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-Time to move on-
Written by NEIL ADAMS
Tuesday, 10 January 2012 01:43

THE selection of a speaker is taking longer than we would have thought which is due to a conundrum of factors that is a characteristic feature of Guyanese politics. An otherwise simple exercise wherein the two opposition benches should have come together and by way of consensus chose a candidate for speaker is becoming inordinately time consuming.

There should have long since been a meeting of the minds on this subject but this is not to be, since this matter of a speaker has turned out to be a political dogfight between rival forces, each one believing they are entitled, hence my candidate should be the chosen one.

The bigger opposition, APNU, has indicated that it is unwilling to allow a candidate from its junior partner, the AFC, to hold that chair citing the reason of that candidate being closely associated with the ruling PPP/C.

A very suspect decision which smacks of bullyism I would say, because whoever is chosen must work with the PPP/C, a party which, for the record, is the ruling party in the House.

What APNU has undoubtedly said is things have to be done their way or the highway which, in essence,tells the populace that they are prepared to make this parliament a pappyshow; something we can ill afford at this time.

For this very reason I would not entertain a speaker from their midst. What the PPP/C needs to do is use its casting vote and rally behind the AFC candidate Moses Nagamootoo. Here again it is not as easy as it seems, because the PPP/C has a candidate of its own which adds more confusion to the debate.

My advice to the President is to put away any misconceptions he might have with the AFC’s candidate, dump foolish pride away and rise above partisan politics. Let us show some maturity for Guyana's sake and move on with the people's business.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 10 January 2012 01:57 )
Source: Chronicle

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