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I am sorry that Admin deleted the two threads where Nehru and Cobra made claims that at Guyanese Masjids in Queens  are preaching hatered and violence.

Both myself and Riff Raff challenged them to come forward and report such actions to the authorities.

Now we are getting word that this murderer visited the Pulse night club like 12 times and was seen partying with gays.

But the blood could not have dried quick enough on the victims before Nehru, Cobra and the other muslim haters on GNI to start thier vile attack on the 99.9% of the followers of the faith of Islam.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

That jackass had a boyfriend and was jealous and the last word he shout was ISIS.


bIBI HANIFA EVEN MADE FUN ABOUT mASJID aBIDIN being the nicest building in Richmondhill.

I am telling you when I curse these people out, do you think I am wrong/

Nehru out of all people, he came out openly and start to question Masjid Alabidin, when his friend Ed Ahamad is the one who was first responsible as heading the building project.

Now Nehru is suggesting that Ed and all other hard working families, that are giving thier hard earned dollars to build a beautiful mosque, are now possible terrorists.

Mr. T is right in his assessment of some of these GNIers. They absolutely hate Blacks and Muslims.


This board has descended to a depth that makes me wonder why I'm part of it.

On Spotlight TV a decade and a half ago it my earnest desire to bring the level of discourse and pax Americana to a new immigrant society. the Brooklyn Guyanese were well adapted, but the Richmond hill community was still anchored to the homeland in many ways.

It looks like we've reversed course and the Admins must tighten up the level of discourse. I'm not talking about people's differing political views; but rather the bigotry, racism, religious hatred and demagoguery.

The Admins are part of this community and I'm sure do not want to see it known as a racist Board filled with hatred for people you're different from. There are two vectors that have come under bigoted commentary - Islam and Afro-Guyanese. We need to man up and eradicate this cancer from this Board.


Tribalism is not an old custom. It exist today. One could not in ancient times just moved into spaces of another tribe. And try to convince them, it is okay for him to be there.

We are people of many tribes. Then religion further divided tribal people. For example try telling a Sunni to be a Shia. Or, tell a Brahmin on Brahmin Street to allow Untouchables to move in next door.

How can an Indian forget Burnham and the PNC. How can some one erase 911.

Freedom of choice is a white man concept. So far, no other race has demonstrated other wise. 

Nehru posted:

Deflect, Deflect, defensive when American blood has been shed will not work. Keep digging Al Yuh Hole!!!!

Remeber who dig holes for others tend to fall in.

Having said that people like you will be unmasked by the media.

Currently journalists are digging and they are digging deep that this murderer had some fall out with someone at the night club in his previous visits.

You and your comrades are downright mischievous to suggest that Muslims and Islam is to be blamed for this. Furthermore  you went out of your way to suggest and question where our hard working Guyanese muslims are getting our resources to build beautiful Masjids.

seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Not to forget, Gilbakka and a select few have been labeled niggindians. 

Do you agree with Caribj comments about Indian people. You need to answer.

U are an intelligent man who have great knowledge about Guyana. Is his comments justified by the history?


Siggy, without fear or favor I think Carib has been frank and honest about his observations of the way some Indo-Guyanese behave, not only politically but also sociologically. As an Indo-Guyanese myself, I think he is brutally frank, but I understand. It is good to get an honest opinion of what other races think about us. And, believe me, we sometimes look out for, provoke, and deserve such criticisms. I have no problem with Carib's opinions and observations. On the other hand, I appreciate his pointing out our collective flaws.

seignet posted:

Tribalism is not an old custom. It exist today. One could not in ancient times just moved into spaces of another tribe. And try to convince them, it is okay for him to be there.

We are people of many tribes. Then religion further divided tribal people. For example try telling a Sunni to be a Shia. Or, tell a Brahmin on Brahmin Street to allow Untouchables to move in next door.

How can an Indian forget Burnham and the PNC. How can some one erase 911.

Freedom of choice is a white man concept. So far, no other race has demonstrated other wise. 

None of that matters here. We have a closet homosexual living in a culture that has an aversion for it  and internalizing that rejection. He is apparently not able to reconcile his life with what is real for him. While I cannot say what drove him to this awful crime, it is certainly not a profound belief in Islam...fundamentalist or not.

The people who he claim he supports are all across the fundamentalist spectrum often incompatible with each other. He definitely was not the kind of person we expect to be a jihaddist. He is just a horribly confused person...a classic nut.

And what is this nonsense about white people incenting choice? Why do you not walk into doors or jump off cliffs? Is that not a rational choice of death over life? Now think why you do good things over bad things and reflect if there is a white man whispering in your ears as to what is the proper choice.

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Not to forget, Gilbakka and a select few have been labeled niggindians. 

Do you agree with Caribj comments about Indian people. You need to answer.

U are an intelligent man who have great knowledge about Guyana. Is his comments justified by the history?


Siggy, without fear or favor I think Carib has been frank and honest about his observations of the way some Indo-Guyanese behave, not only politically but also sociologically. As an Indo-Guyanese myself, I think he is brutally frank, but I understand. It is good to get an honest opinion of what other races think about us. And, believe me, we sometimes look out for, provoke, and deserve such criticisms. I have no problem with Carib's opinions and observations. On the other hand, I appreciate his pointing out our collective flaws.

Somehow, I'm not surprised you would find value in Caribj's hatred towards Indo Guyanese and value him pointing out the "flaws", but then find it repulsive what an Indian do the same.  You people are a shameless bunch and the type of Indians Indians can do without.

ba$eman posted:

That Queens masjid is a well known hate center for anything non-Muslim Indian and anything PPP.  Even the good Muslim PPPites stop going because of the anti-PPP hate!

You Chief are one of the chief disciples of hate!!

You can call me and others all sort of names hidden behind your computer.

I am well known in our Community, let me repeat well known!

Chief posted:
ba$eman posted:

That Queens masjid is a well known hate center for anything non-Muslim Indian and anything PPP.  Even the good Muslim PPPites stop going because of the anti-PPP hate!

You Chief are one of the chief disciples of hate!!

You can call me and others all sort of names hidden behind your computer.

I am well known in our Community, let me repeat well known!

I know that very well!  And you post your hate here very well too!!

ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Not to forget, Gilbakka and a select few have been labeled niggindians. 

Do you agree with Caribj comments about Indian people. You need to answer.

U are an intelligent man who have great knowledge about Guyana. Is his comments justified by the history?


Siggy, without fear or favor I think Carib has been frank and honest about his observations of the way some Indo-Guyanese behave, not only politically but also sociologically. As an Indo-Guyanese myself, I think he is brutally frank, but I understand. It is good to get an honest opinion of what other races think about us. And, believe me, we sometimes look out for, provoke, and deserve such criticisms. I have no problem with Carib's opinions and observations. On the other hand, I appreciate his pointing out our collective flaws.

Somehow, I'm not surprised you would find value in Caribj's hatred towards Indo Guyanese and value him pointing out the "flaws", but then find it repulsive what an Indian do the same.  You people are a shameless bunch and the type of Indians Indians can do without.

It goes to show that you are a congenital racist.

Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Not to forget, Gilbakka and a select few have been labeled niggindians. 

Do you agree with Caribj comments about Indian people. You need to answer.

U are an intelligent man who have great knowledge about Guyana. Is his comments justified by the history?


Siggy, without fear or favor I think Carib has been frank and honest about his observations of the way some Indo-Guyanese behave, not only politically but also sociologically. As an Indo-Guyanese myself, I think he is brutally frank, but I understand. It is good to get an honest opinion of what other races think about us. And, believe me, we sometimes look out for, provoke, and deserve such criticisms. I have no problem with Carib's opinions and observations. On the other hand, I appreciate his pointing out our collective flaws.

Somehow, I'm not surprised you would find value in Caribj's hatred towards Indo Guyanese and value him pointing out the "flaws", but then find it repulsive what an Indian do the same.  You people are a shameless bunch and the type of Indians Indians can do without.

It goes to show that you are a congenital racist.

It goes to show, you are a congenial anti-man!!  You are shameless and a sellout, a traitor!!

How come you were not on display in the bacanal dog and pony!  Are you too ashamed?

Kari posted:


The Admins are part of this community and I'm sure do not want to see it known as a racist Board filled with hatred for people you're different from. .

Kari that boat sailed already. GNI is known as a racist and hostile anti black site, not only among Guyanese, but among several Caribbean people. It has been used as evidence in Barbados of how Indo Guyanese living on that island think about blacks, even as they grovel doing menial work for them.  I have also seen reference to it on Nevis forums.

All you need to do is google Guyana politics and you will see who quickly GNI comes up. I am sure that these thread has furthered the view of many (including Indians from other parts of the Caribbean) that Indo Guyanese are implacable racists.

Don't think that their almost complete absence from Jubilee events hasn't been noted.   You know full well that even if the PPP had won the elections decent numbers of blacks would have been involved in celebrating this event.

So Guyana has an Indian problem in terms of how they view themselves within the context of Guyana, a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious society.

caribny posted:
Kari posted:


The Admins are part of this community and I'm sure do not want to see it known as a racist Board filled with hatred for people you're different from. .

Kari that boat sailed already. GNI is known as a racist and hostile anti black site, not only among Guyanese, but among several Caribbean people. It has been used as evidence in Barbados of how Indo Guyanese living on that island think about blacks, even as they grovel doing menial work for them.  I have also seen reference to it on Nevis forums.

All you need to do is google Guyana politics and you will see who quickly GNI comes up. I am sure that these thread has furthered the view of many (including Indians from other parts of the Caribbean) that Indo Guyanese are implacable racists.

Don't think that their almost complete absence from Jubilee events hasn't been noted.   You know full well that even if the PPP had won the elections decent numbers of blacks would have been involved in celebrating this event.

So Guyana has an Indian problem in terms of how they view themselves within the context of Guyana, a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious society.

As long as you insist on treating Indians as not full citizens of Guyana Indians will remain on the defensive.  The PNC came in o the backs of some Indian votes and what you did, dilute the power of those few Indians in the Coalition and then embarked on persecution and ethnic cleansing!

You talk of Anti-Black sentiments here!  This is more anti PNC and racists Blacks like you!  Your hatred against Indians is on full display here.  Also, go read the FB pages of pro-PNC groups, they make a point of letting it be known that Guyana has been "liberated".  It is obvious that they view the PPP and, by extension, Indians as a foreign occupying force!  I read what they post, Indians are non-existent just like pre-1992.  In 1992 the PPP and Indians view the change as a return of Democracy, not "liberation" of the nation.

Frankly I don't see Guyana continuing as a full viable state sometime down the road.  I think eventually it will fragment as there is not sense of nationhood and the PNC cannot hold it together!  This will hasten if the PNC tries it's old tricks and as long as you insist on relegating and depriving Indians, except for their money and skills, you will preside over a dysfunctional state.  Time is running out and fast!

ba$eman posted:
Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Not to forget, Gilbakka and a select few have been labeled niggindians. 

Do you agree with Caribj comments about Indian people. You need to answer.

U are an intelligent man who have great knowledge about Guyana. Is his comments justified by the history?


Siggy, without fear or favor I think Carib has been frank and honest about his observations of the way some Indo-Guyanese behave, not only politically but also sociologically. As an Indo-Guyanese myself, I think he is brutally frank, but I understand. It is good to get an honest opinion of what other races think about us. And, believe me, we sometimes look out for, provoke, and deserve such criticisms. I have no problem with Carib's opinions and observations. On the other hand, I appreciate his pointing out our collective flaws.

Somehow, I'm not surprised you would find value in Caribj's hatred towards Indo Guyanese and value him pointing out the "flaws", but then find it repulsive what an Indian do the same.  You people are a shameless bunch and the type of Indians Indians can do without.

It goes to show that you are a congenital racist.

It goes to show, you are a congenial anti-man!!  You are shameless and a sellout, a traitor!!

How come you were not on display in the bacanal dog and pony!  Are you too ashamed?

LOL! Trying to get me banned? You are a congenital racist. I don't understand  why Admin allows you and Drugb to post gratuitous and incendiary references to race, ethnicity and gender based insults.

Rule #6) There should be no racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any other personal discriminations. (when used as a derogatory comment)

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:


The Admins are part of this community and I'm sure do not want to see it known as a racist Board filled with hatred for people you're different from. .

Kari that boat sailed already. GNI is known as a racist and hostile anti black site, not only among Guyanese, but among several Caribbean people. It has been used as evidence in Barbados of how Indo Guyanese living on that island think about blacks, even as they grovel doing menial work for them.  I have also seen reference to it on Nevis forums.

All you need to do is google Guyana politics and you will see who quickly GNI comes up. I am sure that these thread has furthered the view of many (including Indians from other parts of the Caribbean) that Indo Guyanese are implacable racists.

Don't think that their almost complete absence from Jubilee events hasn't been noted.   You know full well that even if the PPP had won the elections decent numbers of blacks would have been involved in celebrating this event.

So Guyana has an Indian problem in terms of how they view themselves within the context of Guyana, a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious society.

As long as you insist on treating Indians as not full citizens of Guyana Indians will remain on the defensive.  The PNC came in o the backs of some Indian votes and what you did, dilute the power of those few Indians in the Coalition and then embarked on persecution and ethnic cleansing!

You talk of Anti-Black sentiments here!  This is more anti PNC and racists Blacks like you!  Your hatred against Indians is on full display here.  Also, go read the FB pages of pro-PNC groups, they make a point of letting it be known that Guyana has been "liberated".  It is obvious that they view the PPP and, by extension, Indians as a foreign occupying force!  I read what they post, Indians are non-existent just like pre-1992.  In 1992 the PPP and Indians view the change as a return of Democracy, not "liberation" of the nation.

Frankly I don't see Guyana continuing as a full viable state sometime down the road.  I think eventually it will fragment as there is not sense of nationhood and the PNC cannot hold it together!  This will hasten if the PNC tries it's old tricks and as long as you insist on relegating and depriving Indians, except for their money and skills, you will preside over a dysfunctional state.  Time is running out and fast!

This is profound.  And on point.  You knocked this one out of the ballpark.  

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Kari posted:


The Admins are part of this community and I'm sure do not want to see it known as a racist Board filled with hatred for people you're different from. .

Kari that boat sailed already. GNI is known as a racist and hostile anti black site, not only among Guyanese, but among several Caribbean people. It has been used as evidence in Barbados of how Indo Guyanese living on that island think about blacks, even as they grovel doing menial work for them.  I have also seen reference to it on Nevis forums.

All you need to do is google Guyana politics and you will see who quickly GNI comes up. I am sure that these thread has furthered the view of many (including Indians from other parts of the Caribbean) that Indo Guyanese are implacable racists.

Don't think that their almost complete absence from Jubilee events hasn't been noted.   You know full well that even if the PPP had won the elections decent numbers of blacks would have been involved in celebrating this event.

So Guyana has an Indian problem in terms of how they view themselves within the context of Guyana, a multi ethnic, multi cultural, and multi religious society.

Why do u insist that we Indians jump up and whine up in public, as a celebration.

There are those who are your sympathizers would join ur style of celebration.

Did the President ever thought, there could be other forms of celebration other than street parade, grand balls and other things.

Even Fiji once an inclusive society has resorted to dominance over it Indian citizens.

We are all too proud of race that any leaders cares to do the right thing. Forbes was the originator of domination.

Granger missed a good opportunity.

All Yuh want, is for cooolie ppl to be like black people. What for? 

Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Not to forget, Gilbakka and a select few have been labeled niggindians. 

Do you agree with Caribj comments about Indian people. You need to answer.

U are an intelligent man who have great knowledge about Guyana. Is his comments justified by the history?


Siggy, without fear or favor I think Carib has been frank and honest about his observations of the way some Indo-Guyanese behave, not only politically but also sociologically. As an Indo-Guyanese myself, I think he is brutally frank, but I understand. It is good to get an honest opinion of what other races think about us. And, believe me, we sometimes look out for, provoke, and deserve such criticisms. I have no problem with Carib's opinions and observations. On the other hand, I appreciate his pointing out our collective flaws.

Should I understand that Burnhams treatment of the Indian citizens was all a lie, fabrication by those who experienced black people tyranny? 

Danyael posted:
seignet posted:

Tribalism is not an old custom. It exist today. One could not in ancient times just moved into spaces of another tribe. And try to convince them, it is okay for him to be there.

We are people of many tribes. Then religion further divided tribal people. For example try telling a Sunni to be a Shia. Or, tell a Brahmin on Brahmin Street to allow Untouchables to move in next door.

How can an Indian forget Burnham and the PNC. How can some one erase 911.

Freedom of choice is a white man concept. So far, no other race has demonstrated other wise. 

None of that matters here. We have a closet homosexual living in a culture that has an aversion for it  and internalizing that rejection. He is apparently not able to reconcile his life with what is real for him. While I cannot say what drove him to this awful crime, it is certainly not a profound belief in Islam...fundamentalist or not.

The people who he claim he supports are all across the fundamentalist spectrum often incompatible with each other. He definitely was not the kind of person we expect to be a jihaddist. He is just a horribly confused person...a classic nut.

And what is this nonsense about white people incenting choice? Why do you not walk into doors or jump off cliffs? Is that not a rational choice of death over life? Now think why you do good things over bad things and reflect if there is a white man whispering in your ears as to what is the proper choice.

Overall, the White race of people are  a better species than every other race. That is why you came to their lands. Good grief, Guyana wasn't good for u. You escaped the Black man tyranny as well.

ba$eman posted:

That Queens masjid is a well known hate center for anything non-Muslim Indian and anything PPP.  Even the good Muslim PPPites stop going because of the anti-PPP hate!

You Chief are one of the chief disciples of hate!!

If you know something, say something....stop being scared

So, when did you visit this mosque to hear such thing

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