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Sean posted:

O rass these PNC chaps are ratcheting up their genocide campaign. Dem really giving everything to blacks only.

If I remember clearly, the first incarnation of the PNC had a policy of giving everything to blacks too but during that time, the Indians still ended up having more. That is because Indians had the ability to get their own. “Blessed is the child that has their own”.

Tola posted:
Sean posted:

O rass these PNC chaps are ratcheting up their genocide campaign. Dem really giving everything to blacks only.

Just like de PPP giving everything to Indians. 

What are you talking about? Was it not you guys from ROAR, most of whom went to AFC that complained that Jagdeo gave too much to the Afro-Guyanese and Afro-Guyanese communities and not enough to Indo-Guyanese and Indo- Guyanese communities. Changed your tune now? Ramjattan might be your leader by name. But, Trotman is the leader in substance.


The narrative they, including people like Tola have been selling and continue to sell is that everything all Indo-Guyanese have is because of corruption, gotten from the ppp governments instead of hard work, education and thrift. They try to deny the hard work, the deprivation, the foresight, drive to educate. They close their eyes to the fact that there are poor Indo-Guyanese as there are poor Afro-Guyanese. 

Inspite of the discrimination and hardships they faced under the PNC dictatorship, many Indo-Guyanese made it thru and emerged in financially sound positions. Lots migrated and crafted better lives for themselves and families.

Zed posted:
Tola posted:
Sean posted:

O rass these PNC chaps are ratcheting up their genocide campaign. Dem really giving everything to blacks only.

Just like de PPP giving everything to Indians. 

What are you talking about? Was it not you guys from ROAR, most of whom went to AFC that complained that Jagdeo gave too much to the Afro-Guyanese and Afro-Guyanese communities and not enough to Indo-Guyanese and Indo- Guyanese communities. Changed your tune now? Ramjattan might be your leader by name. But, Trotman is the leader in substance.

Yes, I always heard BJ neglected Indian communities in favor of Afros!  Tola just love to talk what he want to believe, truth is not a consideration!

Tola posted:
Sean posted:

O rass these PNC chaps are ratcheting up their genocide campaign. Dem really giving everything to blacks only.

Just like de PPP giving everything to Indians. 

Bai Tola, check the history of the PPP and the PNC. PPP gave everything to Linden and a lot to the negroes elsewhere. Coolie got scraps. Granger gave everything to the negroes who now have everything. Coolies are now begging and struggling to get the negro dry coconut.


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