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India fans want decent send-off for Chanderpaul

Dear Editor,
In my travels in India for the holidays, a cricket crazed nation, fans queried me why Shivnarine Chanderpaul has been treated so badly by West Indies management and selection committee. They love his obdurate batting style and describe him as the mainstay of the West Indies batting line up. Indians adore Chanderpaul as they do Chris Gayle, Dwayne Bravo, Sunil Narine and a few other West Indians.

They feel Chanderpaul should be allowed to retire from the game on his own time (which should be soon) and be given a decent send off in much the same way that Sachin Tendulkar (India’s superstar) was allowed to play his last test on his own term on home soil in front of a home crowd. But Clive Lloyd, the head of the selection committee will not allow Chanderpaul to play his final test at home or even away. Lloyd has called an end to Chanderpaul’s career although management hinted it was not opposed to Chanderpaul continuing to play in two tests played at home last June.

West Indies missed Chanderpaul on the tour to Australia. The team was humiliated at Hobart. And during the second test match played at Melbourne Cricket Ground, recently, the Aussie commentators asked Chairman of Selectors Clive Lloyd about Captain Jason Holder’s ability to lead the team.

The commentators noted some of the blatant errors Holder made during the first and second test and during the two warm-up matches.

Lloyd’s response was there are no senior players on the squad to help guide the young captain address West Indies woes on the field and in the bowling and batting departments. But it was Lloyd who was primarily responsible for selecting the team, and as such, he must accept blame for the team’s poor performance.

Lloyd left out experienced players, saying he wants a young team. He said there is no room for an experienced reliable batsman and former skipper like Shivnarine Chanderpaul who rescued the team on countless occasions.

Lloyd has made his intention clear that he does not want Chanderpaul to break Brian Lara’s record of scoring the most runs by a West Indian. Chanderpaul needs less than 100 runs to best Lara’s score. Lara said he has no objection to Chanderpaul breaking the record. But Lloyd would have none of it. Lloyd prefers West Indies be humiliated than bring back the experienced Chanderpaul to give some respect to the squad. Chanderpaul would have strengthened the batting and give confidence to the overall squad to fight rather than submit meekly as it has done so far since Chanderpaul has been excluded from the squad.

The batsmen made so many mistakes and there were so many fielding errors that the team could have used Chanderpaul’s talent to boost its overall performance.

Lloyd should be removed since he has identified the problem facing the team but has refused to resolve it.
Fans in India feel West Indies should bring back Chanderpaul!  They say he would have done much better than the others who have consistently failed the team.

There are West Indian critics who feel Chanderpaul’s feet motions are slow and he gets out of the box late to face fast deliveries. But the others have moved even slower than Chanderpaul.

What does that say about youth selection? The team’s fielding from the youths have been pathetic. The old men would have done better than these bunch of youths.

And in batting, Chanderpaul would have done no worse. It is time for Lloyd to rethink his position on Chanderpaul and on his own presence in the selection committee since his team has performed abysmally.

He should accept responsibility for failure and resign.

West Indies management and selectors should listen to fans around the globe and bring back the great Chanderpaul so he can end his career with dignity and honour.


Yours truly,
Vishnu Bisram

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It is time for Lloyd to rethink his position on Chanderpaul and on his own presence in the selection committee since his team has performed abysmally.

He should accept responsibility for failure and resign.


Lloyd has made his intention clear that he does not want Chanderpaul to break Brian Lara’s record of scoring the most runs by a West Indian. Chanderpaul needs less than 100 runs to best Lara’s score. Lara said he has no objection to Chanderpaul breaking the record. But Lloyd would have none of it. Lloyd prefers West Indies be humiliated than bring back the experienced Chanderpaul to give some respect to the squad.


SO Bishram spoke to a couple INdian fans and suddenly he comes to the conclusion that most Indian fans want this? Must be same way he does his poll

SHiv is done...time to hang it up...they asked him to retire, he said no


What send-off does Chanderpaul want ? He is selfish slowpoke and should have made way for younger players a long time ago. Does he want to remain in the team until he is 90 ??  He should be unceremoniously dropped if he does not retire soon.

Clive Lloyd is one the best things that ever happened to WI cricket; he is a decent man who represented the WI with character and dignity and was responsible for creating and nurturing one of the best ever WI teams. He was driven by national/regional pride and did a fabulous job during his years as WI captain.  


These guys are obsessed with race. Good god man. Do you have to link everything to race. Get a life.  Many Afros were instrumental in the development and advancement of him as a player. 

He had his run and like all athletes he has to call it a day. At 40 his abilities are fading. 

Last edited by Former Member

I am not much a cricket fan so my comments might need correcting. 

1. The West Indies team has failed miserably over the past few years and has continued with Lloyd being in a key position. Lloyd was a great player and captain. but this does not mean that he is good administrator, selector. This brings to judgment the decisions he has made during his tenure. 

2. In the minds of parts of the population in the West Indies, chanderpaul is still able to contribute positively to a West Indian cricket team. His less than average performance in his last games casts doubt about this. However, many members of the recent West Indian teams have not proven better. Additionally, a respected seasoned batsman can add more than just runs to a young team.

3 many feel that Chanderpaul' days as a member of the West Indian team are over and that the team needs to concentrate on young players. This has thrown so many young players to the wolves, so to speak, far superior teams with far better bowlers and batsmen, often shaking the confidence of these young players and thereby stunting their development. What is most worrying are all the advice we get from players from other parts of the world on what is wrong with the West Indian team. Though it is well intentioned. We really need to look critically at our selves. The WI boards cannot seem to do this.

4 there is a debate over Chanderpaul getting a good send off, increasing his chances of breaking Lara' record of most runs.  Even players disagree on this. I was informed that the board in its discussions, had looked at the possibility of a farewell tour. This did not happen possibly because of the Indian tea debacle.

5. Cricket is on our blood and we all care about what happens to them West Indian team. Various reports have pointed to the poor management by the WI board and the need for change. There will be many arguments over how to move forward over issues such as nationalism versus money, country representation of teams, administration, development of young players, test vs. Limited over cricket, etc. Let us not forget that what binds us together as this process happens that we love cricket and we want a winning team.



Zed, stick to what you know.  Do some research on the decline in WI cricket and come back.  Lloyd is not the problem. The wicb is the problem.  The whole system is broken and there is no quick fix. The first class competition is more like 3 rd class. The quality of players we are producing  are poor and are not equipped to play at the international level.  Look at the young guys performances in the Australian tour.  Really boys playing against men.


FC posted:

Zed, stick to what you know.  Do some research on the decline in WI cricket and come back.  Lloyd is not the problem. The wicb is the problem.  The whole system is broken and there is no quick fix. The first class competition is more like 3 rd class. The quality of players we are producing  are poor and are not equipped to play at the international level.  Look at the young guys performances in the Australian tour.  Really boys playing against men.


Lloyd has also acted like an ass with the dropping of Pollard and Bravo....

RiffRaff posted:

SO Bishram spoke to a couple INdian fans and suddenly he comes to the conclusion that most Indian fans want this? Must be same way he does his poll

SHiv is done...time to hang it up...they asked him to retire, he said no

Big Shiv should stay home and coach lil Shiv.  The youngster looks promising.

Bibi Haniffa

Riff, agree with the dropping of Bravo and Pollard. Egos getting in the way. Mind you we don't know the details of players and management interaction on the aborted Indian tour. There was some level of insubordination for sure.


Shiv is no longer able to compete at the highest level. The man has looked lost for a couple years now and is not even being competitive at the regional level. Time for some younger blood. There also has to be a shakeup in the WICB as they cannot continue to function as they do today. Investment in cricket infrastructure is desperately needed. Many of the high schools had pristine cricket grounds during my years at school. I saw a couple recently and they are not even fit to be cow pastures.



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