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Former Member

Gilbakka was a card-carrying PPP financial member/activist from 1969 to 1990 and supporter until the 2011 general election. I could not support the PPP thereafter with a clear conscience, having regard to real manifestations of self-aggrandizement by many central committee members and allegations of corruption in top and middle levels of the PPP/C government.

Since 2012, I have been a supporter of the AFC. Not a card-carrying member. A supporter. To this day I remain an AFC supporter but there are things that worry me and I am speaking out now. The deeds of AFC leaders conflict with their words. Example: Last year AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan said that if the party coalesced with APNU it would become β€œdead meat.” The AFC is in the coalition now, and that cost the party the bulk of its 2011 Berbice votes which the PPP snapped up.

During the election campaign APNU+AFC promised public servants a 20 percent across-the-board pay increase. The coalition delivered less. APNU+AFC promised rice farmers $9,000 per bag of paddy but hasn't delivered, now pleading that prices are a private matter between millers and farmers. APNU+AFC had rightly said the PPP was a government of friends, families and cronies. Last week Minister Harmon disclosed that a part of the Ministry of the Presidency is now in the office of the former Leader of the Opposition, David Granger, and that the government is paying a monthly rent of $400,000 to the office's owners, the law firm Hughes, Fields and Stoby. AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is a partner of that firm.

For me, the most alarming move of the coalition is the increase of government ministers' salaries by up to 50 percent, after telling public servants that it inherited a bankrupt treasury. Further, the ministerial increases are retroactive to July 1, only one month and a half after they were appointed. Furthermore, the Guyanese people learned about the pay hike through the news media which in turn got the information from the low-circulation Official Gazette. This contrasts with an APNU+AFC Joint Manifesto promise under the heading 'Good Governance Action Plan' #2 of 13: β€œEnsure transparency and accountability by granting access to citizens of all aspects of government's transactions and activities.”

As an AFC supporter, Gilbakka cannot swallow the pill that the pay increase will deter corruption. Incorruptible people don't need financial incentives; they live by the principle 'Honor before money'.

I have reasons to believe that the AFC leadership's actions in the government will cost it support and votes and that one day the party will become dead meat indeed. I am calling on card-carrying AFC members to speak up and tell the leaders to take stock of themselves before it's too late. Meanwhile, from now on I am offering the coalition critical support.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka was a card-carrying PPP financial member/activist from 1969 to 1990 and supporter until the 2011 general election. I could not support the PPP thereafter with a clear conscience, having regard to real manifestations of self-aggrandizement by many central committee members and allegations of corruption in top and middle levels of the PPP/C government.


Listen Gilbakka, you are allowed to screw up once and be forgiven, so get off the PNC mule and get back onto the PPP race horse.  Even baseman erred by voting for Barack Hussain Obama back in 2008.  I have since repented, you do the same!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka was a card-carrying PPP financial member/activist from 1969 to 1990 and supporter until the 2011 general election. I could not support the PPP thereafter with a clear conscience, having regard to real manifestations of self-aggrandizement by many central committee members and allegations of corruption in top and middle levels of the PPP/C government.


Listen Gilbakka, you are allowed to screw up once and be forgiven, so get off the PNC mule and get back onto the PPP race horse.  Even baseman erred by voting for Barack Hussain Obama back in 2008.  I have since repented, you do the same!

Sorry to disappoint you, base. PPP leaders have not admitted the error of their ways yet.

You are a good man Gilly. You do demonstrate character. D2 also shows character. He do not care to swallow the pill either. The APNU segment of the Coalition will continue to turn a blind eye because party matter more to them.

As much as your heart is in the right place and the AFC may concur, I am afraid that the APNU is calling the shots.

I still think that the AFC is better as an independent because they can avoid being compromised that way. Plus they can then act as a police against the other two parties taking advantage of the public.

Kudos to you.
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Gilly. I expressed most of the sentiments to Prak last night. Like you, I am not a member buta supporter and will continue to offer the coalition critical support for now. Hope to see you at the dinner tonight.

Sorry to disappoint you, Mits.

Gilbakka is a denim-wearing working-class man. I don't attend suit-clad big shot dinners. I am still an AFC supporter, from the grassroots level.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka was a card-carrying PPP financial member/activist from 1969 to 1990 and supporter until the 2011 general election. I could not support the PPP thereafter with a clear conscience, having regard to real manifestations of self-aggrandizement by many central committee members and allegations of corruption in top and middle levels of the PPP/C government.


Listen Gilbakka, you are allowed to screw up once and be forgiven, so get off the PNC mule and get back onto the PPP race horse.  Even baseman erred by voting for Barack Hussain Obama back in 2008.  I have since repented, you do the same!

Sorry to disappoint you, base. PPP leaders have not admitted the error of their ways yet.

Funny, yet the PNC today adorn the days of LFSB, an you love them.




For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Gilly. I expressed most of the sentiments to Prak last night. Like you, I am not a member buta supporter and will continue to offer the coalition critical support for now. Hope to see you at the dinner tonight.

Sorry to disappoint you, Mits.

Gilbakka is a denim-wearing working-class man. I don't attend suit-clad big shot dinners. I am still an AFC supporter, from the grassroots level.

You could be because you live 3,000 miles away.  However, the ones in Guyana are wringing their hands and holding their heads in regret.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Gilly. I expressed most of the sentiments to Prak last night. Like you, I am not a member buta supporter and will continue to offer the coalition critical support for now. Hope to see you at the dinner tonight.

Sorry to disappoint you, Mits.

Gilbakka is a denim-wearing working-class man. I don't attend suit-clad big shot dinners. I am still an AFC supporter, from the grassroots level.

Yuh mean yuh going to miss the dinner to tell dem how much you will send back to invest?

Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

You jump the gun.  They are interested in large salaries and how to rig the system in 2020.  BJ having them by their collar making things difficult, so priorities my friend.

Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.


BTW that's exactly how they in Guyana must be seeing if we are playing know all.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka was a card-carrying PPP financial member/activist from 1969 to 1990 and supporter until the 2011 general election. I could not support the PPP thereafter with a clear conscience, having regard to real manifestations of self-aggrandizement by many central committee members and allegations of corruption in top and middle levels of the PPP/C government.

Since 2012, I have been a supporter of the AFC. Not a card-carrying member. A supporter. To this day I remain an AFC supporter but there are things that worry me and I am speaking out now. The deeds of AFC leaders conflict with their words. Example: Last year AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan said that if the party coalesced with APNU it would become β€œdead meat.” The AFC is in the coalition now, and that cost the party the bulk of its 2011 Berbice votes which the PPP snapped up.

During the election campaign APNU+AFC promised public servants a 20 percent across-the-board pay increase. The coalition delivered less. APNU+AFC promised rice farmers $9,000 per bag of paddy but hasn't delivered, now pleading that prices are a private matter between millers and farmers. APNU+AFC had rightly said the PPP was a government of friends, families and cronies. Last week Minister Harmon disclosed that a part of the Ministry of the Presidency is now in the office of the former Leader of the Opposition, David Granger, and that the government is paying a monthly rent of $400,000 to the office's owners, the law firm Hughes, Fields and Stoby. AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is a partner of that firm.

For me, the most alarming move of the coalition is the increase of government ministers' salaries by up to 50 percent, after telling public servants that it inherited a bankrupt treasury. Further, the ministerial increases are retroactive to July 1, only one month and a half after they were appointed. Furthermore, the Guyanese people learned about the pay hike through the news media which in turn got the information from the low-circulation Official Gazette. This contrasts with an APNU+AFC Joint Manifesto promise under the heading 'Good Governance Action Plan' #2 of 13: β€œEnsure transparency and accountability by granting access to citizens of all aspects of government's transactions and activities.”

As an AFC supporter, Gilbakka cannot swallow the pill that the pay increase will deter corruption. Incorruptible people don't need financial incentives; they live by the principle 'Honor before money'.

I have reasons to believe that the AFC leadership's actions in the government will cost it support and votes and that one day the party will become dead meat indeed. I am calling on card-carrying AFC members to speak up and tell the leaders to take stock of themselves before it's too late. Meanwhile, from now on I am offering the coalition critical support.


As they say, something really smells fishy in the coalition. This is a good admission of concerns...and good therapy to being admit this much. There is nothing wrong with giving critical support....we dont all have to be cool-aid drinkers.


I think the AFC is in a quandary and in a catch 22 situation...and they are the key to the coalition victory.  How can they speak out against (based on your list of concerns) what you perceive as being wrong-headed policy and support to the coalition, without further complicating the relationship they have with the coalition? More importantly, they have not been able to do so in the past, nor have they been willing to do so. Perhaps Mits can raise these issues privately with Khemraj. I would be curious as to what they say about these issues in private.  


Here is the other issue. The coalition I believe has lost most of its support (or will) in the places it has won over support over from the PPP. At this rate, it dill become a defunct party, a party in paper. Will they be able to wing the 2020 elections again. Perhaps.


This leaves the PPP as the best of the two worst alternatives. The PPP is working hard to secure its base and prepare for the next election. The coalition may very well be a one term party. I do not think this is bad for the long as there is the expectation that parties are not in office for too long and the PPP, if it wins the election in 2020, can also lose the election in the following year. If this scenario holds, then I believe both major parties will work for the greater good of the people....just a thought. 

Last edited by VishMahabir
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.

u really expect me to go down that absurd road with u, eh? mr senior civil servant


another delusional klown . . . another D-G, another ASJ, another seignet



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.

u really expect me to go down that absurd road with u, eh? mr senior civil servant


another delusional klown . . . another D-G, another ASJ, another seignet



Redux....another knucklehead cool aid drinker...

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.

u really expect me to go down that absurd road with u, eh? mr senior civil servant


another delusional klown . . . another D-G, another ASJ, another seignet



Banna if you know my personal role in developing NY energy policies you will shit your pants.  Enough said.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.

u really expect me to go down that absurd road with u, eh? mr senior civil servant


another delusional klown . . . another D-G, another ASJ, another seignet



Banna if you know my personal role in developing NY energy policies you will shit your pants.  Enough said.


Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.

u really expect me to go down that absurd road with u, eh? mr senior civil servant


another delusional klown . . . another D-G, another ASJ, another seignet



Banna if you know my personal role in developing NY energy policies you will shit your pants.  Enough said.


You better lol clown hiding behind a fake alias and claiming to be educated.

wan Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.

u really expect me to go down that absurd road with u, eh? mr senior civil servant


another delusional klown . . . another D-G, another ASJ, another seignet



Banna if you know my personal role in developing NY energy policies you will shit your pants.  Enough said.


You better lol clown hiding behind a fake alias and claiming to be educated.

where exactly did i claim to be "educated"?


stop projecting fool




Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.

u really expect me to go down that absurd road with u, eh? mr senior civil servant


another delusional klown . . . another D-G, another ASJ, another seignet



Redux....another knucklehead cool aid drinker...

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka was a card-carrying PPP financial member/activist from 1969 to 1990 and supporter until the 2011 general election. I could not support the PPP thereafter with a clear conscience, having regard to real manifestations of self-aggrandizement by many central committee members and allegations of corruption in top and middle levels of the PPP/C government.

Since 2012, I have been a supporter of the AFC. Not a card-carrying member. A supporter. To this day I remain an AFC supporter but there are things that worry me and I am speaking out now. The deeds of AFC leaders conflict with their words. Example: Last year AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan said that if the party coalesced with APNU it would become β€œdead meat.” The AFC is in the coalition now, and that cost the party the bulk of its 2011 Berbice votes which the PPP snapped up.

During the election campaign APNU+AFC promised public servants a 20 percent across-the-board pay increase. The coalition delivered less. APNU+AFC promised rice farmers $9,000 per bag of paddy but hasn't delivered, now pleading that prices are a private matter between millers and farmers. APNU+AFC had rightly said the PPP was a government of friends, families and cronies. Last week Minister Harmon disclosed that a part of the Ministry of the Presidency is now in the office of the former Leader of the Opposition, David Granger, and that the government is paying a monthly rent of $400,000 to the office's owners, the law firm Hughes, Fields and Stoby. AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is a partner of that firm.

For me, the most alarming move of the coalition is the increase of government ministers' salaries by up to 50 percent, after telling public servants that it inherited a bankrupt treasury. Further, the ministerial increases are retroactive to July 1, only one month and a half after they were appointed. Furthermore, the Guyanese people learned about the pay hike through the news media which in turn got the information from the low-circulation Official Gazette. This contrasts with an APNU+AFC Joint Manifesto promise under the heading 'Good Governance Action Plan' #2 of 13: β€œEnsure transparency and accountability by granting access to citizens of all aspects of government's transactions and activities.”

As an AFC supporter, Gilbakka cannot swallow the pill that the pay increase will deter corruption. Incorruptible people don't need financial incentives; they live by the principle 'Honor before money'.

I have reasons to believe that the AFC leadership's actions in the government will cost it support and votes and that one day the party will become dead meat indeed. I am calling on card-carrying AFC members to speak up and tell the leaders to take stock of themselves before it's too late. Meanwhile, from now on I am offering the coalition critical support.

One of the leaders of the AFC does not even know what is ethically offensive so there is a vacuum there .....they need new and better leadership

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.

u really expect me to go down that absurd road with u, eh? mr senior civil servant


another delusional klown . . . another D-G, another ASJ, another seignet



Redux....another knucklehead cool aid drinker...

suh, yuh reach deep down in dat special bag and come up empty, eh?


heh heh heh heh

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.

u really expect me to go down that absurd road with u, eh? mr senior civil servant


another delusional klown . . . another D-G, another ASJ, another seignet



Banna if you know my personal role in developing NY energy policies you will shit your pants.  Enough said.


You better lol clown hiding behind a fake alias and claiming to be educated.

You are a very insecure clown.

Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by VVP:



For months now I have been saying it was an exchange.  Give them 5 years and they might prove worse than the PPP.  Any new government interested in bringing about development should have leaned on the diaspora for advice since many of the smartest and more "informed" Guyanese live outside.  Sometime ago TK mentioned that he was told that the coalition directed that the diaspora be disengaged as far as getting advice from the diaspora.  Of course they still want the money to flow from the diaspora to Guyana.


I wrote Minister Patterson once offering to provide free advice on energy policies and Amalia Falls.  Once he replied and said that he would provide me the IDB report on Amalia, but I never heard back.  However, it looks like Amailia is dead so I cannot expect the report.  Anyway, I heard noting about any energy policy maybe they do not have one.  Right now I am so pissed off with them that I cannot offer them any help.

quite the self-important one, aren't u?



I could easily say there is NO Guyanese at least in Guyana with the energy policy experience I have.  You tell me one.

u really expect me to go down that absurd road with u, eh? mr senior civil servant


another delusional klown . . . another D-G, another ASJ, another seignet



Redux....another knucklehead cool aid drinker... your tiny little world...we are all racists...thats your frame of reference isnt it?  you bypassed the whole issue on this one and you cannot separate blind support from critical support.

Last edited by VishMahabir
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Gilly. I expressed most of the sentiments to Prak last night. Like you, I am not a member buta supporter and will continue to offer the coalition critical support for now. Hope to see you at the dinner tonight.

A quote from Khemraj Ramjattan, AFC is "DEAD MEAT". It's now ONE PEOPLE , ONE NATION, ONE PARTY{PNC}.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka was a card-carrying PPP financial member/activist from 1969 to 1990 and supporter until the 2011 general election. I could not support the PPP thereafter with a clear conscience, having regard to real manifestations of self-aggrandizement by many central committee members and allegations of corruption in top and middle levels of the PPP/C government.

Since 2012, I have been a supporter of the AFC. Not a card-carrying member. A supporter. To this day I remain an AFC supporter but there are things that worry me and I am speaking out now. The deeds of AFC leaders conflict with their words. Example: Last year AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan said that if the party coalesced with APNU it would become β€œdead meat.” The AFC is in the coalition now, and that cost the party the bulk of its 2011 Berbice votes which the PPP snapped up.

During the election campaign APNU+AFC promised public servants a 20 percent across-the-board pay increase. The coalition delivered less. APNU+AFC promised rice farmers $9,000 per bag of paddy but hasn't delivered, now pleading that prices are a private matter between millers and farmers. APNU+AFC had rightly said the PPP was a government of friends, families and cronies. Last week Minister Harmon disclosed that a part of the Ministry of the Presidency is now in the office of the former Leader of the Opposition, David Granger, and that the government is paying a monthly rent of $400,000 to the office's owners, the law firm Hughes, Fields and Stoby. AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is a partner of that firm.

For me, the most alarming move of the coalition is the increase of government ministers' salaries by up to 50 percent, after telling public servants that it inherited a bankrupt treasury. Further, the ministerial increases are retroactive to July 1, only one month and a half after they were appointed. Furthermore, the Guyanese people learned about the pay hike through the news media which in turn got the information from the low-circulation Official Gazette. This contrasts with an APNU+AFC Joint Manifesto promise under the heading 'Good Governance Action Plan' #2 of 13: β€œEnsure transparency and accountability by granting access to citizens of all aspects of government's transactions and activities.”

As an AFC supporter, Gilbakka cannot swallow the pill that the pay increase will deter corruption. Incorruptible people don't need financial incentives; they live by the principle 'Honor before money'.

I have reasons to believe that the AFC leadership's actions in the government will cost it support and votes and that one day the party will become dead meat indeed. I am calling on card-carrying AFC members to speak up and tell the leaders to take stock of themselves before it's too late. Meanwhile, from now on I am offering the coalition critical support.




I woke up this morning to read your post and I was moved by your honesty. 


I do not wish to repeat your valid concerns but the AFC really needs to do some soul searching and reaffirm it's commitment to it's supporters and their pre election promises.


The AFC appears to have lost it's morale compass so quickly. The PPP did so and became arrogant over time but the AFC is displaying the former PPP traits in less than a year.


Moses is the biggest shocker with his cadillac lifestyle and salary when he is the first one to accept a salary higher than a Canadian MP in a donkey cart economy.


As the PPP rebuilds, they also need to publicly admit their misgivings including it's arrogance and total disregard for their their support base.


It would be in the interest of the PPP to rebuild by admitting its many misgivings and the AFC to move back to it's grassroots since they (AFC)  are headed to extinction if it does not due to arrogance and greed.


I also admire your response to Mits about the dinner. AFC seems to have lost it's grassroots touch. They have moved to a Cadillac lifestyle.


Bow Tie Dinners and extravagant lifestyle have become the norm.


As Kaz pointed out, the AFC operates its best in opposition mode. At the current pace, they are headed to extinction.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
One of the leaders of the AFC does not even know what is ethically offensive so there is a vacuum there .....they need new and better leadership

i am assuming u meant "ethnically"


if so, please be specific . . . this is a very serious charge

nah.. I was referring to the ethics of proudly displaying the remains of a dead animal on a wall in this day and age. That is why I love Cathy she had to sensitize him.

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
One of the leaders of the AFC does not even know what is ethically offensive so there is a vacuum there .....they need new and better leadership

i am assuming u meant "ethnically"


if so, please be specific . . . this is a very serious charge

nah.. I was referring to the ethics of proudly displaying the remains of a dead animal on a wall in this day and age. That is why I love Cathy she had to sensitize him.

not sure if this a question of ethics, but point taken

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
One of the leaders of the AFC does not even know what is ethically offensive so there is a vacuum there .....they need new and better leadership

i am assuming u meant "ethnically"


if so, please be specific . . . this is a very serious charge

nah.. I was referring to the ethics of proudly displaying the remains of a dead animal on a wall in this day and age. That is why I love Cathy she had to sensitize him.

not sure if this a question of ethics, but point taken

Is that the same Cathy who is leasing....? no conflict of interest here eh??? 


Quote by the honourable Gil:


"Last week Minister Harmon disclosed that a part of the Ministry of the Presidency is now in the office of the former Leader of the Opposition, David Granger, and that the government is paying a monthly rent of $400,000 to the office's owners, the law firm Hughes, Fields and Stoby. AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes is a partner of that firm."

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Gilbakka was a card-carrying PPP financial member/activist from 1969 to 1990 and supporter until the 2011 general election. I could not support the PPP thereafter with a clear conscience, having regard to real manifestations of self-aggrandizement by many central committee members and allegations of corruption in top and middle levels of the PPP/C government.


Listen Gilbakka, you are allowed to screw up once and be forgiven, so get off the PNC mule and get back onto the PPP race horse.  Even baseman erred by voting for Barack Hussain Obama back in 2008.  I have since repented, you do the same!

you will always be a loser the ppp race horse is a kangala 

Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Where are the AFC/PNC anti corruption voices ?

ow's only four months there will be some hiccups...we had over 15 yrs of Jagdeo's corruption, other than for the odd slap on the wrist where were you????

AFC/PNC stole from the treasury on board daylight. Busted !

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by politikalamity:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Where are the AFC/PNC anti corruption voices ?

ow's only four months there will be some hiccups...we had over 15 yrs of Jagdeo's corruption, other than for the odd slap on the wrist where were you????

AFC/PNC stole from the treasury on board daylight. Busted !

produce the proof nah....or is it true cause de great yujoke seh so?


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