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Former Member

Ok folks,

Old people used to say that the PNC cannot run a cake shop, how can they run a country. Well, old people were 1000 percent correct.

Let us face the facts. Two successive Afro led dictatorship bankrupt Guyana. It's debt ratio became one of the highest in the Caribbean. When Carl Greenidge was finished with Guyana, there was nothing left.

The treasury was empty, the country was bankrupt, there was no free press, elections were rigged and the army and police intimidated Guyanese. There was kick down the door bandits raining like a Caribbean storm. People had to smuggle clothes and food to survive. Many had to join lines for basic survival items and food. People had to line up for oil and cooking gas. It will not be long before those days are back. The only Newspaper was the PNC led New Nation (By now KN conman and racist Adam Harris) and Chronicle.

The Mirror and Catholic Standard had one page each, the PNC was determined to suppress the voice of Guyanese.

The PPP took over and Glen Lala and Adam Harris together with KN and Moses and Ramjattan are FULLY responsible for the terrible situation that Guyana is in today because of their LIES. They united to destroy Guyana. PNC gave Glen Lall a tax break and this dirty Indian sold out his people.

Folks, they printed and peddled lies beyond belief. Everyday they peddled and sold the word Thief ! Thief !

You know what, Indos have a bad habit of believing everything and anything when the word Thief is mentioned. This bad habit extended to starting to believe the lies peddled By Glen Lall, Adam Harris (Burnham Stooge) and Moses and Ramjattan.

The scum Moses promised to increase sugar workers wages by 16 percent and promised rice farmers $ 8,000 per bag of paddy. Today that skunk is supporting the closing down of sugar estates and forgot his promises to rice farmers.

His first achievement was to take a Fat Cat salary and $ 22 MILLION SUV AND ANOTHER $ 28 MILLION residence upgrade. His pension will be bigger than Jagdeo's. Yes this man is a real scumbag.

Like flies rushing into a fire, Indos who supported the AFC have destroyed the country for good. They will have to pay for this sin. They stood arm in arm with the PNC dictators and joined them to destroy a country on a path to economic progress.

The PPP worked tirelessly to reduce the national debt, restored democracy, created a booming economy and a thriving private enterprise. Democracy flourished, newspapers and TV opened up. Guyanese were allowed to speak openly and freely without fear. The rice industry which was at the brink of collapse was restored. Overseas Guyanese poured money into Guyana. Crime was reduced and undesirables eradicated.

Yes, there was financial irregularities but not to the extent of lies peddled by Glen Lall and Burnham Boy Adam Harris. Despite spending hundreds of millions in audits, the AFC/PNC liars came up empty handed. They might attempt to charge some PPP members in an attempt to divert attention from their incompetence but the courts will throw out their baseless claims.

You see folk, you never miss the water until the well runs dry. It is better to have a PPP that you know rather than to Have a bunch of crooks the you don't know. Despite their many faults they were one million times better than these AFC/PNC idiots.

Two years later under these AFC/PNC idiots and the country is at point where they are attempting to save a few dollars by reusing envelopes. These idiots took a country with an overflowing treasury and took mega Fat cat salaries, wine and sport down and emptied the treasury in less than two years.

Like drug addicts, they feed their habits of fat cat salaries and sport and wine down, they are taxing and spending as the economy collapses. 

The impact of closing sugar estates will drive the country into a massive recession. You see, for every sugar worker job, it creates five to ten unrelated jobs as a result of sugar workers spending their money, from the grocery store, to the farmers, to the gas station, to the taxis, to the tax collection, to the lil rum shop, to the cake shop. Despite keeping it afloat, the revenue, related jobs and taxes etc is more than enough to offset the so call expenditures. These PNC liars just want to punish Indo Guyanese. Their decision to close the sugar industry is a racist one and Moses and Ramjattan are scumbags who support the closing down of the estates.

Let us have an independent firm conduct a study and analysis and you will see that the sugar industry is still vital especially in earning hard currency. USA and Canada bailed out the auto industry many times because despite the billions pumped into these industries, it still benefits the economy tremendously.

I have to state this openly, an Afro led PNC does not understand economics. They only understand planting chips economics. They just do not have the economic experience to run a country.

And yes oil, they poked fun at the PPP for signing contracts allowing oil claiming that Guyana does not have oil. Guess what, the PPP was rich all along. They are sitting on thirty hands waiting for oil, well, Venezuela has oil and yet the country is bankrupt.

A Black led PNC emerging Dictatorship is out to destroy Indos, the must unite and defend their rights to be treated equally as Guyanese and not have their votes stolen and elections rigged. It too have a price to pay. My generation suffered tremendously under PNC part one.

PNC part two is more destructive than PNC part one. 

Granger is filling up the top positions with Military men and wants to install his own Election Commission CHARIMAN. This man helped propped up Burnham and is showing his true colours. Dictatorship flows in his veins, he is bringing back murderer Burnham from the dead.

Wake up folks, do the honourable thing and speak out before it is too late. PNC cannot and will never be able to run a country, The ball is in the PPP's court. Victory is near but the new PPP must become inclusive and humble. It has the talent to bring back Guyana from the dead.

Gerhard and TK must also be held responsible for supporting and propping up these AFC/PNC thugs.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

The first paragraph can be debunked,this fella need to revisit the achievement of "blackman" [Afro Guyanese] after slavery was abolished.

We are aware which Leader of Guyana after a change of heart because of hunger for power became a despot,crumbled the achievement of Afro Guyanese and may i add the Indo Guyanese for that matter the whole nation.

Django posted:

The first paragraph can be debunked,this fella need to revisit the achievement of "blackman" [Afro Guyanese] after slavery was abolished.

We are aware which Leader of Guyana after a change of heart because of hunger for power became a despot,crumbled the achievement of Afro Guyanese and may i add the Indo Guyanese for that matter the whole nation.

PNC slop can carrier continues to carry their posey.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

The first paragraph can be debunked,this fella need to revisit the achievement of "blackman" [Afro Guyanese] after slavery was abolished.

We are aware which Leader of Guyana after a change of heart because of hunger for power became a despot,crumbled the achievement of Afro Guyanese and may i add the Indo Guyanese for that matter the whole nation.

PNC slop can carrier continues to carry their posey.

Hey you prick,the stench from the PPP posey FVCK your brain suh you can't think,what do you get by labeling posters.

Careful how with the "Kshatriya" avoid the attacking.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

The first paragraph can be debunked,this fella need to revisit the achievement of "blackman" [Afro Guyanese] after slavery was abolished.

We are aware which Leader of Guyana after a change of heart because of hunger for power became a despot,crumbled the achievement of Afro Guyanese and may i add the Indo Guyanese for that matter the whole nation.

PNC slop can carrier continues to carry their posey.

Hey you prick,the stench from the PPP posey FVCK your brain suh you can't think,what do you get by labeling posters.

Careful how with the "Kshatriya" avoid the attacking.

Truth Hurts, you are now cussing like Mitwah.

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:

The first paragraph can be debunked,this fella need to revisit the achievement of "blackman" [Afro Guyanese] after slavery was abolished.

We are aware which Leader of Guyana after a change of heart because of hunger for power became a despot,crumbled the achievement of Afro Guyanese and may i add the Indo Guyanese for that matter the whole nation.

PNC slop can carrier continues to carry their posey.

Hey you prick,the stench from the PPP posey FVCK your brain suh you can't think,what do you get by labeling posters.

Careful how with the "Kshatriya" avoid the attacking.

Truth Hurts, you are now cussing like Mitwah.

Your truth is tainted,you deserved the wrath of a "Kshatriya" by using the label,shows your weakness for a decent conversation typical of the PPP supporters,continue in that direction i have decided not to let it pass.

Last edited by Django
cain posted:

Oi yugi, I see you following dat goadyman footsteps calling people names. So hear nuh, when next you gonna say sorry folks,beg forgiveness and stay away lil bit only to come back to the board just as fkd up as ever?

How many times you pulled dat shit now, three, four ???

Hear na man. Welcome back.

You does cuss down everyone and call them names. Holier than thou ?


True dat banna..Stormy did say sometimes my posts lil salty.

So I plan on putting away my cyar lil work on it an bring it out in a yr from then its considered a collectors here is what ah lookin for an my questions to you. I need a good set of 15" rims with 5 holes

Here R D questions.

1. You got any?

2. Where u does park? Hehe


Last edited by cain
cain posted:

True dat banna..Stormy did say sometimes my posts lil salty.

So I plan on putting away my cyar lil work on it an bring it out in a yr from then its considered a collectors here is what ah lookin for an my questions to you. I need a good set of 15" rims with 5 holes

Here R D questions.

1. You got any?

2. Where u does park? Hehe


Ow buddy, I sold mine and bought a BMW X3 inline 6, X-drive fully loaded. I love the 2010 model as this was the last German made edition. This is my new summer baby. I did six seconds from one light to another.

I have a newer Mercedes GLE for everyday driving.

Look into one of those X3. Very Nice German engineering.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

OK Bhai. 

Thank you,

keep it civil,we can get along without labeling and name calling,our political allegiance and opinions should be respected.I have mentioned many times i am not affiliated to any party I am an "Independent" I think for my self and can't be bought easily.

Ok form here on, I will still take you on when you defend the AFC/PNC crooks. Let us keep it clean. I do not see you as independent as much as you do not see me as independent. 

At the end of the day, neither you nor I have anything invested in Guyana's politics. We are all just shooting breeze at GNI.

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

OK Bhai. 

Thank you,

keep it civil,we can get along without labeling and name calling,our political allegiance and opinions should be respected.I have mentioned many times i am not affiliated to any party I am an "Independent" I think for my self and can't be bought easily.

Ok form here on, I will still take you on when you defend the AFC/PNC crooks. Let us keep it clean. I do not see you as independent as much as you do not see me as independent. 

At the end of the day, neither you nor I have anything invested in Guyana's politics. We are all just shooting breeze at GNI.

You mean you are not going to ask the man anymore if he collected his PNC propaganda welfare check from the PNC?

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

OK Bhai. 

Thank you,

keep it civil,we can get along without labeling and name calling,our political allegiance and opinions should be respected.I have mentioned many times i am not affiliated to any party I am an "Independent" I think for my self and can't be bought easily.

Ok form here on, I will still take you on when you defend the AFC/PNC crooks. Let us keep it clean. I do not see you as independent as much as you do not see me as independent. 

At the end of the day, neither you nor I have anything invested in Guyana's politics. We are all just shooting breeze at GNI.

You mean you are not going to ask the man anymore if he collected his PNC propaganda welfare check from the PNC?

That's right. I used to crank him up but admittedly, it rubbed him the wrong way. I will cut it out now from now on. I know that he is a good guy, just AFC/PNC leaning but we need some competition at GNI to keep it hot.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

OK Bhai. 

Thank you,

keep it civil,we can get along without labeling and name calling,our political allegiance and opinions should be respected.I have mentioned many times i am not affiliated to any party I am an "Independent" I think for my self and can't be bought easily.

Ok form here on, I will still take you on when you defend the AFC/PNC crooks. Let us keep it clean. I do not see you as independent as much as you do not see me as independent. 

At the end of the day, neither you nor I have anything invested in Guyana's politics. We are all just shooting breeze at GNI.

You mean you are not going to ask the man anymore if he collected his PNC propaganda welfare check from the PNC?

That's right. I used to crank him up but admittedly, it rubbed him the wrong way. I will cut it out now from now on. I know that he is a good guy, just AFC/PNC leaning but we need some competition at GNI to keep it hot.

It's all in good humor. I do not take anything on this BB seriously.

skeldon_man posted:
yuji22 posted:

Neither do I. I am here just for plain old political fun and crank up those who fall for cranking. D2 used to really tek cranking.

Watch out for D2 to return soon. He's been peeping in. I think he is being ignored on the other forum(s). The man is craving for attention.

D2 is not here to defend himself. Improper to make negative remarks on him or any other absent members.



D2 is no longer a member of GNI and asked Amral remove his many handles.

He does not enjoy member privileges, any member is free and entitled to say whatever they want to say about him because he chose to leave GNI.

In fact he took shots at GNI and its members when he departed.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:


D2 is no longer a member of GNI and asked Amral remove his many handles.

He does not enjoy member privileges, any member is free and entitled to say whatever they want to say about him because he chose to leave GNI.

In fact he took shots at GNI and its members when he departed.

What do you get from lashing a man behind his back, yuji22? There is no honor in that.

Gilbakka posted:
yuji22 posted:


D2 is no longer a member of GNI and asked Amral remove his many handles.

He does not enjoy member privileges, any member is free and entitled to say whatever they want to say about him because he chose to leave GNI.

In fact he took shots at GNI and its members when he departed.

What do you get from lashing a man behind his back, yuji22? There is no honor in that.

Nobody is lashing him behind his back.

In fact he deserves some lashing. He fought tooth and nail to bring in the AFC/PNC scumbags and defended them until the last moment he was here and finally ran away in shame.

He needs to take his Dhall. I have no sympathy for people like him. In fact he deserves no sympathy.

Last edited by Former Member

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