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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by warrior:

GBURD,what the man is saying,is you are a ugly jackass ops sorry brainless jackass,no wonder you support the ppp

I invite you 3 musketeers to step back from the darkness and come to the light to participate in fruitful discussion instead of engaging in personal attacks. If you don't like what I write then utilize proper debate etiquette to counter my points rather than attacking me. hhahhahahahah

No one is attacking you. You are too fugly.  Your statements are inane and you continue to strive to prove me right that you are a brainless jackass. I will not debate your empty conjectures, your mallicious innuendos and your asinine comments.


Keep on braying.


Stabroek news stated that TK story was (alleged) meaning the fact finding is still to hold the truth of the matter. I am not against TK or the general public that has grievances with immigration at CJIA, but somehow the AFC's people always make false claims when they don't get preferential treatment at the airport. The same can happen in New York if a passenger is uncooperative towards an immigration officer. So, what's the story here?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

This is normal protocol especially when dealing with enemies of the state.  Immigration which is not under the control of Govt must ensure that these creatures are not planning any insidious activity when the visit the country. In the US this is also common practice as we see the nation has developed a no fly list and routinely detain the usual suspects who pose a threat to the nation. Tk and Odle are in this category as they bear malice to the stability of Guyana. 


The only ting TK do is he help to open de people eyes. Dem people see how stupidee and tiefing aluh is. 


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