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@Ramakant-P posted:

The PNC has a habit of filing petition, only to get them thrown out for lack of evidence. This is called obstruction of the court system.  

Courts operate on evidence. The PNC were hoping to hoodwink the system because they didn't have any evidence to support their silly claims. Just them being able to march dead voters into court would require an out of this world phenomenon. Jesus only raised one man from the dead. Harmon was hoping that highly educated people would accept his silly claim that Jagdeo was able to raise over 20k dead people and march them into polling stations to vote on March 2, 2020.

@Former Member posted:

To settle their argument, perform a substantive 360 audit of the results and various claims. Give it to Deloitte or Price, who have presence in Guyana.  However, manage and issue the report out of US, UK or Canada.  

The question is whether the PNC wants an audit or not. An audit can implicate lots of prominent PNC personalities up to and including Granger.

@Former Member posted:

I am gearing up for anther PNC comedy show election petition filed by Basil Jackass William. 

Don't make your popcorn as yet as you may not need it.

Remember Williams asking the judge for a copy of his speaking notes after he finished speaking? One would have though that he would have been speaking from prepared notes and would already have them. But Williams make up his submission as he goes along. Even one of the other lawyers, Khan I believe chuckled when Williams asked the judge for those notes. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

The threat of a petition by the PNC is being served as a distraction from the wonderful things the PPP is doing for the Guyanese people.

The PPP is not easily distracted. Look a how they prosecute the NCM, elections campaigns and the million and one frivolous PNC lawsuits with precision so much so that it would make a marksman envious.

@Former Member posted:

Basil The Dunce got Sleepy Neil Boston. They make a good tag team. The petition will fail or the case would be thrown out for failure to produce the FLAPNU SOPs.

This is their MOs. They threaten you with the petition and suing you in order to terrorize you. This will not work as the PPP is not afraid of them.


Looks like PNC just put up a show to fool their supporters. According to Gaskin, their SOP did not show a win. PNC is sinking faster than the Titanic. It won't be long before they start a brawl at congress place to replace Granger.

Sit tight, another circus show is coming up starring Granger, Basil Jackass Wiliam and Harmon who has his knife ready to stab Granger in the back, he will be the best supporting actor.  Looks like Granger favours Volda over Harmon. She might become the best actress.

Last edited by Former Member

Bai, I read the election petition laws. They have 14 days to file. 

28 days only apply if they can prove that a GECOM official was paid money to commit fraud and that only applies to their kith and kin Mingo and Lowenfield. Lowenfield was given land by the PNC. 

PPP will roast these clowns if they even attempt to file a petition.


I am not a lawyer but based on what I read, today is the deadline for the PNC to file their petition. 

They have another 14 days but that petition must be based on evidence that that a GECOM official was paid a bribe and given that Mingo and Lowenfield were given land by the PNC, they don't have a leg to stand on.

They must provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt and right now they can't come up with the evidence otherwise they would have filed. Let's wait and see.


My understanding from reading the Validity of Elections Act, the time period to file an elections petition is 28 days. There is a scenario where you can file a petition 28 days after an alleged illegal payment. The reference to 14 days appears to refer specifically to elections expenses. I don't envision a case where the PNC will not file an elections petition. They just have to having led their supporters down this path. They know that whatever claims of fraud they make will not be vetted in the courts for years. So at this point it is absolutely worth it for them to make a filing regardless of substance.

5.(1) Subject to this section, an election petition shall be presented within twenty-eight days after the results of the election out of which the matter in question on the petition arose are published in the Gazette under section 99 of the Representation of the People Act.

(2) If the petition questions the effect of the election upon an allegation of a corrupt practice and specifically alleges a payment of money or other reward to have been made by the date referred to in subsection (1) in pursuance or furtherance of the alleged corrupt practice, it may be presented within twenty-eight days after the date of the payment.

(3) An election petition questioning the effect of the election upon an allegation of an illegal practice may, so far as respects that illegal practice, be presented—(a) within fourteen days after section 109(1) of the Representation of the People Act has been complied with in relation to the election expenses of the group of candidates comprised in any list mentioned in section 5 with reference to that election petition;(b) if specifically alleging a payment of money or some other act to have been made or done since such compliance, in the pursuance or in furtherance of the alleged illegal practice, within twenty-eight days after the date of the payment or other act:


@Locutus posted:

My understanding from reading the Validity of Elections Act, the time period to file an elections petition is 28 days. There is a scenario where you can file a petition 28 days after an alleged illegal payment. The reference to 14 days appears to refer specifically to elections expenses. I don't envision a case where the PNC will not file an elections petition. They just have to having led their supporters down this path. They know that whatever claims of fraud they make will not be vetted in the courts for years. So at this point it is absolutely worth it for them to make a filing regardless of substance.

5.(1) Subject to this section, an election petition shall be presented within twenty-eight days after the results of the election out of which the matter in question on the petition arose are published in the Gazette under section 99 of the Representation of the People Act.

(2) If the petition questions the effect of the election upon an allegation of a corrupt practice and specifically alleges a payment of money or other reward to have been made by the date referred to in subsection (1) in pursuance or furtherance of the alleged corrupt practice, it may be presented within twenty-eight days after the date of the payment.

(3) An election petition questioning the effect of the election upon an allegation of an illegal practice may, so far as respects that illegal practice, be presented—(a) within fourteen days after section 109(1) of the Representation of the People Act has been complied with in relation to the election expenses of the group of candidates comprised in any list mentioned in section 5 with reference to that election petition;(b) if specifically alleging a payment of money or some other act to have been made or done since such compliance, in the pursuance or in furtherance of the alleged illegal practice, within twenty-eight days after the date of the payment or other act:


This makes better sense.  Thanks for sharing.


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