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A mystery during the five months of rigging now explained

Kaieteur News – In all the analyses from independent commentators, no one has touched on a mystery during the five months of election rigging. It was on Tuesday, March 3, that international and local observers detected a fishy movement in the command centre of GECOM – there was an abrupt halt to the last stage of the counting of the votes.
Nine Regions were completed and accepted by GECOM with Region Four still to be finalized. The next day, March 4, the world saw that the 2020 election was being rigged when Clairmont Mingo began to insert fictional numbers into the Region Four tabulation. When that happened, it forced the international observers and the PPP/C to release statements of poll that revealed the loss by the incumbent. Knowing that it had lost, the APNU and the AFC, as two separate entities, went on the offensive with shouts of victory.
Of the two entities, the AFC fired off the first salvo of going on the attack. The next day, Thursday, March 5, Cathy Hughes and Khemraj Ramjattan held a press conference at the PNC’s election campaign head office at Lamaha and Camp Streets and informed the nation that the government had intercepted a group of Russians, that came to tamper with the election, and they were arrested and deported.
Research on the attitudes of the leaders of PNC and AFC would show that from Friday, March 6 onto August 1, the day Granger conceded defeat, there was no longer any mention of the Russian dimension. Here was a brilliant strategy of deception in politics that could have paid dividends in a world torn between big power rivalry, but both the PNC and AFC dropped it immediately after March 6. If the incumbent cried about American intervention then that could have found ears in Canada, the UK and Washington. Why was this horse not flagged?
From March 6 to August 1, the Russian intervention was avoided like the plague in the countless descriptions of the PNC and AFC of what the PPP did. There was the dossier prepared by a relative of President Granger, Michael Granger, as contracted by the PR firm, JJ&B, which was hired by the PNC. The dossier linked the PPP/C with China and argued that a PPP/C victory would see the PPP/C take Guyana into the orbit of both China and Russia. But there were no details of Russian election tampering.
Joe Harmon was the front man for the cries of PNC and AFC. He cited the following – deliberate discarding of the thousands of ballots of the security forces; migrants long gone from Guyana had voted; dead people with names on the voters’ list voted; crucial documents were missing in many ballot boxes.
Chris Jones and Sherod Duncan ran a nightly Facebook feature denouncing the PPP/C tampering but no mention of the Russians. Dr. Melissa Ifill, the Deputy Vice Chancellor of UG, asserted that the American firm, Mercury, shaped the narrative for a PPP/C victory but she did not cite the Russians. Dr. David Hinds, Rickford Burke and Mark Benschop, from their homes in the US incited every night, cussed down every night but not a word about Russian involvement.
By the end of July when Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, literally threatened Granger with sanctions from international law in a telephone conversation that Granger initially refused to take, the Russian strategy was long dead. Why did the PNC and AFC kill the Russian thing? Here is what happened that has never been made public.
After Hughes and Ramjattan told the world about the Russians, the US Embassy contacted Ramjattan and asked for more details. He was the Minister of Public Security so he would be in possession of the documents. Interestingly, Ramjattan gave oral details but declined to offer documents, which he said, were a security matter that had to be okayed by Cabinet. Ramjattan thought he was on safe ground because Cabinet was not meeting and would not be meeting, so no documents.
The US Embassy knew Ramjattan and Hughes were playing games. Weeks passed and the American Embassy received no documents. When Ramjattan was not forthcoming, the US Embassy asked President Granger for information. The Russian stratagem died there and then. The Office of the President informed the US Embassy that it knew nothing about the Russian involvement and heard about it from the AFC press conference.
The Embassy then informed the Canadian, EU and UK diplomats that the Russian thing was fake news. The PNC had no interest in the Russian story because it knew that it was a wild card the AFC introduced into the arena that was a pathetic si

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This was no trvial matter. It was the geniuses of Black ppl, haphazard as it may have appeared. Dis ain over yet, Freddie shouldn't be gloating. And as usual the vast majority of Indians will be caught in the mayhem as Wismar, Lusignan and Bartica. Not that I wish it to happen, but the other tribe has Kofi as their mentor and brute force is only way they achieve respect. 

@seignet posted:

This was no trvial matter. It was the geniuses of Black ppl, haphazard as it may have appeared. Dis ain over yet, Freddie shouldn't be gloating. And as usual the vast majority of Indians will be caught in the mayhem as Wismar, Lusignan and Bartica. Not that I wish it to happen, but the other tribe has Kofi as their mentor and brute force is only way they achieve respect.

The PPP make dum decisions that affects Indians and when Indians suffer the consequences, the PPP run and hide with dem own security.

@seignet posted:

This was no trvial matter. It was the geniuses of Black ppl, haphazard as it may have appeared. Dis ain over yet, Freddie shouldn't be gloating. And as usual the vast majority of Indians will be caught in the mayhem as Wismar, Lusignan and Bartica. Not that I wish it to happen, but the other tribe has Kofi as their mentor and brute force is only way they achieve respect.

So the Indos will just take black people's brute force as usual, huh? What geniuses of black Guyanese people are you dreaming about? You are on drugs! Go on, promote Wismar, Lusignan and Bartica this time and see the results! YOU are a dreaming as*hole! Kofi is long dead, as you soon might be! Indos, remember your Vedas! There is NO death! Just a leaving off of your material body! Until next time!


Nehru aka Pandit ,use headlines of the articles in post ,also learn to post the link of the articles.

I found a solution not to ban members ,their privileges can be taken away.

Last edited by Django
@Tola posted:

Dummy Rama, tell why Indians protest more at police stations for inadequate security, only during  PPP governments ?

Because they think it will be a waste of their time under a PNC government!

@Former Member posted:

The ones you are blind to!

What a silly answer from a shallow mind.  The question is "what criminal activities"?  It appears as if you too are blind to them because they don't exist.  Even you can't see what doesn't exist.  Perhaps you may when the drugs kick in and you also start hearing nurses discussing your dead pr..k.


This PNC government from 2015 to 2020 is a pack of stupidity. When they started out giving the butcher of Alboystown the second highest medal and 90 thousand US per year. Prashad think to himself that these dunces are similar to Jaganites . A pack of old stale shits.

Last edited by Prashad
@Totaram posted:

What a silly answer from a shallow mind.  The question is "what criminal activities"?  It appears as if you too are blind to them because they don't exist.  Even you can't see what doesn't exist.  Perhaps you may when the drugs kick in and you also start hearing nurses discussing your dead pr..k.

Your mind is not shallow! It's tota lly submerged in your racist sh*t! I take neither medicinal NOR recreational drugs, assw*pe! I'm too intelligent for that! Unlike you, eater of your own goat droppings! Totally Ramgoat! I'm quite sure your pr..k is as short and dimunitive, and ineffective, as a Ramgoat's properly is!

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

This PNC government from 2015 to 2020 is a pack of stupidity. When they started out giving the butcher of Alboystown the second highest medal and 90 thousand US per year. Prashad think to himself that these dunces are similar to Jaganites . A pack of old stale shits.

Who was/is the butcher of Albouystown? Enlighten me as I'm in the diaspora!

@Former Member posted:

Your mind is not shallow! It's tota lly submerged in your racist sh*t! I take neither medicinal NOR recreational drugs, assw*pe! I'm too intelligent for that! Unlike you, eater of your own goat droppings! Totally Ramgoat! I'm quite sure your pr..k is as short and dimunitive, and ineffective, as a Ramgoat's properly is!

Well, if you write the crap you do when you are sober then there is no hope for you. 


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