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sooo, in extremis, mr jalil dedicates an entire thread to screaming "TKaaaaaaay" - the object of his erotic obsession . . . fascinating sh!t


banna, u sound like Dustin Hoffman arriving @ the wedding church late in The Graduate


is that how u cope now that i pull the scabs off the venereal sores previously covered up by yuh foul-smelling panty and EXPOSE the INCOHERENCE . . .?


btw, the bad stuff from the sores does travel and infect the brain i understand; please inform nehru

Last edited by Former Member

sooo, in extremis, mr jalil dedicates an entire thread to screaming "TKaaaaaaay" - the object of his erotic obsession . . . fascinating sh!t


banna, u sound like Dustin Hoffman arriving @ the wedding church late in The Graduate


is that how u cope now that i pull the scabs off the venereal sores previously covered up by yuh foul-smelling panty and EXPOSE the INCOHERENCE . . .?


btw, the bad stuff from the sores does travel and infect the brain i understand; please inform nehru

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Jalil, you really got an antyi-man staker in one of the TK handles here.


Tyrone is interested in your hard one.  Watch it Jailil, Totally Kwame (TK) on the prowl

alyuh racist kakaroach seem upset @ the EXPOSURE


mo sunlight to come . . . nah tek worries punk

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Thank you Jalil.  All they want to do is replace Jagdeow and continue the tiefing.


But not a rass, the people will never allow the PNC in power.  NEVER!

This chap Tk aint got no shame....

TK say PNC has every right to Rig the Votes of the Guyanese and change it to show false result that mek PNC look like the winner.


TK say as a PNC member he has the right to Rig what is Posted on GNI by members and change it to show Bogus views that mek PNC look like the winner.


TK is a PNC Certified  Thiefman

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Thank you Jalil.  All they want to do is replace Jagdeow and continue the tiefing.


But not a rass, the people will never allow the PNC in power.  NEVER!

This chap Tk aint got no shame....

TK say PNC has every right to Rig the Votes of the Guyanese and change it to show false result that mek PNC look like the winner.


TK say as a PNC member he has the right to Rig what is Posted on GNI by members and change it to show Bogus views that mek PNC look like the winner.


TK is a PNC Certified  Thiefman

Tyrone is a certified political DUNCE and neemak haram to seh RIGGING is acceptable.


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