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Former Member

Ok folks.


We have seen that PNC supporters never break ranks. Case in point, PNC had two Black dictators that governed Guyana for 28 years. despite Guyanese starving and lining up for everything including, food and gas and had to bribe or carry PNC cards to get basic food items, PNC supporters voted and supported these two ruthless Black dictators.


PPP transformed Guyana. One needs to look around and see the mansions going up in Guyana and economic boom despite a blatant attempt by the AFC/PNC to destabilize Guyana's economy.


There is a ruthless attack by the AFC/PNC party to chase investors in a final ditch to ruin the Guyana's  economy. Indian and Chinese Investors are being attacked by the AFC/PNC party.


What is troubling is that PNC supporters are silent and back the efforts of PNC led by Granger and the AFC to ruin and destroy Guyana's economy. Granger shamelessly rigged his own leadership race but the AFC is afraid of Granger and they refused to condemn this shameless act.


We all know that PNC supporters in PNC strongholds will still vote PNC despite billion spent on them. Take Linden for instance, BILLIONS are spent in free electricity for Linden. They use the most electricity than than the rest of Guyana combined. 


Despite this, the AFC/PNC party voted down a major Hydro Electric Project that could have transformed Guyana's economy.


PPP must take care of their own in order to regain their majority and stop wasting time and resources spending Billions in PNC stronghold. This money could have been more wisely spent in PPP stronghold like Berbice and the on our Native communities where they have the most to gain.


Stop wasting taxpayers money in PNC strongholds.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is that Gil giving his best smile ? I am sure that he can do a lot better.

He has aged a lot.

Yes, kanya eye. Gil not only aged a lot. He morphed from a coolie man to that bush labba Philip Bynoe.

No problem if you keep on posting that Gil and Bynoe are the same person.

Everyone knows yuh prappa ruckshun and stupiddy.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is that Gil giving his best smile ? I am sure that he can do a lot better.

He has aged a lot.

Yes, kanya eye. Gil not only aged a lot. He morphed from a coolie man to that bush labba Philip Bynoe.

No problem if you keep on posting that Gil and Bynoe are the same person.

Everyone knows yuh prappa ruckshun and stupiddy.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stop wasting taxpayers money in PNC strongholds.

Tax money is PNC money as well. I do believe that because these people are civil servants with direct deductions they  pay their fair share and must get their moneys worth.


When ignorant people presume to use government as a political cudgel, society breaks down. One remembers Nigil Dharmlal and the PPP top echelon who were with him, taking the same path to stupidity  as he threatened to withhold government benefit from them if they do not follow his dictate.


The government is the government of all and when there is selective dispensing of services, their is legitimate reason to revolt.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stop wasting taxpayers money in PNC strongholds.

Tax money is PNC money as well. I do believe that because these people are civil servants with direct deductions they  pay their fair share and must get their moneys worth.


The government is the government of all and when there is selective dispensing of services, their is legitimate reason to revolt.

yuji thinks it's alright to collect taxes from PNC supporters and use same for services to PPP "strongholds."

Racial folks like yuji will sink the PPP.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stop wasting taxpayers money in PNC strongholds.

Tax money is PNC money as well. I do believe that because these people are civil servants with direct deductions they  pay their fair share and must get their moneys worth.


The government is the government of all and when there is selective dispensing of services, their is legitimate reason to revolt.

yuji thinks it's alright to collect taxes from PNC supporters and use same for services to PPP "strongholds."

Racial folks like yuji will sink the PPP.




Stop hiding behind the race card. 


BILLIONS are spent in places like Linden where Afro Guyanese live. Should Indos holler racism because they are not receiving free electricity ?


Let us keep race out of this debate and get down to facts.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks.


PPP must take care of their own in order to regain their majority and stop wasting time and resources spending Billions in PNC stronghold.

Pull your head out of the sandpit, yuh derriere ugly. Look around. Apan jaat days done.

Since when are Amerindians the PPP's "own"?





Poilitcs is not for the weak.


Politics is not like a bunch of kids playing in a sandbox. You can engage or stay home and play in your sandbox.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Poilitcs is not for the weak.


Politics is not like a bunch of kids playing in a sandbox. You can engage or stay home and play in your sandbox.

dis yugee . . . a poorly educated lil antiman, refracting his insecurities through a bigot's lens he calls "politics" to appear large and "not weak"


one wonders where this low IQ person would find the platform shoes if GNI didn't exist

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Fujiyama you are a bonafide racist and your diatribe has no place in this world. Now this is where you tell me you are a proud racist. Come on.....lets hear it...

It is not a mere matter of racism. There are some racist some smarts. This fellow is plainly stupid. His racism is ankle weights but his stupidity is his irrelevance.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Since when are Amerindians the PPP's "own"?




Don't worry.  His racist attitude will guarantee that the PPP, at best, will remain a minority party.  As the Indian vote increasingly becomes only 40% of the overall, a prospect likely by the 2021 elections, and as most of the transformation of the electorate will be of increasing numbers of mixed voters (the vast majority of whom support either APNU or the AFC) the PPP days are numbered.


You see transportation difficulties in the interior guarantee that their turn out is lower than it is for coastlanders.  So the PPP has received as many Amerindian votes as it s likely to.  Its Indian base is shrinking.  the mixed voting population is exploding.


I invite all the racists who think that they can ignore PNC areas (Regions 7,8 and 10 having a fair share of Amerindian voters by the way) and still get a 50.1% majority.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Stop hiding behind the race card. 


BILLIONS are spent in places like Linden where Afro Guyanese live.

Let us keep race out of this debate and get down to facts.

The majority of blacks do NOT live in region 10.  So what's your excuse then?  Indeed its APNUs strong performance in Region 3, combined with AFC snatching votes in Region 6 which has the PPP as a minority gov't today.


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