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Former Member

Ok folks,

After my recent vacation and interacting with some less fortunate folks, I have decided to take some time off on GNI.

Why fight and argue when our time can be better spent helping others ?

I will be peeping in and posting here and there but will jump in again after the fall when the U.S election heats up.

Here is my take on Guyana and the AFC/PNC administration for now:

Granger has Guyana at heart but he has a lot of incompetent individuals who need to smarten up or just move aside for the betterment of Guyana. 

We need to give this administration their chance to govern, we (PPP) had ours and made crucial mistakes. Let them have their time, it is just four more years before the people judge them.

The PPP needs to reform, rebuild and bring in some young and fresh minds for the survival and future of the party. President Jagdeo needs to step aside and allow a young leader of mixed or Afro descent to lead the PPP. Failing to do so will make the PPP a dinosaur. 

Indos and Afros need to unite and develop Guyana. Will this happen ?  I honestly do not have an answer.

Until the fall when the US election heats up, peace. As my favourite artist Bob Marley sang: One Love.




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yuji22 posted:

Ok folks,

After my recent vacation and interacting with some less fortunate folks, I have decided to take some time off on GNI.

Why fight and argue when our time can be better spent helping others ?

I will be peeping in and posting here and there but will jump in again after the fall when the U.S election heats up.

Here is my take on Guyana and the AFC/PNC administration for now:

Granger has Guyana at heart but he has a lot of incompetent individuals who need to smarten up or just move aside for the betterment of Guyana. 

We need to give this administration their chance to govern, we (PPP) had ours and made crucial mistakes. Let them have their time, it is just four more years before the people judge them.

The PPP needs to reform, rebuild and bring in some young and fresh minds for the survival and future of the party. President Jagdeo needs to step aside and allow a young leader of mixed or Afro descent to lead the PPP. Failing to do so will make the PPP a dinosaur. 

Indos and Afros need to unite and develop Guyana. Will this happen ?  I honestly do not have an answer.

Until the fall when the US election heats up, peace. As my favourite artist Bob Marley sang: One Love.



no one cares what you do with your time

similarly, nobody is impressed with the expensive perfume you spraying here on your GNI pit latrine

u remain a nasty ole racist fueled by much ignorance and poor education



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