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Former Member
A wake up callPDFPrintE-mail
Written by NEIL ADAMS   
Tuesday, 01 May 2012 19:41
I SHALL preface my remarks today by referring to statements made by my friends in the political divide, persons who've been having a non-stop party at the demise of the government's budget. 
In actual words one gentleman gloated over the way "tables have turned," the government is a dinosaur "de opposition got them by deh b**** deh should just give up deh post and leh Granger run de government.  PPP is nuttin" and the taunting goes on. I as a supporter and writer on things pertaining to the government was not spared the onslaught either, very many things, horrible, nasty things had been hurled in my direction, some of which I cannot mention at this forum.
One such comment runs like this : β€œYou and your people fall out man’ I am not seeing those articles, where are your articles boy?”  And this is precisely the point I have written on the present debacle, two to be exact, only one article seeing the light of publication and that was done by Stabroek News. My usual partners at the Chronicle newspaper have been strangely silent in this regard thinking, I guess, that I have suddenly become anti-government in my remarks, hence deny my letters the privilege of publication.
Nevertheless, my back is broad enough and I shall take that narrow judgmental view of me as a joke but I shall say this: I am none of what they might think I am, and remain an ardent supporter of the government fully committed to the cause of country first, then party. However, I would not be a sympathetic Judas to fan the regime into a place of complacency that they can absolve themselves from any blame for the present mess.
Far from it, we have all made mistakes. People as well as party. The whys and hows for us getting to this bottleneck should be the question for discussion and not the characteristic blame game of putting it solely on the people or on the opposition. This will not solve anything. We as a party must bear part of the blame. If you cannot sit down objectively and criticise yourself, then I'm afraid we are doomed to repeat the same mistake again and the future of Guyana becomes terribly bleak. So to shut out the views of those who clearly want to help is childish and myopic in my estimation.
I must refer to a letter penned by the Minister of Agriculture Leslie Ramsammy in which he asks the question, "Is this what supporters of the AFC voted for?" Eruditely penned and cogent in content he asks the pertinent question is this what we voted for? I would respond no.They never voted for a party to in poodle-like fashion join in league with the rabidly power hungry PNC/APNU to betray their trust. Let us put APNU aside; they are the usual incorrigible thugs. However, the people expected the AFC to thrash out the budget details in a mature fashion and give support when it was justifiably due, but this was not to be. Instead, we saw a power display resulting in the blatant disregard for the development and well-being of people and country. Those are the shenanigans that took place. But let me get back to my point, as erudite and well-meaning as Dr Ramsammy's article was, his too, falls into the category of blaming the people and not turning the searchlight inwards to the party in government.
Cross check with another Caribbean territory, St Lucia, and my readers would get the point I am making. One can rightly say no one "knows" St Lucia as Sir John Compton. I used know in lifted commas to strengthen the point that The Old man truly knows the Island State better than anyone else; he built St Lucia. He developed this country with his bare hands having lifted it out of ignorance and backwardness to a state where St Lucia is one of the leading nations in Caricom. So when Compton spoke he spoke with authority like one who literally owned St Lucia and that became his downfall. After having been at the helm for so long he unwittingly assumed that no one could challenge him so he failed to listen to the views of others, far less the warning signals that stood out like red neon signs; his strength in knowing was dimmed by his weakness in not wanting to know. The result was stunning defeat for the party. In fact, his party was almost decimated when the SLP had that 16 - 1 victory over the UWP. The point is, no one can stem the tide of a people who are angry with their party for taking a lofty position of arrogance and utter deafness to their cries.

There are great lessons to be learnt from the St Lucian experience; no one knows Guyana like the PPP/C. There is no question in my mind about this. To bring a country that was once rated behind Haiti, yes Haiti, to a position of prominence on the world stage is nothing short of phenomenal. Budget after budget for more than 19 years attest to this fact that the PPP/C government cares for this country they want to build and develop. But by the same token the people who brought the party into office are angry; they are angry with their leaders for losing touch with the base, for taking them for granted; not consulting, not listening, not seeing through their eyes. To capture their attention they have given them a wake-up call. They are asking for their leaders to get back into the trenches with them, get close to the ground and look at the situation from the grass-roots level. It is the people who will speak again.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 01 May 2012 19:43



Replies sorted oldest to newest

It's time  the  PPP heed  the  advice  of one  of their  most ardent  supporter. Stop  blaming  others  for  your declining  popularity and  support and  engage  in    critical  self-examination. The  demon is  within your fold.  The  writer  is  spot  on with his  observation that  "he would not be a sympathetic Judas to fan the regime into a place of complacency that they can absolve themselves from any blame for the present mess."

Had  there  been  a  culture of  critical  self -examination  and freedom to  ventilate within  the party, I seriously   doubt that  stalwarts  like   Nagamottoo,  Ramjattan, Bissessar and others would  have  been  estranged  from  the party today. 

Take  note  DG, Nehru, Cobra...    


How can I take note of things I already talked about.Jagdeo was a good Leader for Guyana but even a good Leader has flaws. He moved away from the Base, took them for granted, ran the Party like a Dictator and caused President Ramotar to be in the position he is in. Go back and check and you will find that I addressed these issues for years now. I repeatedly called on Jagdeo to mend with Moses and to get rid of dead weights in the Cabinet, only to mention a few. But I advise you to go back and look at my record, it will be Educational and beneficial to you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

How can I take note of things I already talked about.Jagdeo was a good Leader for Guyana but even a good Leader has flaws. He moved away from the Base, took them for granted, ran the Party like a Dictator and caused President Ramotar to be in the position he is in. Go back and check and you will find that I addressed these issues for years now. I repeatedly called on Jagdeo to mend with Moses and to get rid of dead weights in the Cabinet, only to mention a few. But I advise you to go back and look at my record, it will be Educational and beneficial to you.


Nehru Bhai, this is very true. Jagdeo became a victim of his own success. A few corrupt men caused PPP major pain. Jagdeo should have listened.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

How can I take note of things I already talked about.Jagdeo was a good Leader for Guyana but even a good Leader has flaws. He moved away from the Base, took them for granted, ran the Party like a Dictator and caused President Ramotar to be in the position he is in. Go back and check and you will find that I addressed these issues for years now. I repeatedly called on Jagdeo to mend with Moses and to get rid of dead weights in the Cabinet, only to mention a few. But I advise you to go back and look at my record, it will be Educational and beneficial to you.


Nehru Bhai, this is very true. Jagdeo became a victim of his own success. A few corrupt men caused PPP major pain. Jagdeo should have listened.

So thats all the two of you can do now...suskay on each other shoulders

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

How can I take note of things I already talked about.Jagdeo was a good Leader for Guyana but even a good Leader has flaws. He moved away from the Base, took them for granted, ran the Party like a Dictator and caused President Ramotar to be in the position he is in. Go back and check and you will find that I addressed these issues for years now. I repeatedly called on Jagdeo to mend with Moses and to get rid of dead weights in the Cabinet, only to mention a few. But I advise you to go back and look at my record, it will be Educational and beneficial to you.


Nehru Bhai, this is very true. Jagdeo became a victim of his own success. A few corrupt men caused PPP major pain. Jagdeo should have listened.

Dah man Jagdeo gatt good an' bad side.  He tunn out waaan coolie dem Buxton bais find too tuff to handle.  Jagdeo cyan be wan good hero fuh abie bu e' muss tek e haan out Govt.  Bu alyuh nah mek noo mistake, e' muss keep dem phantoms unda he wings, out a site.  Mi hope Jagdeo larn an' change e' bad ways and get judge by di good tings.  He haad aaze baad.

Originally Posted by sachin_05:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

How can I take note of things I already talked about.Jagdeo was a good Leader for Guyana but even a good Leader has flaws. He moved away from the Base, took them for granted, ran the Party like a Dictator and caused President Ramotar to be in the position he is in. Go back and check and you will find that I addressed these issues for years now. I repeatedly called on Jagdeo to mend with Moses and to get rid of dead weights in the Cabinet, only to mention a few. But I advise you to go back and look at my record, it will be Educational and beneficial to you.


Nehru Bhai, this is very true. Jagdeo became a victim of his own success. A few corrupt men caused PPP major pain. Jagdeo should have listened.

So thats all the two of you can do now...suskay on each other shoulders

LOL. I can take a joke too.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Take  note  DG, Nehru, Cobra...  

What specifically ..





Etc., etc., etc..



For  starter, The Office  Of  The  President  under  Bharrat  Jagdeo  and  now Donald  Ramotar has  become  a virtual feed  lot for  old  donkeys,  useless monkeys   and shameless  flunkies,  all with  fancy  titles  of 'Advisor To The President'. With  super  salaries  and    snouts  buried deep  into the  public  trough, the  feeding frenzy goes unabated. The Office  Of  the  President  seems  to be the  preferred collection  trough  for  every  flotsam & jetsam of  a sinking  ship.   just  to  name  a few, Presidential Advisors  on:

 Political / Governance ....................Gail Texiera

Science &  Technology...... .Navin  Chanderpal  Education..........................Prem Misir

Empowerment..................Odinga Lumumba  

Religion..........................Repu Damaan  Persaud / Late  Prakash  Gosai 

Land & Environment...........Andrew  Bishop  

Climate  Change...............Shyam  Nokta

Firoze Mohamed................Internal Affairs

Trade  &  investment .........Maniram Prashad

Sustainable  Developmentbla.... bla  bla bla...


One  would think that the  Cabinet should  be  the  appropriate  forum to advise  the  President. But   It  seems  like  every  coot and  derelict  that  screwed  up  elsewhere lands a  cushy  spot  in  the  Office  Of  The  President.  Yet with  so  many ' Advisors'  around, the scandals & embarrassment  never  ceases. The  stains of thievery,  corruption  and nepotism is evident in  practically every corner.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

How can I take note of things I already talked about.Jagdeo was a good Leader for Guyana but even a good Leader has flaws. He moved away from the Base, took them for granted, ran the Party like a Dictator and caused President Ramotar to be in the position he is in. Go back and check and you will find that I addressed these issues for years now. I repeatedly called on Jagdeo to mend with Moses and to get rid of dead weights in the Cabinet, only to mention a few. But I advise you to go back and look at my record, it will be Educational and beneficial to you.

 Very  commendable  of  you  to  admit this  much! Now  by  your  own  admission these  are  not  minor  flaws. They  are  indeed  fatal  flaws that "caused President Ramotar to be in the position he is in."  And  although you "repeatedly called on Jagdeo to mend with Moses and to get rid of dead weights in the Cabinet",  you  still  believe that Moses  and  Ramjattan  are    the  neemakharam?

 I  repeat, had  there  been  a  culture of  critical  self -examination  and freedom to  ventilate within  the party, I seriously   doubt that  stalwarts  like   Nagamottoo,  Ramjattan, Bissessar and others would  have  been  estranged  from  the party today. The  dictatorial hard  nosed  arrogance of  Bharrat  Jagdeo and  the  subservient timidity of yes  men /women are the  root  cause of  the  continue  decline of the  once  vanguard political organization  of  the  nation,  and  that  decline would  continue  unabated unless the  political  leadership take stock and  change tack.

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Take  note  DG, Nehru, Cobra...  

What specifically ..





Etc., etc., etc..



For starter, The Office Of he  President under Bharrat Jagdeo and now Donald Ramotar has become a virtual feed lot for old donkeys, useless monkeys and shameless flunkies, all with fancy titles of 'Advisor To The President'. With super salaries and snouts buried deep into the public trough, the feeding frenzy goes unabated. The Office Of the President seems to be the preferred collection trough for every flotsam & jetsam of a sinking hip. just to name a few, Presidential Advisors on:

Political / Governance ..... Gail Texiera

Science & Technology...... Navin  Chanderpal

Education..................... Prem Misir

Empowerment................ Odinga Lumumba  

Religion........................ Repu Damaan Persaud / Late Prakash Gosai 

Land & Environment......... Andrew  Bishop  

Climate Change.............. Shyam  Nokta

Firoze Mohamed............. Internal Affairs

Trade & investment ....... Maniram Prashad

Sustainable Development .. bla bla bla...


One would think that the Cabinet should be the appropriate forum to advise the President. But It seems like every coot and derelict that screwed up elsewhere lands a cushy spot in the Office Of The President. Yet with so many ' Advisors' around, the scandals & embarrassment never ceases. The stains of thievery, corruption and nepotism is evident in practically every corner.

"Political Advisors" for Forbes Burnham to Desmond Hoyte; PNC Prime Minister/Presidents - 1964 to 1992; far exceed those in the current PPP/C government - 1992 to date.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Ramjattan is who he IS. Moses has become a TOTAL EMBARASSMENT and is heading to the slaughter House.

 Absolutely! Ramjattan refused  to   be a  timid subservient dolt worshipping  at the  feet of an  arrogant ego maniac and  Moses finally  woke up  to  reality and saw  the light. The  stench  from  corruption,  deceit   and  nepotism was  too much to   handle.  Hence a  clean  break  with a  clear  conscience and integrity  still intact. No  doubt  his  former  comrades  are  embarrassed ,  but  that is not  Moses's problem

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Take  note  DG, Nehru, Cobra...  

What specifically ..





Etc., etc., etc..



For starter, The Office Of he  President under Bharrat Jagdeo and now Donald Ramotar has become a virtual feed lot for old donkeys, useless monkeys and shameless flunkies, all with fancy titles of 'Advisor To The President'. With super salaries and snouts buried deep into the public trough, the feeding frenzy goes unabated. The Office Of the President seems to be the preferred collection trough for every flotsam & jetsam of a sinking hip. just to name a few, Presidential Advisors on:

Political / Governance ..... Gail Texiera

Science & Technology...... Navin  Chanderpal

Education..................... Prem Misir

Empowerment................ Odinga Lumumba  

Religion........................ Repu Damaan Persaud / Late Prakash Gosai 

Land & Environment......... Andrew  Bishop  

Climate Change.............. Shyam  Nokta

Firoze Mohamed............. Internal Affairs

Trade & investment ....... Maniram Prashad

Sustainable Development .. bla bla bla...


One would think that the Cabinet should be the appropriate forum to advise the President. But It seems like every coot and derelict that screwed up elsewhere lands a cushy spot in the Office Of The President. Yet with so many ' Advisors' around, the scandals & embarrassment never ceases. The stains of thievery, corruption and nepotism is evident in practically every corner.

"Political Advisors" for Forbes Burnham to Desmond Hoyte; PNC Prime Minister/Presidents - 1964 to 1992; far exceed those in the current PPP/C government - 1992 to date.

If  in  2012,  we are still using  Forbes  Burnham   and  Desmond  Hoyte as a  yard stick to  gauge  honest, efficient and good governance,  then we  are  truly  in a  sad  sad  state  of  affair.  

it's absolutely not  true that  Forbes  &  Hoyte had  so  many  'Presidential  Advisors' With Forbes,  I  can  only come  up  with   two or  three at  any  given time;  Elvin Mc David,  Haroon  Rashid and  Kit  Nacimento?

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Take  note  DG, Nehru, Cobra...  

What specifically ..





Etc., etc., etc..



For starter, The Office Of he  President under Bharrat Jagdeo and now Donald Ramotar has become a virtual feed lot for old donkeys, useless monkeys and shameless flunkies, all with fancy titles of 'Advisor To The President'. With super salaries and snouts buried deep into the public trough, the feeding frenzy goes unabated. The Office Of the President seems to be the preferred collection trough for every flotsam & jetsam of a sinking hip. just to name a few, Presidential Advisors on:

Political / Governance ..... Gail Texiera

Science & Technology...... Navin  Chanderpal

Education..................... Prem Misir

Empowerment................ Odinga Lumumba  

Religion........................ Repu Damaan Persaud / Late Prakash Gosai 

Land & Environment......... Andrew  Bishop  

Climate Change.............. Shyam  Nokta

Firoze Mohamed............. Internal Affairs

Trade & investment ....... Maniram Prashad

Sustainable Development .. bla bla bla...


One would think that the Cabinet should be the appropriate forum to advise the President. But It seems like every coot and derelict that screwed up elsewhere lands a cushy spot in the Office Of The President. Yet with so many ' Advisors' around, the scandals & embarrassment never ceases. The stains of thievery, corruption and nepotism is evident in practically every corner.

"Political Advisors" for Forbes Burnham to Desmond Hoyte; PNC Prime Minister/Presidents - 1964 to 1992; far exceed those in the current PPP/C government - 1992 to date.

it's absolutely not true that Forbes & Hoyte had so many 'Presidential Advisors' With Forbes, I can only come up with two or three at any given time; Elvin Mc David, Haroon Rashid and Kit Nacimento?


Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Take  note  DG, Nehru, Cobra...  

What specifically ..





Etc., etc., etc..



For starter, The Office Of he  President under Bharrat Jagdeo and now Donald Ramotar has become a virtual feed lot for old donkeys, useless monkeys and shameless flunkies, all with fancy titles of 'Advisor To The President'. With super salaries and snouts buried deep into the public trough, the feeding frenzy goes unabated. The Office Of the President seems to be the preferred collection trough for every flotsam & jetsam of a sinking hip. just to name a few, Presidential Advisors on:

Political / Governance ..... Gail Texiera

Science & Technology...... Navin  Chanderpal

Education..................... Prem Misir

Empowerment................ Odinga Lumumba  

Religion........................ Repu Damaan Persaud / Late Prakash Gosai 

Land & Environment......... Andrew  Bishop  

Climate Change.............. Shyam  Nokta

Firoze Mohamed............. Internal Affairs

Trade & investment ....... Maniram Prashad

Sustainable Development .. bla bla bla...


One would think that the Cabinet should be the appropriate forum to advise the President. But It seems like every coot and derelict that screwed up elsewhere lands a cushy spot in the Office Of The President. Yet with so many ' Advisors' around, the scandals & embarrassment never ceases. The stains of thievery, corruption and nepotism is evident in practically every corner.

"Political Advisors" for Forbes Burnham to Desmond Hoyte; PNC Prime Minister/Presidents - 1964 to 1992; far exceed those in the current PPP/C government - 1992 to date.

If in 2012, we are still using Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte as a yard stick to gauge honest, efficient and good governance, then we are  truly in a sad sad state of affair.

One needs to be circumspect.


Contemporary political issues in Guyana definitely include Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:


"Political Advisors" for Forbes Burnham to Desmond Hoyte; PNC Prime Minister/Presidents - 1964 to 1992; far exceed those in the current PPP/C government - 1992 to date.

If in 2012, we are still using Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte as a yard stick to gauge honest, efficient and good governance, then we are  truly in a sad sad state of affair.

One needs to be circumspect.


Contemporary political issues in Guyana definitely include Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham.

 Ah selective circumspection! Let  us continue to condemn and denounce past  abomination but  conveniently ignore  the  stench and  putridity emanating from  the  current  cabal. Isn't  that  what  the  German people  did at  the beginning  of the  reign  of the  Grand  Fuhrer? 

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

"Political Advisors" for Forbes Burnham to Desmond Hoyte; PNC Prime Minister/Presidents - 1964 to 1992; far exceed those in the current PPP/C government - 1992 to date.

If in 2012, we are still using Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte as a yard stick to gauge honest, efficient and good governance, then we are  truly in a sad sad state of affair.

One needs to be circumspect.


Contemporary political issues in Guyana definitely include Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham.

Ah selective circumspection! Let us continue to condemn and denounce past abomination but conveniently ignore the stench and putridity emanating from the current cabal. Isn't that what the German people did at the beginning of the reign of the Grand Fuhrer? 

The issue is related to Guyana's development, specific from 1953 to date.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

"Political Advisors" for Forbes Burnham to Desmond Hoyte; PNC Prime Minister/Presidents - 1964 to 1992; far exceed those in the current PPP/C government - 1992 to date.

If in 2012, we are still using Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte as a yard stick to gauge honest, efficient and good governance, then we are  truly in a sad sad state of affair.

One needs to be circumspect.


Contemporary political issues in Guyana definitely include Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham.

Ah selective circumspection! Let us continue to condemn and denounce past abomination but conveniently ignore the stench and putridity emanating from the current cabal. Isn't that what the German people did at the beginning of the reign of the Grand Fuhrer? 

The issue is related to Guyana's development, specific from 1953 to date.

and the  'issue' is not  exclusive of  other  factors pertaining  good  governance. Even  the  most  despotic regimes in  history achieved significant development in   their  initial stage.  In  fact  it is those early  successes  that get to the  heads  of  egotistical tyrants  and  dictators and retard  their sense  of  justice,  fairness and  equity.  Respect and humility is  replaced  by arrogance  and  crudity. The manifestation  of that  arrogance & crudity has  never  been  so  pronounced as  it  is  with  folks  like  Rohee,  Gail  Robert,  Ali and so  many  others  in this  administration.  

Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mara:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

"Political Advisors" for Forbes Burnham to Desmond Hoyte; PNC Prime Minister/Presidents - 1964 to 1992; far exceed those in the current PPP/C government - 1992 to date.

If in 2012, we are still using Forbes Burnham and Desmond Hoyte as a yard stick to gauge honest, efficient and good governance, then we are  truly in a sad sad state of affair.

One needs to be circumspect.


Contemporary political issues in Guyana definitely include Dr. Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham.

Ah selective circumspection! Let us continue to condemn and denounce past abomination but conveniently ignore the stench and putridity emanating from the current cabal. Isn't that what the German people did at the beginning of the reign of the Grand Fuhrer? 

The issue is related to Guyana's development, specific from 1953 to date.

and the 'issue' is not exclusive of other factors pertaining good governance. Even the most despotic regimes in history achieved significant development in their initial stage. In fact it is those early successes that get to the heads of egotistical tyrants and dictators and retard their sense of justice, fairness and equity. Respect and humility is replaced  by arrogance and crudity. The manifestation of that arrogance & crudity has never been so pronounced as it is with folks like Rohee, Gail  Robert,  li and so many others in this administration.  

What about the current prominent members?


"Cammie" Ramsaroop -- 1958 to Date.

Chairman of the PNC and former Minister.


Robert Corbin -- 1960's to Date

Leader of the PNC.


David Granger -- 1960's to Date.

PNC member and Leader of the Opposition.


Hamilton Green -- 1960's to Date.

Former Minister.


etc., etc., etc..


Mara, like you need a good eye examination.


Tell us clearly why Donkey Cart economist from the PNC Carl Greenidge is finance critic ?


What a complete disgrace and insult to Guyanese when this man bankrupt Guyana and it became the one of the poorest nations in the world.


In Berbice, they will tell you that your eye has YAS.



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