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To promote the police officer who burnt a teen’s genitals is a crime against humanity.

January 30, 2015 | By | Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,
Elections are around the corner and there has been an intensification of character assassination, insulting, disparaging, abusive and vulgar comments along with an increase in racial overtones by the PPP regime that primarily target the opposition, especially APNU. The campaign has not started as yet, but the PPP cabal has been secretly spreading the racial message of hatred of Afro-Guyanese towards their supporters at their secret bottom house meetings throughout the country. But David Granger and APNU are very patient with this shortcoming of the PPP as age usually improves reason. What is even more irksome, though, is when those in government who the people, especially the youths believe to be above that type of pettiness and divisiveness show their vulnerability as easy prey to a habit of racial and ethnic politics.
The PPP electoral strategy, which is replete with negative political innuendo, is not only directed at the opposition and its supporters, but it seeks to subtly reinforce negative ethnic linkages dating back to APAAN JHAAT politics of the 1960s in respect of issues of trust and an innate bias against Afro-Guyanese.
Rather than indulge the nation in such tribal/racial campaign strategy, the PPP cabal, which has allowed corruption to get out of hand should seek to direct the little intellect they have left to the root cause of today’s prevailing social injustice and economic crisis. In a situation in which the poor and the working class who are at the bottom of the social and economic ladder are the most vulnerable in society with no influence or power of how to improve their lives and control the nation’s purse from the kleptocrats at Freedom House.
Taking a look at the current crime situation, we believe that the Minister of Home Affairs should implement and enforce more stringent measures to arrest crime rather than focus on his role as the General Secretary of the PPP. After all, he is paid by the taxpayers and not by the PPP to protect them from the armed bandits who are roaming the streets freely committing crimes. The number of crimes and murders committed daily by armed bandits in Guyana has left the citizens in dismay at the disgusting behavior of the less-schooled Minister of Home Affairs and the entire PPP regime.
What is even more disturbing is the level of disregard, lack of respect and abuse shown towards the citizens by the police and the fact that the Minister of Home Affairs has not even attempted to contain the violent actions of the rogue cops in the Force suggests that he condones their barbaric actions. And for Dr. Luncheon to tell the nation that the cabinet approved the promotion of Sergeant Narine Lall to Inspector, one of the two police officers who doused the genitals of 14-year old Twyon Williams and set it ablaze at the Leonora Police Station has poured salt in a fresh and open wound of the nation. Luncheon’s statement which borders on insanity shows how deranged and warped the President and the PPP cabinet are.
Further, the Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud has totally disrespected the people and insulted the good and decent officers of the Police Force when he promoted Mohanram Dulai, the other police who was involved in the torture of the 14 year old from constable to corporal. The action of the PPP regime is sickening and is the most depraved in all of the Caribbean and perhaps the world, except for their communist friends in China, North Korea and Cuba. It is very nauseating of the deformed PPP regime to accept the torturing of the youths as normal for it is the irrational and unstable Minister Robert Persaud who said that the police do not torture, they only “rough up” people. By promoting these two villain police officers, the criminal PPP regime has committed a heinous crime against humanity. There is nothing decent about this corrupt and sadistic PPP cabal.
The citizens are tired and frustrated with the state of criminal activity by armed bandits, abusive and vulgar behavior by the PPP cabal and torture and cruelty by the police who are supposed to serve and protect them and to bring about order and keep them safe. Nothing could be more evil than for the appalling PPP regime to support torture and other wrong doings by the police. Guyana has descended to its lowest level by this PPP cabal which is highly immoral, lacks integrity and decency and must be voted out of Office on May 11.
Asquith Rose,
Chandra Deolall,
Dr. Merle Spenser-Marks.

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Quote "Further, the Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud has totally disrespected the people and insulted the good and decent officers of the Police Force when he promoted Mohanram Dulai, the other police who was involved in the torture of the 14 year old from constable to corporal."unquote


By promoting these two villain police officers, the criminal PPP regime has committed a heinous crime against humanity. There is nothing decent about this corrupt and sadistic PPP cabal.

Home > TOP STORY > AG clarifies… Gov’t had no role in promotion of officers charged for torture – says PSC had constitutionally ‘enshrined independence and autonomy’
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Anil Nandlall
Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Mr. Anil Nandlall

AG clarifies… Gov’t had no role in promotion of officers charged for torture – says PSC had constitutionally ‘enshrined independence and autonomy’


GOVERNMENT yesterday ‘nipped in the bud’ the erroneous notion being peddled in some sections of the media that it “participated, authorised or concurred” with promotions of Sergeant Narine Lall and Constable Mohanram Dulai – two police officers charged with criminal acts.

Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, made it pellucidly clear that “the Executive plays no part in the recruitment, promotion, appointment or discipline of members of the Guyana Police Force, other than the Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner. Indeed, these are matters from which the Executive is specifically insulated by provisions of the Constitution and the Police Act.”

Sergeant Lall and Constable Dulai were charged with torturing a 15-year-old boy, Twyon Thomas, in 2008 at the Leonora Police Station and were, consequently, the subject of an investigation that resulted in criminal charges being instituted by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) against them.

Dr Roger Luncheon

Dr Roger Luncheon

Sergeant Lall (regulation number 14526) and Constable Dulai (regulation number 19028) were charged by the Director of Public Prosecutions and during the pendency of the trial before the Magistrate’s Court, both Sergeant Lall and Constable Dulai were interdicted from duty. These charges were subsequently dismissed for want of prosecution. In the result, the interdictions were removed.
Also, a Constitutional Motion was subsequently filed by Thomas against the Attorney General in respect of the same case.
Thomas was arrested on the 27th October, 2009, in relation to an investigation of an alleged murder of Ramenauth Bisram, which had occurred sometime on or around the 26th October, 2009.
He alleged that he was taken to Leonora Police Station and he was allegedly tortured by Constable Dulai and Sergeant Lall.
The legal proceedings filed against the Attorney General, culminated in an award of damages, which was duly paid by the State.
The Public Service Commission (PSC) and the Commissioner of Police have since promoted Sergeant Lall, regulation number 14526, and Constable Dulai, regulation number 19028, to the rank of Inspector and Corporal, respectively.
Given the controversy surrounding their service, the promotion of the two ranks has resulted in much public commentary.
However, Minister Nandlall, in a statement yesterday, maintained that the Executive had “no part to play” in their promotions.
He said, “Article 212 (1) of the Constitution vests in the Police Service Commission the power to make appointments to any offices in the Police Force of or above the rank of Inspector, the power to exercise disciplinary control over persons holding or acting in such offices and the power to remove such persons from office. Article 212 (2) resides similar powers in the Commissioner of Police in respect of officers in the Police Force below the rank of Inspector.”

Sergeant Narine Lall and Constable Mohanram Dulai

Sergeant Narine Lall and Constable Mohanram Dulai

The Police Service Commission consists of five members, namely the Chairman of the Public Service Commission and four other persons, nominated by the National Assembly, as stipulated by Article 210 of the Constitution.
“In the discharge of its functions, the Commission enjoys constitutionally enshrined independence and autonomy which is captured in the imperative language of Article 226 (1) ‘…in the exercise of its functions under this constitution, a Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority’,” the Attorney General said.
Additionally, Head of the Presidential Secretariat Dr. Roger Luncheon, during his weekly post-Cabinet press briefing, on Wednesday, explained the rationale behind the Commission’s decision.
He said, “The understanding that has been provided to Cabinet, essentially, clarified the decision, which is that the PSC, having satisfied itself that the matter was concluded, and whatever recourse to the law, to departmental charges, had completed its course, and the two individuals were no longer subject to disciplinary or legal challenges for the torture charges that were laid against them.
“It is understood that the Commission acted from that perspective in addressing the otherwise, I would put, superb, adequate, functioning of these officers.”
Dr. Luncheon noted that the Commission felt that, all considered, there was no need to deny the two officers their promotions and, by extension, further impose disciplinary action against the two.
On that note, the Attorney General pointed out that the view of the Government expressed by Dr. Luncheon, related to the procedure, in respect of the promotions and was not a comment in respect of the merits or demerits of the promotions.
“In short, it was confined to the decision making process and not the decision,” Nandlall concluded.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
I agree, asj. That is not accepted by any standard. The officers responsible should be punished in the same manner.


At least, we do agree on this issue, promoting the cops, was the wrong thing to do.


Rights of Child Commission alarmed at promotion of torture cops

STABROEK NEWS, JAN 30 --- The Rights of the Child Commission today expressed its alarm at the promotion this year of two policemen found culpable of the torture of a child in 2009 at the Leonora Police Station and called for the rescinding of the preferments.
The constitutional Commission’s statement adds to growing pressure for a rescinding of the promotions by the police force and the Police Service Commission. Since Stabroek News reported on the promotions, there has been an outpouring of condemnation. The Commission’s statement follows:The Rights of the Child Commission, views with alarm, the recent promotion of two policemen, both of whom, were found to have tortured a child. After a careful assessment of the facts relating to this case, the Commissioners concluded that these promotions constitute a significant departure from the spirit and intent of Article 19 of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child which establishes the right of the child to be free from hurt both in body and mind.

Moreover, the Commissioners noted, that in addition to its breach of the UNCRC, the promotions also collide violently with Guyana’s treaty obligations under the UN Convention Against torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT).
The Commissioners reviewed the fact that the culpability of the policemen in question is beyond dispute, in view of the findings of the GPF’s own Office of Professional Responsibility and the decision by Justice Roxanne George in a civil case.
The Commissioners deemed as unconvincing the pronouncement that the two policemen would have under gone sufficient censure. The Commissioners posited that the malevolence and depravity of torture, constitutes the worst form of human rights infraction.
Thus, the Commissioners concluded that, such malevolence and depravity, when imbued into the promotion equation, abolishes any legitimate and meritocratic prospect of promotion. The Commissioners mentioned that the singularity of the infraction does not in any meaningful way depreciate its depravity.

The Commissioners also found as unconvincing the reference to chapter 17:01 of the Police Act, as the decision by Justice George effectively took this matter beyond the confines of the Police Act and showed that the High Court of Guyana found this infraction to be repugnant to the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana as well as to the international treaties to which Guyana is a signatory.
The Commissioners reviewed the fact that ever since the unveiling of the Disciplined Forces Commission’s Report, the Guyana Police Force has embarked on a process of reform. Such has included ventures of community engagements, partnership with youth based NGO’s etc. These endeavours are to be commended. However, the promotion of policemen found linked to the torturing of a child will undermine the process of reform and will moreover corrode public faith in the police to effectively discharge their mandate, centred on service and protection. In a word, these promotions are not in the interest of the GPF, and as a significant corollary, not in the interest of law and order.

Ahe Commissioners also found as unconvincing the reference to chapter 17:01 of the Police Act, as the decision by Justice George effectively took this matter beyond the confines of the Police Act and showed that the High Court of Guyana found this infraction to be repugnant to the Constitution of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana as well as to the international treaties to which Guyana is a signatory.
The Commissioners reviewed the fact that ever since the unveiling of the Disciplined Forces Commission’s Report, the Guyana Police Force has embarked on a process of reform. Such has included ventures of community engagements, partnership with youth based NGO’s etc. These endeavours are to be commended. However, the promotion of policemen found linked to the torturing of a child will undermine the process of reform and will moreover corrode public faith in the police to effectively discharge their mandate, centred on service and protection. In a word, these promotions are not in the interest of the GPF, and as a significant corollary, not in the interest of law and order.


AG clarifies… Gov’t had no role in promotion of officers charged for torture – says PSC had constitutionally ‘enshrined independence and autonomy’



What the AG is saying here is that the Corrupt PPP/C is being led with a ring around their nose by the Police, just like how, this decision makes Donald Duck and all the PPP/C Scumbags like as$wholes.


Nowhere is the world would some ass-ishness like this occured, only in a Guyana which seems to be ruled by Crooks and thieves, and dishonest Politicians.


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