As everyone on GNI knows, Yuji is a Conservative and has conservative views.
Now, there has been a lot of talk of Radical Islam and then a Mahabharata War starts.
First, I am of the opinion that there is no such thing as Radical Islam.
There is such a thing as a radical interpretation of Islam by a very small but dangerous group of so called muslims who are responsible for the hate and spread of hate of others across the middle east and the world.
The attacks of 911 is a reminder of the extent of hate that these sick individuals can unleash on peace loving citizens of the world. The situation in the middle east is also an example of this where innocent Muslim citizens have to suffer in the Millions.
I assume that the term radical Islam is incorrectly used and as such, peace loving Muslims are angered when this happens since all Muslims are painted with an unfair brush.
There has to be debate on this matter where both sides can engage in civil dialogue so that we can all move forward to correctly identify the very sick bunch of tiny individuals who have incorrectly interpreted Islam and are causing this great divide.
Until then, I appeal for posters to desist from using the term Radical Islam and perhaps describe this group of individuals who are creating trouble all over the world as Insane.
There is a beautiful mosque in the city of Vaughan which I pass by most days of the week and as I chant the names of Krsna, I quietly recite the word Bismillah as I pass by the Mosque. My grandfather instructed me to do so whenever I pass by a Mosque since I was a boy and I have taught my Bramhan son to do the same.
Muslim citizens in this affluent city are outstanding and may of them have a sticker on their vehicles which states "Love for All Hatred for None"