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Former Member

Ok folks


The AFC has been running around with a PNC GT motorcade in order to make up for the AFC lack of support.


To date, the AFC has not been able to prove that they are capable of handing over 12 Percent of Indos to the PNC.


Time for Moses and Ramjattan to stop hiding from under Granger's Kilt and start being men.


Listen Moses, a PNC GT Afro motorcade does not count, let us see both of you stop being cowards and show us a real Indo crowd. Stop being chickens and stop hiding under Granger's Kilt.


Latest internal polling puts the AFC at five percent and that is in a freefall right now.


And yes Moses, why does Indos have 25 Percent representation in parliament on your list while Afros who are 30 Percent of the population have 75 Percent representation ?

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The PPP commits electoral suicide every day since the campaign began

April 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

I am told that there are all types of foreign consultants in Guyana doing work for the PPP’s election campaign. In the area at Turkeyen, where I live, people have told me there is a house about a minute walk from my home, where some American operatives are based. The house is owned by the politician who built a swimming pool at Leonora and is managed by a Regent Street businessman who has the name of a once famous icon of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). I have been reliably informed that these Americans are involved in consultancy work for the PPP’s election campaign. The opposition coalition unity team need not worry. Hypothetically speaking, a rapist will not win an election. A wife killer cannot win an election. A child molester cannot win an election. A party that puts up a fourteen-year-old candidate as president cannot win an election. Such is life. No genius can change that. If Einstein was alive today and he supports a candidate who was once jailed for pushing an old lady under a train, that candidate would fail. Whoever are these American guys working out from the building near to where I live is for the press to investigate, but they cannot save what cannot be salvaged. The PPP stumbles from one mistake to another and these flaws are huge and humongous. Who advises Donald Ramotar? Every day since this campaign began the PPP has been committing hara-kiri. If it is not an asinine blunder, it is an insane mistake or an immoral outrage. It doesn’t stop. It will not stop. It will last until the day of voting and it will disembowel the PPP. Even the so-called golden girl is not exempted. Elisabeth Harper, like Jagdeo, like Ramotar, will be the untergang of the PPP on May 12 when the ballots are counted. For this column, we start with the announcement by Ramotar that if reelected he will establish an anti-corruption committee. What an imbecilic thing to say. What a self-destructive thing to say. It was best if Ramotar did not mention this thing, because it opens him up to extreme ridicule. Corruption has destroyed the moral fabric of the entire PPP edifice. It began under Jagdeo and continued under Ramotar. The evidence is overwhelming. The overnight majestic swimming pools, the overnight mansions, the barefaced skimming off of contractors’ fees, the foreign bank accounts, the drug connections, the money-laundering activities, the sexual crimes associated with debauched lifestyles all provide evidence. Yet from 1999 when Janet Jagan handed over power to the present time, not even one second level leader of the PPP has been dismissed or charged much less the sharks at the top of the pyramid. Jagdeo, to justify this morbid ostentatiousness on the part of the cabal he created inside the government, pointed to the fancy house of Dr. Cheddi Jagan. In other words, Jagdeo was covering up mansions built with corrupt money by saying that even Cheddi Jagan lived in style. Suddenly an election is on and Ramotar will set up an investigating committee if reelected. Even a donkey would turn to Ramotar and ask why after May 2015 and not before. But there are more laughs you can throw in the face of Ramotar by asking him what makes him want to look at corruption. Surely, something had to happen for him to want to investigate corruption after he is reelected. Ramotar must have seen or heard about corruption to want to have it confronted after the PPP wins next month. If the answer is that Ramotar knows about corruption and it is bothering him, then this man has to be a complete fool to want to do something about it after a general election rather than before. The emptiest simpleton in the world can tell Ramotar that he, Ramotar, stands to gain more by investigating corruption before the May elections rather than after. An election is around the corner, people are watching you, people want you to do good, decent things so they can vote for you. It is commonsense, then, that you do so. And it is almost scientific that when you do so, you will gain more votes, because voters believe you will be a better president? There are only two reasons why Ramotar has descended to such a moronic level. One is that he is a stupid person who cannot see that anti-corruption action will gain him votes. Or alternatively, he thinks this nation is a pack of asses so they are incapable of seeing that he is conning them with his announcement of an anti-corruption committee. Are Guyanese asses?


Jagdeo meet he meetah

April 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Old people seh you mustn’t let people wash dem mouth pun you.  That mean that people shouldn’t talk bad things about others, but Jagdeo, that young devil, don’t listen to wha old people seh, suh he got every Tom, Dick and Harrilall washing dem mouth pun he. Chris Ram decide to carry him to court and he, Jagdeo, get a old lawyer who decide fuh cuss like dem old wash out done away whore. De lawyer write a statement and seh that he notice that Ram got an unnatural attraction fuh Jagdeo. Dem two words β€˜unnatural attraction’  mean that Ram want Jagdeo in an unnatural compromising wayβ€”in simple layman language, it means Jagdeo got to lie down pun he belly. Dem boys seh that this thing nah come over as no big surprise. Is years now people use to hear this thing β€˜bout Jagdeo and he unnatural attraction and style. Dem boys never see fuh demself, but it look like he lawyer know more, and hear more than anybody else fuh write such a statement. Now Jagdeo find heself in trouble. He did carry people to court and sit down and laugh. Now people carrying him to court, suh he deh in more trouble than he ever see. Dem boys always remember wan old man seh β€œHelp someone when they are in trouble and they will remember you when they are in trouble again.” De lawyer will definitely see Jagdeo again, because he got nuff more trouble fuh end up in. Dem boys also remember another old man seh, β€œMany people are alive today, only because it is illegal to shoot dem.” Talk half and no violence, please.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


The AFC has been running around with a PNC GT motorcade in order to make up for the AFC lack of support.


To date, the AFC has not been able to prove that they are capable of handing over 12 Percent of Indos to the PNC.


Time for Moses and Ramjattan to stop hiding from under Granger's Kilt and start being men.


Listen Moses, a PNC GT Afro motorcade does not count, let us see both of you stop being cowards and show us a real Indo crowd. Stop being chickens and stop hiding under Granger's Kilt.


Latest internal polling puts the AFC at five percent and that is in a freefall right now.


And yes Moses, why does Indos have 25 Percent representation in parliament on your list while Afros who are 30 Percent of the population have 75 Percent representation ?

Good Point Yugi. Is this what PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION mean? If Afros are 30% of the population then 30% of Afros should be on their list.If Indians are 47%% of the population then 47% of Indos should be on their list etc. I also believe that if women make up half of the population, then 50% should be  on the list. This proportionality should apply to all political parties.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


The AFC has been running around with a PNC GT motorcade in order to make up for the AFC lack of support.


To date, the AFC has not been able to prove that they are capable of handing over 12 Percent of Indos to the PNC.


Time for Moses and Ramjattan to stop hiding from under Granger's Kilt and start being men.


Listen Moses, a PNC GT Afro motorcade does not count, let us see both of you stop being cowards and show us a real Indo crowd. Stop being chickens and stop hiding under Granger's Kilt.


Latest internal polling puts the AFC at five percent and that is in a freefall right now.


And yes Moses, why does Indos have 25 Percent representation in parliament on your list while Afros who are 30 Percent of the population have 75 Percent representation ?

Good Point Yugi. Is this what PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION mean? If Afros are 30% of the population then 30% of Afros should be on their list.If Indians are 47%% of the population then 47% of Indos should be on their list etc. I also believe that if women make up half of the population, then 50% should be  on the list. This proportionality should apply to all political parties.

Who told you that Indians make up 47 percent of the electorate? You are many decades late when that was the case.


Also why do you believe that chronic liar above about the APNU-AFC list? Mars illustrated completely there are some 40 percent of identifiable people we can label non black.


How come you are not making any fuss of the PPP pairings of their children and wife on their list?




Images (1)
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


The AFC has been running around with a PNC GT motorcade in order to make up for the AFC lack of support.


To date, the AFC has not been able to prove that they are capable of handing over 12 Percent of Indos to the PNC.


Time for Moses and Ramjattan to stop hiding from under Granger's Kilt and start being men.


Listen Moses, a PNC GT Afro motorcade does not count, let us see both of you stop being cowards and show us a real Indo crowd. Stop being chickens and stop hiding under Granger's Kilt.


Latest internal polling puts the AFC at five percent and that is in a freefall right now.


And yes Moses, why does Indos have 25 Percent representation in parliament on your list while Afros who are 30 Percent of the population have 75 Percent representation ?

The mere fact that you make 50 posts daily wailing about Moses suggests that he has support from Indians? Do you wail about the microscopic parties lead by Indians?  NO!


You fear is that Moses might lead enough Indians off the PPP plantation to ensure that they lose as the PPP has FAILED to make appreciable inroads into PNC strongholds.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Who told you that Indians make up 47 percent of the electorate?

Are you still with the nonsense that Indians are ony 40% of the electorate?


The mixed population increased by almost 60% between 1991 and what some project that their numbers in 2012 were.


So how can the mixed population be 20% of the vote, when a large chunk of this population is too young to vote?


Reduce the mixed population to what its voting age representation is, and also adjust the Amerindian voting age population downwards as their turn out tends to be low, for obvious reasons.  You will then get an Indian electorate at between 45-48% and Africans at around 32%.


So yes if the AFC doesnt pull part of the Indian vote, it is indeed likely that the PPP will win, as they have fewer votes outside of their core base to pull than does the PNC.


And this is why, even though it does look gloomy for the PPP I will not totally write them off.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Time for Moses and the AFC to prove that they have support.

While they indeed have followers and supporters, they will remain as opposition members after the May 11, 2015, elections.


Not only they will remain in opposition members, old PNC wing of the party will kick them out.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks

To date, the AFC has not been able to prove that they are capable of handing over 12 Percent of Indos to the PNC.


And yes Moses, why does Indos have 25 Percent representation in parliament on your list while Afros who are 30 Percent of the population have 75 Percent representation ?

yuji, do the arithmetic. If Moses promised to deliver only 12 percent of Indian votes, why should Indos have 25 percent representation in parliament?

Anyway, for the AFC, race is not the sole determinant. According to the Cummingsburg Accord, the AFC will get 12 seats in parliament and 40 percent of Cabinet posts.

We have to be fair and recognize that APNU, mainly PNC, is going to get the majority of Afro-Guyanese votes to win the election. If the majority of Indians refuse to vote for APNU+AFC, why must you ask for greater parliamentary representation? Put yourself in the Afro shoes and ask whether they would be happy when APNU contributed 88 percent votes to the victory.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses fooled the handful of supporters in New York.  He didn't fool Granger.  That is why Granges will give two seats in Parliament.


A vote for the Alliance is a vote for the destruction of Indians in Guyana.  This time there will be an exodus of the Indians from Guyana and there will be a crying the world has never seen before....


Tell it like it is.


Beware of Dirty Indians like Moses and Rumjhaat.


Gerhard was too Indian for Granger's liking.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses fooled the handful of supporters in New York.  He didn't fool Granger.  That is why Granges will give two seats in Parliament.


A vote for the Alliance is a vote for the destruction of Indians in Guyana.  This time there will be an exodus of the Indians from Guyana and there will be a crying the world has never seen before....

All you PPPites have become prophets of doom these days. Keep on trucking....

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses fooled the handful of supporters in New York.  He didn't fool Granger.  That is why Granges will give two seats in Parliament.


A vote for the Alliance is a vote for the destruction of Indians in Guyana.  This time there will be an exodus of the Indians from Guyana and there will be a crying the world has never seen before....

All you PPPites have become prophets of doom these days. Keep on trucking....

Yes! we will.  Remember, I said it first.. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Moses fooled the handful of supporters in New York.  He didn't fool Granger.  That is why Granges will give two seats in Parliament.


A vote for the Alliance is a vote for the destruction of Indians in Guyana.  This time there will be an exodus of the Indians from Guyana and there will be a crying the world has never seen before....

All you PPPites have become prophets of doom these days. Keep on trucking....

Yes! we will.  Remember, I said it first.. 

We will never allow 30 Percent of the population to take 75 Percent representation in Parliament.


If they can treat Gerhard like a dog because he is Indian, then they will treat 40 Percent of the Indo population like second class citizens once again.


History can and will repeat itself.


I tell you this, Granger is worse than Burhnam and Hoyte. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Breaking News:  The AFC has lost 30,000 supporters since they joined the PNC alliance.


GR has visited freedom house.  I don't know why...


Brother Gerhard will come home after being stabbed in the back by both the AFC and PNC. They treated Brother Gerhard worse than a dog.


Prepare the artie tray and thali for Brother Gerhard as he finally heads home. Bring out the sweets.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Breaking News:  The AFC has lost 30,000 supporters since they joined the PNC alliance.


GR has visited freedom house.  I don't know why...

Mitwah has rejoined the PPP and was promply expelled again.

 Ha Ha ! 


That is the best treatment for dirty PNC Indian Mitwah.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Breaking News:  The AFC has lost 30,000 supporters since they joined the PNC alliance.


GR has visited freedom house.  I don't know why...


Brother Gerhard will come home after being stabbed in the back by both the AFC and PNC. They treated Brother Gerhard worse than a dog.


Prepare the artie tray and thali for Brother Gerhard as he finally heads home. Bring out the sweets.

Hold it, yuji! Don't prepare arti yet. Rama spreading false alarm.

Go and check Gerhard's Facebook page right now and you will see he is against nepotism in that Pickney Property Party.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


The AFC has been running around with a PNC GT motorcade in order to make up for the AFC lack of support.


To date, the AFC has not been able to prove that they are capable of handing over 12 Percent of Indos to the PNC.


Time for Moses and Ramjattan to stop hiding from under Granger's Kilt and start being men.


Listen Moses, a PNC GT Afro motorcade does not count, let us see both of you stop being cowards and show us a real Indo crowd. Stop being chickens and stop hiding under Granger's Kilt.


Latest internal polling puts the AFC at five percent and that is in a freefall right now.


And yes Moses, why does Indos have 25 Percent representation in parliament on your list while Afros who are 30 Percent of the population have 75 Percent representation ?

fool you have nothing better to do with your life,or you just stupid.maybe if you start post some thing of substance you might help the ppp in some little way that is if they can be help 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Breaking News:  The AFC has lost 30,000 supporters since they joined the PNC alliance.


GR has visited freedom house.  I don't know why...

Mitwah has rejoined the PPP and was promply expelled again.

 Ha Ha ! 


That is the best treatment for dirty PNC Indian Mitwah.

this is interesting dirty pnc indian and dirty ppp black guyana is a wonderful country i hope the collation can change this concept 


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