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Three parties ‘joinder’ of lists seen as positive

Khemraj Ramjattan
Khemraj Ramjattan

The decision by three new political parties to join their Lists of Candidates for the March 2 elections, in the hope of denying the next government an absolute majority in the National Assembly, has surprised many in the political establishment.


“It is something I really want to take a look at because quite frankly, I was totally unaware of this kind of joinder. I had read that law a long, long time ago very comprehensively but it didn’t dawn on me that that could be done. Like so many things about the law, you are surprised to know these things are in there,” APNU+AFC prime ministerial candidate Khemraj Ramjattan told Stabroek News in an invited comment on Saturday.

A New and United Guyana (ANUG), the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and The New Movement (TNM) have agreed, based on Section 22 of the Representation of the People Act, to apply for a “joinder” of their lists of candidates so that the votes they secure at the March 2 general and regional elections could be counted collectively and improve their chances of securing parliamentary and regional seats.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!


Ramjattan is stunned.  Had he known about this law, perhaps AFC would not have joined APNU and today they could have been a viable political force.  He was one of those who was hesitant to join with the PNC.  But Naga held his feet to the fire and said we must bring down the PPP at all costs.

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!

Was Shiamkaran a coolie daag when he supported Burnham to deny Indians the basic necessities of life?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Ramjattan is stunned.

 Had he known about this law, perhaps AFC would not have joined APNU and today they could have been a viable political force.  He was one of those who was hesitant to join with the PNC.  But Naga held his feet to the fire and said we must bring down the PPP at all costs.

Stunned and out in la-la land.

Image result for Khemraj Ramjattan

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!

Was Shiamkaran a coolie daag when he supported Burnham to deny Indians the basic necessities of life?

Hey hey. Suh you is Due Diligence exec now?

Anyway, nah. Talk bout dem soupies who tek PPP wuk, den tek PNC wuk because of the PNC night connections!

Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!

Was Shiamkaran a coolie daag when he supported Burnham to deny Indians the basic necessities of life?

Hey hey. Suh you is Due Diligence exec now?

Anyway, nah. Talk bout dem soupies who tek PPP wuk, den tek PNC wuk because of the PNC night connections!

Have no idea what you are talking about.  And frankly I don’t care.  You are a nonentity, unemployed, lowlife looking for attention here on GNI by derailing every thread with your ignorance.  Go get a life.

Bibi Haniffa

Then you wonder what kind of lawyer is Rumjaat, he is surprised about the "Joinder Law" . maybe he got his Law degree from the University of Uitvlugt. It tell you, the PNC is a bunch of DUNCES.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!

Was Shiamkaran a coolie daag when he supported Burnham to deny Indians the basic necessities of life?

Who is Shiamkaran ? is it a poster relative or a political figure ? I would suggest to avoid bringing posters private relatives in discussions on the forum.

Thank you !!!

kp posted:

Then you wonder what kind of lawyer is Rumjaat, he is surprised about the "Joinder Law" . maybe he got his Law degree from the University of Uitvlugt. It tell you, the PNC is a bunch of DUNCES.

You are correct.  And he is jockeying for the Prime Minister position.  Naga is also a lawyer and didn’t opt for the joinder law. Instead, He sold his soul to the PNC devil. Well, that Burnham constitution is about to get a shake down and the political landscape is about to be changed at a critical time in the history of Guyana.  

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
kp posted:

Then you wonder what kind of lawyer is Rumjaat, he is surprised about the "Joinder Law" . maybe he got his Law degree from the University of Uitvlugt. It tell you, the PNC is a bunch of DUNCES.

When I was with the AFC, there was lose talk of that however, none had the type of support to make a difference. If you add them all together with the AFC support, it did not move the needle. And it would have introduced more leadership complications.

This is not innovative.

Ramjattan is embracing this because it can only hurt the PPP. Most of the votes Shuman likely to get would go PPP.  So it is with Asha.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!

Was Shiamkaran a coolie daag when he supported Burnham to deny Indians the basic necessities of life?

Who is Shiamkaran ? is it a poster relative or a political figure ? I would suggest to avoid bringing posters private relatives in discussions on the forum.

Thank you !!!

Shiamkaran is a political figure.  He was Burnham right hand man up to his untimely death in 1986.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!

Was Shiamkaran a coolie daag when he supported Burnham to deny Indians the basic necessities of life?

Who is Shiamkaran ? is it a poster relative or a political figure ? I would suggest to avoid bringing posters private relatives in discussions on the forum.

Thank you !!!

Shiamkaran is a political figure.  He was Burnham right hand man up to his untimely death in 1986.  

Did Mr.Shiamkaran held any political office ? his name doesn't ring a bell.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!

Was Shiamkaran a coolie daag when he supported Burnham to deny Indians the basic necessities of life?

Who is Shiamkaran ? is it a poster relative or a political figure ? I would suggest to avoid bringing posters private relatives in discussions on the forum.

Thank you !!!

Shiamkaran is a political figure.  He was Burnham right hand man up to his untimely death in 1986.  

Did Mr.Shiamkaran held any political office ? his name doesn't ring a bell.

He was Burnham Chief of Staff and held some sort of portfolio in the Agriculture Ministry with responsibility for the continent of Africa.  He lived in Africa for some time.

Bibi Haniffa

GECOM acknowledges request for list joinder

The Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) has acknowledged receipt of a request by three political parties for a “joinder” of their lists of candidates.

Public Relations Officer Yolanda Ward has explained that the matter will now be discussed by the full commission at their statutory meeting scheduled for tomorrow.

Stabroek News has previously reported that A New and United Guyana (ANUG), the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and The New Movement (TNM) have agreed, based on Section 22 of the Representation of the People Act, to apply for a “joinder” of their lists of candidates so that the votes they secure at the March 2 general and regional elections could be counted collectively and improve their chances of securing parliamentary and regional seats.

The parties will contest the polls separately but in tabulating votes for the allocation of seats in the National Assembly and on the Regional Democratic Councils, their votes will be combined.

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:

This is the first time in the history of Guyana that the joinder law is enforced. Shared governance is on the horizon.  Winner takes all is about to be defeated.  

Perhaps, perhaps not.

While this option is an approved one, one needs to await the results of the election and how the total votes will translate to seats in the legislature and the regional councils.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

This is the first time in the history of Guyana that the joinder law is enforced. Shared governance is on the horizon.  Winner takes all is about to be defeated.  

Wow, how enlightening!

Ayuh dozz change skin line duh labaria.  But then again!

Suddenly you want PPP as minority.  And yuh running behind Jagdeo. 

You know why you don’t want Irfaan to succeed. Ayuh is a backstabber clan all around.

kp posted:

Then you wonder what kind of lawyer is Rumjaat, he is surprised about the "Joinder Law" . maybe he got his Law degree from the University of Uitvlugt. It tell you, the PNC is a bunch of DUNCES.

Hey you, don't mock our Uitvlugt community university. It got the attention of Granger who would have been a better leader if only he was an alumnus.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!

Was Shiamkaran a coolie daag when he supported Burnham to deny Indians the basic necessities of life?

Who is Shiamkaran ? is it a poster relative or a political figure ? I would suggest to avoid bringing posters private relatives in discussions on the forum.

Thank you !!!

Shiamkaran is a political figure.  He was Burnham right hand man up to his untimely death in 1986.  

Did Mr.Shiamkaran held any political office ? his name doesn't ring a bell.

He was Burnham Chief of Staff and held some sort of portfolio in the Agriculture Ministry with responsibility for the continent of Africa.  He lived in Africa for some time.

Seems Mr.Shiamkaran was a civil servant. I would suggest let him RIP.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Baseman posted:

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!

Was Shiamkaran a coolie daag when he supported Burnham to deny Indians the basic necessities of life?

Who is Shiamkaran ? is it a poster relative or a political figure ? I would suggest to avoid bringing posters private relatives in discussions on the forum.

Thank you !!!

Shiamkaran is a political figure.  He was Burnham right hand man up to his untimely death in 1986.  

Did Mr.Shiamkaran held any political office ? his name doesn't ring a bell.

He was Burnham Chief of Staff and held some sort of portfolio in the Agriculture Ministry with responsibility for the continent of Africa.  He lived in Africa for some time.

Seems Mr.Shiamkaran was a civil servant. I would suggest let him RIP.

Nah he was a big one in the Burnham government.  Ask your PNC connections.  

Bibi Haniffa
Mitwah posted:

KP, what is this "Joinder Law"?

Oi Mitwah, Baseman said you are a lawyer trained at the University of London, And you also possess an MBA from a French Ivy Leg school in Quebec.  You also have a CPA among your other three Accounting accreditations.  How come a world class scholar like you don’t know about Joinder Law?  This would have come in handy in your role as an advisor to the Coalition government.  

You mek me hand fall deh.  I was starting to feel nice that I am rubbing keyboards with a Guyanese scholar.  

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was Burnham Chief of Staff and held some sort of portfolio in the Agriculture Ministry with responsibility for the continent of Africa.  He lived in Africa for some time.

Seems Mr.Shiamkaran was a civil servant. I would suggest let him RIP.

Nah he was a big one in the Burnham government.  Ask your PNC connections.  

Me thinks you are getting personal ,with family connections ,this forum is not the place for that. I am suggesting again, let Mr.Shiamkaran RIP.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was Burnham Chief of Staff and held some sort of portfolio in the Agriculture Ministry with responsibility for the continent of Africa.  He lived in Africa for some time.

Seems Mr.Shiamkaran was a civil servant. I would suggest let him RIP.

Nah he was a big one in the Burnham government.  Ask your PNC connections.  

Me thinks you are getting personal ,with family connections ,this forum is not the place for that. I am suggesting let Mr.Shiamkaran RIP.

You have PNC family?

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He was Burnham Chief of Staff and held some sort of portfolio in the Agriculture Ministry with responsibility for the continent of Africa.  He lived in Africa for some time.

Seems Mr.Shiamkaran was a civil servant. I would suggest let him RIP.

Nah he was a big one in the Burnham government.  Ask your PNC connections.  

Me thinks you are getting personal ,with family connections ,this forum is not the place for that. I am suggesting let Mr.Shiamkaran RIP.

You have PNC family?

Is not that personal ? Do you see Django ask posters any such questions ?

Amral posted:

Guyana election getting more and more confusing everyday. 

Is sheer Jhanjat going on rass.
Look at GNI, same thing happening here. Hopefully all of this madness ends on March 2nd. 
DJ should then tek over this place and run his own show after election results are announced. My prediction is that less than two members will leave. DJ should stop arguing with those opposed to his ownership of this site.

Thats my two cents. 

Sean posted:
Amral posted:

Guyana election getting more and more confusing everyday. 

Is sheer Jhanjat going on rass.
Look at GNI, same thing happening here. Hopefully all of this madness ends on March 2nd. 
DJ should then tek over this place and run his own show after election results are announced. My prediction is that less than two members will leave. DJ should stop arguing with those opposed to his ownership of this site.

Thats my two cents. 

Not arguing Bhai ,you are aware how many arrows ,i have to pluck from my chest and still standing.

Django posted:
Sean posted:
Amral posted:

Guyana election getting more and more confusing everyday. 

Is sheer Jhanjat going on rass.
Look at GNI, same thing happening here. Hopefully all of this madness ends on March 2nd. 
DJ should then tek over this place and run his own show after election results are announced. My prediction is that less than two members will leave. DJ should stop arguing with those opposed to his ownership of this site.

Thats my two cents. 

Not arguing Bhai ,you are aware how many arrows ,i have to pluck from my chest and still standing.


kp posted:
Django posted:
Sean posted:
Amral posted:

Guyana election getting more and more confusing everyday. 

Is sheer Jhanjat going on rass.
Look at GNI, same thing happening here. Hopefully all of this madness ends on March 2nd. 
DJ should then tek over this place and run his own show after election results are announced. My prediction is that less than two members will leave. DJ should stop arguing with those opposed to his ownership of this site.

Thats my two cents. 

Not arguing Bhai ,you are aware how many arrows ,i have to pluck from my chest and still standing.


Baseman posted:

He will say that because they will hurt the PPP.  ANUG are a bunch of snakes 🐍 and backstabbers.  Ramkaran intent on denying Irfaan the Presidency for personal reasons.   Another semi-Coolie crab!

Blackman fuh Blackman, Coolie ah Daaaagg!

They say what you do does come back to bite you. We can't have it both ways.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:

KP, what is this "Joinder Law"?

Oi Mitwah, Baseman said you are a lawyer trained at the University of London, And you also possess an MBA from a French Ivy Leg school in Quebec.  You also have a CPA among your other three Accounting accreditations.  How come a world class scholar like you don’t know about Joinder Law?  This would have come in handy in your role as an advisor to the Coalition government.  

You mek me hand fall deh.  I was starting to feel nice that I am rubbing keyboards with a Guyanese scholar.  

Miss Ivy Leggs don't even know what is "joinder law".  Am not really interested about your pillow talks with yuh Sugas.


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