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Originally Posted by Prashad:

For a black African that will never happen in my life time at least.  The Catholic church is like Canada. Darkies experience brutally smart racism which comes with polite brotherly talk and a nice smile.

it's [well, not so] interesting . . . as soon as we reach the shores of Region 11, some of us suddenly self-identify as "darkies" and complain bitterly bout the undifferentiated "darkie" experience


wha happen to the humble, hard-working "co*lies" and the lazy, genocidal "blackman" of GT lore?

Originally Posted by Prashad:

the humble, hard-working "co*lies"gets turned into a lazy, genocidal, thiefing, lying,racist "blackman" in the minds of many hidden racist whites in Canada. Then the racism with brotherly talk and a nice smile begins.

suh . . . de "darkie" experience is OK as long as it's reserved fuh dem "lazy, genocidal thiefing, lying, racist blackman," not abee humble, hard-working c*oolie


meh so sarry dem Canadians din get de memo bai

Originally Posted by Prashad:

the humble, hard-working "co*lies"gets turned into a lazy, genocidal, thiefing, lying,racist "blackman" in the minds of many hidden racist whites in Canada. Then the racism with brotherly talk and a nice smile begins.

My dear man, I have never seen one so opaque to his own inherent racist poison. You take the cake.


You men do not manipulate my words on white racism to make it look like anti-African racism.  What I am saying is this.  When an ideological white racist sees an East Indian or African man that ideological white racist sees no difference.  Those are two inferior black men in his eyes. 


On this concept of a latin or filipino pope etc.  Some of these people were seriously brain washed into believing that they are white.  It is like electing Obama as pope.  So I would rather a progressive liberal white European man to be pope than some play white racist latin or filipino.


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