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Did the turmoil that occurred during the Linden and Agricola protests of 2012 suggest that the combined opposition has failed to enhance unity in Guyana, merely because a few AFC and APNU leaders are acting on their own self-interest?


For the first time as a political party of the combined opposition, the AFC turned its attention to the driving force which had propelled the budget cuts in the first place, the advice of chartered accountant Mr. Christopher Ram. It began with a budget cuts requisition in early 2012, and would start months later as the timeline of the political instability that Guyana is currently facing since the crime wave of the PNC-supported Freedom Fighters.


Kaieteur News printed on 28 Apr 2012 about Christopher Ram claiming that he was threatened from a hacked PPP/C email address. Christopher Ram's claim is totally sensationalised as the newspaper explains that the threat came from a worker whose job would have been affected by the budget cuts. On the contrary, Christopher Ram already faced negative publicity by showcasing the budget cuts requisitions earlier in that month. Christopher Ram would have sought an opportunity to play the victim and casting blame on the PPP/C government.

Christopher Ram's son Ravendra Ram was accused of threatening to hack into the Guyana Government's website over a feud with him and a blogger who uploaded his father's divorce papers online. The blogger is an employee working at the Office of the President. It does not mean that the blogger is a member of the PPP/C. The Guyana Chronicle printed on 29 Jul 2011 " The source also confirmed that efforts are ongoing to establish whether the hacking of the Government Information Agency (GINA) and Office of the President (OP) websites a few months ago might have been orchestrated by Ravendra Ram. "

Thus it is suspected that Ravendra Ram may have justification to "hack" into the PPP/C email address and write a fictitious threat addressed to his father so Christopher Ram can cast blame on the PPP/C leadership.

The influence of Christopher Ram, Gerhard Ramsaroop, Khemraj Ramjattan and Mark Benschop are mostly veered to promoting hatred, violence, chaos and racism amongst the two largest ethnic groups in Guyana.

Three Lindeners were shot during the protests in June-July 2012 that allowed the AFC and APNU members to incite more hatred and violence. Ten years ago, the PNC (APNU) was praising the efforts of the Freedom Five insurgents. During that same period, undercover operatives at Ram & Mc Rae Chartered Accountants revealed that one of the accounting firm's client is Shaeed Roger Khan.While Christopher Ram was appointed liquidator of Hotel Tower in 2009, he confided with suspected drug lord Salim Juman Azeez of New Line Aqua Farm in doing underhand business to have the sale go in Salim's favor. Both Roger Khan and Salim Azeez are labelled as drug kingpins by the opposition parties. Then why is Christopher Ram, a member of the opposition, doing business with these "drug kingpins"?

The question brings- Are the AFC and APNU trustworthy in fighting corruption noting that most of the members are corrupt and the opposition parties act in their self-interest during the turmoil of the Linden and Agricola protests?

Would we safely say that the AFC and APNU are exploiting the Guyanese physically and mentally to advance the interests of the few politicians?

A majority of AFC politicians were members of the PPP/C political party. What difference do those AFC politicians have to offer if the opposition claims the PPP/C is corrupt?


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27, 2011 1:31 PM


Jagan's "spirit" is with the AFC - Ramjattan

Written by Kwesi Isles

Sunday, 27 November 2011 00:55

Khemraj Ramjattan

Presidential candidate for the Alliance For Change (AFC) Khemraj Ramjattan declared Saturday night that former PPP member Moses Nagamootoo has wrenched the β€œspirit” of the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan away from the ruling party as the AFC wound up its campaign ahead of Monday’s polls.

β€œDonald and Jagdeo wanted to invoke the ghost of Cheddi Jagan but by him coming on the platform, Nagamootoo, he has wrenched away the spirit of Jagan and brought it on this platform,” he said to a police estimated crowd of 3,000.

Ramjattan urged party supporters to stay focused over the next 48 hours since the PPP was β€œvery good at doing mischievous things at the last minute.”

β€œConcentrate on the target of getting us into government on the 28th November and don’t be distracted by those confrontations. We must stay focused and I want you to understand that, because in a multiracial community like Guyana this solidarity sometimes is very fragile and with one little rumour … communities fall back into their various compartments,” he said.

Ramjattan also paid tribute to the late AFC founding member Sheila Holder who died earlier this week in the US after a period of hospitalization. According to him, if there was one reason to vote for the AFC it must be to β€œbring back home victory for Sheila.”

Meanwhile, party leader and prime ministerial candidate Raphael Trotman said voters have a duty to remove the PPP/C from government.

β€˜Every citizen of this country and every supporter of the Alliance For Change have a national, patriotic, historic, generational and sacred duty to remove the PPP from office. It’s a duty that we must carry out and it is our duty to ensure and encourage every person that you know to do as you would have done come the 28th November,” Trotman stated.

The former PPP stalwart Nagamootoo declared that the incumbent β€œhas lost Berbice,” the county from which he hails. According to him, the PPP/C presidential candidate Donald Ramotar has been rejected by sugar workers who make up a significant segment of the workforce in Berbice.

β€œUse your X as a weapon of change, as others have done in the past, you have got to be defiant,” a fiery Nagamootoo exhorted.

Dr. Richard Van West Charles, formerly of the PNCR, countered the PPP/C claims that the AFC was planning to coalesce with the APNU.

β€œIt is the PNCR which has been in bed in a destructive way with Jagdeo. When Jagdeo and (Robert) Corbin locked up in a room to develop recall legislation and recalled (James) McAllister, a young man who was fighting for people’s rights, that is the connivance of Jagdeo and Corbin,” the son-in-law of former president LFS Burnham stated.

Other speakers taking to the platform briefly included columnist and political scientist Freddie Kissoon, social activist Mark Benschop and Diaspora representative Dr. Rohan Somar.

A musical tribute to Holder, who was interred in the US on Saturday, was performed by local singer Charmaine Blackman.

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