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What wrong wid Jonas? Yuh doan believe Miss "Singh" go vitiate de eleckshun foh she mattie? It is all bout race. Ask Granja. He let dem bais tek more in five years dan Jagdoe tek. Jagdoe had to pay dem too. Jagdoe pay nuff to dem house of isreal bais. Lumumba is now PPP elder stateman after dem pelt de brick at yarrow dam and buss de observer head in 1992. Hey hey hey. Jonas is saying de obvious. Den yuh gat two coolie prado lover. Hey hey hey...

@Former Member posted:

What wrong wid Jonas?

Yuh doan believe Miss "Singh" go vitiate de eleckshun foh she mattie? It is all bout race. Ask Granja. He let dem bais tek more in five years dan Jagdoe tek. Jagdoe had to pay dem too. Jagdoe pay nuff to dem house of isreal bais. Lumumba is now PPP elder stateman after dem pelt de brick at yarrow dam and buss de observer head in 1992. Hey hey hey. Jonas is saying de obvious. Den yuh gat two coolie prado lover. Hey hey hey...

The part where he said how they vote ,you don't say such things.

Regarding the election , agreed there are chances the election will vitiate.

@Former Member posted:

What wrong wid Jonas? Yuh doan believe Miss "Singh" go vitiate de eleckshun foh she mattie? It is all bout race. Ask Granja. He let dem bais tek more in five years dan Jagdoe tek. Jagdoe had to pay dem too. Jagdoe pay nuff to dem house of isreal bais. Lumumba is now PPP elder stateman after dem pelt de brick at yarrow dam and buss de observer head in 1992. Hey hey hey. Jonas is saying de obvious. Den yuh gat two coolie prado lover. Hey hey hey...

Ms. Singh go vitiate fo she mattie?  She muma side or she daady side?  Tell me nah.

@Django posted:

Saying none voted for the PPP.

There are no doubt they want the incumbent gov't in power ,when will it end ? race based voting is taking a toll on the country.

Is it only when coolies vote for PPP? What happens when negroes vote PNC? Is that not race voting? Do you think race voting will be eliminated when every race vote for the PNC?

@Former Member posted:

Is it only when coolies vote for PPP? What happens when negroes vote PNC? Is that not race voting? Do you think race voting will be eliminated when every race vote for the PNC?

Race vote is deh pon all side. But some of de Indos show dem one lovers like CaribJ dem less clannish. Dem split dem vote in 2011 and 2015. But dem seh dem not fallin foh de one love trick in 2020. Dem vote foh dem mattie just like de odda side. Hey hey hey...

@Former Member posted:

Race vote is deh pon all side. But some of de Indos show dem one lovers like CaribJ dem less clannish. Dem split dem vote in 2011 and 2015. But dem seh dem not fallin foh de one love trick in 2020. Dem vote foh dem mattie just like de odda side. Hey hey hey...

Me ah barn coolie man and if me bin vote in Guyana, me guh bin vote fuh me mattie. Me story plain, who vex, vex.

@Former Member posted:

Me ah barn coolie man and if me bin vote in Guyana, me guh bin vote fuh me mattie. Me story plain, who vex, vex.

Imagine even ole WPA one lover like Chris Ram seh he never see so much discriminate against coolie under Burnham like see under chuck kneeling Granja...hey hey hey. Chris Ram use to give dem ROAR bais hard time back in de day cause he want look good. Now de man seh how even Burnham na discriminate like chuch bai Granja...hey hey hey. 

@Former Member posted:

Imagine even ole WPA one lover like Chris Ram seh he never see so much discriminate against coolie under Burnham like see under chuck kneeling Granja...hey hey hey. Chris Ram use to give dem ROAR bais hard time back in de day cause he want look good. Now de man seh how even Burnham na discriminate like chuch bai Granja...hey hey hey. 

We gatto believe in dem man dah. Some ah dem nah bin like PPP. Dem see wha powah ah do in de PNC cyamp. Dem man like ah barnacle, you have to peel dem off ah de post.


Low mentality gravitate to the simply non-thinking excuses. In 2015 lots of Indians went with the AFC into the coalition and ousted the PPP. In 2020 lots of young Afros went PPP and ousted the PNC. The Indian base could never give the PPP that margin of victory.

So people should talk less and think more.  Or maybe the latter is a challenge!

@Former Member posted:

Low mentality gravitate to the simply non-thinking excuses. In 2015 lots of Indians went with the AFC into the coalition and ousted the PPP. In 2020 lots of young Afros went PPP and ousted the PNC. The Indian base could never give the PPP that margin of victory.

So people should talk less and think more.  Or maybe the latter is a challenge!

Please show your numbers and source to substantiate what you are positing.

BTW, Welcome back. 

@Former Member posted:

In 2015 lots of Indians went with the AFC into the coalition and ousted the PPP.

In 2020 lots of young Afros went PPP and ousted the PNC.

The Indian base could never give the PPP that margin of victory.

It will show as one of the factors.

Another is that many new individuals voting for the first time perhaps cast their votes for the PPPC.

@Former Member posted:

I think that it may be time to start a discussion on RACE AND POLITICS IN GUYANA. I will do a live video this evening (sometime after 8:00pm) to start the conversation. Please join in and contribute, and please share.

Looku , looku, Christopher Columbus jus dicova race and politics in Guyana.  Jagan, Burnham, Rodney, Sukhu, Joseph, Anty Dularie, Ramroop Mai all dem people talk bout dis fo decades but the man Jonas STARTING a discussion.  What arrogance. 


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What the PNCites don't know is that Timothy's father, Pryor, was a staunch Burnhamite who left The UK and returned to Guyana in the 60's to serve under Burnham's regime. Timothy himself admits that he was brought up in a PNC home. Let's not fool ourselves, the PNC was built on race and that is evident before us as we are seeing the racial divides deepening before our eyes. So if he is "racist", it's only natural that he would be more supportive and in favor of Afro-Guyanese. After all, people learn "racism" from their environment.

The problem with Guyana is, any time the PNC/APNU is criticized, one is labeled as a racist or a traitor (if within the black community). When the other parties or races are criticized, then one is being fair, open-minded and, honest. It's time Guyanese cut that crap out. It's 2020! We should be able to call out fraud and corruption when we see it, without the fear of being attacked. I guess Owen Arthur, Bruce Golding, Keith Rowley, and Noel Lynch must all be "racists" too, as they also called out the electoral rigging and fraud.

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