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Time for government to seriously consider calling fresh elections:

Written by WILBERT M. STEPHENSON Brooklyn, New York
Thursday, 26 January 2012 22:38

I’M writing with reference to an article in the Chronicle in which it was stated that, "Head of the Presidential Secretariat and Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon, has expressed Cabinet’s concern over the continuing unilateral engagements between the two Parliamentary Opposition parties, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC)". My only surprise is that the PPP/C government is taking an inordinately long time to recognise that the PNC remains an inveterate cradle of race-based politics lurking behind the facade of opposition alliance and outsmarting its less nimble-witted associates to take operational and directional control of that alliance.

The PNC must understand that its tenuous hold on decisive political authority was made possible only by indirect and significant Indian Guyanese voter support. There are signs that the PNC of the sixties is beginning to resurrect itself in new garb.

The YSM is now the Youth Coalition for Transformation (YCT), but the ever-present boorish thuggery is the same. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that these developments have begun to give rise to serious disquiet among Indian-Guyanese.

They voted the way they did in the hope that a counter-weight opposition would be in a position to engage in robust but co-operative interaction with the government aimed at hammering out practical, realistic, and nationally beneficial policies and programmes. This is not what they are seeing.

It is time for the government to seriously consider calling fresh elections in order to secure an effective mandate from all Guyanese who want to live in a land of peace, harmony, and prosperity. We do not want to go back to the troubling periods of our past.

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There are signs that the PNC of the sixties is beginning to resurrect itself in new garb.


We do not want to go back to the troubling periods of our past.

Time for government to seriously consider calling fresh elections:
Written by WILBERT M. STEPHENSON Brooklyn, New York
Thursday, 26 January 2012 22:38

Imteresting comments.
The PPP knows well that there is a looming possibility that they will lose more in an election called too quickly. Further, there is a likelihood the AFC may even pick you more seats and we may have to contend with a divided parliament far into the future.

It is not a bad thing. Some Scandinavian nations live with as many as 13 parties and they do not end up with stasis but with mediated and well managed governments that put them at the top of any index measuring the quality of life on the planet.

That we do not get along is because we had 60 years of autocratic government and when these greedy politicians are called to be accountable they squeal like stuck pigs and point the finger at the other guy for their inadequacies.

I hope the Guyanese people see the benefit of this state of affairs and never let any of the two major parties gain a political majority.

Let them learn to cooperate and be responsible to the people and not only to those benefiting from their patronage system and by that commit to be be loyal non-thinking sheep. These greedy crooks love sheep.
The PPP knows it can and will win a majority of seats if snap elections are held. The Berbicians have witnessed the political machinations of Trotman and the almost instant rift between Moses and the AFC's powermen. It ain't gonna get worse for the ruling party. If the opposition think they can do better then the ball is in their court. Go ahead and make your day.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
The PPP knows it can and will win a majority of seats if snap elections are held. The Berbicians have witnessed the political machinations of Trotman and the almost instant rift between Moses and the AFC's powermen. It ain't gonna get worse for the ruling party. If the opposition think they can do better then the ball is in their court. Go ahead and make your day.
Surely they went to the polls to win. They had the state's machinery squarely behind them ( and illegally so) and they will not have that this time.

Trotman did nothing but what he had to do. His job was not to facilitate a PPP co opting of the speaker's position. With that in hand the PPP would be their usual autocratic selves. They had to be stopped.

The Guyanese people now know they can stop the PPP. It is not easy to take away that control from them. The PPP is in fro a hard time whether you want it so or not.

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