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Former Member

Ok folks,

Despite Moses beating up his chest for giving Berbice Rice Farmers $ 9,000 per bag of paddy, the rice industry collapsed under the PNC.

Granger in one single racist move, declared that he had nothing to offer Indo rice farmers and threw them under the bus.

The Berbice economy has collapsed under the PNC.

Berbicians should now demand the same electricity subsidy as Linden otherwise this is another racist PNC policy to destroy Indos.

Will Moses and Ramjattan fight for Berbicians to receive the same BILIONS of Electricity subsidy as Linden ?

What do you say about his racist PNC administration good folks ? 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Namely what subsidy and the value Lindeners are getting ??

The overpriced rice deal with Venezuela sweetened the farmers,you got to remember good deals don't last forever,also they pumped billions of dollars in the Sugar Industry to keep their supporters happy so they can hold on to power,the rest of the people was not their concern they had to had to feel the brunt.

Django posted:

Namely what subsidy and the value Lindeners are getting ??

The overpriced rice deal with Venezuela sweetened the farmers,you got to remember good deals don't last forever,also they pumped billions of dollars in the Sugar Industry to keep their supporters happy so they can hold on to power,the rest of the people was not their concern they had to had to feel the brunt.

D Jango Bhai,

Linden is receiving BILLIONS of ELECTRICITY subsidy. It is a fact.

It is the responsibility of every government to assist their agricultural industry. The USA and Canada subsidies the agricultural industry by BILLIONS, (20 Billions in the USA alone) read up a little man.

Now, the PPP rightly got the best and highest price for Indo rice farmers. It was their responsibility to do so.

Now the undiplomatic PNC dunces killed off that market. Yes, PNC dunces, they failed to find an alternative market despite Moses, the DUNCE agriculture minister idiot and crook Greendige posting that they will find equivalent markets.

They have failed the rice framers and Granger threw then under the bus. These are facts man. Why should he care ? They are not his support base.

Karma is vicious, they (AFC/PNC) will reap whatever they sow.

Man, I expect you to start asking Moses to full his promise to get framers $ 9,000 per bag of paddy. Don't take my word for it ask brother Gil and if he is honest as he always is, will conform this.

Time to start holding the AFC to their promises. I agree that the racist PNC does not care for Indo farmers but what about Moses and Ramjattan ?

Is the AFC impotent ?

Last edited by Former Member

The sugar workers benefit from massive subsidies in the form of bailouts.  These subsidies enable them to keep their jobs. Lindeners were thrown under the bus by the PPP when they allowed the Chinese to buy in.  They allow the Chinese to engage in exploitative labor practices in the forestry sectors.  They get cheap electricity.

So I suggest this.  Sell GuySICKO, do nothing when the new owners fire most of the employees, but offer cheap electricity.

I know that the Indo KKK will be back here screaming that black man a kill dem because all they get is cheap light bill, and of what use is that if they cannot find work.

Let them call a spade what it is.  These racists think that blacks are lazy and undeserving so grudge any assistance that they get, even if confined to cheap electricity.  They feel that this blackman government should grovel to Indians and give Indians every thing that they want, because that is the least that they should do given that only Indos should be allowed to govern Guyana.


Listen racist carib,  Indos lives do not matter. Only BLACK lives matter to you and the racist PNC.

Linden household uses the most per household compared to the rest of GUYANA. Why are the wasting the electricity ?

Redirecting the BILLIONS in Electricity subsidy by Linden to drink and sport can be used as an Agriculture subsidy for ALL Guyanese. It will be money well spent.

Please stop this BS lazy blackman excuse (your made up nonsense) , deal with the facts.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Prashad posted:

East Indians in Berbice should be given their independence.

Guyana don't need to split up,what is required is a government who can manage the resources so all the people can benefit,too much tug "o" war and mismanagement causing the country to be at the bottom of the ladder.

Bhai Django,

The monies (billions) Electricity subsidy on Linden can be spent on ALL Guyanese Agricultural Subsidy. Berbice must get it's fair share. No splitting up, just fairness and ending racism and bringing equality.

yuji22 posted:

Linden is receiving BILLIONS of ELECTRICITY subsidy. It is a fact.


Given that you see Venezuelans literally shooting and killing each other over food why do you think that MadBURRO has $$$ to pay Indo rice farmers. Yes let them ship to Venezuela and I know they will be screaming outside Parliament when they don't get paid.

Jagdeo was a jackass to give these people the impression that Venezuela, with all of its problems, represents a viable market.  The rice price was high because oil prices were high.  Now that oil prices are low, so will rice prices.  In fact Suriname, which replaced Guyana, is now bawling about the low prices.

Guyana is no Canada and an idiot like you should know that.  It cannot continue to support an industry that will never be profitable.  Just as Jagdeo refused endless bail outs for Guymine and Bermine so Granger just sell GuySICKO and be rid of the headache.

Subsidizing farming is to ensure food security. Sugar is NOT food security.

He can then offer cheap electricity.  I know that if this happens Jagdeo will be running around like a mad bull screaming that the PNC wants Indians to starve.  He will scream that what he did to Linden is irrelevant.

So yes.  Let them lose their jobs, and give them cheap electricity instead.  let them figure out how to cover housing, clothing, food, transportation and other costs now that they no longer have a job in the sugar industry.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

Namely what subsidy and the value Lindeners are getting ??

The overpriced rice deal with Venezuela sweetened the farmers,you got to remember good deals don't last forever,also they pumped billions of dollars in the Sugar Industry to keep their supporters happy so they can hold on to power,the rest of the people was not their concern they had to had to feel the brunt.

D Jango Bhai,

It is the responsibility of every government to assist their agricultural industry. The USA and Canada subsidies the agricultural industry by BILLIONS, (20 Billions in the USA alone) read up a little man.


I am aware of the subsidy  in America,plus they have high tech systems to cut cost in the Sugar and rice industry.

Why don't they visit and see how it's done and implement it,instead of visiting NY and talking fraff.

Comparing North America to Guyana doesn't cut the mustard.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:
 Berbice must get it's fair share. No splitting up, just fairness and ending racism and bringing equality.

The subsidy that Guysuco has gotten (HALF A BILLION DOLLARS,US) is way in excess of the subsidies that Linden gets.

Tell you what.  Fair is fair.  Close down GuySICKO (no one will buy it, at least not to grow sugar).  Offer electricity subsidies.

Them let the former sugar workers figure out how to cover food, clothing, housing, transportation, and other expenses out of new ways that they must sustain themselves just as the former bauxite workers had to. 


Then why does Granger immediately announce the same Electricity subsidy for Berbice ?

You and the PNC can talk shyte all day long. 

These PNC Afro led crooks destroyed Guyana in less than one year. It will get worse. Dod will eat dog. In the end, just like Burnham's apartheid, they will still survive under Granger's apartheid.

They (PNC) Afros are looting and stealing right under your nose and you care not just like Granger and Burnham, they are Afros and it is their inherent right to loot the treasury.

You are just as shameless as these PNC crooks.

Django posted:

I am aware of the subsidy  in America,plus they have high tech systems to cut cost in the Sugar and rice industry.

Why don't they visit and see how it's done and implement it,instead of visiting NY and talking fraff.

Comparing North America to Guyana doesn't cut the mustard.

Intelligence and the PPP doesn't go together.  US sugar and rice are very capital intensive.  Yes let them follow the USA and you will see a few highly skilled workers in those industries, with the small farmers tossed out of the industry.  Some sugar estates in the USA are as big as some Caribbean islands and only employ a few score humans.

The PPP is the Donald Trump party.  No wonder they love that racist so much.

yuji22 posted:

Then why does Granger immediately announce the same Electricity subsidy for Berbice ?

You and the PNC can talk shyte all day long. 

These PNC Afro led crooks destroyed Guyana in less than one year. It will get worse. Dod will eat dog. In the end, just like Burnham's apartheid, they will still survive under Granger's apartheid.

They (PNC) Afros are looting and stealing right under your nose and you care not just like Granger and Burnham, they are Afros and it is their inherent right to loot the treasury.

You are just as shameless as these PNC crooks.

You can yell and scream your usual racism against Africans and Amerindians,

But Indians are now 40%.  Even if 100% of them vote PPP the PPP still loses.

This because of the fact that you represent typical PPP attitudes to blacks. In fact this is what Jagdeo screams at PPP bottom houses when he thinks that blacks aren't around.


Listen MR. PNC racist Carib, the entire Sugar Industry is not in Berbice alone. Stay on topic, we are talking about Indo lives in Berbice.

As a PNC advisor, you are slowing exposing your hate and racism and intolerance for Indos.

Keep it up cause karma is vicious and karma is a byte*  You will NEVER wipe out the Indos, you hero Burnham tired and failed, Granger will also fail.

Keep repeating your shyte about Indos percentage. Your believe that the Douglas stupid and will take shyte for the PNC for five more years ? Man you are smoking cheap weed.

Tek time.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Listen MR. PNC racist Carib, the entire Sugar Industry is not in Berbice alone.

No but you think that Demerara and the rest ought to subsist in poverty.  Not that long ago you all were boasting that cane cutters make more $$ than black people.  And also that Indians are so industrious that they don't need Guysuco.

So put your money where your mouth is and stop demanding that Guyana continues to bail out GuySICKO.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

Namely what subsidy and the value Lindeners are getting ??

The overpriced rice deal with Venezuela sweetened the farmers,you got to remember good deals don't last forever,also they pumped billions of dollars in the Sugar Industry to keep their supporters happy so they can hold on to power,the rest of the people was not their concern they had to had to feel the brunt.

D Jango Bhai,

It is the responsibility of every government to assist their agricultural industry. The USA and Canada subsidies the agricultural industry by BILLIONS, (20 Billions in the USA alone) read up a little man.


I am aware of the subsidy  in America,plus they have high tech systems to cut cost in the Sugar and rice industry.

Why don't they visit and see how it's done and implement it,instead of visiting NY and talking fraff.

Comparing North America to Guyana doesn't cut the mustard.

Django Bhai,

The PNC is in office. 

Talking fraff is one thing, they also Pis** and cannot even do shyte, the are a bunch of idiots, beyond help.

If you think Burnham days were bad, wait until these idiots continue for two more years.

I have business friends and they all resent this government for their lack of basic understanding of how the economy works, They are frustrated and are not investing. They could care shyte about PPP or PNC, they care about the bottom line but these IDIOTS as they call the current AFC/PNC frustrate the hell out of them.

These AFC?PNC crooks are looting the treasury under Granger's nose but the buck stops at his desk and he is doing shyte because he thinks that Afro wealth should be derived from any means necessary.

Not one single Afro crooks has been fired.

And you knew what ? Moses and Ramjattan can't do shyte above cause they are both IMPOTENT and scared of one Afro man.

Guyana is screwed, change can only come when AFC supporters hold Moses and Ramjattan accountable.

I could care less about what Carib is saying, it is all noise to cover up his PNC friends stealing, looting and incompetence. After all, this is their way of accumulating wealth. 

Oil money will be be in their pockets too. Tek Time. Open up your eyes and look in the right direction before it is too late.

And ask the PNC, what about the $ 400 MILLION of audits paid to their own friends which proved shyte about the PPP.

The AFC/PNC conned a whole bunch of people, I hope that you are not one of them.


Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:

Some ah yall rass losin sleep, probably not ketchin up on punani an gettin kratchety just because PPP LOST.

Listen Cain,

With all due respect, keep out when big men are talking.

BTW, why are you here position then ? You made a complete fool of yourself by your post, read it and think again. Why are you here and not sleeping ?

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Django Bhai,

The PNC is in office. 



So in 15 months the PNC must do what they PPP didn't do in 23 years. Region 6 has seen its population drop by 25% under the PPP.  So what does this say about how well the PPP governed?  Why do you think that in 15 months Granger will accomplish what the PPP didn't in 23 years?

Nehru posted:

When you give DONKEYS  to run a Cake Shop it will fail, so dont expect them to run a Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate to say that I told you so to AFC supporters who were conned by Moses and Granger.

The funny thing is that they are al all hiding in a corner in utter shame and disgrace.

Moses is busy at Congress Place scratching and busy washing the floor. He has nothing to do and has been reduced to a Chammar/Dhobi.

yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

When you give DONKEYS  to run a Cake Shop it will fail, so dont expect them to run a Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate to say that I told you so to AFC supporters who were conned by Moses and Granger.

The funny thing is that they are al all hiding in a corner in utter shame and disgrace.

Moses is busy at Congress Place scratching and busy washing the floor. He has nothing to do and has been reduced to a Chammar/Dhobi.

At least he is earning his keep, and making more money than he ever did.

Like at Uncle Sam Hinds, grinning and moaning "yes massa" every time the PPP humiliate him by reminding him that as a mere negro they couldn't allow him to be president even though he was entitled to this under the constitution.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

When you give DONKEYS  to run a Cake Shop it will fail, so dont expect them to run a Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate to say that I told you so to AFC supporters who were conned by Moses and Granger.

The funny thing is that they are al all hiding in a corner in utter shame and disgrace.

Moses is busy at Congress Place scratching and busy washing the floor. He has nothing to do and has been reduced to a Chammar/Dhobi.

At least he is earning his keep, and making more money than he ever did.

Like at Uncle Sam Hinds, grinning and moaning "yes massa" every time the PPP humiliate him by reminding him that as a mere negro they couldn't allow him to be president even though he was entitled to this under the constitution.

Sam Hinds has more class than you. I can say this from experience.


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