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Django ...

The current open discussion forum is adequate and is functioning well..

Private Forum -- meaning general in nature.

This could be useful if it is set up in the following manner ...

1. One person can open one such board.

2. She/he can then invite selected members.

3. They can have their discussions in private.

4. On completion of the discussions, the board is then permanently closed when all have left the said board.

5. Discussion will be deleted when all have left the board.


Django, Private Forums don't work. I have tried that before and  even paid membership. It failed.

People love to read even though they may not post. Its like going to the Library everyday to read or the book store, you don't buy the books or borrow, but you love to read.

You will lose some members but will gain others in return.

The forum will always have  a difference of opinions among members. You just have to allow it, that is what made it survive 25+ years.

 But encourage discussions and let everyone respect each other. Remember, respect is earned not taken.

(lil fight up does be good, especially after wuk on a Friday)

Last edited by Amral
@Former Member posted:

Django ...

The current open discussion forum is adequate and is functioning well..

Private Forum -- meaning general in nature.

This could be useful if it is set up in the following manner ...

1. One person can open one such board.

2. She/he can then invite selected members.

3. They can have their discussions in private.

4. On completion of the discussions, the board is then permanently closed when all have left the said board.

5. Discussion will be deleted when all have left the board.

Here's an easier suggestion, they can call each other or email and chat, why go on a public board to chat in private?

@Amral posted:

Django, Private Forums don't work. I have tried that before and  even paid membership. It failed.

People love to read even though they may not post. Its like going to the Library everyday to read or the book store, you don't buy the books or borrow, but you love to read.

You will lose some members but will gain others in return.

The forum will always have  a difference of opinions among members. You just have to allow it, that is what made it survive 25+ years.

 But encourage discussions and let everyone respect each other. Remember, respect is earned not taken.

(lil fight up does be good, especially after wuk on a Friday)

Remember, respect is earned not taken.

 From one Master to another, listen up DJ.


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