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There are many people who played important roles in preserving democracy in Guyana, including: (i) former President Jagdeo for being astute enough to put in place the strategic foundation that diminished the likelihood of a successful rigged outcome; (ii) CARICOM for proving to be a credible independent interlocutor; (iii) the ABC, OAS and EU countries who added the weight of large powers on the side of democracy; (iv) the CCJ which in its ruling in the NCM, GECOM Chairman and Eslyn David cases proved Guyana has recourse to an apex court beyond political reach and (v) last but not least the smaller parties who were as tenacious as any in calling for the will of the people to be recognized.

However, a special mention is reserved for these three women who played a key role in preserving Guyana’s democracy:

Mia Mottley, who as the previous Chair of CARICOM was a strong voice in the early days after March 2nd in calling out the non-transparent tabulation of the results in Region 4. In addition, Ms. Motley was able to broker a recount deal between Granger and Jagdeo. This recount turned out to be the fulcrum for a clear unambiguous result of the election and the ultimate declaration.

Chief Justice Roxane George-Wiltshire, who demonstrated the true application of blind justice from her first ruling that Mingo must provide the SOP’s to her clear ruling against the attempt to block the declaration of the election results based on the recount. This ruling was subsequently upheld at the Court of Appeal. I predict that Justice George-Wiltshire will be elevated to the CCJ at some point in the future.

Retired Justice Claudette Singh, Chairperson of GECOM, who lived up to her Iron Lady moniker. Upon her swearing in as the new head of GECOM last year she said, “My priorities will be this– I am endeavoring to have free, fair and transparent elections.” All indications are that until Mingo’s blatant attempt at fraud she succeeded in this endeavour which was proved out in the subsequent recount. She withstood pressure from all sides never satisfying anyone as she navigated a tense political and legal environment. However she was ultimately able to navigate the minefield and deliver a result that reflected the will of the people.


Images (3)
  • Mia Mottley
  • Justice George-Wiltshire
  • Retired Justice Claudette Singh

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Former Member posted:

How can we forget the USA and Canadian female Ambassadors ?

Fair point. I was capturing their contribution as part of the recognition of the ABC countries. No doubt the Ambassadors had an important role in getting their respective State Department and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to announce sanctions or the potential for sanctions. Ultimately this brief list is not comprehensive and like list of these types very subjective. So you may have additions or subtractions. For me these 3 women had highly visible individual contributions which impacted the course of events over the past 5 months as per my observations. Meant in no way to diminish the contributions of others.  

@alena06 posted:

Sarah Ann all the way!  I love her style, professionalism and her strategy for getting things done.  How many people can deal with third world, dunce, racist darkies.

She single handedly saved democracy. Granger was ignoring everyone else until she start to load up her gun. Then he ran away.

Bibi Haniffa

Initially I had a terrible impression of Claudette Singh and it seem as though I was right watching how she was dragging her feet all the way even as late as yesterday. But maybe that is her style. There are, however some key decisions that she made which also demonstrated her inclination to follow the law and constitution. She must have been doing something right for the way the Coalition turned on her. One of those acts was her stopping Patterson's ill advised H2H. The second was her implementing the recount process. The third was her allowing the votes from EC that the PNC wanted thrown out and the fourth was her putting her feet down and demanding from Lowenfield the certified recount figures as the basis for his report. I really like the Chief Justice Roxanne George-Wiltshire and who can forget the debt of gratitude that Guyana owes to Mia Mottley. The women from the international community also played a very important role in maintaining democracy in Guyana but so did many of their male counterparts. It took any entire global army to defeat the diabolical rigging attempt of the PNC but alls well that ends well.

Kudos to all of those who helped Guyana maintain its democratic drive. 


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