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Former Member

Guyanese have lost any trust they had in the AFC

COUNSELLING needs to be provided to the women and children, who will be scarred for life, after being exposed to the awful image of the naked AFC councillor.Old Kai is counting the days since AFC Region 2 councillor Nait Ram alleged that he was stripped naked by the Police but to date no evidence to support his claim has been provided. Eight days have passed since the incident, seven days since Kaieteur News printed the article, with an image of the naked councillor posing for the cameras in the presence of women and children but alas, it appears that of all media houses, Kaieteur News is not interested in following up this story. This is a newspaper which usually does week long features on issues it believes it can use to attack and undermine the Government and other arms of the State, especially the Guyana Police Force but the story of the naked AFC councillor has apparently gone cold. It is clear that they are finding it hard to uncover anything of substance, which could explain the silence from the usual suspects and Opposition front groups who relish any opportunity to attack the State. Why have certain sections of the media suddenly gone silent on this most serious allegation by the AFC councillor after all they always claim they are interested in pursuing the truth? Why have they not requested images of the actual incident of him being stripped by the Police from those who were present during the protest and took out the image of the posing naked councillor? Why have they not interviewed eyewitnesses and documented their statements on how Nait Ram became undressed? Surely the women and children present at the protest would be scared for life at the awful sight of the AFC’s naked councillor and if the β€˜rights groups’ are not concerned, then I think the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, inclusive of its Child Protection Agency should intervene and provide counselling for the traumatised victims. This is a very serious allegation as were the Police actually guilty of such an act, the repercussion would have been severe. Are these media houses, the individuals who pretend to be the moral conscience of our society and the rights groups telling us by their silence that it is ok for the AFC and its councillor to strip naked and traumatise witnesses and then to top it off, make untrue statements by laying the blame at the Police? This was s a nasty effort at destroying the image of the Guyana Police Force. Old Kai expects that the AFC councillor should face charges, not only for making defamatory and untrue statements but also for public exposure/indecency. When you have these AFC leaders who were playing up this incident on the social media so as to create outrage, it illustrates the lengths they will go, which include deliberately subverting the truth. By this action, they now further bring into question several other incidents, including the Colwyn Harding affair which they had also used to create public outrage. The AFC leadership has confirmed once again, why they can never be trusted by their own membership and the Guyanese public. The nation cannot endure this devious behaviour much longer. The party by its actions confirms that it is a divisive force in society and its ultimate objective is obvious. If they continue along this line, more and more of their members will continue to flee but it appears they are dead set in their ways. In the meantime, Old Kai is still waiting on the AFC to produce those images of their councillor being stripped; failure to do so should automatically result in a public apology to the Guyana Police Force and the entire nation.


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Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

The PPP killing rice farmers and Guyanese across the board via starvation.


It is time the PPP do the right thing and call elections now so the people can make the changes needed to ensure proper governance.

wrong mantra...rice farmers starving never,blame the damn millers for

taking their paddy and don't pay,they should borrow the money and pay

the farmers.

Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

Guyanese have lost any trust they had in the AFC

COUNSELLING needs to be provided to the women and children, who will be scarred for life, after being exposed to the awful image of the naked AFC councillor.Old Kai is counting the days since AFC Region 2 councillor Nait Ram alleged that he was stripped naked by the Police but to date no evidence to support his claim has been provided. Eight days have passed since the incident, seven days since Kaieteur News printed the article, with an image of the naked councillor posing for the cameras in the presence of women and children but alas, it appears that of all media houses, Kaieteur News is not interested in following up this story. This is a newspaper which usually does week long features on issues it believes it can use to attack and undermine the Government and other arms of the State, especially the Guyana Police Force but the story of the naked AFC councillor has apparently gone cold. It is clear that they are finding it hard to uncover anything of substance, which could explain the silence from the usual suspects and Opposition front groups who relish any opportunity to attack the State. Why have certain sections of the media suddenly gone silent on this most serious allegation by the AFC councillor after all they always claim they are interested in pursuing the truth? Why have they not requested images of the actual incident of him being stripped by the Police from those who were present during the protest and took out the image of the posing naked councillor? Why have they not interviewed eyewitnesses and documented their statements on how Nait Ram became undressed? Surely the women and children present at the protest would be scared for life at the awful sight of the AFC’s naked councillor and if the β€˜rights groups’ are not concerned, then I think the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, inclusive of its Child Protection Agency should intervene and provide counselling for the traumatised victims. This is a very serious allegation as were the Police actually guilty of such an act, the repercussion would have been severe. Are these media houses, the individuals who pretend to be the moral conscience of our society and the rights groups telling us by their silence that it is ok for the AFC and its councillor to strip naked and traumatise witnesses and then to top it off, make untrue statements by laying the blame at the Police? This was s a nasty effort at destroying the image of the Guyana Police Force. Old Kai expects that the AFC councillor should face charges, not only for making defamatory and untrue statements but also for public exposure/indecency. When you have these AFC leaders who were playing up this incident on the social media so as to create outrage, it illustrates the lengths they will go, which include deliberately subverting the truth. By this action, they now further bring into question several other incidents, including the Colwyn Harding affair which they had also used to create public outrage. The AFC leadership has confirmed once again, why they can never be trusted by their own membership and the Guyanese public. The nation cannot endure this devious behaviour much longer. The party by its actions confirms that it is a divisive force in society and its ultimate objective is obvious. If they continue along this line, more and more of their members will continue to flee but it appears they are dead set in their ways. In the meantime, Old Kai is still waiting on the AFC to produce those images of their councillor being stripped; failure to do so should automatically result in a public apology to the Guyana Police Force and the entire nation.


What is the point of this poor attempt at satire? I do not know what happened here but stripping this man is about the tamest thing these police has been accused of doing of late. Need I remind you that at every instance they were accused of behaving poorly there were resounding denials from those in charge. It is the habit of the PPP to blame the victim.


The reality is we have a corrupt security force and poor administration of them. In Linden, the crowd got shot up and the blame, pathetic at that, was leveraged against the people themselves for shooting their compatriots to garner sympathy. Only the PPP believe that.


Then there was the Amerind Woman who was literally flogged with a video available and she was  left  with severe injuries and her child with a broken arm. Immediately the PPP said it was an "alleged beating" and they will investigate. The Police is still in on the job, no charges were filed and the video is there for all the world to see that this alleged beating did take place.


Then there was the fellow who claimed he was anally raped. He had severe lacerations and punctures to his intestines. The PPP hurriedly assembled a  a press conference and marshaled the doctors to say the likely hood of it happening was medically unsound. That followed with at least a dozen articles from the PPP yellow rag stressing the unreliability of the accuser and putting forward various and sundry ridiculous alternative theories as to how he might have come by his injuries. Other doctors hired by the fellow's sympathizer claimed the contrary. They insist he could have been telling the truth but as it is the fellow could not get justice.


Then there  was the case of the three kids shot in Albouystown by the cops. The community said they did nothing. The police said they resisted arrest and were shot in their own yard. Out came the stories about how poor of examples these fellows were. No one has heard of their complaints since


Then there was the case of the guy playing Russian roulette with the kid. He was painted as another liar and a crook resisting arrest.


This is no longer coincidence. It constitute a practice of the PPP to deny everything. Their knee jerk reaction is to immediately comes out and ridicule the victims and insist the police or whomever was doing their duty.


One remember when the kids ran away from the home in Albion, their character was attacked and they were labeled runaways among other things despite they were barely 12. One cannot forget the Minister of health coming to a press conference to  sanctimonious call the Kids at NOC liars because they said they were being abused and decide to run away  That minister was vociferous that was untoward was happening.


No one can complain about the security forces or administrators of institutions under their jurisdiction without being rediculed. The PPP are never wrong. These people all operate in god mode.


To that end, the above is just another in a long list of  bullshit attempts to ridicule accusers rather than investigate and discover the truth. These are the little things they miss no wonder the are failing at the big things.  No wonder crime is out of control and no one seem to be able to solve them. There is a complete lack of respect for accountability. What are our success rate in solving these heinous crimes in our society? Pathetic!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Spontaneous emission:

Guyanese have lost any trust they had in the AFC

COUNSELLING needs to be provided to the women and children, who will be scarred for life, after being exposed to the awful image of the naked AFC councillor.Old Kai is counting the days since AFC Region 2 councillor Nait Ram alleged that he was stripped naked by the Police but to date no evidence to support his claim has been provided. Eight days have passed since the incident, seven days since Kaieteur News printed the article, with an image of the naked councillor posing for the cameras in the presence of women and children but alas, it appears that of all media houses, Kaieteur News is not interested in following up this story. This is a newspaper which usually does week long features on issues it believes it can use to attack and undermine the Government and other arms of the State, especially the Guyana Police Force but the story of the naked AFC councillor has apparently gone cold. It is clear that they are finding it hard to uncover anything of substance, which could explain the silence from the usual suspects and Opposition front groups who relish any opportunity to attack the State. Why have certain sections of the media suddenly gone silent on this most serious allegation by the AFC councillor after all they always claim they are interested in pursuing the truth? Why have they not requested images of the actual incident of him being stripped by the Police from those who were present during the protest and took out the image of the posing naked councillor? Why have they not interviewed eyewitnesses and documented their statements on how Nait Ram became undressed? Surely the women and children present at the protest would be scared for life at the awful sight of the AFC’s naked councillor and if the β€˜rights groups’ are not concerned, then I think the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security, inclusive of its Child Protection Agency should intervene and provide counselling for the traumatised victims. This is a very serious allegation as were the Police actually guilty of such an act, the repercussion would have been severe. Are these media houses, the individuals who pretend to be the moral conscience of our society and the rights groups telling us by their silence that it is ok for the AFC and its councillor to strip naked and traumatise witnesses and then to top it off, make untrue statements by laying the blame at the Police? This was s a nasty effort at destroying the image of the Guyana Police Force. Old Kai expects that the AFC councillor should face charges, not only for making defamatory and untrue statements but also for public exposure/indecency. When you have these AFC leaders who were playing up this incident on the social media so as to create outrage, it illustrates the lengths they will go, which include deliberately subverting the truth. By this action, they now further bring into question several other incidents, including the Colwyn Harding affair which they had also used to create public outrage. The AFC leadership has confirmed once again, why they can never be trusted by their own membership and the Guyanese public. The nation cannot endure this devious behaviour much longer. The party by its actions confirms that it is a divisive force in society and its ultimate objective is obvious. If they continue along this line, more and more of their members will continue to flee but it appears they are dead set in their ways. In the meantime, Old Kai is still waiting on the AFC to produce those images of their councillor being stripped; failure to do so should automatically result in a public apology to the Guyana Police Force and the entire nation.


i hear kWAME post the man photo on the wall in OP


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