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TK posted:

Unfortunately this board is a sorry state of its past. I hardly look over here these days. The low IQed dog dung from Yuji, King hustler street 'smarts' Baseman, Nehru, Cobra, DrugB, Bibi Haffina and the rest makes the board boring and stupid. 


There was a time when there was a lot more meaningful discussion on GNI. Sadly, this is what it has evolved into today with no hope for betterment given the crop of posters around.

VishMahabir posted:

And I am also hearing from various sources (both AFC and PNC) that Ramjattan is suspected to be a closet PPP racist.


These are your exact words avove...stop acting foolish. I am simply asking you a question based on your outlandish claims in this one sentence.

Where did you HEAR that Ramjattan is SUSPECTED to be a CLOSET PPP RACIST?

You are an instigator, an anti-Indian racist who believes that all Indians are racist towards Blacks....even those Indians who you call "moderates"....

Who, in your view is considered a "good Indian" acceptable to you, and why?

I suspect you are prancing around here to instigate others...this is why you are getting the kind of responses to your posting....just like Warria 

That racist clown thinks he can shield his racist mind by hiding behind "various sources" or "someone said", so he just parroting a sentiment.  His various sources are voices in his head and someone said is his own mouth whispering to his ears.

Mars posted:
TK posted:

Unfortunately this board is a sorry state of its past. I hardly look over here these days. The low IQed dog dung from Yuji, King hustler street 'smarts' Baseman, Nehru, Cobra, DrugB, Bibi Haffina and the rest makes the board boring and stupid. 


There was a time when there was a lot more meaningful discussion on GNI. Sadly, this is what it has evolved into today with no hope for betterment given the crop of posters around.

This site was filled with anti-Indo racism since I joined back in 2002.  The daily glee over the slaughters of many Indians in the mid-2000's was very palpable.  I monitored it far a while before finally joining.

yuji22 posted:


Please permit me to inform you that Mitwah is NOT a pandit. I recently exposed his broken Hindi and he started cussing up. 

A pandit has higher standards to uphold. There are many, many fake pandits around.


He is not a pandit??  Word on the street has it that Ramjattan appointed him as one of the advisors in the diaspora.  If that is true then God help us all.

Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
TK posted:

Unfortunately this board is a sorry state of its past. I hardly look over here these days. The low IQed dog dung from Yuji, King hustler street 'smarts' Baseman, Nehru, Cobra, DrugB, Bibi Haffina and the rest makes the board boring and stupid. 


There was a time when there was a lot more meaningful discussion on GNI. Sadly, this is what it has evolved into today with no hope for betterment given the crop of posters around.

This site was filled with anti-Indo racism since I joined back in 2002.  The daily glee over the slaughters of many Indians in the mid-2000's was very palpable.  I monitored it far a while before finally joining.

The hilited  ...fulla shyte.


TK, my sentiments exactly. I often wonder why you and the likes of Gerhard etc. would subject yourselves to the abuse of the dog dung clan when you can be making a contribution in more meaningful ways.  These are people who have never left the backdam despite living in the first world.  Embarrassment to the Guyanese community.

Last edited by Former Member
FC posted:

TK, my sentiments exactly. I often wonder why you and the likes of Gerhard etc. would subject yourselves to the abuse of the dog dung clan when you can be making a contribution in more meaningful ways.  These are people who have never left the backdam despite living in the first world.  Embarrassment to the Guyanese community.

Why don't you address the people being harassed and fired unjustly in Guyana, mostly Indians.  Not sure why you think he needs you advise, I'm sure Granger, Harmon and the rest burning up his phone with pleas to return and help save Guyana.  Regarding that dog dung thing, be careful you don't step in it and take it in your home.

baseman posted:

Why don't you address the people being harassed and fired unjustly in Guyana, mostly Indians. 

Well if the PPP had mostly Indians in top spots, and as over paid contractors, then why the shock that it is mostly Indos who have been fired?

You all thought that your plan to turn Guyana into Indesh would have continued with no interruption.  I remember your laughter when Stormborn warned you that demographics suggested that the PPP couldnt continue in power indefinitely, and that those who follow would avenge their exclusion.

baseman posted:
FC posted:

TK, my sentiments exactly. I often wonder why you and the likes of Gerhard etc. would subject yourselves to the abuse of the dog dung clan when you can be making a contribution in more meaningful ways.  These are people who have never left the backdam despite living in the first world.  Embarrassment to the Guyanese community.

Why don't you address the people being harassed and fired unjustly in Guyana, mostly Indians.  Not sure why you think he needs you advise, I'm sure Granger, Harmon and the rest burning up his phone with pleas to return and help save Guyana.  Regarding that dog dung thing, be careful you don't step in it and take it in your home.

Those that were fired is part of the required clean up of corruption and incompetence that was created by the previous regime.  

Regarding the dog dung I would not dignify it with a response. That is more your forte.

Last edited by Former Member
cain posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
TK posted:

Unfortunately this board is a sorry state of its past. I hardly look over here these days. The low IQed dog dung from Yuji, King hustler street 'smarts' Baseman, Nehru, Cobra, DrugB, Bibi Haffina and the rest makes the board boring and stupid. 


There was a time when there was a lot more meaningful discussion on GNI. Sadly, this is what it has evolved into today with no hope for betterment given the crop of posters around.

This site was filled with anti-Indo racism since I joined back in 2002.  The daily glee over the slaughters of many Indians in the mid-2000's was very palpable.  I monitored it far a while before finally joining.

The hilited  ...fulla shyte.

The man is correct. They had lots of black racist on here. Maybe you shared their sentiments. Like minded individuals doan read comments the same as those being attacked. Dem fellas chanting for the Indos is pale in comparison to PPG and the other hosts whose handles escapes me for the moment.

Without any prejudice. Putagees have more in common with Afroes than with Indians. And it was stated many times since in the 50's. It is a reality.

I doan know why this subject is flogged to death. Were are all racist in Guyana. For over 65 years we have been thrashing it of who is more racist than who.

The evidence is staring us in the face. There is no escaping it. Granger has the opportunity not to stamp out racism, because he can never accomplish that feat. But instead to recognize the demon and start the process of equal opportunities for Indos, Amerinds and Mixed people. 


seignet posted:
cain posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:
TK posted:

Unfortunately this board is a sorry state of its past. I hardly look over here these days. The low IQed dog dung from Yuji, King hustler street 'smarts' Baseman, Nehru, Cobra, DrugB, Bibi Haffina and the rest makes the board boring and stupid. 


There was a time when there was a lot more meaningful discussion on GNI. Sadly, this is what it has evolved into today with no hope for betterment given the crop of posters around.

This site was filled with anti-Indo racism since I joined back in 2002.  The daily glee over the slaughters of many Indians in the mid-2000's was very palpable.  I monitored it far a while before finally joining.

The hilited  ...fulla shyte.

The man is correct. They had lots of black racist on here. Maybe you shared their sentiments. Like minded individuals doan read comments the same as those being attacked. Dem fellas chanting for the Indos is pale in comparison to PPG and the other hosts whose handles escapes me for the moment.

Without any prejudice. Putagees have more in common with Afroes than with Indians. And it was stated many times since in the 50's. It is a reality.

I doan know why this subject is flogged to death. Were are all racist in Guyana. For over 65 years we have been thrashing it of who is more racist than who.

The evidence is staring us in the face. There is no escaping it. Granger has the opportunity not to stamp out racism, because he can never accomplish that feat. But instead to recognize the demon and start the process of equal opportunities for Indos, Amerinds and Mixed people. 


I thought Guyana has more races.

seignet posted:

The man is correct. They had lots of black racist on here.


Oh yes and I remember being equally attacked by them, as I currently am by the Indo KKK.  They accused me of "crawling up to coolie", merely because I told them that Burnham destroyed blacks.

Maybe if they remained you would then see how racist you are, as your curdling screams for blacks to be cursed, and for Lindeners to live lives of perpetual poverty are no better than what they wished for Indians.

The fact also remains that loud discourse of this type doesn't exist among non Indians as it does among Indians, starting with Bharat Jagdeo.


DR. Jagdeo is the man for the current PNC. U c how dey spying on the citizens and it end up in mayhem. Nothing takes place in the dark forever.

Jagdeo has the experience how to deal with black racism just as Granger boys knows how to deal Indo racism.

Stupid men doan know that this is nah goan end up good. Coolie people knows how to fight these days. And these days are nah like lang time.


seignet posted:

DR. Jagdeo is the man for the current PNC. U c how dey spying on the citizens and it end up in mayhem. Nothing takes place in the dark forever.

Jagdeo has the experience how to deal with black racism just as Granger boys knows how to deal Indo racism.

Stupid men doan know that this is nah goan end up good. Coolie people knows how to fight these days.And these days are nah like lang time.


Siggy..hopefully that situation never occurs it will be fatal on both side of the fence.

seignet posted:

DR. Coolie people knows how to fight these days. And these days are nah like lang time.


I see you live in the safety of North America, so can eagerly await a race war. BOTH sides are more violent now, so the peaceful will suffer even more.

If APNU is doing wrong then it is up to the opposition and civic society to galvanize opposition to it.  Chances are that powerless people are suffering, whether they are Indian or not.   So why bring a race war to Africans, when many might be increasingly perturbed about what the gov't is doing.

The petty harassment by corrupt low level gov't officialdom hasn't stopped.  You think that there aren't blacks who are angered by that?

FC posted:
baseman posted:
FC posted:

TK, my sentiments exactly. I often wonder why you and the likes of Gerhard etc. would subject yourselves to the abuse of the dog dung clan when you can be making a contribution in more meaningful ways.  These are people who have never left the backdam despite living in the first world.  Embarrassment to the Guyanese community.

Why don't you address the people being harassed and fired unjustly in Guyana, mostly Indians.  Not sure why you think he needs you advise, I'm sure Granger, Harmon and the rest burning up his phone with pleas to return and help save Guyana.  Regarding that dog dung thing, be careful you don't step in it and take it in your home.

Those that were fired is part of the required clean up of corruption and incompetence that was created by the previous regime.  

Regarding the dog dung I would not dignify it with a response. That is more your forte.

Hey banna, you introduced the "dog dung" reference, so you already "dignified" it.  You people like throw shyte and when it get thrown back, you cry wolfe, just like all the Indians your Buxton/Agricola terrorist slaughtered, until they were answered.

Regarding the so-called, "clean-up", then justify their wrong-doing.  There are laws and courts to decide oh, I forgot, this is the PNC we talking!  Rule 1, PNC is right and when PNC is wrong, read rule 1.  This is the PNC of yester-years and will meet with the same fate, only faster.  You have to expat Corporations to sponge on.

baseman posted:
You people like throw shyte and when it get thrown back, you cry wolfe, just like all the Indians your Buxton/Agricola terrorist slaughtered, until they were answered.


Daily you scream "blackman a rape me, blackman a kill me".  So what answers were there. 

The PPP used criminals to kill other criminals, and ensured that Guyana became a totally lawless place.

How much better Guyana would have been had the PPP used the courts and developed an efficient police force then relying on private militias consisting of armed criminals.

Of course now these PPP paramilitias, now mainly unemployed, wreak havoc on the innocent.  That is when they aren't being used to execute Indo on Indo contract killings!


caribny posted:
baseman posted:
You people like throw shyte and when it get thrown back, you cry wolfe, just like all the Indians your Buxton/Agricola terrorist slaughtered, until they were answered.


Daily you scream "blackman a rape me, blackman a kill me".  So what answers were there. 

The PPP used criminals to kill other criminals, and ensured that Guyana became a totally lawless place.

How much better Guyana would have been had the PPP used the courts and developed an efficient police force then relying on private militias consisting of armed criminals.

Of course now these PPP paramilitias, now mainly unemployed, wreak havoc on the innocent.  That is when they aren't being used to execute Indo on Indo contract killings!


Well, you have say something, regardless how ludicrous.  Your PNC terrorists killed lots of Indians and got a lil,roughing up later.

Those gangs turned on each other and the police protected innocent life and limb.  Under the PNC crime has skyrocketed.  Seems the PNC cannot manage even in areas where they were supposedly "strong"!

baseman posted:

Well, you have say something, regardless how ludicrous.  Your PNC terrorists killed lots of Indians and got a lil,roughing up later.


PNC connect drug lords had a fight with the PPP connected drug lords. Thanks to the intervention of Jagdeo, the PPP drug lords won out, until the USA began snatching them. Then Jagdeo shrieked in horror and rage, and threatened to leave CARICOM.

So we have rampaging criminals spreading terror all over Guyana.  This ALWAYS happens when Para militias are disbanded.

The notion that the public was protected under the PPP is a laugh.  Just go to threads in 2014 and see even Nehru was crying about crime in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Well, you have say something, regardless how ludicrous.  Your PNC terrorists killed lots of Indians and got a lil,roughing up later.


PNC connect drug lords had a fight with the PPP connected drug lords. Thanks to the intervention of Jagdeo, the PPP drug lords won out, until the USA began snatching them. Then Jagdeo shrieked in horror and rage, and threatened to leave CARICOM.

So we have rampaging criminals spreading terror all over Guyana.  This ALWAYS happens when Para militias are disbanded.

The notion that the public was protected under the PPP is a laugh.  Just go to threads in 2014 and see even Nehru was crying about crime in Guyana.

Well, lots of Indian lives were spared from those marauding African terrorists.  Now your PNC seem impotent at controlling crime.  What was all the mouth about?

baseman posted:
FC posted:
baseman posted:
FC posted:

TK, my sentiments exactly. I often wonder why you and the likes of Gerhard etc. would subject yourselves to the abuse of the dog dung clan when you can be making a contribution in more meaningful ways.  These are people who have never left the backdam despite living in the first world.  Embarrassment to the Guyanese community.

Why don't you address the people being harassed and fired unjustly in Guyana, mostly Indians.  Not sure why you think he needs you advise, I'm sure Granger, Harmon and the rest burning up his phone with pleas to return and help save Guyana.  Regarding that dog dung thing, be careful you don't step in it and take it in your home.

Those that were fired is part of the required clean up of corruption and incompetence that was created by the previous regime.  

Regarding the dog dung I would not dignify it with a response. That is more your forte.

Hey banna, you introduced the "dog dung" reference, so you already "dignified" it.  You people like throw shyte and when it get thrown back, you cry wolfe, just like all the Indians your Buxton/Agricola terrorist slaughtered, until they were answered.

Regarding the so-called, "clean-up", then justify their wrong-doing.  There are laws and courts to decide oh, I forgot, this is the PNC we talking!  Rule 1, PNC is right and when PNC is wrong, read rule 1.  This is the PNC of yester-years and will meet with the same fate, only faster.  You have to expat Corporations to sponge on.

You are an idiot.  You just validated that you are " dog dung"ignararmous. Since when does an employer need to obtain the court's permission before they can fire an employee?

 Lots of bravado behind your keyboard eh!!! Too bad you are scared shit to hold meetings in black villages. 

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Well, you have say something, regardless how ludicrous.  Your PNC terrorists killed lots of Indians and got a lil,roughing up later.


PNC connect drug lords had a fight with the PPP connected drug lords. Thanks to the intervention of Jagdeo, the PPP drug lords won out, until the USA began snatching them. Then Jagdeo shrieked in horror and rage, and threatened to leave CARICOM.

So we have rampaging criminals spreading terror all over Guyana.  This ALWAYS happens when Para militias are disbanded.

The notion that the public was protected under the PPP is a laugh.  Just go to threads in 2014 and see even Nehru was crying about crime in Guyana.

You can't be serious. There is no such thing as " indo" drug lords. RK is African.  

FC posted:
baseman posted:

Hey banna, you introduced the "dog dung" reference, so you already "dignified" it.  You people like throw shyte and when it get thrown back, you cry wolfe, just like all the Indians your Buxton/Agricola terrorist slaughtered, until they were answered.

Regarding the so-called, "clean-up", then justify their wrong-doing.  There are laws and courts to decide oh, I forgot, this is the PNC we talking!  Rule 1, PNC is right and when PNC is wrong, read rule 1.  This is the PNC of yester-years and will meet with the same fate, only faster.  You have to expat Corporations to sponge on.

You are an idiot.  You just validated that you are " dog dung"ignararmous. Since when does an employer need to obtain the court's permission before they can fire an employee?

 Lots of bravado behind your keyboard eh!!! Too bad you are scared shit to hold meetings in black villages. 

Well, Mr "Dog Dung", I see you get easily frazzled by a lil roughing up.  Come here and throw shyte, it comes right back.  Deal with it or go sit in a corner, you moron!

Since when could you fire without cause.  You seem to operate in the law of the jungle, you moron!  But then again, this is the PNC and jungle is home!

Holding a meeting in Black villages, why should that endanger anyone.  Once again, you are the law of the jungle.  Yes, TK got his dose of Black jungle behavior back in 2011.  If you have not yet noticed, you people are left to you own devices, that's is why you slaughter each other and few really bother.  Go Chicago, go!  Once again, you dumb-ass moron!

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
FC posted:
baseman posted:

Hey banna, you introduced the "dog dung" reference, so you already "dignified" it.  You people like throw shyte and when it get thrown back, you cry wolfe, just like all the Indians your Buxton/Agricola terrorist slaughtered, until they were answered.

Regarding the so-called, "clean-up", then justify their wrong-doing.  There are laws and courts to decide oh, I forgot, this is the PNC we talking!  Rule 1, PNC is right and when PNC is wrong, read rule 1.  This is the PNC of yester-years and will meet with the same fate, only faster.  You have to expat Corporations to sponge on.

You are an idiot.  You just validated that you are " dog dung"ignararmous. Since when does an employer need to obtain the court's permission before they can fire an employee?

 Lots of bravado behind your keyboard eh!!! Too bad you are scared shit to hold meetings in black villages. 

Well, Mr "Dog Dung", I see you get easily frazzled by a lil roughing up.  Come here and throw shyte, it comes right back.  Deal with it or go sit in a corner, you moron!

Since when could you fire without cause.  You seem to operate in the law of the jungle, you moron!  But then again, this is the PNC and jungle is home!

Holding a meeting in Black villages, why should that endanger anyone.  Once again, you are the law of the jungle.  Yes, TK got his dose of Black jungle behavior back in 2011.  If you have not yet noticed, you people are left to you own devices, that's is why you slaughter each other and few really bother.  Go Chicago, go!  Once again, you dumb-ass moron!

I will humour you for a while longer. You can scream all you want but you remain an " ignar" trying to pass yourself as "smart man".  Stick with me I will give you an education and improve your intelligence. You can fire anyone anytime with or without cause. This is a fact. It happens everyday in America and elsewhere. If the fired person feel they have been fired unjustly they can file a wrongful dismissal suit and have their day in court. Ignar that is where the courts comes into play. So if your buddies feel aggrieved by their dismissals they can seek recourse through the courts.

As for all that stuff you wrote you can stick it but remember if it was not for descendants of those you seek to malign you will not be enjoying the privileges that you currently enjoy in the USA. Garden variety racists like you can be easily dealth with a fly away.  

Run along you've just been schooled. Now I have more important business to attend to.


Last edited by Former Member

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