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Former Member
TIME TO TALK One year ago, today November 28, the triangle of political power was turned upside down. The majority of our people forming the base of that power, chose to be on top, and created history by forcing government to be accountable to them. At the November 28, 2011 elections 342,126 voters, forming 65% of the electorate, actually voted. The low voter turn-out told its own story of rebellion by our people, fed-up as they were with the dominant, old parties, their abuse of power principally through racism and corruption.. The Alliance for Change (AFC) was the youngest party, with a brighter vision. It inscribed on its banner the ambition and hopes of our young people. It was to provide an alternative, and made a difference by holding, for the first time ever, the balance of power between the two rival blocs. The results gave PPP/C 166,340 or 48.62%; APNU 139, 678 or 40.83% and AFC 35,333 or 10.33% of votes cast. Seats in the National Assembly were 32, 26 and 7 respectively, thus giving the combined opposition a one-seat majority. Those results showed that, for the first time in 20 years, the PPP lost its absolute majority in Parliament. It took the presidency and formed government on a minority of the votes. Its side-kick, the United Force (TUF) was decimated after its leader defected to PPP/C. The story of the past 12 months has given new life to politics in Guyana. Never have our people been so aware of the level of corruption in Guyana as the parliamentary opposition initiated an unrelenting process of exposure. Assisted by the non-government and independent newspapers, the AFC played no small role in unearthing blotched state contracts, hidden funds and widespread corruption. The budget cuts exposed the bureaucratic “fat cats” and party activists in sinecure positions drawing down million-dollar salaries and allowances. We de-gutted the wicked waste of our people’s monies on unnecessary projects like a Marriot Hotel/Casino, hefty benefits for past presidents, subsidies to corrupt propaganda machinery like GINA and We argued that such monies were better spent on old age pensions and community improvement. The fire in our politics of accountability is responsible for the display of despotic tendencies by the PPP. It is also exposing their distressful dissent to rabid racism and political insanity. How else could anyone explain the President’s odious comparison of a section of the opposition with a “hog” and a “pig” as reported in the press? The AFC feels that such reckless talkj belonged to an era of political cannibalism as when Hitler compared Jews to “vermins” and “rats”, and Rwandian killers condemned opponents as “cockroaches”, in order to justify their extermination! The minority PPP government has been masquerading as a majority and refused to accept the new Guyana dispensation. The PPP alone has to be blame for the stand-off between the President and Parliament. It is now busy engineering a confrontation between the Judiciary and Parliament On this first anniversary of the people’s victory, AFC strongly condemns the PPP’s divisive tactics. We call on the administration to halt its campaign of racism and division; to stop its wanton attacks on Alliance for Change and our leaders! The PPP has foisted its paramountcy over the state media and flagrantly uses them as party organs to carry singularly party views and opinions, and more especially as vehicles for cowardly lies, disinformation and slander of our leaders. What appears to be a rehash of an FBI Manual used in the United States against the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Panthers is now seen in Guyana as the “Donald Duck Doctrine”, where disinformation and duplicity are weapons of choice in a campaign of division and diversion. Spying and wire-tapping are now “legal” and routine. At the same time, the PPP has misappropriated state resources nationally and in the various regions as social bribes in a failed bid to garner political support. All those acts which continue unabated have undermined the political fabric of our nation, weakened our democratic institutions and incited racial insecurity and social fear throughout Guyana. Today, Guyana is at the crossroad of definition, whether we are only formally a democracy; or descending swiftly into an autocratic, authoritarian state. The AFC believes that we can pull back from the precipice. We would like to help break this grid-lock. Serious negotiations are urgently needed. In this regard, we urge all parliamentary parties to embark on purposeful dialogue, in an effort at finding consensus on critical issues including but not restricted to:- 1. Agreement on Protocols in the national interest for the use of Majority/Minority vote in Parliament and the veto by the President. 2. All-party confidence in and respect for the Speaker of the National Assembly and the sovereignty of Parliament. 3. National concord on suppression of all criminal activities, with focus on armed banditry, extra-judicial executions and widespread corruption. 4. Immediate composition with full complement of Integrity Commission, Judicial Service Commission, Public Procurement Commission, Ethnic Relations Commission, etc.. 5. Confirmation of appointment of suitably qualified persons to such constitutional posts as Chancellor of the Judiciary, Chief Justice, Commissioner of Police and Ombudsman. 6. Cessation of one-party control and manipulation of State Media, and ensure equitable access by all parliamentary parties to state media and respect of the right to reply. 7. Respect for collective bargaining and payment of interim across-the-board 10% salary increase to teachers, nurses, members of the security and disciplined services, and in state corporations. 8. Reduction of VAT by 2%, or alternatively, increase of an agreed number of food and household items on zero-rated list. 9. Increase in Old Age Pension by $5,000.00 monthly. 10. Granting an Income Tax Allowance for students attending university 11. Reduction of toll for Berbice Bridge Crossings. 12. Recovery of $5 billion of NIS money invested in CLICO. 13. Freeze employment of contracted employees and return to civil service recruitment based on a system of meritocracy and agency shop system. 14. Cap external borrowing and halt unpopular projects such as Marriot hotel/casino. The AFC is a serious national political player, which places the nation’s business above party interest. We have no vested interest in any stalemate or gridlock that would cripple national development or commercial life. We invite all parties to concentrate our energies on priorities such as job creation, food production and agro-processing, bio-energy and a new vision for a secured and sustainable future of our youth, women, workers, farmers and hinterland residents. At the same time, the AFC is ready to call the bluff about “snap elections”. But for now, we hail our people’s victory of November 28 and repeat the refrain of our former Leader Raphael Trotman: “The war is Over !”. We must now sit and talk! Moses Nagamootoo Georgetown, Guyana 28th November, 2012

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Now dem this a de issues fuh de AFC fo talk. Na go follow Freddie and Mark and protest all ova. Dem da na know how dem PPP house of isreal hooligans do distrup dem meetings? Moses a focus on de right tings yasuh.


I will be NICE and use only two words: SHAMELESS AND DANGEROUS.


tHE mANUAL FROM THE fbi AND THE aMERICAN cIVIL rIGHTS mOVEMENT!!!  this bloody NEEEE  MAKAR   NEEEE MAK HARAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I will be NICE and use only two words: SHAMELESS AND DANGEROUS.


tHE mANUAL FROM THE fbi AND THE aMERICAN cIVIL rIGHTS mOVEMENT!!!  this bloody NEEEE  MAKAR   NEEEE MAK HARAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meh see the hyena shit in yuh brain a get de bettah a yuh. Like yuh getting scared Moses tekkin ova.

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I will be NICE and use only two words: SHAMELESS AND DANGEROUS.


tHE mANUAL FROM THE fbi AND THE aMERICAN cIVIL rIGHTS mOVEMENT!!!  this bloody NEEEE  MAKAR   NEEEE MAK HARAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meh see the hyena shit in yuh brain a get de bettah a yuh. Like yuh getting scared Moses tekkin ova.

Bhai Nehru,


Na waste u time wid dem PNC stooges. They long for the return to dictatorship under a PNC led Guyana. They will not rest until that is achieved. They want to make Guyana a Haiti.


Dem language is a reflection if who they are. Look at the pictures of Gerogetown. Hamilton Green is on of his heroes. He fills the street with garbage.

Originally Posted by PRK:

Internat Swami hipocrit holiman...Guyana a already turn lika Haiti. 

You PNC thugs never speak out against your own. You are yet to speak out against Hamilton Green and his filth in Georgetown. Take a hike lowlife.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Internat Swami hipocrit holiman...Guyana a already turn lika Haiti. 

You PNC thugs never speak out against your own. You are yet to speak out against Hamilton Green and his filth in Georgetown. Take a hike lowlife.

Meh a speak out against Green. Meh also a speak out against de house of isreal thugs likea lumumba, Kit, byno and all a dem aluh control. Mek sure yuh invite dem house of isreal hooligans to yuh next puja. PPP=PNC. Yuh na know. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Internat Swami hipocrit holiman...Guyana a already turn lika Haiti. 

You PNC thugs never speak out against your own. You are yet to speak out against Hamilton Green and his filth in Georgetown. Take a hike lowlife.

Meh a speak out against Green. Meh also a speak out against de house of isreal thugs likea lumumba, Kit, byno and all a dem aluh control. Mek sure yuh invite dem house of isreal hooligans to yuh next puja. PPP=PNC. Yuh na know. 

PNC thugs are now shaking in their boots. No more election violence from the PNC stooges and thugs. Bring it on !

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by PRK:

Internat Swami hipocrit holiman...Guyana a already turn lika Haiti. 

You PNC thugs never speak out against your own. You are yet to speak out against Hamilton Green and his filth in Georgetown. Take a hike lowlife.

Meh a speak out against Green. Meh also a speak out against de house of isreal thugs likea lumumba, Kit, byno and all a dem aluh control. Mek sure yuh invite dem house of isreal hooligans to yuh next puja. PPP=PNC. Yuh na know. 

PNC thugs are now shaking in their boots. No more election violence from the PNC stooges and thugs. Bring it on !

Dem nah gat violence because all de criminals and crooks a now wuk fuh Jagdoe and Ramoutar.

Originally Posted by Churchill:
TIME TO TALK One year ago, today November 28, the triangle of political power was turned upside down. The majority of our people forming the base of that power, chose to be on top, and created history by forcing government to be accountable to them. At the November 28, 2011 elections 342,126 voters, forming 65% of the electorate, actually voted. The low voter turn-out told its own story of rebellion by our people, fed-up as they were with the dominant, old parties, their abuse of power principally through racism and corruption.. The Alliance for Change (AFC) was the youngest party, with a brighter vision. It inscribed on its banner the ambition and hopes of our young people. It was to provide an alternative, and made a difference by holding, for the first time ever, the balance of power between the two rival blocs. The results gave PPP/C 166,340 or 48.62%; APNU 139, 678 or 40.83% and AFC 35,333 or 10.33% of votes cast. Seats in the National Assembly were 32, 26 and 7 respectively, thus giving the combined opposition a one-seat majority. Those results showed that, for the first time in 20 years, the PPP lost its absolute majority in Parliament. It took the presidency and formed government on a minority of the votes. Its side-kick, the United Force (TUF) was decimated after its leader defected to PPP/C. The story of the past 12 months has given new life to politics in Guyana. Never have our people been so aware of the level of corruption in Guyana as the parliamentary opposition initiated an unrelenting process of exposure. Assisted by the non-government and independent newspapers, the AFC played no small role in unearthing blotched state contracts, hidden funds and widespread corruption. The budget cuts exposed the bureaucratic “fat cats” and party activists in sinecure positions drawing down million-dollar salaries and allowances. We de-gutted the wicked waste of our people’s monies on unnecessary projects like a Marriot Hotel/Casino, hefty benefits for past presidents, subsidies to corrupt propaganda machinery like GINA and We argued that such monies were better spent on old age pensions and community improvement. The fire in our politics of accountability is responsible for the display of despotic tendencies by the PPP. It is also exposing their distressful dissent to rabid racism and political insanity. How else could anyone explain the President’s odious comparison of a section of the opposition with a “hog” and a “pig” as reported in the press? The AFC feels that such reckless talkj belonged to an era of political cannibalism as when Hitler compared Jews to “vermins” and “rats”, and Rwandian killers condemned opponents as “cockroaches”, in order to justify their extermination! The minority PPP government has been masquerading as a majority and refused to accept the new Guyana dispensation. The PPP alone has to be blame for the stand-off between the President and Parliament. It is now busy engineering a confrontation between the Judiciary and Parliament On this first anniversary of the people’s victory, AFC strongly condemns the PPP’s divisive tactics. We call on the administration to halt its campaign of racism and division; to stop its wanton attacks on Alliance for Change and our leaders! The PPP has foisted its paramountcy over the state media and flagrantly uses them as party organs to carry singularly party views and opinions, and more especially as vehicles for cowardly lies, disinformation and slander of our leaders. What appears to be a rehash of an FBI Manual used in the United States against the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Panthers is now seen in Guyana as the “Donald Duck Doctrine”, where disinformation and duplicity are weapons of choice in a campaign of division and diversion. Spying and wire-tapping are now “legal” and routine. At the same time, the PPP has misappropriated state resources nationally and in the various regions as social bribes in a failed bid to garner political support. All those acts which continue unabated have undermined the political fabric of our nation, weakened our democratic institutions and incited racial insecurity and social fear throughout Guyana. Today, Guyana is at the crossroad of definition, whether we are only formally a democracy; or descending swiftly into an autocratic, authoritarian state. The AFC believes that we can pull back from the precipice. We would like to help break this grid-lock. Serious negotiations are urgently needed. In this regard, we urge all parliamentary parties to embark on purposeful dialogue, in an effort at finding consensus on critical issues including but not restricted to:- 1. Agreement on Protocols in the national interest for the use of Majority/Minority vote in Parliament and the veto by the President. 2. All-party confidence in and respect for the Speaker of the National Assembly and the sovereignty of Parliament. 3. National concord on suppression of all criminal activities, with focus on armed banditry, extra-judicial executions and widespread corruption. 4. Immediate composition with full complement of Integrity Commission, Judicial Service Commission, Public Procurement Commission, Ethnic Relations Commission, etc.. 5. Confirmation of appointment of suitably qualified persons to such constitutional posts as Chancellor of the Judiciary, Chief Justice, Commissioner of Police and Ombudsman. 6. Cessation of one-party control and manipulation of State Media, and ensure equitable access by all parliamentary parties to state media and respect of the right to reply. 7. Respect for collective bargaining and payment of interim across-the-board 10% salary increase to teachers, nurses, members of the security and disciplined services, and in state corporations. 8. Reduction of VAT by 2%, or alternatively, increase of an agreed number of food and household items on zero-rated list. 9. Increase in Old Age Pension by $5,000.00 monthly. 10. Granting an Income Tax Allowance for students attending university 11. Reduction of toll for Berbice Bridge Crossings. 12. Recovery of $5 billion of NIS money invested in CLICO. 13. Freeze employment of contracted employees and return to civil service recruitment based on a system of meritocracy and agency shop system. 14. Cap external borrowing and halt unpopular projects such as Marriot hotel/casino. The AFC is a serious national political player, which places the nation’s business above party interest. We have no vested interest in any stalemate or gridlock that would cripple national development or commercial life. We invite all parties to concentrate our energies on priorities such as job creation, food production and agro-processing, bio-energy and a new vision for a secured and sustainable future of our youth, women, workers, farmers and hinterland residents. At the same time, the AFC is ready to call the bluff about “snap elections”. But for now, we hail our people’s victory of November 28 and repeat the refrain of our former Leader Raphael Trotman: “The war is Over !”. We must now sit and talk! Moses Nagamootoo Georgetown, Guyana 28th November, 2012

Churchill only know fo cuss out and fight up he fellow coolies. 


The story of the past 12 months has given new life to politics in Guyana. Never have our people been so aware of the level of corruption in Guyana as the parliamentary opposition initiated an unrelenting process of exposure.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The story of the past 12 months has given new life to politics in Guyana. Never have our people been so aware of the level of corruption in Guyana as the parliamentary opposition initiated an unrelenting process of exposure.

The PNC has never been in a better position in the last 20 years than they have been in the last 12 months. If this is interpreted to mean new life to Politics in Guyana then you and Moses ought to be excommunicated from the minds of our people who suffered grieviously in post colonial Guyana for three decades. Loss of PPP's support at the polls came about as a result of a bitter power struggle within the upper echelon of the party. This does not reflect disenchantment with government. Party supporters became confused at the quarrels of leading members of the party over leadership. This is results in some voting for the AFC and some stayed away at the polls out of pure disgust. The PPP has a herculean task to resolve the internal fracases and get the party united once again. If they can't do this then GOD Help Guyana. The Dogs of Congress house are waiting to enter the Sheep Barn.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The story of the past 12 months has given new life to politics in Guyana. Never have our people been so aware of the level of corruption in Guyana as the parliamentary opposition initiated an unrelenting process of exposure.

The PNC has never been in a better position in the last 20 years than they have been in the last 12 months. If this is interpreted to mean new life to Politics in Guyana then you and Moses ought to be excommunicated from the minds of our people who suffered grieviously in post colonial Guyana for three decades. Loss of PPP's support at the polls came about as a result of a bitter power struggle within the upper echelon of the party. This does not reflect disenchantment with government. Party supporters became confused at the quarrels of leading members of the party over leadership. This is results in some voting for the AFC and some stayed away at the polls out of pure disgust. The PPP has a herculean task to resolve the internal fracases and get the party united once again. If they can't do this then GOD Help Guyana. The Dogs of Congress house are waiting to enter the Sheep Barn.


 What does suffering in the post colonial period have to do with suffering in the present? If there were crooks then there crooks after a kind here.The obligation is to address present while learning from the past. The Dogs in Freedom house are feasting our innards presently and their injustice is the present danger.


Never have our people been so aware of the level of corruption in Guyana as the parliamentary opposition initiated an unrelenting process of exposure. Assisted by the non-government and independent newspapers, the AFC played no small role in unearthing blotched state contracts, hidden funds and widespread corruption. The budget cuts exposed the bureaucratic “fat cats” and party activists in sinecure positions drawing down million-dollar salaries and allowances. We de-gutted the wicked waste of our people’s monies on unnecessary projects like a Marriot Hotel/Casino, hefty benefits for past presidents, subsidies to corrupt propaganda machinery like GINA and We argued that such monies were better spent on old age pensions and community improvement.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Never have our people been so aware of the level of corruption in Guyana as the parliamentary opposition initiated an unrelenting process of exposure. Assisted by the non-government and independent newspapers, the AFC played no small role in unearthing blotched state contracts, hidden funds and widespread corruption. The budget cuts exposed the bureaucratic “fat cats” and party activists in sinecure positions drawing down million-dollar salaries and allowances. We de-gutted the wicked waste of our people’s monies on unnecessary projects like a Marriot Hotel/Casino, hefty benefits for past presidents, subsidies to corrupt propaganda machinery like GINA and We argued that such monies were better spent on old age pensions and community improvement.

If the PPP gov't is so corrupted as Moses is claiming then why may I ask he was with this same gov't uttering high praises for Jagdeo just two weeks prior to general elections? Did he suddenly woke up one morning and received a revelation from Story, Mitwah, or Chief Bottle Washer?





Billy Ram Balgobin



Judge orders Irfaan Ali to pay $50,000 to Kaieteur News


Housing Minister Irfaan Ali must pay $50,000 to Kaieteur News after his lawyer incorrectly filed his writ claiming libel.
The lawyer, Hukumchand, had gone to the courts with his claim for libel and seeking an injunction after Kaieteur News published on its front page of its New Year’s Day edition, a photograph of the house Minister Ali was building at Leonora, West Coast Demerara.
The compound also contained a pool house and a swimming pool. The newspaper noted the age of the Minister and noted that he was constructing “a mansion.”
The publication incensed the Minister. Letters flowed from various quarters, all of them connected to the Minister justifying the construction of the home. Some recalled the history of the Minister.
In court on Thursday, before Justice Dianne Insanally, lawyers for Kaieteur news challenged the affidavit. The court found that it had been improperly filed. The result was that the temporary injunction granted is no longer in currency.
Hukumchand must now re-file the affidavit by February 20. Meanwhile, lawyers for Kaieteur News have until that date to file a response to the Irfaan Ali writ.

Originally Posted by Mahen:



Judge orders Irfaan Ali to pay $50,000 to Kaieteur News


Housing Minister Irfaan Ali must pay $50,000 to Kaieteur News after his lawyer incorrectly filed his writ claiming libel.
The lawyer, Hukumchand, had gone to the courts with his claim for libel and seeking an injunction after Kaieteur News published on its front page of its New Year’s Day edition, a photograph of the house Minister Ali was building at Leonora, West Coast Demerara.
The compound also contained a pool house and a swimming pool. The newspaper noted the age of the Minister and noted that he was constructing “a mansion.”
The publication incensed the Minister. Letters flowed from various quarters, all of them connected to the Minister justifying the construction of the home. Some recalled the history of the Minister.
In court on Thursday, before Justice Dianne Insanally, lawyers for Kaieteur news challenged the affidavit. The court found that it had been improperly filed. The result was that the temporary injunction granted is no longer in currency.
Hukumchand must now re-file the affidavit by February 20. Meanwhile, lawyers for Kaieteur News have until that date to file a response to the Irfaan Ali writ.

De man mek wan house in Lenora dat is bout 150 millian guyana dallah. and he only a minista fuh five year most now. dem nah gat shame.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses is simply a version of a Bihari Coolie Politican: NO SHAME, NO SHAME, NO SHAME.  i CHALLENGE anyone TO READ WHAT HE WRITES AND [PROVE ME WRONG!!!

I think Comrade Moses is of Tamil Nadu ancestry.  Dr Jagan is of UP and Bihar ancestry. Jagdeo is of UP ancestry. Rai is of Rajistani ancestry.  

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Moses is simply a version of a Bihari Coolie Politican: NO SHAME, NO SHAME, NO SHAME.  i CHALLENGE anyone TO READ WHAT HE WRITES AND [PROVE ME WRONG!!!

I think Comrade Moses is of Tamil Nadu ancestry.  Dr Jagan is of UP and Bihar ancestry. Jagdeo is of UP ancestry. Rai is of Rajistani ancestry.  

Dr Dr Dr Jagdoe is Bihar ancestry too? Laard now meh undastan de roots a de corruption. 

Originally Posted by Mahen:

I am advised that the PPP making a move with the APNU for share Governance.


Thank you Cde Moses. Time to talk.

Shared governance between these two without a Constitution to pin down behavior and punish corruption will be a disaster for the people. 

Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Why shared Governance when an Election can be called for early next year???

Aluh bring am nah. Meh cyant wait fuh see aluh get 40%


Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

I am advised that the PPP making a move with the APNU for share Governance.


Thank you Cde Moses. Time to talk.

Shared governance between these two without a Constitution to pin down behavior and punish corruption will be a disaster for the people. 

So now, a move to reconciliation and better governance is a disaster for the people.  Hmm, well i guess you lose some...and you lose some.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

I am advised that the PPP making a move with the APNU for share Governance.


Thank you Cde Moses. Time to talk.

Shared governance between these two without a Constitution to pin down behavior and punish corruption will be a disaster for the people. 

So now, a move to reconciliation and better governance is a disaster for the people.  Hmm, well i guess you lose some...and you lose some.

And I n=might be overstating the size. PEA maybe????

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

I am advised that the PPP making a move with the APNU for share Governance.


Thank you Cde Moses. Time to talk.

Shared governance between these two without a Constitution to pin down behavior and punish corruption will be a disaster for the people. 

So now, a move to reconciliation and better governance is a disaster for the people.  Hmm, well i guess you lose some...and you lose some.

History shows that these two have colluded to harm Guyana. Some of these points were played out right here on this forum. If they don't cooperate within the confines of a Constitution and an independent press, expect a dictatorship where you have some very unsavory characters in the two main parties. You also have some good guys. But it is like flipping a coin that is unbalanced in favor of the bad guys. Good luck.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

I am advised that the PPP making a move with the APNU for share Governance.


Thank you Cde Moses. Time to talk.

Shared governance between these two without a Constitution to pin down behavior and punish corruption will be a disaster for the people. 

So now, a move to reconciliation and better governance is a disaster for the people.  Hmm, well i guess you lose some...and you lose some.

Shared governance between these two (PPP & APNU or PNC)

without a (New) Constitution .........(Not De Burnham PNC Constitution)

to pin down behavior and punish corruption ........(Bullyism, Crime, Thiefing, Mismanagement & Corruption)

will be a disaster for the people. .........(Yes Baseman....there can be no reconciliation or better governance under the PNC Burnham Constitution which Thugs like Lamumba, Nascimento, Bynoe, Hamilton, Kwame, Taps, De Rabbai & McClean used to Beat, Rob, Kill, Rape & Injure PPP & WPA members) 



It looks like you Love Burnham, De PNC and their Constitution.


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