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Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK...seriously besides the residents of a faction of Alexander Village and probably yawra dam, where else in the country your name rings a bell?

It is not my intention to ring bells. I leave that to opportunists like you who have to become a sycophant for career progress and survival. I have a duty to give the readers a perspective to understand what is going on in Guyana. So don't let your opportunistic (or soupatunistic) heart be troubled. I am not going to ring bells to take away your adoring voters, who you no doubt believe are your property. I just want to educate them. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Jalil:

Did Jagdeo receive those Containers of building materials from Ed Ahmad.....

 or did the US Govt Lie ?


Did Leslie Ramsammy use Govt money to Import Spy equiptment for Roger Khan.........

Or did the US Govt Lie????

Those Equipments saved LIVES, includimg those of your Relatives. BE GRATEFUL FOR ONCE!!!!

I wished they also saved Minister Sawh and his family lives. 


Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK is trying desperately to spread his propaganda, in an attempt to gain a ray of limelight, if he (TK) has all these so-called, brilliant ideas, then you he was sidelined by  the for thought

Well given that you guys control the taxpayers' property Chronicle and NCN, and since Jagdeo used the resources of the people and taxpayers monies to implicitly subsidize and create Guyana Times, the good people do need some alternative views. We are just doing that. Don't you want to see the people become educated?  You must not be scared of education and alternative information. 

Originally Posted by albert:

This guy TK attaches too much importance to himself. TK doesn't even have a following, he doesn't even have a constituency. In fact on the 2011 list of candidates TK used Gerhard's Alexander Village address as his own. So who is gonna waste time targeting TK ........what value does it bring?

 You dumb shit head... what constituency did Jagdeo have when he was implanted as prime parasite in office by the PPP? TK at least have a degree from a real university and not a Soviet indoctrination camp called Lumumba U.


I am also sure TK can if he cares acquire a house lot on his own account and build a house on it  or if he ever asks I am willing to give him a couple and that is a promise.


His value to us is immeasurable. He highlights your Markos-like corruption and provides the basis by which it can be estimated.


Originally Posted by Churchill:

I have reason to believe that TK did not lie about this incident....I am more concerned about the lies told by members of the Jagdeo/Ramouthar clique...Jagdeo lied about his marital status, Irfat lied about his accumulation of assets to purchase property at Leonora, Lumumba lied about the amount of land he " acquired " at Canje, Rodgers lied about the " complaints " from residents of WCB against Moses, Ramouthar lied about Moses  "  resigning " from the PPP in 2005,Khawme lied about molesting the young boy from Linden....and the list goes on and on.....

Thank you Churchy. Now you have raised some serious questions that the Guyanese people need to have answered. 

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

TK indeed has no following and is very irrelevant to the local political environment, he's desperately trying to attract a ray of limelight, its seems by any means necessary

Poster boy for the AFC.


Henny I have only now seen your pampassetting here and not on my USA! USA! USA! thread. What great conspiracy theory are you brewing up today? How is the Cold War going? 

Originally Posted by albert:

This guy TK attaches too much importance to himself. TK doesn't even have a following, he doesn't even have a constituency. In fact on the 2011 list of candidates TK used Gerhard's Alexander Village address as his own. So who is gonna waste time targeting TK ........what value does it bring?

And where is this other PPP Guy called Albert.  Like them boys drinking nuff rum in GT.  No time for debate now.  me and all drinking some DHARRO today.



Originally Posted by TK:

Thankfully it was not me alone who had the same experience on the same evening at the airport. Hence, a joint letter was written. Here is SN reporting on the letter.




Maurice Odle, Tarron Khemraj allege harassment at Timehri airport


Posted By Stabroek editor On November 9, 2012 @ 9:04 am In Breaking News | No Comments

Economists Dr Maurice Odle and Professor Tarron Khemraj say they have been harassed by immigration at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri and said it seems that the same tactics employed by the Burnham regime against perceived opponents are being applied by the Ramotar administration.

In a joint letter appearing in today’s issue of the Stabroek News, Odle and Khemraj said


“It appears that opposition supporters are being stopped and mentally harassed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport both when they enter and leave Guyana. We have on occasions been stopped and our passports held for some time as the Immigration Officer sought permission from the senior officer on whether we can proceed. The last occasion this occurred was the night of November 6 when we were leaving for the 44th Annual Monetary Studies Conference hosted this year by the Central Bank of Suriname on behalf of the UWI-based Caribbean Centre for Money and Finance, a research arm of The Committee of Central Bank Governors. We were both told that because of our political activities our names are placed on a list.

“Professor Tarron Khemraj has experienced these stops for at least two years both when he enters and leaves Guyana. Dr Maurice Odle has been experiencing similar situations since the middle of this year.


“It is well known that Professor Khemraj has been an active supporter of the AFC before and during the last election while Dr Odle was on the side of WPA/APNU.

“Editor, we are concerned and highly opposed to these acts of surveillance.

“We are aware that the Jagdeo regime established an intelligence unit in the grounds of Castellani House and are surprised that taxpayers’ monies are being used for such unnecessary reasons.


“It was bad enough under the Burnham regime, which had produced a Recognition Handbook of WPA activists. Today we see similar perverse activities being repeated under the Ramotar administration”.


Chief...wah this news article seh. Nehru daag donk in he head a mess up he thinking.


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