Indians.

So given that you care nothing about blacks, why then should others care about Indians?

They will have to survive just as did he displaced bauxite workers. We are bombarded with screams of "black man lazy" and how "hardworking" Indians are.

THAT is why virtually all of the blacks who used to post on GNI left. And in fact I only periodically peep in these days, as I consider this site to be a cesspit of racist bigotry.

Whoa, whoa, whoa ,whoa, cut that out.  That is a personal attack that is completely off mark.  GT Angler is not a racist by any measure of the word, so please don't drag him into your cesspit of racist bigotry.

The people who left GNI did not leave because of race.  They left because the coalition govt that they helped to elect turned out to be a piece of crap so they all went to hide under their beds.

Why don't you shut your lying rass mouth? This is the reason intelligent posters are staying away, it's people like you and your asinine posts.Yes, they are mostly staying away because of this site being on the verge of a race/religious hate site by filthy fkin liars such as yourself.

Carib is on the mark with his comments. Just look at some of the sleazy ass posts seen here recently, it's all about the poor coolies, is only dem alone who reside and suffering in Guyana? Everyone is suffering because of nincompoops in Government from Burnham to the previous govt. (Carib has always stated this also unlike some here who kiss the feet of that scumbag Jagdeo)

The only time Guyana had seen some decency was during Jagan's tenure just before his passing.

GTAngler posted:

Because you illiterate moron, it just happens that certain industries in Guyana are dominated by one group while others are more diverse.

So in your racist brain only Indo dominated industries need receive attention.

Talk about a man who screams that this isn't about race and then makes it all about race!

And sorry to inform you but rice was NOT introduced into Guyana by Indians. See where the racist anti black cancer in your brain carries you.

And in fact slaves from the Sierra Leone region were imported as they had experience in growing rice.  In fact the cultivation of  rice in the USA was a virtual slave controlled enterprise and in fact the slave masters didn't even inhabit those regions.  You will note that it was the rice growing areas in the USA that gave the Dutch the idea that it could be introduced into Guyana and also grown by slaves.

So remain in your little cave where only things Indian interest you.


GTAngler posted:
Django posted:

Well, I stand corrected. At least one good thing came out of this. Tnanks.

One day you will be dragged out of your Indian cave and understand that 62% of the people in Guyana are NOT Indian!

caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:
Django posted:

Well, I stand corrected. At least one good thing came out of this. Tnanks.

One day you will be dragged out of your Indian cave and understand that 62% of the people in Guyana are NOT Indian!

Care to try?????


The cane cutters will have no choice but to migrate to the North America.

It looks like Granger will succeed where Burnham failed. Only in America lies the destination of Indo Guyanese. Donald Trump says come on in, the water is fine.

caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

Don't be a blasted idiot. If you have nothing positive to contribute then shut up.

Why.  The PPP sold bauxite and blacks lost their jobs in an area where little other than bauxite was available.

Now displaced sugar workers .might suffer the same fate

They do NOT deserve any more consideration than do the bauxite workers in Region 10.  They will have to survive in the SAME way.

At least this government will offer at least some of them land. Now what did the bauxite workers get? NOTHING!

You are a racist dog if you don't understand this. Indian lives are NOT more important than are blacks.

And if they do, I hope they get $5 kwh electricity. I know they will not burn the government buildings, bridges or schools when this happens.

caribny posted:
GTAngler posted:

I never said anything about Indian or Black or consideration of any over the other. I called you an idiot because only an idiot would suggest retraining approximately 16,000 people, a large percentage of which is illiterate, to work in an industry that doesn't have that many jobs available. As for being racist, you are absolutely right. I hate the race of stupid people.

Still no comments about the fate of the bauxite workers who live in a region where the soils were poor, and they were mainly impoverished.


But they are blacks so they don't matter.  You see in the eyes of racists like you when non Indians have problems they need to shut up, but the whole world must stop when Indians have problems.

well GuySICKO is a mess in the same way as Guymine used to be and one set of the adverserly impacted do NOT need any more consideration than do others.

But a man like who clearly thinks that Indians are the only ones who matter cannot see this.

And please tell me who many people in Guyana make US$1,000 per month as we are hearing that sugar workers make. Clue. Not even many wth college degrees.

Poor excuse for laziness..ask Donald Trump. I can post the picture of him validating what I wrote.

Gilbakka posted:
GTAngler posted:

An addendum. I was doing some checking on GUYSUCO and it's executives. Can someone please explain who in their right mind would hire an ABSENTEE CEO living in the United States who has to be flown home at GUYSUCO's expense when necessary? 

Are you referring to Dr Raj Singh? Conventional wisdom deemed that a bad GuySuCo decision from Day 1. But Dr Raj Singh had powerful friends in the Highest Office at that time.

Dr. Raj Singh is an American citizen. He has a pension and social security benefits in America. He is well off. Don't lose any sleep on Raj Singh. His bread is well buttered.


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