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Former Member

Stay calm. Be firm but civil in your engagements with others members. PNC supporters will try instigate you so be wary of that tactic and stay focused on the main goal. 

This is a massive PPP victory and it appears that Afro Guyanese voted for the PPP in significant numbers.

This proves that they lacked faith in the PNC to govern. The writing was on the wall for them.

Granger is a failure and lacked the ability to fulfill the mandate that was handed to his party in 2015. Instead on capitalizing on the marriage with AFC, he chose to consolidate power, Burnham style.

PNC can now fraff all they want, this is the beginning of the end of the PNC. It's best for them to immediately replace granger who is the main reason for their lost. Moses and Ramjattan cannot be fully be blamed for this defeat because it was granger who rendered them useless.

Base always told Carib G not to go so hard on the AFC but as old people used to say, PNC big eye. Anyway, it's in the works for PPP to assume office. Trump she suh.

It was worth the wait, a few more days won't make a difference, even a week. We got the president whom the people chose and that's how democracy works.

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Why Django wasn't invited on this thread? Is it because he is neutral and doesn't take sides? Well, you started with Indo-racism that will sink the PPP before they take office. You should show unity and invite everyone to stand in solidarity with the PPP. I should have known when you were hollering PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP like you piss and soak your pants. 

@Former Member posted:

Bai, like you need glasses. Sean NEVER demonized anyone. Stop spreading fake news and lies. Post proof of just stay put.

@Mitwah posted:

Not because you change your nicks. You were Yugi22 . I kept your picture with your posts in the archive.

Mitwah ...

Perhaps, you will be ecstatic when others make similar posts about you.

However, it is way past the time for such references by you.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

This is a massive PPP victory and it appears that Afro Guyanese voted for the PPP in significant numbers.

This proves that they lacked faith in the PNC to govern. The writing was on the wall for them.

Will need that to be proven .

It's proven in the ballots as you yourself always touted Indians are not enough to give the PPP a victory.  So tell us, how do you think they did it?  Revelation!

@Former Member posted:

It's proven in the ballots as you yourself always touted Indians are not enough to give the PPP a victory.  So tell us, how do you think they did it?  Revelation!

Fraud !! stuffing ballot boxes. Accused your opponents of rigging while planning to commit the same acts. I have all the data downloaded from the site with their tabulation and knows where it's done .They fight tooth and nail against a sanitized voters list so they can carry out the rigging.

Last edited by Django
@Mitwah posted:

They rigged it. 

I don't agree.     The PPP did a better job than the PNC in running their campaign.   The PNC took the Dougla and the Amerind Voters for granted.

In 2015, 35,000 Indians voted for the Coalition, but lost that support because the Two ex-PPP stalwart did a lousy job in their portfolios. They assumed that Voters have short memories. They gamble and lost.


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