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sach, were the independent observers present all the time, everywhere? At the same time, if the ballot boxes had been stuffed, why doesn't.the coalition prove it or is this something to comfort its supporters? Maybe that's why I'm uncomfortable! going to  come.forward and say.that.they.had been.paid not to vote? Let's wait and abide by.the court's decision, however unpalatable! Better.still, watch the PPP and signs that its corruption is beginning to bloom! Spring is almost here! One thing I'm glad about the oil money in PPP hands! They will.have to do a lot for the people or the coalition will be.all over them! Not for the people's sake, but for their own greedy sakes! Elections in '25 (?) is not going to be a cinch otherwise!

Last edited by Former Member
@sachin_05 posted:

You are the one want to divert attention away from live rigging to some imaginary stuffing by some jumbie only you can see. Why don’t you point to a single report that comes from independent non partisan observer which can corroborate your sightings....shit that comes out the coalition’s rear end won’t cut it...

Wait a minute ,no irregularity was found during the recount ,all document required was there ,is that so ? your take is count the votes don't worry how they got in the ballot boxes ,whose pill have you swallowed ?

@Django posted:

Wait a minute ,no irregularity was found during the recount ,all document required was there ,is that so ? your take is count the votes don't worry how they got in the ballot boxes ,whose pill have you swallowed ?

What is this? Another diversion? Stop  beating around the bush and post your glaring sightings of ballot box stuffing...put up or STFU...

@sachin_05 posted:

What is this? Another diversion? Stop  beating around the bush and post your glaring sightings of ballot box stuffing...put up or STFU...

There are no diversion or beating around the bush ,what was found during the recount was broadcasted live ,did you miss it ?

The ending acronym typical of cowards hiding behind key boards ,try it one more time ,you will hang out with the crew for a while. I am aware we are enemies ,said by you.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

sach, were the independent observers present all the time, everywhere? At the same time, if the ballot boxes had been stuffed, why doesn't.the coalition prove it or is this something to comfort its supporters? Maybe that's why I'm uncomfortable! going to  come.forward and say.that.they.had been.paid not to vote? Let's wait and abide by.the court's decision, however unpalatable! Better.still, watch the PPP and signs that its corruption is beginning to bloom! Spring is almost here! One thing I'm glad about the oil money in PPP hands! They will.have to do a lot for the people or the coalition will be.all over them! Not for the people's sake, but for their own greedy sakes! Elections in '25 (?) is not going to be a cinch otherwise!

The answer to your question, were independent  observers present all the time? The answer is no. But if you take two facts into consideration (1) the coalition were the one with all the state resources at their disposal to hire their own supporters to host, manned and observed each polling station. (2)There were no reports of anomalies during the voting process, they only came after the Mingo rig attempt failed. Where and when this stuffing can take place that all contesting parties observers missed it?

Last edited by sachin_05
@Django posted:

There are no diversion or beating around the bush ,what was found during the recount was broadcasted live ,did you miss it ?

The ending acronym typical of cowards hiding behind key boards ,try it one more time ,you will hang out with the crew for a while. I am aware we are enemies ,said by you.

Why hasn't the coalition been pressing this, jango?


Aubrey C. Norton wrote, "The PPP has shifted Guyana from a peaceful law-abiding society to one which is characterized by ethnic and political tensions and the reemergence of crime, corruption, and lawlessness as the order of the day."

Aubrey C. Norton has no shame. He is a bloody liar.  This man is likely to incite violence. That's what the PNC is good at. It is not going to work.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Former Member posted:

Where? Has it been mentioned in the ongoing case? I don't know as I don't follow the legal arguments closely!

The case to disclose the irregularities are in case management hearing ,today at the appeal court .

My thoughts are it was dismissed by CJ for minor issues of service because a section don't want the disclosure.

Last edited by Django

The Coalition does not have the resources to oppose the PPP/C. They are useless.  All the opposition to the PPP/C is on the outside and is usually directed at Bharat Jagdeo. Mostly speculation by the so-called intellectuals with their PhDs

GNI provides more opposition to the PPP/Cthsn the coalition members.

Ramjattan is not doing a good job as a shadow Prime Minister. Harmon is a lunatic.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The Coalition does not have the resources to oppose the PPP/C. They are useless.  All the opposition to the PPP/C is on the outside and is usually directed at Bharat Jagdeo. Mostly speculation by the so-called intellectuals with their PhDs

GNI provides more opposition to the PPP/Cthsn the coalition members.

Ramjattan is not doing a good job as a shadow Prime Minister. Harmon is a lunatic.

That includes that professa from Florida, TK.

@Former Member posted:

Case in point, the descendants.of Africans taken by.force out of.Africa! Still working, playing, relaxing and gaffing with friends! Growing up in Georgetown most of my friends were.Afro Guyanese! How can I help being concerned about them?

Look at this clown bigot telling Nancy story and skinning he bruk up false teeth about "most of my friends were Afro Guyanese" . WEAK, lame ass attempt to atone for his WRITTEN bigoted remarks toward black people.

They may have been your "friends" because we trust too easily. Little did they know you saw them as less than human beings, referring to them in your warped, ***ed up mind as "n.igger". The same term colonial whites used to classify them since they weren't seen as humans. They were "n.iggers", a separate lesser being from another continent.

Now you're exposed, your pretense at "serious" discussion here evaporating in smoke.


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